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this lucubration should happen to fall.

It does not appear from any records, now extant, how this celebrated dispute terminated; but it is too probable, when we consider the frailties of our nature, that the gourmands of Paris continued to devour sea-ducks, and

lumes to the flames, if my father would all others with those volatile juices, not immediately betake himself to more which are totally at variance with the solid and nutritive studies. It was dur-chaste propriety of conduct indispening this period of self-mortification, that sable during Lent, and which even our the learned Cadwalader Von Muckle- Court of Aldermen themselves, had they wit had stored up in his ancient repo- lived in Popish times, would have been sitory the valuable researches, from obliged to study, at the expense even which I now offer to the world the of the same mortifying privations. following gleanings. In reply to all this, Dr. Andry flat-enjoy the fumes of tobacco, as before, ly denies that the question, as stated without much respect to the truly piby his adversary, is, whether a sea-duck ous exhortations of Dr. Hecquet, enbe fish, flesh, or fowl, but whether it couraged as they were, too, in their sufficiently partakes of the nature of profane proceedings, by the heterodoxy fish, to come under the denomination of his antagonist. For, well may they of Lent food; and upon this point he have exclaimed,asserts, that whoever will take the trouble of analysing the blood of a seaduck, will find it as different from that of any other duck, as a turtle's is from a calf's. And he further insists upon the propriety of eating sea-ducks during Lent, as Dr. Harquet himself had admitted the saine indulgence in favour of frogs, which, he still allowed, were no fish.

The first work, published on this important subject, was one by Dr. Hecquet, entitled Traité des Dispenses de Carême, in which the learned author's principal aim appears to have been to prove that a Lent diet had a natural agreement with the human constitution, and that it was the most nourishing, the most fattening, and in every respect the most wholesome that could be devised. Dr. Andry, on the other hand, holding opinions of a more worldly nature, and being moreover, perhaps, one of the flock of Epicurus, enters the lists, totis viribus, against Dr. Hecquet, and accordingly publishes two volumes, of which the titles I come now to the more serious are shortly Regime de Carême and question concerning tobacco, which Traité des Alimens de Carême, in which Dr. Hecquet discusses at some length, he most heretically combats the Pytha- and comes finally to the conclusion, gorean dogmata of his rival. To these that the practice, whether considered answers of Dr. Andry his opponent en- as a pleasure or a nutriment, was joins in a second edition of his work equally destructive of that orthodox considerably enlarged and improved. abstinence, which ought to be observed And upon this state of the case issue during this season. And he says, the is joined between the parties. question briefly resolves itself into this Among the many interesting points-whether fasting be inconsistent with of this controversy, none seems, at the time, to have made a stronger impression upon the Parisian Sçavans, who are represented to have been all alive to the subject, than the important question,' as it is called, whether the use of sea-ducks and tobacco ought to be prohibited in Lent?' and, as I doubt not, but all my readers will duly appreciate the momentous concern of this inquiry, I shall devote my present paper to a concise and impartial statement of the arguments used on each side by these learned antagonists.

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taking any thing that is vapourous?'
And this, he adds, is undeniable for
several reasons. 1. Because the Jews
and Turks abstain from the use of
odours on fasting days. 2. Because
odours may be nourishing, as ought to
be inferred from what Pliny says of
some Indian nations, that live only on
odours,-from what is recorded of De-
mocritus, who lived three days by
breathing only the vapour of hot loaves,
and from what we read of some others,
who kept themselves alive only by the
smell of honey. The doctor allows,
however, that when tobacco is neces-
sary as a remedy, it may be taken on
fast-days, at an appointed time, and
immediately before meals.

'Non nostrum tantas componere lites." Who shall decide when doctors disagree?

I shall conclude this short paper with an extract from Addison's Travels, which relates an anecdote, that my father had treasured with the rest of his collectanea on this subject. The place, to which it relates, is Fribourg, in Switzerland.

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At the Capucins,' says Addison, I saw the Escargatoire, which I took the more notice of, because I do not remember to have met with any thing of the same nature in other countries. It is a square place, boarded in, and filled with a vast quantity of large suails, that are esteemed excellent food, when they are well-dressed. The floor is strewed about half a foot deep with several plants, among which the snails nestle all the winter season. When Lent arrives, they open their magazines, and take out of them the best meagre food in the world; for there is no dish of fish, that they reckon comparable to a ragout of snails.'


Extract of a Letter dated 1st September, 1814,


from Sir Joseph Banks to George Harrison,
Esq., recommending the appointment of two
Botanical Collectors at the Cape of Good
Hope, and other distant parts abroad, for the
Royal Botanic Garden, at Kew.

Dr. Hecquet, who appears to have IN obedience to the commands of Lord been a staunch Catholic, had taken the liberty of asserting, that the eating of beg leave to state to you, for his lordLiverpool, communicated to me by you, sea-duck, as not being bond fide a fish, ship's information, such remarks as occur according to the rash opinion of some On the other side, Dr. Andry under- to me on the subject of the Royal Botanaturalists, was inconsistent with the takes to prove, that there is no ground nic Garden, at Kew, as well as the means due observance of Lent; and, accord- whatever for his opponent's objections, that appear, in my judgment, the most ingly, he exhorts all good Catholics, which he examines with much minute likely to continue to that establishment who have a proper regard for their ness, but, as I humbly conceive, with the superiority it has hitherto held over souls, to abstain from sea-duck, as well out overturning the weighty arguments foreigners as well as of Englishmen, and all similar institutions, in the opinion of as all other amphibious animals, turtle of Dr. Hecquet against the use of to- which, in fact, it still continues to hold, included, during this holy season. bacco, whether by smoking or other-though somewhat impaired by the interAnd he assigns, as his reason for mak-wise, in Lent; which I, therefore, ruptions of commerce during the last war; ing this charitable exhortation, that hope, will be hereafter avoided by or rather by the necessity of convoy, the amphibious animals abound more than every good Catholic under whose eyes uncertainty and delays of which has for

some years past, rendered the transport of living plants all but impossible, and induced the king to desist almost wholly from sending out collectors, as his Majesty had before been used to do.

and provision on their return; the re-
maining 301., it is presumed, will be
quite sufficient to furnish them with
clothes, and pocket-money enough, to ren-
der them respectable among their equals.
This plan of economy, I have no doubt,
they will follow nearly, if not exactly; if
they do not, their conduct abroad will be
distrusted, and they will either be re-
called, if it proves at all incorrect; if not,
they will, on their return, have no claim
on government in any shape, for they
will have had the power of saving, if
they continue ten years abroad, a sum
quite sufficient to enable them to gain ad-
mission into the firm of some respectable
nursery garden, the best possible provi-
sion a man educated as a gardener can

lectors have, in this case, been allowed
to mess with the warrant officers, whose
mess extraordinaries are, of course, very
moderate, and this will be the whole of
the charge.

If Lord Liverpool shall honour this ar rangement with his approbation, and direct it to be carried into execution, I beg leave to propose two persons, Allan Cunningham and James Bowie, who are ready to undertake the business of collectors,-indeed, anxious in the extreme to obtain the appointment; both of the e men are, in Mr. Aiton's opinion, perfectly qualified to execute the business; they have both been educated at Kew, where Cunningham still continues; Bowie lives at present in a gentleman's service as gardener, but is ready to quit it at the shortest warning, should he be so fortunate as to succeed.

It is proposed, in the first instance, to send these two persons together to the Cape of Good Hope, where two people may, for one season, be advantageously employed in collecting such plants as have formerly been in the Royal Gardens, and whose names still remain in the printed catalogues, though they have died from old age before the means of increasing them could be discovered; most of these will be found near the. Cape Town, and it is hoped, that in searching for them other novelties will be met with.

The only Botanic Garden that has hitherto held any competition with the Royal Gardens at Kew, is that of the emperor, at the imperial palace, at Schonbrun, near Vienna. This collection of plants was raised at an expense more suited to the pleasures of an emperor than to the sober expenditure of public money ships were freighted for the sole purpose of bringing home living plants from both the Indies, and men of education, some of whom have since become eminent as naturalists, were sent abroad, with salaries adequate to their station in life; hot-look up to. houses and conservatories were built, on Some incidental expenses to governa scale in which magnificence was more ment will, no doubt, be incurred, in proconsulted than economy; and yet the viding for passages by sea; but these can Royal Garden at Kew, where that well- not be considerable, if the collectors are considered economy for which our ever- allowed, on all possible occasions, to be vered monarch was ever so highly respect-sent on board king's ships. Former coled, was never for a moment forgotten, in a short time excelled those at Schonbrun, and, at present, is considerably richer in more rare, curious, and interesting plants. The plan of collecting, at Kew, as established by his Majesty's commands, has What the expense of living in and traWhen this business of replacing plants hitherto been, to employ those young gar- velling over the countries to which they that have been lost is ended, the one of deners, educated in the garden, who show-may be sent, I am utterly unable to cal- the collectors may be sent to New South ed the most inclination to, and made the culate. That every thing is now much Wales, and the other may commence his greatest proficiency in botanical pursuits, dearer in all our distant dependencies journies to the distant parts of the Cape and were best skilled in the scientific ar- than it was twenty, or even ten years ago, country, where, especially on the southrangements of the plants in the garden. cannot be doubted. In order, however, ern and south-eastern shores, there still Among the many young men who work to reduce as much as may be the amount remain vast tracts of unexplored country, there in the hope of being recommended of these extra charges, the collectors must the plants of which may be kept in this to gentlemen's families as gardeners, be directed by their instructions not to climate without the expense of hotwhen they have learned the art, some take upon themselves the character of houses, and are, of course, more applica were always to be found whose disposi- gentlemen, but to establish themselves, in ble to ornamental uses, and more suitable tions led them to the study of botany, point of board and lodging, as servants to foreign trade, than those intertropical and whose talents enabled them to excel ought to do; and if the governors of the productions whose existence depends on in it; among these, the best were select-places they visit are instructed to supply a strong degree of heat; these, of course, ed, and it is remarkable, that I do not re- them with the use of slaves, bullocks, seldom flower well, and when they do collect one instance of a man well ac- waggons, &c. from the public stores, and, cannot be placed in our rooms, if the quainted with the plants in the garden above all, to grant them the use of the weather is cold, without the greatest hawho did not feel an ambition to be em- bullocks, &c. which the peasants of the zard of their entire destruction. ployed as a collector. Cape of Good Hope are obliged to proof curious and beautiful plants, seen and vide gratis for those who travel on the account of government, neither the cost of described by Mr. Brown, naturalist in the living, nor the charge of travelling, can voyage of the Investigator, are still wantamount to any serious sum. The better ing in our gardens; these also are cultito check all unreasonable expenditure, Ivated in conservatories and green-houses, am willing, if Lord Liverpool thinks it none of them requiring a stove. In the would be advantageous to the undertak-case of Van Dieman's Land, where many ing, to audit the accounts sent home by beautiful plants are found, we have every the collectors, and certify them to the reason to hope that most of them will bear treasury, when sent there for their lord- the cold of our winters, and become the ships' approbation. ornaments of our open gardens.

The establishment of a Kew collector was, forty years ago, one hundred a-year as wages, and he was allowed to draw bills for travelling expenses and board wages to the amount of two hundred more; but this he was not allowed to exceed; in fact, it was in almost all cases enough, and was never exceeded, without a satisfactory explanation being given. In no one instance, as far as I recollect, has censure been passed on any one of these collectors.

As the value of money is now so much greater both at home and in our colonies than it was forty years ago, when the establishment of a collector for Kew Gardens was first arranged, I beg leave to propose, that in case Lord Liverpool should decide upon employing such young men at present, their salaries may be fixed at 1801. a-year; of this they will be expect ed to save 1501. at the feast, to accumuLate at home, for their ultimate reward

If by these expedients the amount of the board-wages and travelling expenses can be kept within 2201. a-year, as fairly may be expected, the whole of the regular annual expense of each collector, which was formerly 3001. a-year, will not exceed 4001.; which, it is hoped, will not be deemed unreasonable, as the per-. sons employed are not allowed to have any claim upon government for their services, when they shall have been completed.

In New South Wales an infinite number

Although it is but a few months since our friendly relations with the continent have been resumed, the following applications for plants from the Royal Gardens have already been made.

To his Royal Highness the Prince Regent :
From the King of Bavaria.
From the Duke of Saxe Weimar.

To the Queen:
From the Dowager Empress of Russia.
From the Queen of Wirtemburgh.

To his Majesty's Ministers: From the University of Leyden, To the Superintendent of the Gardens: From the Imperial Gardens at Schon


From the Teylerion Society at Leyden.

From the University of Erfurt.

On this latter head I shall consider it as my duty to regulate the correspondence between the superintendent of his Majesty's and those of foreign gardens, in such manner as to prevent the direct intercourse between the superintendent of Kew Garden, and the persons who correspond with him, from being so advantageous to the gardens where plants are received, as those to which collections are sent by command of the Queen, or the Prince Regent, or under the orders of his majesty's ministers.

The commerce of living plants is at present of some importance, and promises in time to improve; the orders already received from the continent are not inconsiderable, and but for the extreme poverty of the whole of Europe, would, before this time, have become an object worthy consideration. This commerce must continue to improve, if new plants that are beautiful and interesting continue to be introduced into England; when sovereigns have obtained such plants from the Royal Gardens, their subjects will seek to procure them from our nursery


The domestic trade of plants, supported far above its natural level by the use of growing plants in all expensive entertainments, so much patronized by the regent, maintains a race of sober, healthy, and industrious population, daily on the increase. This also will be maintained and increased by the introduction of beautiful novelties. These considerations, it is hoped, will induce his Majesty's ministers, to foster an establishment, Kew Gardens, I mean, which does honour to the science of the country, promotes, in some degree, its commerce, aids its population, and enables the sovereign and his ministers to make acceptable presents to crowned heads, without incurring any expense in providing them. Whitehall Treasury Chambers, 2nd April, 1821.


Original Poetry.


Weep soft joys and gentle loves,
And whosoe'er with beauty moves;
The sparrow of my girl is dead,
The sparrow of my darling maid,-
Which more than e'en herself she lov'd,
For honey sweet to her it proved;
And well her beauteous form could trace,
As the young girl her mother's face,-
Nor from her bosom would it stir,
But hopping round-now here, now there,

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THERE is a star that oft will dart a ray
Thro' the soul's darkness, and its portals ope,
To meet the cheering beams of mental day ;-
It is the heavenly morning star of Hope.
Sad is the heart that never felt its beams,-
Its waking reveries and sleeping dreams;
No morning rises clad in rich delight,
Within, without, around is cheerless night,
Which shews no comfort e'en beyond the

For it no season wears ecstatic bloom,

But resting all its tide of sorrow there, Drinks at the fount of woe the currents of


Bow, April 9, 1821.


G. A. N.

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REVELLI'S PICTURE OF THE QUEEN's TRIAL. DISMISSING from our minds every po litical consideration respecting the Queen's trial, and avoiding every remark as to the similarity of subjects chosen by Mr. Revelli, who lately exde-hibited a picture of the Inquisition, we shall notice his present painting merely as a work of art. Having been in the House of Lords more than once during the important investigation, and Let us not rashly quit our hold upon the past, being acquainted with the persons, at when, perhaps, there is little else left to bind least, of most of the noblemen and us to existence. Is it nothing to have being other personages who had a prominent and to have been happy or miserable? or is it share in this memorable trial, we visited been one or the other? Do I delude myself, do Mr. Revelli's picture with the hope of I build up a shadow or a dream, do I dress up recognizing many old friends. By the fiction, with nothing answering to it in the uni- tion together, we did find them, inin the gaudy garb of idleness or folly, a pure help of the exhibitor and the descrip verse of things, or the records of truth, when I deed; but they were old friends with look back with fond delight, or with tender regret to that which was at one time to me MY new faces, and out of the two hundred ALL, when I receive the glowing image of some portraits which the picture is said to bright reality. contain, we were not able to identify more than a dozen, and very few, even of this limited number, were good likenesses.

a matter of no moment to think whether I have

The thoughts of which will never from my
heart ?'
HAZLITT'S Table Talk.
WHAT cannot fortune steal away
Or into darkness cast?-
What sheds on life a cheering ray?
The memory of the past.
What will remain to cheer us still
When joys are fleeting fast?
What blunts the sting of present ill?
The pleasures of the past.

What makes us aye with fondness dwell
On dreams which would not last?
It is the witchery and spell

Which hallows all the past.

What makes us cheerful and content
While treading life's dull waste?
Dear thoughts that, with our sorrows blent,
Tell of bright moments past.
What doubles all the bliss of love,
Making it boundless, vast?
Memory of pangs all pangs above!
Fears, doubts, that now are past.
If aught can make fair friendship's stream
Of heav'n more deeply taste,

It is that soft and soothing beam-
The sunshine of the past.
And how could being's cold cares be
Reluctantly embraced,

Did they not form eventually
The treasures of the past?

If the artist had not assured us that the picture was an accurate representation of the interior of the House of Lords, as it appeared on that memorable occasion,' and introduced himself very prominently in the act of taking sketches, we should have suspected that the picture had been painted without ocular inspection of the scene. The grand outline is by no means a faithful representation of the house, and neither the positions of the peers, nor their dresses have been attended to. The Dukes of York and Gloucester are represented as dressed in military costume, although it is notorious that they wore plain clothes on the oc→ casion. Of the counsel on both sides, whose persons and portraits are very familiar to the public, it would be very difficult to identify more than three, and these only with a good stretch of imagination. The best likenesses in the whole picture are the portraits of

Lord Holland, Sir Robert Dallas, the | with a mixture of astonishment and ter-
Duke of Wellington, Lady Anne Ha-ror an appearance for which no one
milton, and the Marquis of Lansdowne. could account, and which it was there-
The coup d'œil of the picture is rather fore impossible to pronounce to be ei-
pleasing, notwithstanding the harshness ther the precursor or follower of preter-
of the colouring, which is often very natural disaster.

scene which it has, we believe, never before presented, and which had a most appalling and wild effect. The sky was veiled in gloom-the place d'armes was crowded, was continually swelling by the floods of people who poured in from all the adjacent streets; and, towering over the heads of the throng, was to be seen the steeple of the French parish church, with its ball, blazing like a meteor, and throwing out, from the foot of the cross, with which it was surmounted, radiations of sparks, rendered lurid by the incumbent and surrounding haze. Never was there shewn a greater zeal than was exhibited on this occasion. The different engines were in a moment on the spot; lines were formed almost involuntarily; and every one seemed to think alone on the means of preserving the holy edifice. The ball continued to burn for a long time, being inaccessible to water; the tin, however, with which the steeple was covered, retarded its progress, and the wind was fortunately very gentle.

On Saturday last the weather was WIVELL'S PORTRAITS. bright and unclouded, but at eight As forming a striking contrast to M. o'clock in the evening the sky became Revelli's picture, we must notice a sesurcharged with heavy black clouds ries of portraits of the counsel employ- from the N. W. and snow fell in large ed on both sides in the Queen's trial, flakes. The next morning these clouds sketched in the House of Lords, by an were diffused over the sky, and there artist of the name of Wivell, whose descended a heavy shower of blackish name was heretofore unknown to us, rain, which, upon examination, was but who cannot long remain in obscu- found to contain a substance resemrity. The engravings are plain and bling to the eye, the taste, and the smell cheap; but some of them are the best of soot. Towards evening, however, likenesses we ever saw. Every passion the weather cleared, and yesterday and feeling of which Sir Robert Gif-morning was ushered in by a large fard is capable-his whole mind and frost.-This gradually relaxed, until character seem embodied in Mr. Wi- the influence of a weighty damp vavell's sketch of him. It is a portrait pour, which descended from a thick from which Lavater would have found stratum of clouds that seemed progresno difficulty in describing the man. sively to deepen in colour and density, The portrait of Sir John Copley is and at noon the darkness was so great, scarcely less happy; and Mr. Brough- that candles were burning in the Court- By the activity of the people an am, who is represented as giving vent house, the banks, and in most of the engine was raised to the belfry, from to one of his strong exclamations, is offices in this city. The gloom alter- which water was conveyed, through a drawn to the life. The portraits of nately increased or diminished, accord- trap-door, into the interior of the steeDr. Lushington, Messrs. Denman, ing to the ascendancy of the wind, ple, to prevent the extension of the Williams, and Parke, are also very which during the day was fitful and flames. The fire was happily extinct good. We feel happy in bearing tes- changeable, till three o'clock, when a by half-past eight in the evening. It timony to the merits of a young artist, formidable body of clouds from the had, however, a quarter of an hour bewhose talents give him so strong and N. E. hurried over the town, and fore, consumed the timber in which so legitimste a claim on the liberal and brought the obscurity to its climax. the cross was inserted, so that it fell extensive patronage of the public. To At this moment there certainly reigned on that part of the wall above the printhe engraver, Mr. Wright, who has a very general awe. Nature had, from cipal entrance, and broke into many done the sketches of Mr. Wivell so the morning, seemed sullen and de- pieces, the largest of which descended much justice, no ordinary praise is due, jected, as if aware of impending cala- on the pavement of the corner of the and we congratulate him on his fidelity mity, and the crisis appeared to have house of Mr. Bernard, the milliner. Thus of execution. 3. arrived. While the inhabitants were terminated the events of this day, which expressing to each other their surprise, will long be remembered by the inhaand exchanging opinions on the pro- bitants of Montreal, and be classed bable cause of an appearance so un-with the dark Sunday of 1785. We usual, they were almost electrified by a have omitted to state that the rain Extraordinary Atmospheric Pheno- brilliant flash of lightning, succeeded which descended yesterday was similar menon at Montreal.-The following by a clap of thunder that was echoed to that of last Sunday; but contained account of the singular, we might al- and reverberated for many seconds more of the sooty ingredient, and carmost say terrific darkness which over-after its causes had past. ried on its surface, as it flowed through spread the town of Montreal in the This was followed by some others, the streets, a dense foam resembling early part of November, 1819, contains rain again fell, and there seemed a soap-suds. many interesting particulars of this good prospect of fair weather; but it We have been informed that many remarkable phenomenon not generally was of short duration, for the clouds persons crossed to the other side of the known. We extract it from the Cana-again accumulated from the N. E. and river, expecting the accomplishment dian Courant of November 10, 1819:- at four o'clock it was nearly as dark as of a traditional prediction, that the 'Remarkable Obscurity.-To those, before.-Those who had felt alarm, island of Montreal is to be swallowed who are in the habit of anticipating a now became, by the continued contem-up by an earthquake. For the truth dreadful catastrophe from singular ap- plation of the subject of terror, tran- of this information, however, we will pearances, yesterday must have been quil, and were reposing after their not vouch. an awful day. Even those blunt minds, recent inquietude, when, suddenly, the excursions of which seldom deviate the tocsin was tolled by every bell in from the routine of usual occupation, the city, and the streets resounded seemed for once to be withdrawn from with the cries of fire!! Montreal, certhe beaten path, and to contemplate tainly, at this moment, exhibited a

Literature and Science.

At this moment (Wednesday morning, seven o'clock,) the sky is almost as clear, and day-light as strong, as is usual at this hour of the day, at this season of the year.*

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Anagram.-The French, who are very happy at making anagrams, have discovered that La Sainte Alliance is neither more nor less than La Sainte Canaille.

Music. The various chords of sound which an octave will produce, have been calculated at eight thousand one hundred and ninety-one.

A house, in Fleet Market, in the possession of an undertaker, being lately advertised to be disposed of, the following label was fixed on a coffin, be fore the next door :- This tenement to be let on a lease for three lives."

Advertisement in a London newspaper, in 1783: To be let, a beggar's stand, in a good charitable neighbourhood, bringing in about thirty shillings a-week. Some good-will is required.N. B. A dog for a blind man to be disposed of."

Medical Quackery.-Dumoulin, one of the first medical practitioners in France of his time, observed at his death, that he left behind him two great physicians: Regimen and River

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MR. HAZLITT's NEW WORK. This day is published, in 8vo. price 14s. in boards, TABLE-TALK; or, Original Essays. By WILLIAM HAZLITT. Contents:-On the Pleasure of Painting-On the Past and Future-On Genius and Common Sense-Character of Cobbett-On People with one Idea-On the Ignorance of the Learned The Indian Jugglers-On Living to one's-self Singular Notice. There is painted On Thought and Action On Will-making on a board near Middleton, Lanca-On certain Inconsistencies in Sir Joshua Reyshire, the following laconic and terrifi: nolds's Discourses-On Paradox and Commoncaution: Whoever is found trespass-place-On Vulgarity and Affectation. Printed for John Warren, Old Bond Street. ing in these grounds, will be shot dead without further notice.'


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Errata: p. 234, c. 3, 1. 20, for passible' read possible; p. 235, c. 2. 1. 27, for lips' read hips.'

This day was published, in Four Volumes 8vo.

price 21. 12s. 6d. boards,

PERRY'S SYSTEM of EDUCATION. A DISCOVERY, important to all employed in the Education of Youth, has been made by MR. PERRY, of Manchester. It is a System of Education for Academies, Ladies' Seminaries, and Schools in general, in which the Classics, Mathematics, and Commercial Branches are Taught, which possesses strikingly peculiar and remarkable advantages. It Teaches every Pupil of a Seminary, consisting of indefinite numbers, individually, without Assistants or Monitors, and with disproportionably greater success than on the prevailing Systems; the trouble and fatigue to the Teacher also are less in the same ratio. Concerning the other numerous and singular advantages of this altogeDr. Bell's, Mr. Lancaster's, M. Pestalozzi's, M. ther unique System, differing essentially from Dufief's, or any other whatever, and which is

easily and quickly learned, the interested reader is referred to the Prospectus of the System, which may be had on application (post paid) to Mr. Perry, Academy, Manchester; or, as Mr. P. courts inquiry, an interview may be had with him for a few days; and also Prospectuses, at No. 3, Adam Street, Adelphi, London, from Eleven o'clock till Seven.

April 20.

TO PARENTS, GUARDIANS, and all those who are engaged in the Instruction of Youth.

This day is published, No. 2, price 6d. of AN IMPROVED GRAMMAR of the ENGLISH LANGUAGE. In which the Genius of the English Tongue is especially attended to, and all imitations of the Greek and Latin Grammars discarded; adapted to the comprehension of persons desirous of teaching themselves, and principally intended for the use of the Working Classes of Society. To which is added, a brief view of the Discoveries of Mr. Horne Tooke, on the formation of Language.

By WILLIAM GREATHEED LEWIS."I consider Grammar as absolutely necessary in the search after philosophical truth, and I · Just published, price 4s. neatly bound, think it not less necessary in the most impor-CONVERSATIONS on ENGLISH tant questions concerning religion and civil soGRAMMAR; in a Series of Familiar and En-ciety.'-HORNE TOOKE. tertaining Dialogues between a Mother and her Daughters; in which the various Rules of Grammar are introduced and explained in a manner calculated to excite the attention of Children, and, at the same time, to convey to their minds a clear and comprehensive idea of the general principles of Language.

From among various criticisms on this work,
all highly favourable, the following is extracted
for its brevity:-This volume demands our
decided approbation, and we recommend it with
confidence to public patronage and support, as
being admirably adapted to communieate to
the tender mind correct ideas of the rudiments
of grammatical knowledge.'-Vide Imperial
Magazine, April, 1821.

In this Work the Author has pointed out much false doctrine, and many erroneous principles in the popular Grammar of Mr. Cobbett. This Grammar, like Mr. Cobbett's, is intended for the use of the Working Classes of Society. The Author has, however, refrained from introducing Political Remarks, on the supposition that such remarks would be calculated to divert the attention of the learners from the subject more immediately under their consideration.

No. 3 will be published on Saturday, April 28; and a Number on each succeeding Saturday, till completed. The whole will be comBeing closely printed, prised in Six Numbers and in small type, this Work will contain more than is usually to be found in volumes of three In the Sixth and last number, times its size. the Title, Table of Contents, Preface, List of Errata, &c. will be included.

Printed and published by Dolby, 299, Strand, London; and sold by all Booksellers.

London: Printed for Lackington, Hughes, Harding, Mavor, and Lepard, Finsbury Square. Of whom may be had, by the same Author, Her SYLLABIC SPELLING BOOK, OR A ON THE BEAUTIES, HARMO-SUMMARY METHOD OF READING, by NIES, and SUBLIMITIES of NATURE: with which any Child of four or five years old, mayo doors East of Exeter Change; where adverse occasional Remarks on the Laws, Customs, be taught to read the English Language with Manners, and Opinions, of various Nations. ease and pleasure, in the course of a few months. Second edition, with numerous copper-plates, price 4s. 6d. Also a cheap edition, for the use of Preparatory Schools and Charitable Institutions, with wood-cuts, price 1s. Gd.

Author of Amusements in Retirement,' &c.
Printed for G. & W. B. WHITTAKER, Ave
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London:-Published by J. Limbird, 355, Strand ments are received, and communications for the Editor' (post paid) are to be addressed. Sold also by Souter, 73, St. Paul's Church Yard; Simpkin and Marshall, Stationer's Court; Chapple, Pall Mall; Grapel, Liverpool; and by all Booksellers and Newsvenders-Printed by Davidson, Old Boswell Court, Carey Street.

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