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The Lunatic.


bis expressions of regret at the notional presentation of the manner in which the insanity which seemed to have taken selfish plans of individuals are rendered entire hold of his nephew's mind. To parts of one wide and perfect system of my question whether Colonel C. had equal justice. A few years passed after ever been in Naples, he replied that he this incident, and all remembrance of it had only returned from thence a few had begun to disappear, when my prodays; “but," he added, “ his valet as- fessional duties brought me, on the sures me no part of this strange ro. western circuit, to a town where I remance, which he persists in repeating, ceived an anonymous letter enclosing a ever had existence, if we except the de- large Bank-note to retain me as counsel lirious fever he himself confesses."-A in the cause of a very young French request that the unhappy young man boy charged with private robbery. The might be delivered into his custody fol- note I deposited in my uncle's hands, lowed this speech, which did not ap- to remain untouched, as a clue to future pear to me quite satisfactory. He per- discovery; but the account circulated ceived it, and produced several letters in the town concerning this young ofdated from Naples, and distinctly giv- fender was sufficient to interest me. He ing the Neapolitan physician's opinion was accused of stealing the purse and of his distemper. One, written by the pocket-book of an unfortunate gentlecaptain of the vessel in which Colonel man who occupied a small mansion not C. had sailed home, detailed many far from the castle appropriated to touching instances of incurable dejec- French prisoners of war. Louis, as tion, and hinted at an attempted suicide. this boy called himself, had been found This letter enclosed another from the bruised and senseless under the mansionunfortunate young officer himself, rela- wall, from which he appeared to have ting the transaction in the bay of Na- fallen in an attempt to escape from the ples exactly as he had described it to garden, where the owner had seen him us, but with many expressions of the lurking, probably after robbing the lukeenest and most desperate resentment. natic who resided there of the money Though these expressions were min- found upon him. Amongst this money gled with others which seemed to imply was a gold seal and diamond ring, both grateful confidence in his uncle's affec- bearing the initials of Colonel Cornwall, tion, I thought myself at liberty to and recognized by many persons as his doubt it, and ventured to enquire why property, though his reputed insanity the valet had not accompanied his un- rendered his evidence inadmissible. I fortunate master to England. Sir Fred- questioned the boy with all the severity erick shewed me an Italian letter, con- and adroitness in my power, but could taining so natural and so clear a state- extort no confession from bim regarding ment of the man's reasons for remaining his business at that mansion, or the in his native country, that no objection means by which the money fell into his could be made. But my good uncle, hands. He did not deny that he had who well deserved the name of Justice, seen Colonel Cornwall; he admitted positively detained the Colonel as his the seal and ring might have been once guest till the strictest enquiries had been his property, but would give no account pursued. Nothing resulted that could of the gold. My earnest application throw doubt on Sir Frederick, or justify procured a magistrate's order for my us in withholding the Colonel's person, admission into Colonel C.'s presence which he surrendered himself with an alone. The keeper warned me of his air of tranquillity almost amounting to concealed fierceness and malignity and happiness. left us together with evident reluctance.

I remember in my boyhood a certain He knew me instantly, and burst into piece of mathematical magic in an old tears. I love human nature, and honEncyclopedia, representing almost in- our it too much to dwell on the frightnumerable circles most intricately inter- ful picture he gave me of his sufferings. woven, but all combining in one. I The clearness, the moderation, and the have since found it a very accurate re- method of his detail, convinced me they


The Lunatic.

This terrible hint confirmed suspicions in my mind that had been indistinctly forming since the first period of our acquaintance. Cornwall's uncle

[VOL. 4 were undeserved and my representa- the sacred secresy which I owe you as tions gained such attention from a dis- your counsellor, tell me if you know cerning magistrate, supported by the more of Louis?" My dear friend," votes of three physicians, that he ob- he answered," and those words imply tained admission into court as a capable every thing most sacred between man witness. His narrative was simple and and man, I do know Louis, and thereconvincing. Louis, he said, had con- fore I disclaimed all knowledge of the veyed three letters to him from an un- seal and ring; the gold would have known person, offering him money and burned both my heart and my brain if jewels to bribe the keeper employed by I had accepted it, but I could not conhis interested relative. This mysterious fess the truth. Complete your task by friend also promised to produce such evi- staying with me till my death, and you dence as would effectually silence those will learn all." You have deceived who impeached his intellects. But he me, then, in the affair of Naples too, solemnly protested that he could not perhaps?" On the faith of a dying conjecture from whence these offers man, you have heard the truth, and nocame, nor by what means Louis had thing but the truth, on that subject. I obtained the seal and ring, which he did told you when we first met, that I had not remember ever to have seen before. enemies who had taken away my honI confess my surprise at this last asser- our, and now they have reached my life." tion, but it was useful to the prisoner. As the charge of felony was completely falsified, the court did not deem it a duty to enquire farther; the young Frenchman was released; and after a had children who might be largely bentedious struggle with the forms of ano- efited by his death; the suspected valet ther court, our more unfortunate friend was probably their agent, and the strange Cornwall was freed from his uncle's outrage committed at Naples might have custody. I accompanied him to a re- been a stratagem to disorder his imagitired villa in my own good uncle's neigh- nation, or an attempt to remove him bourhood, which he chose for the wild- baffled by some secret means. Mine ness of its scenery and the pastoral sim- was not the only judgment biassed plicity of its inhabitants. We arrived at against Sir Frederick Cornwall, and the the pleasantest hour of that sweet spring- emaciated state of his nephew, every season which belongs only to England; where ascribed to the cruelties inflicted and I congratulated him, as I thought, on him, caused such general indignamost opportunely on his restoration to tion and abhorrence, that the darkest the rights and comforts of an English- suspicions were willingly received. Letman." It is your work," he replied, ters were privately sent to powerful with a melancholy smile," and I will persons at Naples, urging them to trace not be so ungrateful as to tell you it is the Italian valet; and while we awaited useless." I would rather be told that the result, my uncle and myself neglectit is imperfect, provided you will teach ed no means to allure the melancholy me how to amend it. But I do not man from his solitude. He was our perceive any thing wanting to your tran- guest for, whole days and weeks, and quillity, unless you wish to know more his house on these occasions was left to of Louis or his employer; and it is im- the care of three trusty servants, who had possible to deny, Cornwall, that your known and loved him from his youth. unwillingness to pursue enquiry in that They were alarmed one evening, in quarter calls some suspicion upon your- their master's absence, by the stoppage self.' He made no answer to this speech, of a hired post-chaise at their gates, except one of those fixed and haggard from whence, without ceremony or enlooks which accompanied his former quiry, a veiled woman came into the state of dejection, till I couched my hall, and seated herself. The servants question in direct terms On your looked at each other in stupid confuhonour as a gentleman, and under sion, for they all recognized their mas

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The Lunatic.


ter's divorced wive." Be under no but she persisted in offering a terminaembarrassment," said she, with a cool- tion of all secrets as the readiest and ness which completed their astonish- most certain medicine for his melanchoment: "Colonel Cornwall is absent, ly. She urged me to conduct her into his and I neither desire nor expect to see presence, or to be the medium of her him. Bring me ink and paper, and communication. I accepted the last alcarry the letter I shall write."-They ternative, and she put a large drawing all obeyed without understanding her into my hand." I took an oath," said authority, and the whole household ga- she, half-smiling, "never to name the thered round, each indulging his curiosi- principal actor in this affair, but I did ty by holding some article of the writing not promise to conceal his picture."apparatus. With her veil still over her The servants of Colonel Cornwall's esface, and an unmoved attitude, she wrote tablishment received my orders to oband sealed her billet, which the steward, serve her narrowly till my return, and I a man of great fidelity and shrewdness, set out charged with a heavy and diffibrought instantly to me. His account cult task, to see him again. His first of this singular visit, gave me great words were to probibit the intrusion of hopes of some decisive crisis; and not the woman once called his wife. Then without many anxious expectations, I eyeing me stedfastly, he added, “She gave the paper into her husband's hands. has told you all, I see; but the discloHe read it twice, his countenance chang- sure might have been spared till after ed extremely, but merely writing two my decease. You have heard that villines with his pencil on the back of his lains who personated English seamen wife's note, he desired me to deliver it betrayed me into the hands of Neapolimyself. On such a mission there could tan traitors.-I, who had volunteered be no hesitation. I found her still sit my services on an important undertakting in the hall with her veil drawn over ing, and was entrusted with secret docher, and the servants stationed in a clus- uments-I, while the army was sailing ter at some distance to watch her mo- to its destination, was imprisoned in tions. She read her husband's answer, the den of that false woman's paramour, and after a short pause rose, and threw and then released alive with the mockback her veil. "I have recollected ery of mercy." But perhaps even myself, sir," she said, advancing towards that small mercy was shewn at her inme : "these people all know me, and tercession.'-"Yes!" he rejoined, with I have no right to screen myself from a smile full of bitterness, "and she protheir contempt: it is part of the punish- bably believed I would owe my liberty ment I am come to meet, and this veil a second time to her interference, and is an indulgence I do not deserve. Col- thank her for it. Tell her I do onel Cornwall commands me to quit his give her thanks, not for my life, house, but something is due to justice but for making me seem a madman raand public opinion. His uncle accuses ther than a coward or a traitor, and for him of inventing the conspiracy at Na- hastening my death now by her intru ples-You suspect his uncle of abet- sion."-Look at this picture, however, ting it for his own purposes. I was the and if it resembles the person whose only witness of that transaction, and will agents imprisoned you, tell me by what give my evidence when and where you name he is now called.'--He looked at please; but I adjure all these persons it au instant, and thrusting it into the to attest that their master has spoken fire, replied--“ An Emperor's brotherthe truth, and that his uncle is inno- in-law-the King of Naples !" cent."-I was confounded by this pub- These were his last articulate words. lic declaration on a subject so unfit for Except a look of sorrow and a long the ears of vulgar and prejudiced hear- pressure of my hand w en I asked forers. I begged a private audience, and giveness for his wife, he gave no sign of endeavoured to persuade her, that her recollection before he died that night. late husband's health was in no state to The unhappy woman fell into the exbear agitating appeals and discoveries; tremest agonies of despair, and resigned




Original Anecdotes of the Buonapartes.

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herself to ue most desolate solitude. or of alleviating his misery but she Yet the energy of her conduct in her found neither; and when her detection last confession, her courageous efforts and dismission by the keeper suggested to release her husband from the tortures the romantic expedient of boy's attire, of a mad-house in the garb of a French his inflexible pride refused all aid from boy, and her deep repentance of the a hand that had disgraced him. He frailty which led her step by step into died the victim of feelings too finely the society of military renegades, prov- wrought; and if the misery of an uned a mind worthy a better fate. I did faithful wife needs aggravation, she feels not discover till long after, that during the utmost in remembering that her three years she had submitted to per- guilt caused the overthrow of a noble form the meanest duties of a menial in mind, and the untimely death of its the house where her husband suffered possessor. confinement as a lunatic, hoping to find some means of expressing her remorse, Family History, dele To be continued."

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Erratum-Vol. 3, page 425, at the close of the


Continued from p. 40.

ISAPPONTED in his thirst for ion and its various mysteries afford an political advancement, the same inexhaustible fund of the highest poetic ardent spirit supported Lucien in his imagery, and with this impression he efforts to become famous for literature; made it the basis of his epic studies. and, while in England, he laboured The asylum he had found under the daily at his Epic Poem of Charle- head of Catholicism, naturally fixed magne; of the commencement of his attention, directing his researches to which the following account is given, the annals of Christianity. He chose together with a note most vigorously il- the period at which the Lombard kings lustrative of French character, as estab- endeavoured to extend their dominalished by the Revolution :

tion over the south of Italy, as affording a subject for his newly revived mania, and thence conceived the idea of composing Charlemagne.

"During the summer of 1807, the evenings of Madame Lucien were frequently passed in forming enigmas, and putting couplets together: the senator, "As soon as the book appeared, who usually joined in these amuse- Lucien hastened to send a copy to the ments, also took it into his head, to French Academy, accompanied by a translate some stanzas from Tasso, very civil letter, in which he solicited which he knew by heart, and used the councils, criticisms, and advice of sometimes to sing in the manner of the his brother academicians." Venetians. As these efforts appeared Such is the vanity of authorship, to be rather happy, they soon inflamed Lucien had prepared a third edition in the poet's imagination; and persever- folio with fine engravings, but the sucing in his attempt to render the author cess of his poem did not put him to the of Jerusalem Delivered into French extra expense of publication. In France verse, it struck the senator that he might the work was never mentioned till after himself write a poem: the idea once the downfall of his brother. When formed, Lucien mounted his hobby, that brother's fortunes began to totter, and thought of nothing else.

the family attachment and pride of LuHe derived peculiar pleasure from cien conquered his hate, if that were the perusal of Chateaubriand's Beauties ever, as we think it must have been, of Christianity; for, although the au- real. But he could not prevent the cathor was no favourite, he knew how to tastrophe, and he saw the edifice he had appreciate the merits of the book. It was from that work which Lucien appeared to have formed his poetical system: he was also convinced that relig

helped so essentially to raise, crumble into dust, without the power to aid in an endeavour to prevent the overthrow. Liberated however by the peace of Pa

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Original Letter from a Suicide.


ris, he turned his attention towards Ita- ing a visit which the Grand Marshal of ly and Rome. Refused a passage the Palace, Bertrand, made to Rome, through France, he journeyed by Ger- at the latter end of October, that this many and Switzerland, leaving his fam- emissary of Napoleon, Thibaudeau, ily in England and in May 1814, he and Lucien, discussed the plan of oprevisited the capital of the Christian erations which should be adopted to world,' where the Pope welcomed him ensure the success of the conspiracy, as a friend, and raised him to the rank These conferences also touched on the of a Roman prince, by the title of Ca- minor details connected with the mode nino. He was also created Count of of execution, precise period of landing Apollino, Lord of Nemori, and other in France, &c. Lucien was of opinplaces. This testimony established the ion that the army should only be recharacter, and consolidated the fortunes curred to as an instrument, insisting that of Lucien, though it left him infinitely his brother could never maintain himlower in rank than former situations self in France, until he succeeded in warranted. But he, who had opposed identifying himself with the party who Napoleon in the height of his power, espoused the cause of liberty and indefelt much commiseration for his low es- pendence. This party, according to the tate in Elba, and soon made overtures senator, was that of all the revolutionof reconciliation. These were convey- ists; and he also thought that they ed, and the correspondence carried on should recommence the revolution, taby Madame Letitia the mother, and king care to restrain its excesses. No Pauline the sister, who made frequent objects sacrificed to public vengeance, voyages to and from Rome and Elba; very few proscriptions, and a declaraand the result was, that Lucien, forget- tion of freedom, hitherto unknown to ting all animosities, set himself ardu- the most sanguine advocates of liberty: ously to work to procure the political such were the views of Lucien. He resurrection of his family.* also wished to surprise the public by a

"For this purpose Lucien conferred grand national convocation, which was personally with the agents of Napoleon, to fix the hopes of the whole country. Murat and Fouché, at Rome; all of This assemblage was the famous Field whom met there to deliberate on the of May, which is entirely due to Lubest means of raising France and Italy, cien; and the idea may be found very in the name of the liberty and inde- pointedly alluded to in several parts of pendence of nations. But it was dur- his Charlemagne.

• This change justifies the suspicions of the EnglishGovernment.

To be continued.

ORIGINAL LETTER FROM A YOUNG MAN IN PRISON. From the London European Magazine.

To the Rev. W. F. T.
N the

"I grasp of death I struggle for

his final account, and all that will be left of him, will be this poor mangled heap of clay, which the kindred dust of the grave shall cover from the reproach of man.

a few short moments of existence, to tell you, that my fleeting soul bears with it to the world of departed spirits, all those impressions of hope by which, I would make my sad example usein your Christian converse, and your ful to those heedless young men who fervent prayers, you have so piously la- rush through the paths of vicious pleaboured to prepare it for its eternal des- sure with a perilous precipitation, deaf tination. I would shake off, for a while, to the anxious cries of those who bore this portentous drowsiness which grad- them: unmindful of the warnings of ually absorbs my living sense, to assure the wise, and braving the vengeance of I would call to them from you of the gratitude of a dying man, their God. who, before you return to cheer him the tomb that opens to receive me; I again with the consolation of religion's would arouse their senseless hearts to a trust, will most probably be called to

+ Referred to in our last, page 30.

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