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for there is a worship which is not corrupted by false doctrines; there is a religion without bigotry and intolerance; there is a piety which is the companion of love, justice,candor and fairness.

Take the position in which you should stand, and you will have the character of God always presented in a light the most attractive. You will hear him described as perpetually watching over all the interests of man; superintending every part of his vast dominion, listening to every cry that is uttered, and constantly carrying on the plan by which all shall be exalted to his own eternal and blessed abode.

Take your true position, and you will hear the Savior described as a pure being-a being of universal love, and of a power and fidelity equal to his great work. You will hear, that though he was always indignant at sin, he was always compassionate to the sinner; that though far greater than angels, he was meek and lowly of heart; that though he communed with the hosts of heaven, he" bent his ear to the music of children;" that though honored in heaven, he felt honored by the tribute of a grateful tear; that though devoted to the object of his mission with a purpose which nothing could change, the "faintest appeal of misery arrested his progress as with the power of omnipotence;" that though his mission embraced all the interests of eternity, he stooped to the most unimportant wants of man; that in him met the "whole constellation of virtues, and that all were united and harmonized and blended into one, by the law of universal benevolence."

Come, then, and you shall be taught that while all who walk in the way of sin live amidst cur

ses, the path of the just is as the shining light, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day, Come, and you shall hear only that which shall encourage you to love God--to honor his Sonto be kind to each other-to be calm and resign, ed in sickness, and ready to die when God shall call you to himself in everlasting glory!






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