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New Inventions and Patents...

of social order, religion, and monarchy, when endangered by the levelling principles which the French revolution had just let loose upon the world. At this crisis Mr. Gifford took a leading concern in the Anti-jacobin or Weekly Examiner, a paper, which besides its patriotic excellence, contained many beautiful pieces of poetry, and ingenious papers, written by Mr. Canning, and other men of high talent. At length, in 180!, our author gave his version of Juvenal to the world in one quarto volume, dedicated to his noble patron the late Earl Grosvenor, who survived the appearance of the translation but a very few days, and Mr. Gifford with unaffected sorrow, paid the last sad duty to his memory by attending his remains to the grave. It certainly was remarkable that the work should have commenced twenty years before, with the death of one protector, and concluded with that of another.

This affecting circumstance forced upon the recollection of the translator, the calamity of the rebuilder of Jericho ; laid the foundation thereof in Abiram, his "He first born, and set up the gates thereof in his youngest son Segub." On a work so well known, it is needless to expatiate. It is the only version of the best Roman satirist in our language that deserves the name; and besides an excellent life of Juvenal, and a critical introduction, it is enriched with a copious collection of notes, in which the sense of the author is not only cleared up, but much light is thrown upon the private manners of the Roman people. To Dr. Ireland, then prebendary and now dean of Westminster, the early friend of Mr.


Gifford, a grateful tribute is paid for the valuable assistance afforded by him in the prosecution of this work. that learned divine, who is also a native With of Ashburton, our author contracted a very early intimacy, which has contimued unabated through life. In one of his poems, Mr. Gifford says, Sure, if our fates hang on some hidden power, And take their colour from the natal hour, Then IRELAND, the same planet on us rose, Such the strong sympathies our lives disclose. But the translation of Juvenal, though it commanded the respect of all sound scholars, could not escape the snarling of the hypercritics; to one of whom a reply was published, in a quarto pamphlet, with a supplement.

The next publication of Mr. Gifford Massinger, with notes; which was folwas a complete edition of the works of lowed by an edition of Ben Jonson, illus trated in the same manner, and both possessing entraordinary merit for accu racy, judgment, and erudition. These were followed by a translation of the Satires of Persius, with plates, &c. which nal; and he is now engaged on a com. accompanies the last edition of his Juve plete edition of Shirley's Dramatic works. forward in his proper person before the Mr. Gifford has latterly declined to come. public, though repeatedly called upon by some powerful writers, who are con cerned to see the author of the BAVIAD in the back ground, when his talents at Satire are as much needed as school. He is, however, if the report: when he dispersed the Della Cruscan be correct, not altogether an idle ob-. server of the times, being generally considered as the conductor of the ablest critical journal now in existence. D.


1. Method of conducting air by forced Ventilation, and regulating the temperature in dwellings. By the MARQUIS DE CHABANNES.

The general principle of forcing upwards, and expelling foul air for the admission of that which is fresh, in order to render apartments and public buildings healthy, is simple, and has long been acted upon; but however obvious the theory may be, inconveniences have always attended every plan of ventila tion occasioned by the elasticity of the air, so that the least draught of a chimney, door, or window will change its direction. In stances of this are frequent even where most care has been taken to exclude impure air, and to secure that which is salubrious, Hence the necessity of employing some physical or mechanical forcing power for

this purpose is evident, and the importance. of the invention here described must convince every person. It is thus simply specified by the patentee.

"The patent chimney ventilator, which from its construction, forces a current of air upwards, whenever there is wind to act upon it. first occupied my attention. Finding, however, that in calm weather its power ceases, and that air will even descend through the ventilator, if obeying a stronger impulse, I have, in order to render it effectual in all weathers, adapted to it, a fire or lamp, which producing a rarefaction of air, forces the current upwards at all times. I have successfully employed a mechanical power in various ways, but it being liable to be out of repair, I generally prefer the rarefaction caused by heat, which I denominate air



New Inventions and Patents.

pump." These different means I adopt according to the situation of the place, and the conveniences to be found in it for ventilating, and in every instance the results I had anticipated have been completely verified. By thus forcibly drawing up air, it becomes easy to give any direction to it in buildings, and having perfectly at command the admission of fresh air from the recipient below, the temperature throughout may be kept at any degree, however rigorous the season out of doors, while at the same time the atmosphere is never unpleasant nor unwholesome."

In our next number we shall take further notice of an invention which in this variable climate is of general interest.

II. The patent Columbian Printing Press. Invented by George Clymer. The superiority of this press consists, First, in superabundant power, and mechanical precision of impression, with considerably less injury to the types: Secondly, in much greater facilityin working the largest forms, and less injury to the human frame. Consequently, many excellent and expérienced workmen, in the decline of life, may still continue to be employed, through the ease with which they can hereby execute the hitherto most laborious work. This invention has received the amplest testimonials of its utility in the attestations of the most respectable printers in London as well as in


The accuracy of these machines excites admiration, and their compactness of force adds to the advantages which they otherwise possess. The happy disposition of their various parts enables those who work at these presses to dispatch business with a degree of rapidity unattainable in the use of those of ordinary construction. Mr. Valpy says in his letter of recommendation: "As far as I have yet seen, I conceive your press to be decidedly superior to any presses I have ever used; and I have been endeavouring for some time to obtain the best presses in use for manual labour. From the shortness of the pull, and its immense power, I doubt not we shall obtain a superior impression. The ingenuity of the mechanism warrants every supposition that the press is not liable to fracture from use or accident, which circumstance, I cannot but say, is of the most essential importance to the


[Oct. 1,

III. Description of a Machine forcleaning Corn, by MR. C. ESSEX, of Eust Acton, Middlesex.

This machine, for the communication of which the Society of Arts voted a gold medal to the inventor,is peculiarly adapted to use under a thrashing machine; as by one process, with the same power necessary for that machine, it completely cleanses the corn, and renders it fit for market; at the same time dividing the different substances into the several compartments, with the power (by altering the sieves) of making two sorts of corn (by cleaning both) or in other words by taking away as much of the small corn, called tailing, as may be required, thereby rendering a sample superior in quality. This machine, from its peculiar power of dividing the dust from the chaff, renders the latter much more nutritious for cattle; and the superior mode of clearing the rubbish, that the corn may fall to the wind alone, renders it much more susceptible of the quick succession of friction, which completely eradicates every particle of mould,. and in a degree has the effect of drying and improving the sample.

List of New Patents.

SAMUEL CLEGG, of Westminster, Engi neer; for an improved Gasometer, or Gas-holder. July 24th, 1818.

work, Glamorganshire, and JOHN JAMES, of RICHARD BLAKEMORE, of Milingriffith+ Lower Redbrook, Gloucestershire, Iron-masters and Tin Plate Manufacturers; for a new

kind of Plate, which they denominate Amorphous Metal Plates; and also for a certain improved and more perfect method of crystallizing the surface of tin plates, or iron, or copper plates tinned, which they call Amorphous Metal Plates. July 24,1818.

JOSEPH MANTON, of Davies. Street, Berkley Square, Gun-maker; for certain primers for fire arms; and also for certain improvements in the construction of certain August 3, 1818. parts of fire arms.

JOHN MALAM, of Marsham Street, Westminster, Engineer; for certain improvements in steam engines. August 5, 1818.

JAMES HOLLINGRAKE, of Manchester, Lancashire, mechanic; for a method of making or manufacturing copper or other metal rollers for calico printing. August 7, 1818.


WHEN this enterprize was announced, we felt much interest in the event, as well for the honour of our country, as for the general advantage of science. But while we indulged a strong hope of success even in the immediate object of the voyage, we were not so sanguine as to expect that this object would be accomplished during the short space in

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which the ships could possibly explore the arctic seas in the present year." It is only by perseverance and repeated trials that the main point can be de-? termined, and let the result be what it may, as far as regards any opening for navigation, some valuable discoveries will no doubt be made in the extension of our geographical knowledge. It is


The Arctic Expedition.

lamentable to see in these planet stricken times the spirit of party so extremely besotted, as to carry its violence into a subject upon which one should suppose, no political hostility could possibly exist. Yet strange to say, even men of science, instead of waiting, in common with their more simple countrymen, for the history of this voyage, have set themselves in battle array against each other upon the question of the practicability of a north west passage. It certainly would have been more philosophical to have suspended all theorizing and declamation, invective and dogmatism, till the details of the enterprize and the observations of those engaged in it were fairly before the public. But there are men of such warped judgments and jaundiced eyes, as to view every thing, in a bad light that is presented in a quarter to which they have a radical enmity. Hence some learned professors, who by being nearer the pole possess less ardent imaginations than we southern inquirers, have in the plenitude of their experimental wisdom, positively determined that a barrier of ice of eternal durability forms a solid continent, comprizing a whole circle within the last ten degrees of latitude. If such be the case, the business is at an end, and our navigators have gone upon a fool's errand, for want of consulting the northern Delphos. We had intended to have said more upon this oracular decree, but at present we have a more pleasant task to perform, and that is, to report the state of the expedition itself, according to the best accounts that have been received. These are dated

July 28th; at which time the Isabella and the Alexander were in lat. 75 deg. 30 min. N., long. 60 deg. 30 min. W., well over to the American coast, the weather serene and perfectly clear. The variation of the compass, by accurate observations repeatedly made on board both ships, was 89 deg. and the dip 84 deg. 30 min., which led them to conclude, that they were approaching very nearly to the magnetic pole. It had been perfectly calm; the sea was as smooth as glass for three or four days, and the current drifted them to the South-eastward, which raised their hopes of an open passage round the point of America, from which quarter it appeared to proceed. All the way up the middle of Davis's Straits they skirted an unbroken field of ice on the left, but as they proceeded, it became thinner and apparently Totten, and they were sanguine that the moment the breeze sprang up, the ice to the westward would open to them a passage, and allow them to reach the northern shores of America. The utmost harmony prevailed among the officers and every part of NEW MONTHLY MAG,-No, 57.

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the ship's company, and all were in perfect health.

Such is the substance of the accounts received by Government; and though the following letters are not official, they have an equal claim to confidence as coming from intelligent officers employed in this arduous service, and who in writing with familiarity to their friends are more likely to be minute in their. remarks, than persons engaged in drawing up formal dispatches.

H. M. Ship, Alexander, June 17. My dear Sir-I am now writing in the tent upon the north end of Hare or Waygatt Island, with the pendulum clock within one yard of me, and the observatory and all the instruments within half-a-dozen. We were arrested in our progress yesterday by the ice, which forms a complete bar about three miles to the northward of this island, commencing on the Greenland side, from what

is called Four Island Point, and extending than ten miles to the westward of this island, down the Straits at a distance not greater and 15 to the westward of Disko. Soon after entering the Straits, we found it absolutely impracticable to go up to the middle, as the ice gradually brought us into the land, till a little to the northward of Riskoll (vulgo Reef Koll,) we were for a day or two totally blockaded. The ice then, by one of those unaccountable changes that so frequently occur here, opened sufficiently to give us a free passage, till yesterday we found a second bar at this place. From every account we have received, as well as from what we have already seen, it is certain that the last winter has not only been severe, but that the frost has lasted much later than has been the case for many years past. You may imagine our surprise when, on coming into this neighbourhood yesterday, we found upwards of 35 British ships at anchor upon the icebergs, which completely form a cluster of innumerable islands from the spot in which I at this moment view them. They have all been detained here--not days, but weeks, in spite of every exertion to get to the northward; and the fishery may be considered as hitherto an unsuccessful one, with the exception of a few of the ships in Disko Bay. The causes which operate upon the ice, producing very sudden changes in it, are so little understood, that it is impossible to judge when any such change may take place as to enable us to get to the northward. I have just been to the top of a mountain of no inconsiderable height, to determine its altitude by the barometer, and I wish I could give you an adequate idea of the magnificent sublimity of the scene I have just witnessed. The whole horizon to the northward and westward is one complete mass of compact field ice, with the exception. of about 500 tremendous ice-bergs, which, with here and there a small spot of clear VOL. X,


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blue water, serve to vary the scene, which would otherwise tire the eye with the uniformity of its dazzling whiteness. To the eastward is seen the land of Greenland, very high, almost entirely covered with snow, and frowning, as it were, upon the ocean of ice which environs its shores. To the southward is the island of Disko, with its summit (which we have never clearly seen) completely lost in the clouds: near this island are all the Greenland ships at anchor, giving a finish to the scene, whose grandeur and beauty are far beyond any thing I have seen before. The longitudes of the places on this coast were very much in want of correction. We had a great number of excellent lunars to the southward, which, with the Isabella's chronometers, (which go admirably,) will, I think, determine the longitudes so far, to the nearest three or four miles. The dip of the needle in lat. 67. 22. was 82. and the variation 67. 30. Here the dip is about the same, and the azimuths we have taken this morning we cannot work; for want of a latitude,which we hope to obtain at midnight. The transit of the sun for the pendulum we hope to get to-morrow; and if the ice still remains firm, so as to prevent our leaving this place, the next day, we trust, will produce something in this way. Delighted as I am to take a part in these observations, I confess I should be glad to see the tents struck to-night, and the ice open; and you may rely upon it, that no object whatever will ever tempt our Commodore to neglect for an instant the main object of the expedition.

The current that has been spoken of, as coming constantly down the Straits, if it exists at all, must be to the westward of our track up the Straits; and, indeed, all the masters of the ships have a great dread of being set to the westward in our present latitude, as they insist upon it that if a ship were beset here, she would probably come out in 65 degrees.

Tuesday, June 23.—The ice having opened a little on the evening of Saturday, we endeavoured to get over from Hare Island to the coast of Greenland, or as the masters call it, the East Land. The Isabella was beset in making this attempt, and was drifted about with the ice by the tides till Monday morning. We were more fortunate, having succeeded in getting over to the land, and into clear water, on Sunday evening, and there made fast to a berg, to wait for the Isabella. There would be no navigating this sea but for the bergs; for after the men have towed and warped the ship for twelve or fourteen hours, she would be adrift again, and at the mercy of the ice, if you could not anchor in security to one of these enormous masses, which rests upon the ground, and perfectly secures you from every danger, except that (which has once or twice occurred to us) of drifting off with a high spring tide into deep water. A ship is almost perfectly secure

[Oct. 1,

from going on shore, when well anchored to them; for the smallest of them draws so much more water than any ship, that it must ground long before the ship, unless the shore immediately within it is very steep indeed. A very small ice-berg, to which we anchored on the 9th of June, was grounded in 52 fathoms, and was so firmly moored, that the levels of the dipping needle were not in the slightest degree affected.

We have now got as far as Four Island Point, near which I observed to-day in 70. 40. N. latitude. It is evident, from all we have yet seen, that there is no getting up the Straits, with the ice in its present state, but by tiding it along close to the land, for there is not a drop of clear water to be seen any where else, and if we did not anchor to our friends, the bergs, every tide, we could not gain an inch. The weather has been so calm, that the ice, as far as we can see from the mast-head, remains in one solid, unbroken mass. A good breeze would scatter and help to dissolve it, for it is chiefly what is called young ice, which they say has been found during the month of April and the beginning of May of the present year. The season has certainly been severe, for some of the Greenland masters say they got to 74 degrees long before this time last year.

July 5.-Since I last wrote we have been incessantly occupied in attempting to get through the ice to the northward. The first stage we made was into North-East Bay, where we have been detained several days, which could only be occupied in settling the position of several points of land, &c. and the variation of the compass, which, by the bye, can never be done on board a ship with any tolerable degree of accuracy, a difference of thirty degrees arising from a change in the ship's head, on board the Isabella. On board the Alexander this difference is very apparent also, but in a much smaller degree. I do not, however, consider the experiments we have yet made to be sufficiently numerous, or sufficiently delicate, to enable us to draw any satisfactory conclusion from them, on this very interesting point, till further and better opportunities offer.

We had an interesting visit from two Esquimaux families the other day, but with the details of which I shall not now trouble you. In truth, I have so few moments to spare, from the immediate duties which now press upon us, that I fear you will think my letter but a shabby one. These last two days have given us a run to the northward beyond our most sanguine expectation, as we are at this moment within seven miles of the northernmost of the Woman's Islands, and passed Sanderson's Hope yesterday evening. Our latitude (by account) to-day at noon was 73. 10. N. Isabella's 73.15. long.57.14. W. Some of the Esquimaux from these islands were, I understand, on board the Isabella to-day, and report, that the place in which we now are has been clear of ice during the whole


New Musical Publications.

winter that no whales have been here during this season, and that they think there is plenty of clear water to the northward. If this be true, it is delightful intelligence for us. As far as we can ourselves see, there is no reason to question the accuracy of their statement, for, though the number of bergs is here, as at Riskoll, and at Waygatt Island, and Black Hook,almost beyond conception or belief, the field-ice appears to be by no means so close as to stop our progress. How long this fair prospect may continue, it is impossible to judge; but the voyage begins to acquire extreme interest, and all are anxiously looking out for the northward. I am desirous now to put my letters on board the Isabella, that they may go to England with the despatches in the Majestic; and as the weather is rather foggy, I am afraid of losing the opportunity, and will therefore delay no longer sending them to the Isabella.

P. S. July 6.-I have just measured the height of an ice-berg, which is 123 feet, and it is aground 125 fathoms! This is literally a small one compared with some hundreds that

we have seen. Feet above water, and fathoms under, seems to be the general run of their specific gravity.

"His Majesty's Ship Isabella, at Sea, Lat. 75. 25. Long. 60. 7. variation 38. 48. "July 25.-This is our last opportunity this year, therefore I could not let it pass without writing, although nothing has passed since my last. We are now to the northward of all the ships that are fishing; we see some a long way a-stern: the boat with despatches is going immediately to one of them: they have followed us a great way this year, and have been very kind in giving us every assistance when in the ice; I sincerely wish them all safe back: as they have along way to go through the ice. The coast begins to look more and more miserable. As we get north, it has more the appearance of a chain of ice mountains than land: the sea is one

solid field of ice as far as the eye can reach. When the wind blows from the north, we find narrow passages in it, and through them we pass on sometimes the whole of our men are on the ice, dragging the ship along


the edge of the flaws. From the very great variation, we cannot be a great way from the magnetic pole: you will see the variation by our last observation on the ice at the head of the letter.

Since writing the above, private letters have been received from the discovery ships, dated August 1st, in lat. 75. 48. N. long. 61.30. W. They state, that the ice was clearing away, and that the prospect of success was improving. The most extraordinary phenomenon of the variation of the compass had gone on increasing: it was 88. 13. on the ice; we say on the ice, for on board ship the va riation, owing to some peculiar influence not yet mentioned, was still much more. The former letters mention that on board ship the variation was at one time 95 degrees, that is, the needle pointed, instead of north, to the south of west. This difference between the real variation and an apparent variation on board ship, was first observed by Captain Flinders, but it was supposed to be an accidental peculiarity in his ship. It is, however, now clear that it belongs to all ships, and varies in all; and there would ed to the influence of the iron about the be little doubt that it should be attributvessel, except for a curious fact which, we understand, has been ascertained,namely, that the compasses, called insulated, which are placed in boxes of iron, and which are uninfluenced by external iron when brought near them, are affected by the ship variation in the same degree is now called the deviation, has been as the common compasses. This, which found to be much greater as the experiments go on northward. This is accounted for from the circumstance of the

dip of the needle diminishing what is usually called its polarity; and allowing it, therefore, to be more easily affected by the local influence of the ship.


History of the Rise and Progress of Music, theoretical and practical. By G. Jones. Extracted from the Encyclopædia Londinensis. Price 15s. or with the plates of instruments coloured, 11.1s. The Encyclopædia Londinensis is a Dictionary of Arts and Sciences, upon a very extensive plan, now in the course of publication. As some of the articles are very long, forming distinct and complete Treatises upon particular subjects, as Botany, Heraldry, Mechanics, &c. the proprietors have thought fit to print separate Titles and

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