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arms amidst cries of Vive l'Empereur, cal attendants gave it as their decided
and, in a march the most triumphant opinion, in which the physician who was
that history records, he reached Paris called in coincided, that the disease
on the 20th, and immediately resumed was incurable, and that the climate had
his imperial sway. One act will dis- had no effect in producing it. One
tinguish this reign of a hundred days,' trait of character displayed itself in his
and render it memorable:-the abolition last moments, which marks the-
of the slave trade by France, which 'Ruling passion, strong in death.'
England was too tame to demand, and As he found his end approach, he was.
Louis not generous enough to do, washabited, at his own request, in his uni-
effected by a single stroke of Napole- form of field marshal, with boots and
on's pen. The powers of Europe, spurs, and placed on a camp-bed, ou
however, were determined, if possible, which he was accustomed to sleep when
to dethrone him, and large armies en-in health, and preferred to every other.
In this dress he expired*.

feated the Archduke Charles and the
ferocious Suvaroff, and, running a glo-
rious career of victory, made peace with
Austria ou terms highly favourable to
France. He afterwards projected the
memorable expedition to Egypt, and
returned to France in sufficient time
to rescue her from the distracted coun-
cils of the Executive Directory, which
he dissolved in as summary a manner
as Oliver Cromwell did the English
Parliament. He was appointed First
Consul for a limited term of years,
and afterwards for life. New tri-
minphs, in a new war against Aus-tered France. Bonaparte raised a con-
tria, enabled him again to compel siderable, but ill organized force to It has been asserted that the Rosario,
that power to make peace on terins meet them; the battle of Waterloo which brought the dispatches, also
still more advantageous, and, in 1804, followed, in which his army was utterly brought the body of Bonaparte to Eng-
he was raised to the throne, under defeated. He returned to the capital land; but this, we understand, is not.
the title of Emperor of the French, and abdicated in favour of his son, but the case. His attendants wished his
and was crowned by the Pope. Every France, ungrateful France, would no body to be conveyed to Europe; but
succeeding year added new glories to longer support him when deserted by on opening his will, it was found that
his military fame, and new territories fortune, and he quitted Paris in hopes he had left a request that it should be
to his empire; until he succeeded in of escaping to America. Finding this interred in the island, and pointed out
raising four of his brothers to thrones, impracticable, he surrendered to an the spot where he wished his remains
and placing one of his generals the next English ship of war, throwing himself, to rest, in a beautiful valley near his
in succession to the throne of Sweden. as he said, into the hands of the most residence. Though Bonaparte is sup-
The whole of Europe, England ex-determined, but the most generous of posed to have suffered much, his dis-
cepted, succumbed to his power; and his enemies.' How little claim our solution was so calm and serene, that
the continental sovereigns and princes conduct had to the last title was prov-not a sigh escaped him, or any intima-
attended his summons like vassal lordsed by sending him to St. Helena, tion to the by-standers that it was so
doing homage. At length, vaulting where the privations and restrictions near. At the departure of the Rosa-
ambition, that o'erleaps itself,' urged he was under were much greater than rio, no day had been fixed for the fune
him to the war in Spain, where, dur- his safe custody required. From this ral, but it was understood that it would
ing a period of almost twenty years, custody he was released by the merci- be solemnized with the military ho-
he met with his first reverses. The ful hand of Death on the 5th of May. nours due to his rank.
Russian campaign followed, in which The best particulars that have hither-
he lost the finest, most numerous, and to transpired respecting this event, are
best appointed army that ever took the as follows:-
field. After returning to France, he
raised a new army, and again took the
field with varied success, until, at
length, the tide of war, which he had
urged from the Rhine to the Moskwa,
rolled back upon him, and he was

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To this very imperfect sketch, for which want of time must be our apology, we add a few anecdotes, referring our readers to our preceding volumes for several others t.

A likeness of Bonaparte, after his decease, was sketched by an English officer, and is brought to England. The illness of the Ex-Emperor lasted, Count Montholon, we hear, arrived by on the whole, six weeks. The effects the ship which brought the intelligence of this long illness on the frame of Bo- of this event, and immediately forwardnaparte, as described by an officer who ed it by an extraordinary courier to the had frequent opportunities of seeing French ambassador. Numerous exhim during that period, were so power-presses left town immediately, to ancompelled to contend on French ful as nearly to reduce him to a ske-nounce the death of Bonaparte to the ground. Never, perhaps, did Bona-leton, and to obliterate all traces of his different European courts. parte display so much skill as on this former features. During the latter occasion, when, with a mere handful of part of his illness, he frequently conmen, he kept the armies of Russia, versed with his medical attendants on Austria, Prussia, &c. from Paris. At its nature, of which he seemed to be length, however, the capital fell into perfectly aware. He declared that it the hands of the allies, and Bonaparte was hereditary, and that his father had abdicated the throne on the condition died of the same disease. It is said of having the island of Elba in perpe- that he gave directions about his affairs tual sovereignty, and a pension from and papers till five or six hours before France. This pension was not paid, he died, having retained his senses till and, on the 26th of February, 1815, that period. He said he wished to be Napoleon, with a few hundred faithful opened, in order that his son might be followers, left the island, and landed informed of the nature of his disease. This reminds us of Seward, Earl of Norat Frejus on the 1st of March; a more The body was opened by his own sur-thumberland, who, feeling in his sickness that daring enterprise was never undertak-geon. On examination, the stomach was death was fast approaching, quitted his bed and en, nor one attended with such success; found in a state of extreme ulceration, put on his armour, saying, that it became not the armies sent to oppose him, on see- so that it appeared in some places per- a man to die like a beast.'-ED. + See Literary Chronicle, Nos. 11, 13, 15y ing him, voluntarily threw down their forated in large openings. His medi-20, 39, 51, 52, 53, 54, and 64.

In March, 1779, Napoleon, being then in his tenth year, was sent to the school of Brienne, in Champagne, which was superintended by some of the holy fathers, called Minims. Of a silent and stern disposition, prone to solitude and meditation, he seemed as

lutions of the Macedonian phalanx.
His school-fellows began now to testify
an uncommon desire of respect and at-
tachment towards him; they felt, and
were the first to pay tribute to that fas-
cinating or rather commanding influ-
ence, which was afterwards so principal
a means of raising him to empire and

if cast by nature for the rigid order of apprehension that the feelings of the life imposed by the rules of the estaboy might embarrass the experiments; blishment. Each pupil was locked on which Bonaparte is stated to have up by himself at night in a cell, the exclaimed, I am young, it is true, whole furniture of which consisted of a but fear neither the powers of earth girth bed, an iron water pitcher and nor of air!' sternly adding, will you bason; yet gloomy as this seclusion let me ascend?' The erratic philosowas, young Napoleon preferred retiring pher sharply replied, No, sir, I will to it during the intervals of scholastic not; I beg that you will retire.' The exercise, to joining with his school- In the hard winter of 1783, Napo- little cadet, enraged at the refusal, inmates in their usual sports and amuse- leon conceived the idea of constructing stantly drew a small sabre, which he ments. At a later period he was wont a little fort of snow. With the assist- wore with his uniform, cut the balloon to prose into his solitary studies in a ance of some of his most zealous com- in several places, and destroyed the culittle garden, which he had contrived rades, and with no other instruments rious apparatus which the aëronaut had to inclose for his own exclusive use, by than the ordinary garden tools, he per- constructed with infinite labour and inprevailing on some of the scholars to fected a complete quadrangle, defend-genuity for his experiment. assign to him the shares allotted to ed at the corners by four bastions, the them, and adding these to his own. It walls of which were three feet and a Such was the last notable act of the has been told of him at this period, half high. So well was it executed, boyhood of Bonaparte; it would seein that on one occasion when the other that some remains of it were in exist- as if on the verge of manhood, he had school boys were thrown into great ence many weeks afterwards. While in this one adventure prefigured the consternation by the explosion of a it lasted, nothing but sieges and sallies whole of that extraordinary career fire-work which they were engaged in were the order of the day. which he afterwards run; as the clouds preparing, and when some of them, in Some of his leisure hours he employ-aspiring, as the air trackless, its only their haste to get out of the way of the ed in writing a poem on the liberty of object to ascend; its only rudder the danger, broke through into the terri- his native country, Corsica. It was whirlwind; a vapour its impulse; tory of the young solitaire, he seized constructed on the idea, that the geni- downfall its destiny. his garden tools, and attacking the in- us of his country had appeared to him vaders, drove them with equal spirit in a dream, and putting a poignard in and non-chalance back into the midst his hand, had called on him for venof the peril from which they were seek-geance. ing to escape. In consequence of these cold and forbidding features in his character, he soon acquired the nick-name of the Spartan, which he retained during his residence at Bri


The effort appears to have been an abortive one; since beyond the bare mention of the piece, nothing more of it is recorded.

When Bonaparte was forming the Code Napoleon, he astonished the council of state by the readiness with which he illustrated any point in discussion by quoting whole passages, extempore, from the Roman civil law, a subject which might seem to be entirely foreign After he had passed five years in this to him, as his whole life had been passed academy, the royal inspector, on his in the tented field. On being asked annual examination, found him so well by Treilhard how he had acquired so informed in the art of fortification, that familiar a knowledge of law affairs, he removed him to the ecole militaire, he replied When I was merely a at Paris, where he arrived on the 17th lieutenant, I was put under arrest, unof October, 1784. Here young Na-justly it is true; but that is nothing to poleon was under the direction of able the point. The little room which was and meritorious officers, and found ex-assigned for my prison, contained no cellent teachers in all the arts and sci-furniture but an old chair, an old ences, particularly those connected with war. In the mathematics he had the celebrated Monge for his preceptor; and benefited so much by his in

The branch of study to which Napoleon directed his almost undivided attention, was mathematics. He paid but little attention to the languages, and still less to the elegant arts; nay, even in writing he is said to have taken so little pleasure, as to neglect it almost entirely whence it has arisen, that we never hear of any paper written by him in his riper years, without a note of wonder either at its illegibility or its legible incorrectness, both instructions, that on passing his first exacharacter and orthoëpy.

mination after joining the school, he
was placed as an officer in the corps of

With a book of mathematics or history-Euclid or Plutarch in his hand, his great delight was to shut himself While yet a cadet, he went on one up in his little garden, to walk and to occasion to witness the ascent of a balmeditate. His mind seemed for a long loon in the Champ de Mars. Impelled time to disdain all lower occupations by an eager curiosity, he made his way and less important studies; but a de- through the crowd, and unperceived sire for action at last broke in upon entered the inner fence which containhis repose, and he had no sooner mixed ed the apparatus for inflating the silken with his school-fellows for this purpose, globe. It was then very nearly filled, than he began to act the part of the in- and restrained from its aërial flight by cipient general among them, taught the last cord only, when Napoleon rethem the military exercise, and insti-quested the aëronaut to permit him to tuted, for their usual sports, the com- mount the car in company with him. bats of the Roman circus, and the evo- This, however, was refused, from an

bed, and an old cupboard; in the cupboard was a ponderous falio volume, older and more worm-eaten than all the rest; it proved to be the digest. As I had no paper, pens, ink, or pencils, you may easily imagine that this book was a valuable prize to me. It was so voluminous, and the leaves were so covered with marginal notes in manuscript, that, had I been confined a hundred years, I could never have been idle. I was only ten days deprived of my liberty; but, on recovering it, I was saturated with Justinian, and the decisions of the Roman legislators. Thus I picked up my knowledge of civil law.'

The first campaigns of the French after the revolution, were remarkable for that sudden excitement which precipitated towards the frontiers of France

a million of new and undisciplined men, to oppose by their courage and enthusiasm, the confederated force of the finest troops of which Europe could boast. The campaign of Italy presented Europe with a spectacle still more astonishing; in this one campaign, which was nothing but a continued series of battles, three armies were successively destroyed: more than one hundred and fifty colours were taken; forty thousand Austrians laid down their arms; the whole of Italy was conquered; and all these prodigies were achieved by no more than thirty thousand French, and a young general of twenty-eight years of age!

The rapidity with which the French army moved, far exceeded what Cæsar reports of the Roman legions in his Commentaries. The Roman legions marched at the rate of twenty-four miles a day; the French marched thirty, and fought every day.

It was a common saying with the troops,The general has discovered a new method of making war; he makes more use of our legs than of our bayonets.'

On a subsequent occasion, when the extreme fatigue which the soldiers underwent was a subject of observation, Bonaparte observed, if I force them to march, it is to spare their blood.'

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At the memorable passage of the Bridge of Lodi, it was not less the celerity and promptitude of movement than invincible heroism, that carried the day. The fire of the enemy, who defended the passage with thirty pieces of cannon, was terrible; the head of the charging column of the French appeared to give way; a moment of hesitation,' says Bonaparte, in his official despatch on the occasion, would have lost all. Generals Berthier, Massena, Cervoni, D'Allemagne, the chief of brigade Lanne, and the chief of battallion Dupat, dashed forwards at its head, and determined the fate of the day, still wavering in the balance.' Bonaparte does not include his own name in the list of this heroic band, though well known to have been one of the foremost in the charge; the modesty which dictated this concealment, even his revilers must admire. This redoubtable column,' he continues, overturned all opposed to it; Beaulieu's order of battle was broken; astonishment, flight, and death, were spread on all sides. In the twinkling of an eye the enemy's army was scaltered in confusion.'

Although,' he continues, since

the commencement of the campaign we have had some very warm affairs, and although the army has often been under the necessity of acting with great audacity, nothing has occurred which can be compared to the terrible passage of the Bridge of Lodi.'

Our loss has been small; and this we owe to the promptitude of the execution, and to the sudden effect which the charge of this intrepid column produced on the enemy.'

Original Poetry.

In reply to his Enigma.

Your Enigma's solution oft comes from a goose,
Sometimes from a crow, cock, or hen-

(And above it hath tended myself to traduce) It hath swam in the water and flown thro' the

For 'tis what I am using a pen.

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SONNET TO W. B. L.' the whelp of a young puppy, and discusses a 'He draws most important conclusions from mutton-chop or a metaphysical inquiry, with an equal facility. He will deduce most sapient inferences from a parboiled turnip, and preach on the stings of conscience from the contemplation of a hedge-hog.' Vide' On Ancient and Modern Writers, Literary Chronicle, No 110.

Ir is not thatte thou comest in a die

Of partie-coloured brightnesse and displaie, Byspredde with lustrys of a diverse raie, Ande all beseemlie to a merrie eie; It is not thatte thou dauncest onne ye waie Thieselfe doethe strewe with wilde and sorrell flowers,

Whither thyne fittfull fansies bide thee straie

In jocuude moodes amonge righte plesaunte❘ houres ;

Thatte I doe love thee, L.,' but thatte I deeme The rather thatte myne hearte delighteth well

To tayste ye spicie springes whyche thine

doeth seeme

To revell in, with thyrste unslaykeabel; Ande it may bee-for thatte mie wittes glize,


Thatte I have kenn'd thee well, within farr differing guise.

TO ******. DOOMED by a separating fate To feel a novel pain; Oh! say, will absence ere create False vows or cold disdain?

I. B.

When the broad ocean rolls between
Thy plighted one and thee,
Will memory paint what once has been ?
Will memory tell of me?
When in the recreative round

Of pleasures,-(powerful spell!)
Wilt thou forget that well-known sound,
Which spoke the sad 'farewell?'
Down, rising doubts; and from my mind
Be banished all distrust;
Hence, mingle with the mighty wind,
'Twill scatter ye, like dust!

For I have fully tried thy love;

Full well have scanned thy heart; And know thou can'st not faithless prove, Nor act so vile a part.

The tongue but ill supplies the meed

To praise thee as I ought;
So 'twere ingratitude to feel
One base suspicious thought.


THE CRUSADER. GREY twilight rested on the plain Strewed with the dead and with the dying, The star of glory in her wane,

Seemed from the crested warrior flying; Sir Hubert stretch'd him on the ground, For Moslem sword had left him wounded; He heard the distant bugle sound,

His fainting pulse now quicker bounded; And his glazed eye rested on a form

With graceful sorrow bending o'er him, Whose eyes, like stars amid a storm, Beamed on the dreary waste before him; He gazed again-he knew her face

He bore her from the haven flamingHe bore her as his tottering pace

Told that his spirit fast was waning. He stretch'd his hand,-the chill of death

Had froze his veins, the life-blood failing,On her bosom he breath'd his latest breath, And the air resounded with her wailing :

The turbaned horde rode fiercely on,

The silver crescent brightly gleaming; And as in life their souls were one,

In death one crimson tide was streaming. H.A.

3d May, 1821.

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Fine Arts.

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Nicol Jarvie, is said to have been ho-
noured with the approbation of Sir
Walter Scott, and a present from Je-
dediah Cleishbotham. Mr: Mackay
gives a very correct representation of
the Baillie as drawn in the novel, with
a happy observance of costume; but
we much doubt that his portrait of him
don audience as that of Liston.

AMONG the works of art exhibited this year at Somerset House, particularly deserving of notice, are three small landscapes, painted by a Mr. Edwart, Nos. 507, 745, and 822. The style of these pictures is a perfectly new in-would ever be so popular with a Lon-ceived with loud applause, as was the

vention, and does infinite credit to the artist. At a little distance they resemble enamel, with, however, a truth of colouring that is seldom if ever found in enamel paintings; but a closer inspection shows that they are oil paintings, fastened to plate glass. The advantage of this mode over enamel is obvious, inasmuch as the artist is not confined to copy other works, but has a free range in the field of original composition.

On Monday, a new afterpiece, from the pen of Mr. Moncrieff, was produced, entitled The Spectre Bridegroom, or a entitled The Spectre Bridegroom, or a Ghost in spite of himself. It is a bustling piece full of equivoque, and was favourably received.

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of the winter theatres, and concluded with allusions to the performers who had been introduced to the public on the Haymarket stage, including Mathews, whom it had found a wanderer,' but who was now so much at home;' Liston' and their favourite Young,' the mention of whose names was readdress generally. The national air of God save the King' was twice sung by the whole company. The play was Sheridan's first dramatic production, The Rivals, a play which combines a great deal of rich humour and exquisite tenderness; but which we must NEW THEATRE ROYAL HAYMAR- Confess we have seldom witnessed with KET.-This elegant house opened for so little pleasure. It introduced to the season on Wednesday night, and the public some old favourites and although it has assumed the title of the some new faces, whether the latter will 'New Theatre,' yet we were very hap- become favourites or not seems rather The first of these elegant little pro-py to find it still entitled to the ap- questionable. Mr. Terry, who is ductions is a copy, or rather an imita-pellation, endeared by a thousand without an equal as a testy old man, tion, of Tobit and the Angel,' by pleasing recollections, of the Little played Sir Anthony Absolute with Claude, which we recollect to have Theatre in the Haymarket. It is cer- great spirit. It was a finished perseen in the picture gallery at Malmai-tainly larger than the old theatre, but formance. De Camp, who has been son. It strikes us that Mr. Edwart there is scarcely a seat in the whole absent from the London boards four or must have copied the drawing of this house, boxes, pit, or gallery, where the five years, was favourably greeted on picture from a print, for the colouring actors cannot be seen and heard dis-appearing as Captain Absolute, Sir seems wholly his own. The other two tinctly. To facilitate the latter, a Lucius O'Trigger was rendered a very landscapes are original compositions. sounding-board has been constructed, vulgar and a very insignificant personThe execution of all three is exquisite, which projects considerably over the age by a Mr. Ward, from Dublin. and not unworthy of the pencil of our orchestra, and somewhat disfigures that The most successful debut was that of greatest masters. The trees, particu- part of the house, a Mr. Tayleure, from Liverpool, in the larly, are touched with a delicacy and On the ceiling, is an allegorical re-character of Acres, who represented the a freedom that are really enchanting. presentation of Morning, attended by vanity, foppery, boasting, and timidity On seeing these works in a style of Zephyr, appearing in the horizon, while of fighting Bob' with good effect. which we feel convinced that this is the in the opposite quarter, Cynthia is seen It was, however, a rather unequal perfirst specimen ever exhibited, we felt retiring from the presence of Apollo. formance: some of the best scenes disposed to make inquiries concerning The ornaments which encircle the de-were-his first interview with Absolute the artist by whom they were contri- sign are composed of four groups of and Faulkner; his conversation with buted. The result of our inquiries Cupids, bearing emblematic trophies Sir Lucius on the intended challenge, leads us to suspect that the name of of the different seasons. On the pros when he really fancies that he is vali Edwart is assumed, and that these cenium are various figures and embel- ant; and his dialogue with his servant beautiful little pictures are the work of lishments, correspondent with those David, when, notwithstanding the rea foreign officer, who cultivated as an upon the ceiling. monstrances of that faithful adherent, amusement, an art in which he has atBobby still retains his valour, though tained such excellence. Whether our now and then interrupted with a few conjectures be well founded or not, we qualms. Tayleure is a bustling ac sincerely hope that Mr. Edwart will tor, who promises well. Falkland continue to exercise in this country, a was enacted by a Mr. Faulkner talent of which the specimen he has from Newcastle, who imitated Mr. Elgiven us leads us to form so high an liston's manner and voice, but wanted opinion. the spirit of that gentleman. The Fag of Mr. Baker, and the David of Mr. Williams, were both good. Mrs. H. Johnston, who during her absence from the stage has added considera bly to her embonpoint, played Lydia Languish with great animation; and Mrs. Chatterly made a very interesting Julia. We had nearly forgotten Mrs. Malaprop, which, was very well sas tained by Mrs. Pearce.

The Drama, Al

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DRURY LANE.-The opera of Rob Roy was played for the first time at this house on Tuesday, for the benefit of Mr. Cooper and Mr. H. Johuston, which we were happy to find well attended. The principal attraction of the evening was a Mr. Mackay, from the Edinburgh Theatre, whose delineation of the Baillie,

The new drop scene represents, on the left hand of the audience, the entrance of a temple of the Composite Order, richly ornamented with basso relievos, and dedicated to Apollo. The statues of Thalia and Melpomene surmount the principal entrance. On the right hand is an altar, dedicated to Beauty, and flowers and various ornaments, allusive to the costumes of the Bacchantes, are introduced. The era of the new building, as well as of the new reign, are alluded to by the temple of the muses, illuminated by the rising sun.

An opening address, written, we suspect, by George Colman, was admirably delivered by Mr. Terry. It contained some smart hits at the monopoly

After the comedy, a new Vaudeville

has been produced at this house under
the title of the Soldier's Father. It is

Literature and Science.

Mr. Ackermann has announced The History of Little Johnny, the Foundling of the late Doctor Syntax, a Poem,' from the same pen and pencil as the three tours of Doctor Syntax already published.

opera in two acts was produced, entitled Peter and Paul, or Love in the Vineyards. An apparently pre-deter-extremely well played, particularly the mined disposition to oppose it, which characters of Durimel, by Huntley, displayed itself during the whole per- and Bertha by Mrs. W. Fearman, from formance, rendered it very unintelligi- the York stage, who made a very sucble to the audience. The story turns cessful debut. Bengough, Fitzwilliam, on a young rustic on the point of mar- Wyatt, and Miss Poole, added much rying a lady, who, nineteen years ago, to the strength of the piece. had been engaged to her godfather, if he should continue so long in the same wish. He unexpectedly comes to claim her. A brother, so like him that it is impossible to know which is thereal Simon Pure,' comes at the same time, and a series of mistakes result, which terminate in the union of the lovers. We cannot but consider the opposition made to this piece as Library at Vienna.-An historical very ungenerous. It is not usual with account of the public library in VienEnglishmen to condemn unheard, and na, has lately been published-Kurzyet this may be said to have been the gefaste Beschreibung der Kaiserlichen case with this little opera, which de- Bibliothek in Wien, by which it appears served a better fate. It was with con- to have originated in the year 1440, siderable difficulty that Mr.Terry could consisting only, at that period, of some get leave to announce it for repetition. MSS. which the Emperor Frederick ENGLISH OPERA HOUSE.-A little IV. had purchased. It is indebted for piece in two acts, called Love's Dream, its first organization to the poet lauwas produced at this theatre on Thurs-reate Conrad de Celtes, who, in 1495, day night, with complete success. The was appointed librarian to the Emperstory may be briefly told. Miss Dor- or Maximilian I. Since that time it mer (Miss Kelly), is strongly attached has been successively augmented by to Henry Morton (Pearman); but, from the incorporation of other libraries and some supposed slight on his part, she collections of MSS. including those of engages to marry Frederick Easy Conrad, Busbeck, Fuggen, Tycho (Wrench). Easy and Morton are very Brahé, Baron Hohendorf, the Prince intimate friends, and accidentally meet- Eugene of Savoy, Apostolo Zeno, &c. ing, when the former is on his matri- as well as the collections which had monial excursion, Morton accompa- been before formed at Ambras, Innies him, without knowing the intend-spruck, and by Mathias Corvinus, ed bride until he gets to the house. The marria re contract is sigued, and Morton is reluctantly prevailed upon to be one of the trustees. Miss Dormer is a somnambulist, and the night before her marriage, she unconsciously finds her way to the Pavilion, where Morton, unable to sleep, is sitting. In her dream, she discloses her attachment to Morton, and gives him a ring. On retiring, she leaves her veil, which is found by Easy. The secret is discovered, the match broken off, and Easy generously resigns the lady to his friend. The piece, though not possessing much originality, is a very pleasing production. Wrench played with great spirit, and Pearman sung prettily, but the piece rested chiefly on Miss Kelly, who rendered the scene of 'Love's dream' particularly effective, The piece was received with great applause.

bronze. The collection of engravings is about 30,000, filling 800 cases, of which 217 contain portraits, and twenty-five miniatures painted on parchmeat. In the number of incunabula, are seven Xylographic works (i. e. printed with wooden characters.) The total number of printed volumes amounts to 300,000. This library is open to the public for six hours every day; but, in the true spirit of the Austrian monarchy, the curiosity of readers is thwarted by a prohibition to read many of the books, and the persous in attendance strictly observe the injunction.-Classical Journal.

The Bee.

'Floriferis ut apes in saltibus omnia limant, Omnia nos itidem depascimur aurea dicta.' LUCRETIUS.

his astonishment, that he who had de-
Ariosto. A friend once expressing
scribed such magnificent edifices in his
poem, should be contented with so
poor a dwelling, Ariosto answered,
that words were much easier put to-
to the door of his house, pointed to
gether than bricks;' and leading him
this distich, which was engraven on the

Parva, sed apta mihi, sed nulla obnoxia, sed non
Sordida, parta meo sed tamen ære domus.

He re

Sir John Falstaff-The knight whom Shakspeare has ridiculed under the character of Sir John Falstaff, was Sir John Fastolff, a valiant general, of an ancient family, born at Yarmouth, in Norfolk, about 1377. He King of Hungary. The immense attended the Duke of Clarence, as building which it occupies at present, Lieutenant of Ireland, about 1405 and was constructed in 1723, by the Em- 1406, and in 1408 he married a rich per Charles VI. and since its transfer widow of that kingdom, and soon after thither has been made public. The went over to France, where, under the literary treasures it contains are di- English regency, he was promoted to vided into four principal classes: the places of trust and honour. collection of MSS.; that of engravings; turned home in 1440, covered with the incunabula or principes editiones; laurels bravely won in the field, and in and modern works. Among the his private conduct he now exhibited scarce objects in the first classes is a the hospitable, generous, and benevogeographical chart, the most ancient lent man. He bestowed large legacies known, called the table of Peutinger, on Cambridge, to build the schools of dated in the 13th century. A hiero- philosophy and civil law, and was a glyphical MS. of Mexico, done upon most liberal benefactor to Magdalen sixty-five leaves of deer-skin. Hilari- College, Oxford, founded by his friend us Pictaviensis de Trinitate, an Egyp-Wainfleet. He died, 1459, aged up tian paper of the 4th century. Seve ral MSS. on parchment, coloured purple, with gold and silver letters. The priginal MSS. of Jerusalem Delivered, by Tasso. The original act of the Roman senate for the abolition of BacSURREY THEATRE.-Mr. C. Kem-chanals, dated in the year 1806, before ble's drama of The Point of Honour, the Christian era, engraved on tables of

wards of eighty, according to what Caxton, his cotemporary, has mention ed. Fastolff, as is well observed, was a young and grave, discreet and valiant, chaste and sober commander abroad, and eminent for every virtue at home. Shakespeare has been severely censured for abusing this great and good man.

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