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remain here many days, before parties ventured on shooting excursions, and three men, who had missed their way, were absent ninety-one hours, and exposed during three nights to the incle

vailed; for, in the heavier cards, the fric-gentlemen reported, on their return, tion upon the points of suspension was nuch too great to be overcome even by The remains of Esquimaux habitations the ship's attraction, and they conse- were found in four different places. Six quently remained indifferently in any po- of these, which Captain Sabine had an opsition in which they happened to be placed. portunity of examining, and which are siFor the purposes of navigation, therefore, tuated on a level sandy bank, at the sidemency of the weather. the compasses were from this time no of a small ravine near the sea, are de- Captain Parry still attempted to longer consulted; and, in a few days af- scribed by him as consisting of stones gain a passage to the westward, and terwards, the binnacles were removed as rudely placed in a circular or rather ellip-succeeded in getting along the coast useless lumber, from the deck to the car- tical form. They were from seven to ten of Melville Island to some distance, penter's store-room, where they remained feet in diameter; the broad flat sides of but there being no hope of penetrating during the rest of the season, the azimuth the stones standing vertically, and the further at that season, and the ice setcompass alone being kept on deck, for the whole structure, if such it may be called,ting in very rapidly, he was induced to purpose of watching any changes which being exactly similar to that of the summer might take place in the directive power of huts of the Esquimaux, which had been return to Hecla and Griper Bay, which the needle: and the true courses and di- seen at Hare Island, the preceding year. he regained on the 24th of September. rection of the wind were in future noted Attached to each of them was a small cir- It was now necessary to cut a canal in the log-book, as obtained to the near-cle, generally four or five feet in diameter, through the ice, and to draw the ships est quarter-point, when the sun was visi- which had probably been the fire-place.' up it into the harbour. Two parallel ble, by the azimuth of that object and the The whole encampment appeared lines were cut, distant from each other apparent time.' to have been deserted for several years; little more than the breadth of the large but very recent traces of the rein-deer ships, and the ice then divided into and musk-ox were seen in many places. rectangular pieces, which were again The steering of the vessels now be- subdivided diagonally, and floated out came very difficult, and, says our au- of the canal. It was afterwards found thor:necessary to sink the pieces of ice under the floe as they were cut. At three o'clock, of the third day spent in these operations, the vessels reached their winter quarters, an event which was

On the following day (the 8th of August), the directive power of the magnet seemed to be weaker than ever; for the North Pole of the needle, in Captain Kater's steering compass, in which the friction is almost entirely removed by a thread suspension, was observed to point steadily towards the ship's head, in whatever direction the

The circumstances under which we were sailing, were, perhaps, such as never occurred since the early days of naviga: tion. To the northward was the land

latter was placed. An accidental cir- the ice, as we supposed, to the southward; hailed with three hearty cheers by the

and it was not a little amusing, as well as
novel, to see the quarter-master conning
the ship by looking at the dog vane.'

the compasses useless; and the sun comcumstance convinced Captain Parry pletely obscured by a fog, so thick that that there was no current setting con- the Griper could only now and then be stantly in one direction. A small piece seen, at a cable's length astern. We of wood was picked up, which appear- had literally, therefore, no mode of reed to have been the end of a boat's gulating our course but by once more yard, and which caused sundry amus-trusting to the steadiness of the wind; ing speculations among the gentlemen on board, who felt rather mortified to think that a ship had been there before them, and that, therefore, they were seen, being the first that had been viOn the 2nd of September a star was not entitled to the honour of the first sible for more than two months. Two discovery. A stop was suddenly put days afterwards, namely, on the 4th, to this and other ingenious inductions, at a quarter past nine P. M., the ships by the information of one of the sea-crossed the meridian of 110° west from men that he had dropped it out of his Greenwich, in the latitude of 74° 44' boat a fortnight before. 20", by which they were entitled to the reward of £5000. In order to

called Bounty Cape. On the following
day they dropped anchor, for the first
time since quitting the English coast,
in a roadstead, which was called the
Bay of the Hecla and Griper, and
the crews landed on the largest of a

united ships' crews. The group of islands that were discovered were called the North Georgian Islands.

The ships had now reached that station, where, in all probability, they were destined to remain for at least eight months, during three of which they were not to see the face of the ately taken for the security of the ships sun. Every precaution was immediand the preservation of the various stores; the masts were dismantled, except the lower ones, and the planks of the housing erected, and afterwards roofed over with a cloth composed of wadding tilt. The crews of both vessels were in excellent health, which

The vessels continued their progress, and several bays, capes, and commemorate the event; a bluff head-great care was still taken to preserve, headlands were discovered, and receiv-land that they had just passed was ed names by the voyagers. On the 22nd they had a clear and extensive view to the northward, free from ice; and they now felt that they had actually entered the Polar Sea. The magnificent opening, through which their passage had been effected, from Baffin's Bay to a channel dignified with the name of Wellington, was called Barrow's Straits, after the Secretary of the Admiralty.

by keeping the births and bed places as warm and dry as possible. The allowance of bread was reduced to two thirds; a pound of Donkin's preserved meat, together with one pint of vegetable or concentrated soup per man, was substituted for a pound of salt of islands, which was called beef weekly; a proportion of beer and Melville Island. The ensigns and wine was served instead of spirits; and pendants,' says Capt. Parry, were a small quantity of sour krout and hoisted as soon as we had anchored, pickles, with as much vinegar as could and it created in us no ordinary feel-be used, was issued at regular interIn latitude 75° 03' 12," long. 103°ings of pleasure to see the British flag vals. The daily proportion of lime 44′ 37, an island was discovered, and waving, for the first time, in these re-juice and sugar, mixed with water, was Captain Sabine, with two other off-gions, which bad hitherto been consi-drank by each man, in presence of an cers, landed on it near the east point, dered beyond the limits of the habita- officer appointed to attend to this which was called Cape Gillman. The ble part of the world.'-They did not duty. When any game was procured,

it was served in lieu of the established | seen our people in a state so exactly re
allowance of meat; and in no one in-sembling that of the most stupid intoxi-
stance, neither in quantity nor quality, cation, that I should certainly have charg-
was the slightest preference given to
ed them with that offence, had I not
been quite sure that no possible means
were afforded them on Melville Island, to
procure any thing stronger than snow.

the officers.

itself on the stoutest heart.

Some deer having been seen near the ships on the 10th of October, a party was despatched after them, and being led on by the ardour of pursuit, forgot Captain Parry's order that every person should be on board before sun


John Pearson, a marine belonging to the Griper, who was the last that returned

the latter, by scraping off the ice, so as to prevent its wetting the deck by any acci dental increase of temperature. In this respect, the bed-places were particularly troublesome; the inner partition, or that next the ship's side, being almost invariably covered with more or less dampness or ice, according to the temperature of the deck during the preceding night. This inconvenience might, to a great degree, have been avoided, by a sufficient quantity of fuel to keep up two good fires ty-four hours; but our stock of coals on the lower deck, throughout the twenwould by no means permit this, bearing in mind the possibility of our spending a second winter within the Arctic circle; and this comfort could only, therefore, be allowed on a few occasions, during the most severe part of the winter.

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on board, had his hands severely frost. nearly total darkness, in the middle of spected the men; after which, they were

a severe winter, and in a climate where
Europeans never wintered before :-

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In regard to clothing, equal attention was paid to the comfort of every individual on board; and, now being The 4th of November was the last in a state of leisure and inactivity, Capt. day that the sun was seen above the Parry projected the amusements of a horizon, but the weather was not suffitheatre, of which Lieut. Beechey was ciently clear to allow the scientific stage manager; and a weekly newspaper, gentlemen to make any observations to be called the North Georgia Gazette on the disappearance of that cheering and Winter Chronicle, of which Cap-orb, of this great world both eye and tain Sabine undertook to be the editor. and soul.' The next day the theatre These had the happy effect of divert- was opened, and Miss in her Teens ing the mind from the gloomy pros- performed; a new Christmas piece pect which would sometimes obtrude was also produced, with the most 'brilliant success,' as a London manag, the lower deck, I had always an opportuIn the course of my examination of er would say, though the director of the North Georgia Theatre announces the sick list, and of receiving from Mr. nity of seeing those few men who were on the event more modestly. The cir- Edwards a report of their respective cumstances under which the crews cases; as also of consulting that gentlewere situated being such as never be- man as to the means of improving the fore occurred, it cannot be uninterest-warmth, ventilation, and general comfort ing to know in what manner they pass- of the inhabited parts of the ship. Haved their time, during three months of ing performed this duty, we returned to the upper deck, where I personally insent out to walk on shore when the weather would permit, till noon, when they The officers and quarter-masters were returned on board to their dinner. When divided into four watches, which were the day was too inclement for them to regularly kept, as at sea, while the re-take this exercise, they were ordered to mainder of the ship's company were al-run round and round the deck, keeping lowed to enjoy their night's rest undis- step to a tune on the organ, or, not unfreturbed. The hands were turned up at a quently, to a song of their own singing. quarter before six, and both decks were Among the men were a few who did not well rubbed with stones and warm sand at first quite like this systematic mode of before eight o'clock, at which time, as taking exercise; but when they found usual at sea, both officers and men went that no plea, except that of illness, was to breakfast. Three-quarters of an hour admitted as an excuse, they not only wilbeing allowed after breakfast for the men lingly and cheerfully complied, but made to prepare themselves for muster, we then it the occasion of much humour and frolic beat to divisions punctually at a quarter among themselves. past nine, when every person on board attended on the quarter-deck, and a strict inspection of the men took place, as to their personal cleanliness, and the good condition, as well as sufficient warmth, of their clothing. The reports of the officers having been made to me, the people were then allowed to walk about, or, more usually, to run round the upper deck, while I went down to examine the state of that below, accompanied, as I before mentioned, by Lieutenant Beechey and Mr. Edwards. The state of this deck may be said, indeed, to have constituted the chief source of our anxiety, and to have occupied by far the greatest share of our attention at this period. Whenever any dampness appeared, or, what more frequently happened, any accumulation of ice had taken place during the preceding night, the necessary means were immediately adopted for removing it; in the former case, usually by rubbing the wood with cloths, and then directing the warm air-pipe towards the place; and in

bitten, having imprudently gone away without mittens, and with a musket in his hand. A party of our people most providentially found him, although the night was very dark, just as he had fallen down a steep bank of snow, and was beginning to feel that degree of torpor and drowsi ness which, if indulged, inevitably proves fatal. When he was brought on board, his fingers were quite stiff, and bent into the shape of that part of the musket he had been carrying; and the frost had so far destroyed the animation in his fingers on one hand, that it was necessary to amputate three of them a short time after, notwithstanding all the care and attention paid to him by the medical gentlemen. The effect which exposure to severe frost has, in benumbing the mental as well as the corporeal faculties, was very striking in this man, as well as in two of the young gentlemen who returned after dark, and of whom we were anxious to make inquiries respecting Pearson. When I sent for them into my cabin, they looked wild, 'spoke thick and indistinctly, and it was impossible to draw from them a rational answer to any of our questions. After being on board for a short time, the mental faculties appeared gradually to return with the returning circulation, and it was not till then that a looker on could easily persuade himself that they had not been drinking too freely. To those who have been much accustomed to cold countries, this will be no new remark; but I cannot help thinking, (and it is with this view that 1-speak of it,) that many a man may have been punished for intoxication, who was only suffering from the benumbing effects of frost; for I have more than once

'The officers, who dined at two o'clock, were also in the habit of occupying one or two hours in the middle of the day in rambling on shore, even in our darkest period, except when a fresh wind and a heavy snow drift confined them within the housing of the ships. It may be well imagined, that, at this period, there was but little to be met with in our walks on shore, which could either amuse or interest us. The necessity of not exceeding the limited distance of one or two miles, lest a snow-drift, which often rises very suddenly, should prevent our return, added considerably to the dull and tedious monotony which, day after day, presented itself. To the southward was the sea, covered with one unbroken surface of ice, uniform in its dazzling whiteness, except that, in some parts, a few hummucks were seen thrown up somewhat above the general level. Nor did the land offer much greater variety, being almost entirely covered with snow, except here and there a brown patch of bare ground

in some exposed situations, where the hope of the complete accomplishment of will not fail us. The probability of obwind had not allowed the snow to re- our enterprise, before the close of the taining occasional supplies of wood, main. When viewed from the summit of next season. In entertaining such a hope, game, and anti-scorbutic plants; the the neighbouring hills, on one of those however, we had not rightly calculated chance of being enabled to send informacalm clear days, which not unfrequently on the severity of the climate with which tion by means of the natives; and the occurred during the winter, the scene was we had to contend, and on the conse- comparative facility with which the lives such as to induce contemplations, which quent shortness of the season, (not ex- of the people might be saved, in case of had, perhaps, more of melancholy than ceeding seven weeks,) in which it is pos- serious and irreparable accidents happenof any other feeling. Not an object was sible to perform the navigation of that ing to the ships, are also important consito be seen on which the eye could long part of the Polar Sea. Although it must derations, which naturally serve to recomrest with pleasure, unless when directed be admitted, that there is something mend this route. Should the sea on the to the spot where the ships lay, and peculiar about the south-west end of coast of America be found moderately where our little colony was planted. The Melville Island, extremely unfavoura- deep, and shelving towards the shore, smoke which there issued from the seve- ble to navigation, yet it is also certain, (which, from the geological character of the ral fires, affording a certain indication of that the obstructions we met with from known parts of the continent to the south, the presence of man, gave a partial cheer- ice, both as to its thickness and extent, and of the Georgian Islands to the north, fulness to this part of the prospect; and were found generally to increase, as we there is reason to believe would be the case the sound of voices which, during the proceeded westward, after passing through for a considerable distance to the westcold weather, could be heard at a much Barrow's Strait. That we should find this to ward), the facility of navigation would be greater distance than usual, served now be the case, might perhaps have been much increased, on account of the groundand then to break the silence which reasonably anticipated, because the proxing of the heavy mases of ice in water reigned around us, a silence far different imity to a permanently open sea appears sufficiently deep to allow the ships to take from that peaceable composure which to be the circumstance which, of all shelter behind them, at such times as the characterizes the landscape of a cultiva- others, tends the most to temper the se- floes close in upon the land. Farther to ted country; it was the death-like still- verity of the Polar regions, in any given the westward, where the primitive formaness of the most dreary desolation, and parallel of latitude. On this account I tion, and perhaps even a continuation of the total absence of animated existence. should always expect to meet with the the Rocky Mountains, is to be expected, Such, indeed, was the want of objects to most serious impediments about mid-way, a steep and precipitous shore would proafford relief to the eye or amusement to between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans; bably occur, a circumstance which the the mind, that a stone of more than usual and having once passed that barrier, I foregoing narrative has shewn to be atsize appearing above the snow, in the di- should as confidently hope to find the dif- tended with much comparative uncerrection in which we were going, imme-ficulties lessen in proportion as we ad- tainty and risk. diately became a mark. on which our vanced towards the latter sea; especially eyes were unconsciously fixed, and to- as it is well known, that the climate of any wards which we mechanically advanced.' given parallel on that side of America is, no matter from what cause, very many degrees more temperate than on the eastern

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The question which naturally arises, in the next place, relates to the most likely means of getting to the coast of America, so as to sail along its shores. It would, in this respect, be desirable to

Leaving, for the present, our enterprising countrymen to pass their Christinas at New Georgia, we shall find an outlet from the Atlantic into the interrupt the narrative to notice Cap-mate does not wholly depend on latitude, rallel of latitude in which the northern But, although it is evident, that cli- Polar Sea, as nearly as possible in the patain Parry's remarks as to the proba- but on other circumstances also, (princi- coast of America may be supposed to lie; ble existence and accomplishment of a pally, perhaps, those of locality above- as, however, we do not know of any such north-west passage into the Pacific mentioned,) yet it can scarcely be doubt-outlet from Baffin's Bay, about the parallels Ocean. He says,— ed that, on any meridian to the north of of 69° to 70°, the attempt is, perhaps, to America, for instance, 114° west, where be made with better chance of success in we were stopped, the general climate a still lower latitude, especially as there is would be found somewhat better, and the a considerable portion of coast that may navigable season longer, in the latitude of reasonably be supposed to offer the de69° than in that of 75°, near which we sired communication, which yet remains wintered. For this reason, it would per- unexplored. Cumberland Strait, the pas haps be desirable, that ships endeavouring sage called Sir Thomas Rowe's Welcome, to reach the Pacific by this route, should lying between Southampton Island and keep, if possible, on the coast of Ameri- the coast of America, and Repulse Bay, ca, and the lower in latitude that coast appear to be the points most worthy of may be found, the more favourable will it attention; and, considering the state of prove for this purpose. uncertainty in which the attempts of former

Of the existence of such a passage, and that the outlet will be found in Behring's Strait, it is scarcely possible, on an inspection of the map, with the addition of our late discoveries, and in conjunction with those of Cook and Mackenzie, any longer to entertain a reasonable doubt. In discovering one outlet from Baffin's Bay into the Polar Sea, and finding that sea studded with numerous islands, another link has at least been added to the chain of evidence upon which geographers have long ventured to delineate the northern coast of America, by a dotted line from Icy Cape westward, to the rivers of Mackenzie and Hearne, and thence to the known part of the coast to the north of Hudson's Bay, in the neighbourhood of Wager River; while, at the same time, considerable progress has been made towards the actual accomplishment of the desired passage, which has for nearly three centuries engaged the attention of the maritime nations of Europe.

The success which attended our efforts during the season of 1819, after passing through Sir James Lancaster's Sound, was such as to inspire even the least sanguine among us with reasonable

Our experience, I think, has clearly shewn that the navigation of the Polar Seas can never be performed with any degree of certainty, without a continuity of land. It was only by watching the occasional openings between the ice and the shore, that our late progress to the westward was effected; and had the land continued in the desired direction, there can be no question that we should have continued to advance, however slowly, towards the completion of our enterprise. In this respect, therefore, as well as in the improvement to be expected in the climate, there would be a manifest advantage in making the attempt on the coast of America, where we are sure that the land

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navigators have left us, with regard to the extent and communication of these openings, one cannot but entertain a reasonable hope, that one, or perhaps each of them, may afford a practicable passage into the Polar Sea.

'So little, indeed, is known of the whole of the northern shore of Hudson's Strait, which appears, from the best information, to consist chiefly of islands, that the geography of that part of the world may be considered altogether undetermined; so that an expedition, which should be sent to examine those parts, would soon arrive upon ground never before visited, and in which, from an inspection of the map in its present state,


there certainly does seem more than an equal chance of finding the desired passage. It must be admitted, however, that any notions we may form upon this question, amount after all to no more than conjecture. As far as regards the disco very of another outlet into the Polar Sea, to the southward of Sir James Lancaster's Sound, it is evident that the enterprise is to be begun again; and we should be cautious, therefore, in entertaining too sanguine a hope of finding such a passage, the existence of which is still nearly as uncertain as it was two hundred years ago, and which possibly may not exist at


bellishments, which consist of twenty | of the Abbeys of Fossa Nuova and of
maps, charts, and other engravings, Monte Casino, a sect of presumptuous
are of a very superior description; the men, de vanis hominibus, arose. They
dreary appearance which some of the took the name of avengers, Vendicosi,
plates present, and the situation of the and did all the mischief in their power,
ships, is truly terrific; but, in examin- not by day, but by night. At length,
ing the charts, it is pleasant to trace the grand master of the sect was hang-
the progress of our gallant countrymen ed, and many of his partisans branded
in seas and regions hitherto unex- with a hot iron.
(To be continued.)


A second Sicilian Society, almost unknown to the rest of Europe, was Memoirs of the Secret Societies of the called the Beati Paoli, and much reSouth of Italy, particularly the Car- sembled, in their motives and actions, bonari. Translated from the Origi- the Free Knights in Germany. PerIn the course of the foregoing narra- nal MS. 8vo. 235. Loudon, 1821. sons of all ranks united themselves setive, it may have been remarked, that In the last number but one of the Li- cretly, and proceeded against the great the westerly and north-westerly winds barons and the tribunals, whose power Chronicle, we gave a brief noterary were always found to produce the effect tice of the Carbonari, from Mr. Kep- was such, that they were not to be of clearing the southern shores of the The subject is reached openly. This institution, viNorth Georgian islands of ice, while pel Craven's work. they always brought with them clear wea- one which has attracted great attention cious and horrible in itself, did, howther, which is essentially necessary in and much curiosity in Europe, and we ever, produce some partially salutary prosecuting discoveries in such a naviga- are now happy in being able (as we effects, restraining the arbitrary licen tion. This circumstance, together with hope) to gratify our readers by the tiousness of the great, by the terror the fact of our having sailed back in six volume before us, which contains the which it inspired. The punishments days from the meridian of Winter Har- most interesting details of this very ex-inflicted by the Beati Paoli were death bour to the entrance of Sir James Lancas-traordinary and powerful institution. by poison, or the dagger, mutilation, ter's Sound, a distance which it required The author declares, that he never be destruction of property by fire, and, five weeks to traverse when going in the' longed to any secret society, not even for the slightest crimes or faults, the opposite direction, seems to offer a rea sonable ground for concluding, that an to freemasonry, and it may, therefore, severest beating. The ramifications of attempt to effect the north-west passage appear singular, how he has penetrated this society were spread over the whole might be made, with a better chance of the mystery with which the Carbonari island; and a cavern is shown at Pasuccess, from Behring's Strait, than from enveloped themselves. The fact is, lerino, in a street called de 'Canceddi, this side of America. There are some that when the Carbonari of Naples had near the church of Santa Maria di Gecircumstances, however, which, in my effected the revolution in July, 1820, sù, where they held their meetings. opinion, render this mode of proceeding altogether impracticable, at least for they imagined that they had no cause British ships. The principal of these for further concealment. They boast-viest penalties had any effect on the arises from the length of the voyage which ed of their success; they revealed their Beati Paoli, but the change in the must first be performed, in order to arrive secret proceedings; they promulgated state of society, and the improvement at the point where the work is to be be decrees, and posted up proclamations. of manners, at length put an end to the gun. After such a voyage, admitting that The press multiplied their cathechisms, association. A lively recollection of no serious wear and tear have been ex- the transactions of their societies, and it, however, still remains among the perienced, the most important part of a the results of their deliberations. It Sicilians; and they often exclaim, on reship's resources, namely, the provisions and fuel, must be very materially reducis from such sources that the author has ceiving an injury or loss, for which they ed, and this without the possibility of drawn his materials; and he gives the cannot apply to justice, Ah, se fossero ancora i Beati Paoli !' Ah, if the Berenewing them, to the extent necessary titles of forty-seven books and for such a service, and which can alone phlets on the subject, to which he fre- ati Paoli were still in being! give confidence in the performance of an quently refers in the coure of the work. enterprize of which the nature is so pre- These Memoirs contain a plain inartificial narrative, without any strict methodical arrangement. For this the author apologizes, and declares, that he relies wholly on the interest of the subject, and on the consciousness of never having altered facts, to adopt them either to prejudice or theory.'

carious and uncertain.

'Nor should it be forgotten how injurious to the health of the crews, so sudden and extreme a change of climate would in all probability prove, as that which they must necessarily experience in going at once from the heat of the torrid zone into the intense cold of a long winter upon the northern shores of America. Upon the whole, therefore, I cannot but consider, that any expedition, equipped by Great Britain with this view, will act with greater advantage, by at once employing its best energies in the attempt to penetrate from the eastern coast of America, along its northern shore.'

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The existence of the Čarbonari has been long knowu in Naples, but it was the late revolution which brought them into public notice. The practice of creating a state within a state, and of erecting secret tribunals to redress wrongs, has existed in all barbarous Although we shall return to this and turbulent times. It is of very anvolume in our next, yet it may be ne- cient date in the kingdom of the two cessary now to observe, that its em-Sicilies. According to the Chronicles

Neither the severest laws nor the hea

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The Carbonari, anxious to be thought an old institution, derive the proofs of their antiquity from Germany. The necessity of mutual assistance, it is said, induced the colliers, (literally charcoal burners or charrers), who inhabit the vast forests of Germany, to unite themselves against robbers and enemies, and, by conventional signs, known only to themselves, they claimed and afforded mutual assistance. These associations, in the course of time, acquired more consistency, and spread themselves France, and the Netherlands. The Society of Hewers (Feudeurs) resem bled that of the colliers. Amongst we find the their symbols of imitation, trunk of an old tree, together with



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The novices were told that, in imitation
of their grand master, Christ, they must
necessarily pass through sufferings to pu-
rity and happiness; they were crowned
with thorns, and a reed was placed in
their hands. A dramatic representation
exhibited part of the agonies of the Sa-
viour, and it was solemnly announced,
that the great requisites were to preserve
their faith, and mutually to assist each


The following extract, from the 1st
chap. of the statutes of Carbonarism, will
principles of the sect.
tend to explain the real or pretended

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Of the General Doctrine of the Order.

and painted on the patents of the ini tiated, are numerous, and consist of the trunk of a tree, linen cloth, water, salt, a crown of white-thorns, a cross, leaves,

sticks, fire, earth, a ladder, a bundle of sticks, a ball of thread; three rib. bons, one blue, one red, and one black, with the axe, mattock, and shovel, The symbols are thus explained :

The cross should serve to crucify the tyrant who persecutes us, and trou bles our sacred operations. The crown

of thorns should serve to pierce his head. The thread denotes the cord to lead him to the gibbet; the ladder will aid him to Art. 1. Good Cousinship is principal-mount. The leaves are nails to pierce ly founded on religion and virtue. his hands and feet. The pick-axe will Art. 2. The place of meeting is cal-penetrate his breast, and shed the impure led the Baracca; the space surrounding blood that flows in his veins. The axe the Forest or Wood; the interior of the will separate his head from his body, as lodge, the Vendita. the wolf who disturbs our pacific labours, The salt will prevent the corruption of his head, that it may last as a monument of the eternal infamy of despots. The pole will serve to put the skull of the ty rant upon. The furnace will burn his body. The shovel will scatter his ashes

Art. 3. The members are called Good Cousins; they are divided into two classes-apprentices and masters.

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Art. 4. Tried virtue and purity of morals, and not Pagan qualities, render men worthy of belonging to the Carbonari.

other allusions to their occupations in
the woods.
The Carbonari have a curious tradi-
tionary story of their origin, which they
trace to the time of Francis the First,
King of France; and at their feasts, the
grand master drinks to the health of
Francis 1., the founder of the order.'
Whatever antiquity the Carbonari may
claim, it is certain that they never rose
to any importance, nor acted any con-
spicuous part until the French revolu-
tion. Their restoration is ascribed by
the grand masters, at Naples, to an un-
known officer, who had spent some time
in Spain. The next efficient supporter
of the sect (as they are called), was
Maghella, a native of Genoa, who was
originally employed in a counting-it,
house, but afterwards became minister
of police in the Ligurian Republic,
and in favour with Murat, whom he
advised to abandon Bonaparte before
the Russian campaign, in 1812, and
proclaim the independence of Italy.
In 1815, Maghella endeavoured to
rouse Italy to independence, and int
the name of Murat, he organized the
Papal provinces of which he had taken
possession; and it was there that the
lodges of the Carbonari were establish-
ed. He then introduced the sect into
Naples, assuring Murat that such an
institution would draw the attention
of the populace from the remembrance
of their ancient sovereigns, and gain
them over to the new order of things.
The doctrine preached to the inhabi- in
tants of the Calabrias and the Abruzzi,
was, however, adapted to their inclinaro
tions. It depended, for effect, on the
two-fold excitement of religious fanati-
cism and pecuniary interest; for while
the imitation of Jesus Christ himself,
the Grand Master of the order, was the
devotional object proposed, they were
shown, at the bottom of the scene, a
political change, which must infallibly
diminish the taxes.'

to the wind. The baracca will serve to

Art. 5. An interval of six months is prepare new tortures for the tyrant. The necessary before an apprentice can ob- fountain will purify us froin the vile tain the rank of master. The principal blood we shall have shed. The linen will obligations imposed on him are, to prac-wipe away our stains, and render us clean tise benevolence, to succour the unfortu and pure. The forest is the place where nate, to show docility of mind, to bear no the Good Cousins labour to obtain so im malice against Carbonari, and to enrich portant a result. The trunk with a single his heart with virtue. branch signifies that, after the great operation, we shall become equal to the N. C."

Art. 6. By this article it is forbidden to talk directly or indirectly against religion, and by

Art. 7. All conversation on religion general, or against good morals, is pro


Art. 8. Every Good Cousin Carbonais obliged to preserve inviolable secresy concerning the mysteries of the order.

Art. 9. No G. C. C. may communicate what is done or decided upon in his Vendita, to those who belong to another, much less to persons not initiated.

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'One would be tempted to doubt the reality of the last explanation of the symbols, if it were not given in the minutes of a legal trial. Perhaps the compiler of the notes may have confounded the verbal what he thought he had read in the cate depositions of some of the witnesses, with

chisms of the sect.'

The Carbonari are called a sect, and the appellation does not displease them. The fanatics of the society detail the Art. 10. The greatest reserve is re- miraculous conversions which it has commended to the members, towards all already wrought. The ferocious Lazpersons with whom they are not well ac-zaroni of Naples, and the wildest briquainted, but more especially in the bo-gands of the Calabrias and the Abruzsoms of their own families.' zi, have been known, immediately on their initiation to perform the most striking acts of benevolence and justice. Under this pretext of bringing back the wicked to the paths of virtue. distinguished brigand chiefs are admitted into the order. The notorious

To give stability to the sect thus in- The capital was the centre of the troduced at Naples, and to graft it on Carbonari, where the Alta Vendita or an old stock, all freemasous were ad- principal lodge, consisting of honorary mitted simply by ballot, and without members and deputies from other the preparatory trials required from lodges, was held. It was the business Hence it was, of this lodge to grant charters of orgaordinary candidates. that the Pope issued his decree against nization to new lodges, or to confirm freemasonry, considering all the secret such as were submitted for its approsocieties of Italy as derived from it.bation. It has been eclipsed by the One consequence of the amalgamation superior activity of the Carbonari ma of freemasonry with Carbonarisin has gistracy of the Western Lucanian Rebeen a toleration of all the Christian public, for so the province of Princisects which masonry contained:pato Citra is termed.

But, though such free toleration is allowed, the ceremonies of admission partake of an almost fanatic superstition.

The symbols used at their meetings,

Pagano may be translated prophane, be longing to the uninitiated.'

Gaetano Vardarelli hinself was a Carbonaro:

So far is this system carried, that an

assassin, condemned to the chain, is permitted to take his place in the Vendita of the Castle of St. Elmo, where he is confined with other galley-slaves, and the commander of the fort, hinseif a Carbonaro, has not dared to exclude him, but is obliged to sit by his side.

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