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The Carbonari, like the English Puritans during the civil wars, affect great austerity of manners, and talk of reformation. They cause such Good Cousins as have committed excesses, to do public penance in the Vendite. They preach against games of chance, and it is at their instigation, that such games have been prohibited. Their oath contains a clause, by which they are bound to respect the conjugal honour, and the good name of the Carbonari; and praiseworthy actions are reported at their meetings, and registered.'

The Carbonari have adopted some

of the forms of the Beati Paoli, already

noticed ::

If any unfortunate being has incurred their vengeance, especially if it be by an act of infidelity towards the sect, the grand masters meet in what is called a

chamber of honour, and deliberate on his fate. If he be condemned, they write his name on a piece of paper, which is burnt, and he is registered in the Black Book, with those who, having presented themselves as condidates for admission into the society, have been rejected as unworthy. The sentence is executed by whoever is especially named for the purpose, and the rest of the lodge cannot resist or annul it.

Although the printed penal statute of the Western Lucanian Republic makes no explicit mention of the punishment of death, yet it contains some articles which clearly imply it. The punishments are divided under the heads of degradation and penalties in general. The first head is again subdivided into

Ist. Devoting to general execration. 2d. Burning the name, or the person in effigy.

3d. Unanimous black-balling-anne

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Among the consequences of these punishments, are interdiction of water and fire, the prohibition of all communication between other Good Cousins and the criminal, whose name, written in large letters, is affixed in all the vendite, and read at every sitting. "The Anneraimento," they observe, may be effaced by time, but infamy attaches itself for


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some towns in the Abruzzi and the Calabrias enlisted themselves. Admission to the first rank of Carbonarism is easily obtained; and whoever objects to going through the ceremony in the grand assembly, may perform it before the Grand Masters in private. As nothing is intrusted to the apprentices, there is no risk in multiplying them; the main object being to secure a number of satellites ready to obey invisible superiors, and directions which they

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(The Pagan relates accordingly.) Gr. M. The first journey is the symbol of human virtue; the rustling of leaves, and the obstacles you have met in the road, indicate to you, that weak as we are, and struggling in this vale of tears, we can only attain virtue by good works, and under the guidance of reason, &c. &c. Let him make the second journey.

'(The Pagan is led away, and is made cannot understand. to pass through fire; he is made acquaintAs it is our intention to extend oured with the chastisement of perjury; and, if there is an opportunity, he is shown a head severed from the body, &c. &c. He is again conducted into the Baracca.)

notice of this very curious work to another number, we shall conclude, for the present, with an extract from the Appendix, giving an account of the forms used on the reception of a Car


Gr. M. The fire through which you have passed is the symbol of that flame of charity which should be always kindled in our hearts, to efface the stains of the seven capital sins, &c. &c.


Make him approach the sacred throne,'

The Preparatore (preparer) leads the Pagan (uninitiated) who is to become a member, blindfold, from the closet of reflection to the door of the Baracca. He 'Gr. M. You must take an irrevocaknocks irregularly; the Copritore (cover-ble oath; it offends neither religion nor er) says to the second assistant, "A Pagan the state, nor the rights of individuals; knocks at the door." The second assis- but forget not, that its violation is punish. tant repeats this to the first, who repeats it ed with death.

to the Grand Master; at every communication the Grand Master strikes a blow with an axe.

'Grand Master. See who is the rash being who dares to trouble our sacred la


Preparatore. It is a man whom I have found wandering in the forest. 'Gr. M. Ask his name, country, and profession.

The Pagan declares that he will submit to it; the Master of the Ceremonies leads him to the throne, and makes himn kneel on the white cloth. 'Gr. M. Order! The Oath.

This question having passed through I, N. N. promise and swear, upon the the assistants and Copritore to the Prepa-general statutes of the order, and upon ratore, he answers through an opening in this steel, the avenging instrument of the the door, perjured, scrupulously to keep the secret of Carbonarism; and neither to write, engrave, or paint any thing concerning it, without having obtained a written permission. I swear to help my Good Cousins in case of need, as much as in me lies, and not to attempt any thing against the honour of their families. I consent and wish, if I perjure myself, that my body may be cut in pieces, then burnt, and my ashes scattered to the wind, in order that my name may be held up to the execration of the Good Cousins throughout the earth. So help me God.

The secretary writes the answer. Gr. M. Ask him his habitation-his religion.


The secretary notes them. 'Gr. M. What is it he seeks among

Prep. Light; and to become a member of our society.

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Gr. M. Let him enter.

(The Pagan is led into the middle of The execration is more than mere the assembly; and his answers are comdisapprobation. Its mystery is explain-pared with what the secretary had noted.)

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After the answer, the Grand Master questions the candidate on morality and benevolence; and he is asked if he has any effects, and wishes to dispose of them, being at the moment in danger of death; after being satisfied of his conMaster continues, The number of Carbonari has in- duct, the Grand Well, we will expose you to trials that creased rapidly. They amounted to have some meaning-let him make the from twenty-four to thirty thousand, first journey." He is led out of the Bafrom the very beginning of their esta-racca he is made to journey through the blishment. The whole population of forest-he hears the rustling of leaves

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'Gr. M. Lead him into the middle of the ranks (this is done.) What do you wish? The Master of the Ceremonies suggests to the Pagan, to say light.

Gr. M. It will be granted to you by the blows of my axe.

'The Grand Master strikes with the axe-this action is repeated by all the apprentices-the bandage is removed from the eyes of the Pagan. The Grand Master and the Good Cousins hold their axes raised.

Gr. M. These axes will surely put you to death, if you become perjured. On the other hand, they will all strike in your defence, when you need them, and if you remain faithful (To the Master of the Ceremonies,) Bring him near the throne, and make him kneel.

'Gr. M. Repeat your oath to me, and swear to observe exactly the private institutions of this respectable Vendita.

'The Candidate. I ratify it and swear. 'Gr. M. Holding the specimen of wood in his left hand, and suspending the axe over the head of the candidate with his right, says, "To the great and divine Grand Master of the universe, and to St. Theobald, our protector-In the name and under the auspices of the Supreme Vendita of Naples, and in virtue of the power which has been conferred upon me in this respectable Vendita, I make, name, and create you an apprentice Car


The Grand Master strikes the specimen which is held over the apprentice's head, thrice; he then causes him to rise, and instructs him in the sacred words and


Gr. M. Master of the Ceremonies, let him be acknowledged by the apprentices. The Assistants anticipate the execution of this order, by saying to the Grand Master, "All is according to rule, just and perfect."

Gr. M. Assistants, tell the respective orders to acknowledge, henceforth, the Good Cousin N. N. as an active member The symbolical picture is explained to the new apprentice.

Annals of the Parish, or the Chronicle bounds during his ministry; and it is
of Dalmailing; during the Ministry this chronicle which the author of the
of the Rev. Micah Balwhidder; writ- Ayrshire Legatees has been so kind
ten by Himself. Arranged and Edi- as to arrange and edite for the gratifi-
ted by the Author of the Ayrshire cation of the public.
Legatees,' &c. 8vo. pp. 400. Edin-
burgh, 1821.

A story of deep and intricate contrivance, related in a style ornate and FROM the merit of the Ayrshire Lega- eloquent, is not of course what we are tees, a series of letters of a very pecu- to look for; but all that the structure liar character, which lately appeared in of the work admits, the reader will find Blackwood's Magazine and attracted in the Annals of the Parish ;-a sucgeneral notice, we took up the present cession of striking events in the lives of work from the same pen, (for so we take a group of most interesting characit to be, notwithstanding the editorial ters, told in the language of simplicity character assumed,) with the most favour- and truth, rich in native beauties, but able pre-possessions; and we may say, free from all tinsel and affectation. It almost unreservedly, that we have not seems, from beginning to end, as if it been disappointed. It is written in the were the real Micah, and no fictitious same style with the letters; and in that personage, who was addressing us; to keep up this delusion, indeed, so well style the author is so excellent, that we could wish to forget that he ever devi- as he has done, the author unust, we ated from it, which, if we mistake not, think, have at times felt some difficulty he has done in more than one recent in writing himself down, if we may so instance, to no great purpose. To such express ourselves, to the level of the of our readers as are not yet acquaint-character he has represented, as well as ed with this style, we cannot im-in resisting that temptation to make part, in two words, a better idea of it the most of every thing, which a person than by requesting them to call to knowing that he is writing for the pubnind Humphrey Clinker. Like Smol- lic, is so much more apt to feel, than Gr. M. At what hour do the Carbo-lett, whom the author may be fairly one who, like Micah, only wrote for his admitted to rival, he possesses, in an own amusement. In the extract, which we shall now proceed to make, as a fair specimen of the work, the reader will see this skill in the keeping of the composition-to borrow a phrase from art very strikingly exemplified. short space of four pages, the author has contrived to say more than some authors would have done in half a volume; a more affecting specimen of simple pathos we have indeed rarely met with. The news of the victory of the Nile has just arrived, and with it a letter to Mr. Micah Balwhidder, announcing, that among the heroes who fell in that glorious achievement, was Charles Malcolm, a youth of high promise, the son of a widow of amiable character, who resides in the parish :

of this Vendita, &c. &c.

nari terminate their sacred labours?

First Assistant. As soon as the sun no eminent degree, the talent of making longer enlightens our forest.

Gr. M. What hour is it? Second Assistant. The sun no longer enlightens our forest.

ordinary life interesting, of writing what is delightful fiction, and yet no romance. The actors in his story are Gr. M. Good Cousins, as the sun no every-day characters, and the situalonger enlightens our forest, it is my in- tions in which he places them are tention to terminate our sacred labours. every-day situations; yet, by the fideFirst, let us make a triple salutation (Van-lity with which he makes them think, taggio) to our Grand Master, divine and human, (Jesus Christ.)-To St. Theobald, our protector, who has assisted us and preserved us from the eyes of the Pagans-Order! To me,


The signs and salutations (Vantaggi) are performed.

and act, and speak, as such persons
would do in real life; by the art with
which he brings out all the interesting
peculiarities of their characters-and
no other; and by the good taste and
judgment with which he avoids ever
intruding the author on our notice, to
disturb the idea of reality, which has
been momentarily created, he has con-
trived to produce, what is by no means
an every-day thing-another novel worth
reading, and worth preserving by the
side of the best works which we have of
this description.

In the

Gr. M. I declare the labours ended; retire to your Baracche-retire in peace.'' The reception to the second rank, is attended with some blasphemous for'I got a letter,' says Micah, from Mr. malities: The President puts on a robe, and takes the name of Pilate; Howard, the midshipman, who came to the first Counsellor, that of Caiaphas; see us with Charles, telling me, that poor Charles had been mortally wounded in and the second, that of Herod; the the action, and had afterwards died of his Mr. Micah Balwhidder is a Scotch wounds. "He was a hero in the engagegood Cousins are called the people; and to the Novice, is given the name of parson of guileless heart and primitive ment," said Howard, "and he died as a him whose kingdom was not of this manners; not overburthened with at- good and brave man should." world, and whose sufferings are thus im-tainments, and of an order of mind ha- tidings gave me one of the sorest hearts I piously parodied. The oath is nearly bitually inferior, but warmed at times ever suffered, and it was long before I the same as that of the apprentices, by peculiar impulses into a degree of could gather fortitude to disclose the tidwith this addition, that the Carbonari, elevation, bordering on genius. Seat-ings to poor Charles's mother. But the admitted to the second rank, swears ed for life in the pastoral charge of the never to talk of the secrets of the ap- parish of Dalmailing, he made it the prentices before the Pagans, nor of those amusement of some of his leisure hours, of the masters before the apprentices. to keep a chronicle of all the remarkable events that happened within its

(To be concluded in our next.)


callants of the school had heard of the victory, and were going shouting about, and had set the steeple-bells a ringing, by which Mrs. Malcolm heard the news, and knowing that Charles' ship was with the fleet, she came over to the Manse in

great anxiety, to hear the particulars, somebody telling her, that there had been a foreign letter to me by the postman. When I saw her, I could not speak, but looked at her in pity, and the tear fleeing up into my eyes, she guessed what had happened. After giving a deep and sore sigh, she inquired, "How did he behave? I hope well, for he was aye a gallant laddie!" And then she wept very bitterly. However, growing calmer, I read to her the letter, and when I had done, she begged me to give it her to keep, saying, "its all I have now left of my pretty boy, but its mair precious to me than the wealth of the Indies," and she begged me to return thanks to the Lord for all the comforts and all the manifold mercies with which her lot had been blessed, since the hour she put her trust in Him alone, and that was when she was left a pennyless widow, with her five fatherless bairns.

'It was just an edification of the spirit, to see the Christian resignation of this worthy woman. Mrs. Balwhidder was sorrow in seeing the deep grief of her for confounded, and said, there was more titude than tongue could tell.


the congregation round to themselves,
but still I felt that I could not preach as I
had meant to do, therefore I only said a
few words of prayer, and singing another
psalm, dismissed the congregation.'
We hinted, on the outset of this notice,
at something like reservations to our
pra Ise of Mr. Micah's Annals; but the
sublimity of his silence at the conclu-
sion of the preceding scene, has made
us so much in love with silence for the
moment, that we forbear. The reser-
vations were, after all, but trivial; and
the few points, to which we had some
slight exceptions to make, will not
lessen the pleasure with which we are
sure the Annals of the Parish will be
universally read.

Little Charles's Grammar; or, an Easy Grammar of the French Language. By James Jennings. 18mo. pp. 100. London, 1821. THE author of this little grammar has their instructors, by explaining the rendered good service to children and Having taken a glass of wine with her, principles of the French tongue in so I walked out to conduct her to her own familiar a manner, that the most ordihouse, but in the way we met with a se-nary capacity may comprehend them. vere trial. All the weans were out parad- Wonderful Characters; comprising ing with napkins and hail-blades on sticks, Memoirs and Anecdotes of the most rejoicing and triumphing in the glad tidRemarkable Persons. By Heury ings of the victory. But when they saw Wilson. 8vo. London, 1821. me and Mrs. Malcolm coming slowly along, they guessed what had happened, THE lovers of the marvellous will, and threw away their banners of joy, and perhaps, thank us for pointing out to standing all up in a row, with silence and them where they may procure, at a sadness along the kirk-yard as we passed, cheap price, lives of such worthies as shewed an instinct of compassion that Daniel Dancer and Dirty Dick; the penetrated to my very soul. The poor Mayor of Garrat, Daniel Lambert, mother burst into fresh affliction, and and Jefferey Hudson, Blind Jack of some of the bairns into an audible weep- Knaresborough, and Bamfylde Moore ing, and taking one another by the hand, they followed us to her door like mourn Carew. All these, cum multis aliis, ers at a funeral. Never was such a sight are to be found in the first part of this seen in any town before. The neigh- work, which is embellished with five bours came to look at it as we walked engravings. along, and the men turned aside to hide their faces, while the mothers pressed their babies fondlier to their bosoms, and watered their innocent faces with their tears.

A Letter to R. W. Elliston, Esq. on the
Injustice and Illegality of his Con-
duct in representing Lord Byron's
Tragedy of Marino Faliero: with
some Hints on the general Manage
ment of his Theatre. 8vo. pp. 22.
London, 1821.

succession, containing the lives of Fox,
Pitt, Nelson, Marlborough, Bruce,
Ralegh, Johnson, and the Marquis of

As the work advances, it improves in character and the subjects are more varied and interesting. Several of the lives are original, and the others are judiciously condensed and abridged from the more bulky volumes to which they have hitherto been confined. To those who may wish to possess memoirs of the most distinguisbed persons our country has produced, at a moderate price, we recommend 'Select Biography.'

The Student's Manual'; or, an Append

age to the English Dictionaries: being an Etymological and Explanatory Vocabulary of Words derived 18mo. London. from the Greek. IF it was known how much real infor

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mation a person may gain from this
Manual,' and how much more he

may appear to possess by making him-
self acquainted with it, there would be
without it. To those
very persons

who have not had the advantage of a
classical education, and to others who
are entering on its rudiments, it cannot
be too strongly recommended. Inge
nuity in the plan, good taste in the ex-
ecution, and utility in its objects, are
the characteristics of this cheap and
clever little work.


[We have for some time had it in contemplation to notice the progress of Horticulture in Great Britain, but this we find so ably done in the last number of the Quarterly Review, that we cannot do better than give our readers a faithful abridgment of the article, which is a Review of the London and Caledonian Horticultural Societies.-ED.]

THE origin of horticulture, like that of every other art of primitive necessity, is unavoidably involved in obscurity. The first vegetable production which attracted attention as an article of food, was probably the fruit of some tree; and the idea of appropriating such trees may naturally be supposed to have given rise to a garden. All the

I prepared a suitable sermon, taking, as the words of my text, "Howl, ye ships of Tarshish, for your strength is laid waste." But when I saw around me so many of my people clad in complimentary mourning, for the gallant Charles public, or an argument that has not al-writers of antiquity agree in putting Malcolm, and that even poor

daft Jenny

Gallaw and her daughter had on an old black ribbon, and when I thought of him, the spirited laddie, coming home from Jamaica, with his parrot on his shoulder, and his limes for me, my heart filled full, and I was obliged to sit down in the pulpit and drop a tear.

After a pause, and the Lord having Vouchsafed to compose me, I rose up and gave out that anthem of triumph, the 124th Psalm, the singing of which brought

A COARSE and ungentlemanly epistle,
without a single fact unknown to the

ready been exhausted in the daily


A Collection of Lives of Eminent Men who have been an honour to their Country. By various distinguished Writers. 18mo. Parts V. to XII.

Select Biography.

WE briefly noticed this work on the
publication of the first four parts;
eight others have followed in regular

the fig at the head of the fruit trees

first cultivated, and next the vine, the fruit of which serves for food as well as for drink. The almond and pomegra nate were early cultivated in Canaan; and it appears by the complaints of the Israelites in the Wilderness, that the fig, grape, and olive were known in Egypt from time immemorial. Culinary vegetables, such as roots and

leaves, seem to have been in much less repute in the early ages than fruits. Leeks, onions, and garlic, however, together with cucumbers and melons, appear to have been in use in Egypt at a very early period. Moses, from his description of the garden of Eden, and his directions as to the culture of the vine in Canaan, seerns not only to have been a tasteful but a judicious husbandman.

be placed in this doctrine. In Italy,
at the present day, attempts are made
to impose on strangers roses, myrtles,
and jessamines grafted on orange.
is a simple trick, and performed by
planting a rose and an orange close
together, and drawing a shoot of the
former through a hole bored in the
trunk of the latter.

which, with the exception of the fig, orange, and pomegranate, introduced a few years afterwards, the musk melon about the end of the sixteenth century, and the pine apple in the begining of the last century, include all the species at present cultivated in British gardens.

James I. patronized gardening, and The climate, soil, and surface of formed or improved a garden at the paBritain, we think we may assert with- lace of Theobalds, and another at GreenThe gardens of Alcinous are said to out prejudice, are more favourable for wich. The former is said by Mandelso, have contained pears, pomegranates, gardening, taking all its branches into who visited it in 1640, to have been surfigs, olives, and other fruits brilli- consideration, than any other, although rounded by a high wall, and very rich in ant to the sight,'—probably citrons or a century ago, almost every garden pro- fruit tree Charles I. brought over Traoranges. The culinary vegetables are duction was obtained from Holland. descant, a Dutchman, as his kitchen not particularized, but they were plant-The royal fruiterers and green-grocers gardener, and appointed, for the first ed in beds. It matters little that these were sent thither for fruits and pot-time in England, a royal botanist, gardens are fabulous; it is enough that herbs; and the seedsmen received all Parkinson, whose Paradisus Terrestris the fruits mentioned were known in the their seeds from that quarter, as they is one of the most original of our early days of Homer. still do a number of sorts. works on Horticulture and Flower Gardening. Musk-melons were then cultivated on an open hot-bed placed on a sloping bank, and covered with straw instead of glass, as in France and Italy. Cauliflower and celery were rare at this time, and broccoli was not yet introduced. Virginia potatoes (our common sort) were little known, but Canada potatoes (our Jerusalem artichoke) were in common use. rieties of fruits were very considerable. Of apples 58 șorts are mentioned, of pears 64, plums 61, peaches 21, nectarines 5, apricots 6, cherries 36, grapevines 23, figs 3, with quinces, medlars, almonds, walnuts, filberts, gooseberries, currants, raspberries, and strawberries.

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The va

In the laws of the Decemviri, the The only native fruits of Britain are term hortus is used to signify both a the wild plum or sloe, currant, bramgarden and a country house; but af-ble, raspberry, strawberry, cranberry, terwards, the kitchen garden was dis- black, red, and white heather-berries, tinguished by the addition of pinguis. elder-berries, roans, haws, hips, hazelPliny informs us that the husbandman nuts, acorns, and beechmast. All the called his kitchen garden a second others have either been introduced by desert,' or 'a flitch of bacon which was the Romans, or by the monks and relialways ready to be cut,' or 'a salad easy gious houses during the dark ages from to be cooked and light of digestion; the tenth to the fifteenth century. The and judged that there must be a bad same may also be affirmed as to most housewife where the garden (her espe- of our culinary vegetables, of which cial charge) was in disorder. Accord-only the carrot, celery, beet, asparagus, ing to this author, who wrote about the seakale, and mushrooms are natives. end of the first century, there were cul- Gardens and orchards are frequently tivated in the neighbourhood of Rome, mentioned in the earliest chartularies, all the species of fruits known at the but little is known of the real state of present day and many of the culinary horticulture in Britain previous to the vegetables. The principal exceptions time of Henry VIII. This monarch's are the pine-apple, orange, (not intro- gardener introduced various fruits, duced till the fourth century,) potatoe, salads, and pot-herbs, and cultivated and seakale. The horticulture of the them in the garden of the palace of Romans was entirely artificial and car-Nonsuch in Surrey, together as it is ried on with the superstitious observ-commonly supposed with the apricot ances dictated by polytheism. Venus and Kentish cherry. According to was considered as the patroness of the an account of this garden, taken durgarden. We are informed by Columel-ing the usurpation, it was surrounded la, that husbandmen, who were more by a wall fourteen feet high and con-dening, and his gardener, Rose, who religious than ordinary when they sowed tained 212 fruit trees. turnips, prayed that they might grow Tusser, one of the earliest writers both for themselves and their neigh-on husbandry, in his work which apbours. If caterpillars attack them,'peared in 1557, gives a list of the fruits he subjoins with suitable gravity, a and culinary vegetables then known, woman going with her hair loose, and under the following heads :- Seedes barefooted round each bed will kill and herbes for the kychen; herbes and them; but women must not be admitted where cucumbers or gourds are planted, for commonly green things languish and are checked in their growth by their handling of them.'


It was held by the Roman writers on georgics, that any scion may be grafted on any stock, but modern experience has taught that no faith is to

Cromwell promoted agriculture rather than gardening, and pensioned Hartlib, a Lithuanian, who, as Harte informs us, had studied in Flanders, and first communicated and recommended to notice the two grand secrets of Flemish husbandry,' those of letting farms on improving leases, and cultivating green crops.

Charles II, introduced French gar

had spent some time in Holland, then the best school of horticulture, and had also studied under Quintiney at Paris, introduced such famous dwarf fruit trees' at Hampton Court and Marl borough gardens, that London, his ap❤ prentice, in the translation of the 'Retired Gardener,' published in 1667, challenges all Europe to exhibit the like, In allusion to the last two gar dens, Waller describes the mall of St. James's Park as,

rootes for sallets and sauce; herbes and
rootes to boyle or to butter; strewing
herbes of all sortes; herbes, branches,
and flowers for windowes and pots;
herbes to still in summer; necessarie
herbs to growe in the gardens for phy-All with a border of rich fruit trees crown'd;"
sick, not reherst before.' In the whole
he enumerates more than 150 species,
besides a copious catalogue of fruits,

When Quintiney came to England to visit Evelyn, Charles II. offered him a pension to reside here and superin

tend the royal gardens; but this, Weston informs us, he declined, and returned to serve his own master. Quintiney was the first horticulturist of modern times who united learning and practical knowledge. He was educated for the church, but having a decided preference for gardening, turned his whole attention that way. M. Tambonneau, his patron, first committed his gardens to his care; and, soon after, he was intrusted with the entire direction of those of the court. He died at Paris, in 1701. Louis XIV. always spoke of him with regret, and assured his widow that he was an equal sufferer with herself.'

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Evelyn translated Quintiney's work on Orange Trees' and his Complete Gardener,' and wrote the Kalendarium Hortense,' (the fruitful parent of a useful class of books,) in 1664. His last work on gardening, (the Acetaria,) was published in 1699. This excellent man was one of the founders of the Royal Society, and was consulted by the government on all questions relating to planting and agriculture. In 1662, it was proposed to the society to recommend the culture of potatoes, to prevent the recurrence of famine; but Evelyn, who does not seem, at that time, to have been aware of the value of the root, or the nature of its culture, gave them no encouragement, and the plan was laid aside. He patronized, however, a great many useful publications on rural subjects, and especially on horticulture.

As the 18th century advanced, the botanic garden at Chelsea and its curator, Phillip Miller, came into notice. A new era of gardening may be dated from the publication of his dictionary, and especially from the edition in which the Linnæan system was adopted. Miller improved the culture of the vine and the tig; and the Italian broccoli, and the pine-apple, were first made known through his work. The pine-apple was first grown by Sir Matthew Decker, at Richmond, in pots placed on shelves, like green-house plants; but was subsequently found to succeed better in bottom heat and in pits, as it is still grown in Holland.

(To be concluded in our next.)

Original Criticisms


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Royal Drury Lane & Covent Garden.

'Like Niobe, all tears.'-SHAKESPEARE.

Exton Park, and Bramley, in Eng-tones, which seemed responsive to the land, and Hatton House, near Edin- sorrows of an o'erfrauglit heart, soliburgh. cited the sympathy of all who heard them, and realized the picture which the German poet has so admirably drawn; the last act was superior to any of the former, and the curtain descended amidst thunders of applause. So great was our delight at witnessing her beautiful representation of the unhappy Mrs. Haller, that we looked forward with extreme pleasure to the announcement of Belvidera. We had been led to expect that she might, at no very distant period, prove worthy of the very first characters in the tragic line, and that she would have become a highly valuable acquisition to Covent Garden, where female talent, in the tragic department, is miserably wanted. How unspeakably great, then, was our disappointment; her Belvidera scarcely possessed one of the beauties of Miss O'Neil, and was infinitely inferior to the beautiful representation of Mrs. W. West. We had hoped that Covent Garden would have at length possessed a fine tragic actress, we had hoped that Miss Dance might have aspired to WHENEVER a female performer is the fame of Miss O'Neil, with better about to make her debut, we are always hopes than any actress we have seen, on the tip-toe of expectation; and when since that lady retired from the stage; that performer is said to be a distin- but we have been completely deceived in guished votary of Melpomene, our anxour expectations,—intense must be her iety is necessarily increased twofold. Re-study, before she can take equal rank port had previouslyspoken in the highest with Miss O'Neil; indeed, if we may possible terms of Miss Dance, and if, as be allowed to judge from her Belviis generally the case, it had in some de- dera, we most decidedly consider her gree exceeded the bounds of strict ve- as inferior to our Drury Lane heroine. Daines Barrington conjectures that racity, yet we feel gratified in saying In the character of Belvidera, an achot-houses and ice-houses were first in- that she did succeed. Her first ap-tress is placed between Scylla and Chatroduced during Charles the Second's pearance was in the cheerless character ribdis. If she yields to the sorrows of reign, as at the installation dinner at of Mrs. Haller, a choice which she may love, she runs the risk of falling into Windsor, (23d April, 1667,) there rejoice in, as she was much more suc- whining; if, on the other hand, she exwere cherries, strawberries, and ice-cessful than in depicting the sublimer erts herself to give effect to the raving creams. Strawberries and cherries, sorrows of the Venetian Matron. She scenes, she is equally exposed to the however, Switzer informs us, had been was received with an applause for danger of ranting. These two faults forced by dung heat from time imme- which she was not a little indebted to Miss Dance could not avoid. In the morial, by the London market-garden-her graceful appearance, her fine form, former part of the play she whined Lord Bacon suggests, that as and her handsome features. Many of dreadfully, and in the tempest of her we have housed the exotics of hot the tones of her voice, which is very me- madness, her voice broke forth into viocountries, lemons, oranges, and myr-lodious, reminded us strongly of Miss lent screamings. Her grief, on hearing tles, to preserve them, so we may house O'Neil; indeed, her whole conception that Jaffier intended to kill her father, our natives to forward them; and thus of the character appeared to be formed was too languid; and in her relation to have violets, strawberries, and pease, on the model of that highly talented her husband, of Renault's villainy, in all winter, provided they be sown and and accomplished actress. The part of the two celebrated lines,-removed at proper times.' Mrs. Haller does not present an exten- 'But with my cries I cow'd his coward heart, sive field for the display of ability. The scenes in which deep interest is excited, are very few. To these, how ever, and indeed to the greatest part of the character, Miss Dance did ample justice. Her loveliness,-her retiring modesty,-her unaffected pensiveness of manners,-her sweetly melodious


Cooke, Lucre, Field, London, and Wise, were celebrated practical gardeners at this time; the two latter had the first considerable nursery garden at Brompton, and laid out the greater number of seats, which still exist in the ancient style. Among these may be mentioned Blenheim, Cannons,

Till he withdrew, and mutter'd vows to hell,' she produced but little effect. Again, she failed both in expression of countenance, of tone, and of action, when she uttered, The air's too thin, and pierces my weak brain!' And her exclamation, Hell! hell! burst from thy centre, rage and roar aloud, if thou

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