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and peas.


pleted, draw off the liquor from the dregs, or lees, into a cask, which must be completely filled with the wine.

A small quantity of yeast will continue to become separated, and overflow the fermentation in the cask, and hence the bung-hole, in consequence of the slow quantity of liquor diminishes; the loss thus sustained, must be made up by adding, from time to time, a portion of the liquor which was made for that purpose, so as to keep the cask always filled up to the bung-hole.

leaden pipes of the brewery,' &c. To larly so far as relates to Britain. We fly to tea was useless, for he assured us are barely told that the vine was introthat he had examined 27 samples of duced here by the Romans, and apimitation leaves. In coffee, we were no pears to have very soon become combetter, for it was only pigeon's beans mon; that few ancient monasteries At last, we determined to did not manufacture wine. In an early drink nothing but water; but here the period of the history of Britain, the Isle persecuting spirit followed us, and we of Ely was expressly denominated the were forbidden to touch this simple Isle of Vine, by the Normans. The beverage until we had ascertained that Bishop of Ely, shortly after the conit contained the due proportions of quest, received at least three or four common air and carbonic acid gas. tons of wine, annually, as tithes from When the fermentation has nearly Soda-water, cream, custards, confec- the vines in his dioceses, and in his tionery, pickles, and sauces, bread and leases he made frequent reservations of its place; but a small hole must be bored ceased, the bung may be put loosely into cheese, cum multis aliis, filled up the a certain quantity of wine, by way of by the side of the bung-hole, and loosely sordid catalogue of the miseries to rent.' We now pass on to the most fitted with a peg, to give vent for the exwhich eating and drinking subjected important part of the subject,-the art trication of the carbonic acid that may beIt was in vain to protest that we of making wines. Home made wines come developed. When no farther froth had dieted on them for many years, differ chiefly from foreign or grape appears, the vent-peg must be withdrawn, and enjoyed good health, for, like Par-wines, in containing a much greater the spile may then be tightened, and the tridge, the Almanack Maker, who con-quantity of malic acid, whilst the wine cask left undisturbed for five or six tradicted Swift's assertion, that he was of the grape contains chiefly tartareous should be drawn off from its lees into ano. months; after which time, the wine dead, we were not believed. Our only acid.' The British fruits most capa-ther cask; and if it is not fine, it may be remedy now appeared to be in calling ble of being converted into wine, be- rendered so by the addition of a small in the assistance of the physician, with sides grapes, are the gooseberry, elder- quantity of isinglass dissolved in water, au antidote to the thousand poisons we berry, mulberry, raspberry, black- which will render it clear in a few days, had swallowed; but Mr. Accum berry, strawberry, red currant, black after which it may be bottled and stored in would not even leave us this consola-currant, white currant, and cranberry. a cool cellar. tion, for he declared that nine-tenths These ferment well and afford good and fermentation, (before it is drawn off from of the most potent drugs and chemical wholesome wines. Without carrying its lees,) may be re-excited by stirring up preparations used in pharmacy, are our readers through the processes of the contents of the cask, and suffering it vended in a sophisticated state by fermentation, racking and sulphuring, to repose in a warm place. By this means dealers who would be the last to be sus- barrelling and clarifying of wine, we an additional portion of the undecompected.' Nothing, we found, would shall extract a few of Mr. Accuin's re-posed sugar which it contains will disapnow save us, but to muster up courage cipes for making such wines as are and make an exertion of common most common; and first, of— sense; to burn Mr. Accu's book, and Gooseberry Wine.Take 50lbs. of imto drink our wine, sip our brandy, and mature gooseberries, freed from the retrifle over our custards and confection-mains of the blossoms and fruit stalks, ery as usual. This saved us.

Mr. Accum, after sounding the tocsin of alarm, and suffering it to operate for nearly 12 months, now comes forward to remove it, so far as relates to three important articles, of the poison and adulterations of which he had dwelt largely, -wine, bread, and beer. Should these books be successful, we doubt not but that, in the course of ten or a dozen years, he will gradually remove all the terrors of his first publication, and teach us how to make our pickles, sauces, and confectionery in the most wholesome and most economical man


bruise them in successive portions, in a
wooden tub, without much compressing
the husk, or bruising the seeds; dilute
the mass with four gallons of water, and
after having suffered it to stand for ten or
twelve hours, put it into a coarse canvas
bag, and squeeze out the liquor.

Should the wine be too sweet, the

pear. The wine may then be decanted. Sometimes it is necessary to decant it a second time, into a clean ca-k, after it has been suffered to stand two months. In month of March, provided that the any case it must be bottled during the wine is become perfectly clear; if not, some mistake has been committed in the manufacture of it,'

Wine from ripe gooseberries may be made in a similar manner to what has been just stated, a more careful exclusion of the husks and seeds being necessary. For,

Pour upon the residue one gallon of water, suffer it to macerate for twelve hours, and then press it out, and add the produce to the before-obtained juice. Brisk Gooseberry Wine. Let 40lbs. Put the whole of the liquor into a tub, of unripe gooseberries be mashed, and and add to it from 30 to 40lbs. of white having poured upon the mass one gallon loaf sugar, according to the desired of water, squeeze out the juice, add to it strength and sweetness of the wine, and 12lbs. of lump sugar, and six ounces of trate of potash. 1lb. of finely pulverized crude supertar-super-tartrate of potash, previously reduced to a fine powder? suffer the liquor to ferment in a tub for about two days only, and then transfer it into a cask, and attend to the process of replenishing the waste liquor by filling up the cask from time to time, till the fermentation In a day or two, the fluid will begin to has so far subsided, that the hissing noise ferment, and when the yeast froth, which which is heard at the bung-hole is but appears on the surface, has assumed an slightly perceptible. The bung of the uniform texture, skim it off, and repeat cask may then be fastened down, and also the skimining from time to time, till no the spile, and the cask left undisturbed, more yeast, becomes separated. When in a cool cellar, till the mouth of Nothe fermentation has so far been com-vember, at which time the clear liquor

amount of 10 gallons; cover it with a
blanket or sacking, and let it stand in a
moderately warm place.

'Stir this mixture, and make up the In the Treatise on Wines, Mr. bulk of the fluid with water, to the gives a concise description of the art of preparing the several varieties, from the fruits of domestic growth. He also states the destructive characters of British fruit wines, and their chemical difference from the wine of the grape. The historical sketch of the art of making wine,' with which the work conmences, is very imperfect, particu

[blocks in formation]

The fermentation and further treatment of the wine should also be similar to that of brisk gooseberry wine. We now pass on to

Ginger Wine. Dissolve 18 or 20 pounds of sugar, in nine and a-half gallons of boiling water, and add to it 10 or 12 ounces of bruised ginger-root. Boil the and when nearly cold, add to it half a pint mixture for about a quarter of an hour, of yeast, and pour it iuto a cask to ferment, taking care to fill up the cask from time to time with the surplus of the liquor made for that purpose. When the fermentation ceases, take off the wine, and bottle it when transparent.

It is a common practice to boil the the ginger destined for the wine, to imouter rind of a few lemons, together with part to the wine the flavour of lemonpeel.'

Orange Wine-Take the outer rind Elder Wine. This fruit is excellently that no white appears in it; pour upon it of 100 Seville oranges, so thinly pared calculated for the production of wine. Its 10 gallons of boiling water; suffer it to juice contains a considerable portion of stand for eight or ten hours, and having the fermentative matter which is so essen- strained off the liquor, whilst slightly tial for the production of a vigorous fermentation, and its beautiful colour comwarm, add to it the juice of the pulp, and municates to the wine a rich tint; but, as from 26 to 30 pounds of lump sugar, and a the fruit is deficient in saccharine matter, ferment in the cask for about five days, or few table-spoonfuls of yeast: suffer it to this substance must be liberally supplied. till the fermentation has apparently ceased; This wine is much ameliorated by adding and when the wine is perfectly transpa to the elderberry juice a small portion of super-tartrate of potash. Dr. Maccul-rent, draw it off from the lees, and bottle

loch observes, "that the proportion of this saft may vary from one to four, and even six per cent. The cause of this admissible laxity will appear, when it is considered that the greater part of the supertartrate of potash is again deposited in the lees. I may also remark, that from two to four per cent. will be found a sufficient dose, in proportion to the greater or less sweetness of the fruit, the sweetest requir; ing the largest quantity of this salt, and vice versa. The dose of it ought also to vary in proportion to the added sugar, in. creasing as it increases.'


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in six gallons of water, and, when per-
Take six pounds of raisins, boil them
fectly soft, rub them through a cullender,
the water in which the raisins have been
separate the stones. Add the pulp to
boiled; pour the mixture upon 12lbs. of
white sugar, and suffer it to ferment with
the addition of half a pound of yeast.
When the fermentation has nearly ceased,
add a quarter of a peck of elder flowers,

The Treatise on Brewing' is of a less popular character than that on the making of wine; the first 190 pages being chiefly applicable to brewing on a large scale, as practised in the London breweries. Then comes a chapter on brewing in the small way;' but before we touch on this part of the subject, we shall notice some of the ingredients which ought to be used in all breweries, both in a large and small way; such as malt and hops. And first, of malt:

The best malt is of a round full body; the grains, when broken, present a soft flour, enveloped in a thin skin; it breaks mellow taste. Such malt as is devoid of a easy between the teeth, and has a sweet saccharine and mealy taste, and agreeable odour, and which breaks hard and flinty, ought to be rejected.

'Another method employed by brewers to ascertain the goodness of malt, is to that part of it which has been thoroughly put a quantity in a glass of water; when malted will swim upon its surface, and such grains as are unmalted, sink to the bottom.

The most rational method of ascertaining the relative value of different samples of malt, is to determine the quantity

of fermentable matter obtainable from, a given quantity; for no substance of comAnd this may easily be accomplished, by merce varies more in quality than malt. extracting in the small way, by means of ployed in the brewing process, all the ferwater heated to the temperature emmentable matter from a given sample of malt.'

Mr. Accum says, hops were first To every two quarts of bruised ber-contained in a bag, which should be sus-lands, in the year 1524; and that they brought into Englund from the Nether

ries, put one quart of water; strain the juice through a hair sieve, and add to every quart of the diluted juice one pound of lump sugar. Boil the mixture for about one quarter of an hour, and suffer it to ferment in the manner before stated. -See Gooseberry Wine.

pended in the cask, and removed when
the wine has acquired the desired flavour.
When the wine has become clear, draw
it off into bottles,'

are first mentioned in the English statute book in the year 1552. Now, although we have not the statute-book to refer to at the present moment, and do With this extract we close the Trea- no profess to be fully acquainted with tise on Wines; we do not pledge our- the history of hops, yet we suspect Or, bruise a bushel of picked elder-selves that Mr. Accum's recipes are that Mr. Accum is quite erroneous in berries; dilute the mass with ten gallons unknown to many of our fair readers; his statement, and that they were of water, and having boiled it for a few but even they will, we doubt not, be known in England at least a century minutes, strain off the juice, and squeeze pleased at having the opinion of a scien- before the date he assigns. In the Harout the husks. Measure the whole quantific writer on the subject, who will, leian MSS. in the British Museum, tity of the juice, and to every quart put three-quarters of a pound of lump sugar; no doubt, take care that in all the pre- vol. 980, we find the following mention and, whilst still warm, add to it half a pint parations he recommends, there shall of the prohibition of hops, so carly as of yeast, and fill up the cask with some of not be death in the pot. The addi- the year 1428: There was an inforthe reserved liquor. tion of spirit, so often recommended in mation, about the 4th of Hen. V1. the recipes for making wine, so far against a person, for that he put a kind from checking the wine from becom- of unwholesome weed into his brewing, ing sour, increases the tendency; and, called an hop.' Whether hop had For flavouring the wine, ginger, all therefore, the use of brandy as a pre-been the subject of legislative enactall-servative to wine is founded in error. spice, or any other aromatic substance, The effect, on the contrary, is to de- not pretend to determine, but the s may be used; the flavouring materials may be enclosed in a bag, and suspended in the stroy the briskness of the wines, while sage we have quoted proves that they cask, and removed when the desired flait increases their expense and dimi-were known and used in England early vour is produced.'

When the wine is clear, it may be drawn off from the lees, (which will be in about three months,) and bottled for


nishes their salubrity.

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ments before this time or not, we will

in the fifteenth century. On the cha

racters of the goodness of hops,' is still more considerable; hence, if the sentence. He then gives some prelimiwith which we doubt not Mr. A. is malt be purchased in a ground state, this nary observations on the chemical conbetter acquainted than with their his-allowance must be made accordingly. stitution and nutritive quality of vegeIf the ale is intended for keeping, it is table food. This is followed by an tory; he says,— advisable to allow from five and three-historical sketch of the art of making The goodness of hops depends upon quarters to six bushels of pale malt to a several different circumstances, but prin- hogshead, (54 gallons,) of good ale. The bread, an account of the various subcipally on the clammy or resinous feel of quantity of hops must be suited to the stitutes for bread, an analysis of bread the yellow farinacious powdery matter taste of the drinker, and the time the li- flour, the methods of making various which is sprinkled over them, their co-quor is intended to be kept. For strong sorts of unleavened and leavened bread, ale, intended to be kept about 12 months,-bread made with yeast, &c. Among three-quarters of a pound of hops should the substitutes for bread, used in differbe used, (if the hop be new or of the best ent countries, are the bread fruit, sago, kind,) to every bushel of malt. If the beer is to be preserved 16 or 18 months, Casava, tapioca, the plantain, banana, one pound of hops to a bushel of malt will be a good proportion.'

lour, and aromatic odour. And a sample is considered the more or less valuable, the more or less clammy the flower-buds feel; while it is of the greatest conse quence, in relation to the colour, that it should be preserved as bright as possible; yet it does not always follow that the best coloured samples possess the strongest aromatic flavour.

Rub a few of the hop-pods strongly in the palm of the hand, and if they are good, an oily, rich, or resinous substance will be perceptible, accompanied by a most fragrant smell, The friction should produce a quantity of fine yellow dust, called by the trade, condition, in which

Pale malt is preferable to amber-coloured malt, for brewing in the small way, and should always be used, and the best malt produces the best flavoured beer. If the beer be intended to have a brown colour, the addition of a small portion of burnt sugar answers that purpose very well.'

The private brewer may employ mo

bread made of dried fish, of moss, and of earth. The Icelanders collect the Lichen Rangiferimus, or rein-deer moss, in summer, and, when dry, grind it into powder and make it into bread. But the strangest substitute for bread that has ever been employed, is a sort of white earth :

The poor, in the lordship of Moscoa, in Upper Lusania, have been frequently

the richness of the hop in part consists, lasses, sugar, or any other substance compelled to make use of this earth as a

as does their strength in the oily or resin-
ous substance. On opening a sample of in his brewing, which the public brew-
good hops, a considerable quantity of er is not allowed to do:-
seeds are found; and if they have been
When economy is an object, a quan-
properly dried, they possess a fine olive-tity of molasses or muscovado sugar may
green colour. Attention should be paid be substituted for a portion of the malt.
to the bags, or pockets, to see that they From experiments in which we [Mr. Ac-
have been properly strained or tightened., cum] have been professionally engaged,
Having treated on hops, we shall now on a large scale, we are authorized to
make a skip, and then jump at once, state that 12lbs. of molasses, or 10lbs. of
not into the mash-tub, but into Mr. muscovado sugar, are equivalent, or yield
as much fermentable matter, as is
Accum's Treatise on Domestic Brew-duced from one bushel of malt of the
ing. It would far exceed our limits to usual quality, that is, such as is capable of
give the whole process of brewing even yielding 65lbs. of solid fermentable mat-
in a small way; nor could we con- ter per quarter of malt.'
dense it sufficiently to render our rea-
ders masters of the subject; we shall,
therefore, only quote an extract on the
quantity of ale or table beer to be brew-in
ed from a given quantity of malt and
hops :-


We will conclude the brewing
treatise with Mr. Accum's recipe for
the following manner.—
making spruce beer, which is prepared

mixture to ferinent.

Add to 18 gallons of boiling water, from 12 to 14lbs of molasses, and from 14 In domestic brewing, and if the beer to 16 ounces of extract of spruce. Suffer be not intended for keeping, one bushel the mixture to cool, and when lukewarm, of malt, and ten ounces of hops, will pro-add to it one pint of yeast, and suffer the duce 12 gallons of common, or table ale; and ale brewers allow one measure of Whilst the fermentation is going on, such ale to be equal to two of table beer. remove the yeast by skimming, and when From one bushel of malt, therefore, may the fermentative process begins to become be brewed 24 gallons of table beer, with-languid, which usually happens in two out any table ale, or nine gallons of ale, and six of table beer; or six of ale and 12 of table beer, or any other proportions of ale and table beer, bearing in mind the proportions that common ale and table beer are here considered as two of table beer being equivalent to one of ale. This is the smallest quantity of malt that should be employed for brewing 12 gallons of good table or common ale. It is likewise understood that the malt be measured before it is ground, because a bushel of malt, by measure, produces, when coarsely ground, one and a quarter of grist; and, when finely ground, the increase of bulk

days, let the beer be bottled. It will be
fit for use in three or four days. Sugar is
preferable to molasses, and if malt-wort,
of an ordinary strength, (15 or 18 gallons
drawn from a bushel of pale malt,) be
substituted for the water, a spruce beer of
a much superior flavour is obtained.

substitute for bread.

The earth is dug out of a pit where saltpetre had formerly been worked: when exposed to the rays of the sun, it splits and cracks, and small globules issue from it like meal, which ferments when mixed with flour. On this earth, baked into bread, many persons have subsisted a considerable time.'

We doubt not but that every good honse-wife will think herself as well

qualified to make bread as Mr. Accum, although she may not be able to explain the chemical changes that it undergoes in the process; we shall, however, quote his recipe for home-made wheaten bread:

Take a bushel of wheaten flour, and put two third parts of it in one heap into a trough or tub; then dilute two pints of yeast with three or four pints of warm water, and add to this mixture from eight to ten ounces of salt. Make a hole in the middle of the heap of flour, pour the mixture of yeast, salt, and water into it, and knead the whole into an uniform stif dough, with such an additional quantity of water as is requisite for that purpose, and suffer the dough to rise in a warm place.

When the dough has risen, and just begins again to subside, add to it gradu ally the remaining one-third part of the flour; knead it again thoroughly, taking care to add gradually so much warm water as is sufficient to form the whole into a stiff tenaceous dough, and continue the kneading. At first the mass is adhevery sive, and clings to the fingers, but it be comes less so the longer the kneading is continued; and when the fist, on being We now come to Mr. Accum's trea-withdrawn, leaves its perfect impression tise on making bread. An egotistical in the dough, none of it adhering to the preface commences the work, in which fingers, the kneading may be discontinuo an 'I have begins almost every ed. The dough may be then divided int

White spruce beer is made in a similar manner, by substituting for molasses, common sugar.'

Wallace; A Historical Tragedy, in fine acts. By C. E. Walker, Esq. 8vo. pp. 74. London, 1820.

loaf pieces, (of about 5lb. in weight.) whose business is merely to separate the Knead each piece once more separately, different pieces into two, and place them and having made it up in the proper immediately under the hand of him who form, put it in a warm place, over it supplies the oven, whose work of throwwith a blanket, to promote the last rising: ing, or rather chucking, the bread upon If we thought that we should be the and when this has taken place, put it into the peel, must be so exact, that if he look-means of discouraging the young au the oven. When the loaves are with-ed round for a single moment, it is im-thor of this dramatic production, which drawn, they should be covered up with a blanket, to cool as slowly as possible.' As a matter of curiosity rather than of actual utility to our readers, we quote the account of manufacturing sea-biscuits:

tion, till the dough is equally indented; and this is repeated till it is sufficiently kneaded; at which times, by the differ: ent positions of the lines, large or small circles are described, according as they are near to or distant from the wall.

possible he should perform it correctly.

The fifth receives the biscuit on the peel,
and arranges it in the oven; in which du-
different pieces are thrown at the rate of
ty he is so very expert, that though the
seventy in a minute, the peel is always
disengaged in time to receive them sepa-

ed with the regularity of a clock; the
clack of the peel, during the motion in the
oven, operating like the pendulum.'

has been represented with so much success at Covent Garden Theatre, or that his creditable fame, we would throw we should, in the least degree, injure down our pen and let the tragedy of Wallace repose with all its imperfections on its head.' But, if the judgment of a well-known critic and poet can be relied on, that

"Your own defects to know,'

you must

'Make use of every friend aud every foe;' then we shall feel ourselves justified by pointing out the most striking blemishes that deface many poetical and judicious passages in this tragedy.

The process of biscuit-bakiug for the British navy is as follows, and it is equally As the oven stands open during the simple and ingenious. The meal, and whole time of filling it, the biscuits first every other article, being supplied with thrown in would be first baked, were much certainty and simplicity, large lumps there not some counteraction to such an of dough, consisting merely of flour and inconvenience. The remedy lies in the water, are mixed up together; and as the ingenuity of the man who forms the pieces quantity is so immense as to preclude, by of dough, and who, by imperceptible deany common process, a possibility of grees, proportionably diminishes their kneading it, a man manages, or, as it is size, till the loss of that time, which is termed, rides a machine, which is called taken up during the filling of the oven, a horse. This machine is a long roller, has no more effect to the disadvantage of apparently about four or five inches in di- one of the biscuits than to another. A modern writer, in speaking of our ameter, and about seven or eight feet in 'So much critical exactness and neat ac-immortal bard, who was not for an age length. It has a play to a certain exten- tivity occur in the exercise of this labour, but for all time, has justly observed, sion, by means of a staple in the wall, to that it is difficult to decide whether the which is inserted a kind of eye, making palm of excellence is due to the mould- tic productions of Shakespear from all "That which distinguishes the dramaits action like the machine by which they er, the marker, the splitter, the chucker, others, is the wonderful variety and cut chaff for horses. The lump of dough or the depositor; all of them, like the being placed exactly in the centre of a wheels of a machine, seeming to be ac- perfect individuality of his characters. raised platform, the man sits upon the end tuated by the same principle. The busiEach of these is as much itself, and as of the machine, and literally rides up and ness is to deposit in the oven seventy bis-absolutely independent of the rest, as down throughout its whole circular direc-cuits in a minute; and this is accomplish-if they were living persons, not fictions of the mind. The poet appears, for the time being, to be identified with the character he wishes to represent, We do not think it necessary to no- and to pass from one to the other, like tice the methods of making turnip the same soul, successively animating 'The dough, in this state, is handed bread, or potatoe bread, since the price different bodies. By an art like that over to a second workman, who slices it of grain is such, at present, as will, we of the ventriloquist, he throws his imawith a prodigious knife; and it is then in trust, enable the humblest peasant to gination out of himself and makes a proper state for the use of those bakers eat good wheaten bread. A descrip- every word appear to proceed from the who attend the oven. These are five in tion of a family oven, an abstract of the very mouth of the person whose name number; and their different departments laws prohibiting the adulterations of it bears. His plays, alone, are pro are as well calculated for expedition and correctness, as the making of pins, or bread, and a few remarks on the econo-perly expressions of the passions, not other mechanical employments. On each mieal use of yeast, conclude the volume. descriptions of them. His characters side of a large table, where the dough is We will now take leave of Mr. Ac- are real beings of flesh and blood; laid, stands a workman; at a small table cum and his three treatises on the mak- they speak like meu, not like authors. near the oven stands another; a fourthing of wine, beer, and bread. There One might suppose that he had stood stands by the side of the oven, to receive is another art which these works teach, by at the time and had overheard what the bread; and a fifth to supply the peel. and which Mr. A. has had the modesty passed. By this arrangement the oven is as regu- not to mention.We mean the art of stance seems to exist in his mind as it Each object and circumlarly filled, and the whole exercise per-book-making, in which he has proved existed in nature. formed in as exact time, as a military evolution. The man on the further side of himself quite an adept. The treatises of thought and feeling goes on of itself the large table, moulds the dough; having on wine and on brewing afford fine spe- without effort or confusion; in the previously formed it to small pieces, cimens of spinning out a subject; and world of his imagination, every thing till it has the appearance of muffins, al that on bread has been eked out, with has a life, a place, and being of its though rather thinner, and which he does nearly thirty pages of extracts from an own. Every dramatic writer would two together, with each hand; and, as old pamphlet on the advantage of eat do well to recollect these remarks; and fast as he accomplishes this ta-k, he delivers his work over to the man on the whole of the works are printed very failed most in individuality of characThe Mr. Walker in particular, for he has ing pure and genuine bread.' other side of the table, who stamps them with a docker on both sides with a mark. loosely, and, though sold at the price ter. All his characters think, act, and As he rids himself of this work, he throws of sixteen shillings and sixpence, do not speak alike. He has fixed on some fathe biscuits on the smaller table next the contain so much matter as three num-vourite words and expressions which he oven, where stands the third workman,bers of the Literary Chronicle. has put into the mouths of each of

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Each several train

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Wert thou but now away.

Helen has

Away-waste not a thought on me.'
Then away to him.'

Hence, away, and leave me here to die.' And I stand idly here-Away! Douglas away's it half a dozen times, and Monteith nearly as many. The word enough is used frequently, and often very injudiciously. Take the following examples :

By every chance and charge, the intrepid soul Can proudly triumph o'er oppression.

I am prepared.

Glos. Farewell, then, thou brave Scot!

To conclude, we must observe that the orthography and punctuation are very incorrectly printed throughout, and trust Mr. Walker will improve from our candour and impartiality; for we can assure him we would not have taken this pains with an old author, who we might suspect to be incorrigible.

Would that my power availed to change thy Notes on Rio Janeiro and the Southern


But Edward's edict is imperative,-
Nor will admit delay-yet-yet-awhile-

Helen. [without.] Restrain me not!
[From scene the last.]

Wal. Free again! once more my country


Catch the blest sound ye choiring angels—ye That circles heaven's high throne exultingly; Ye thunders, join your notes, and loud proclaim To all the astonish'd world, the tidings round, Wallace, Enough! and now I do but snatch Scotland again is free! the star hath lisen

an hour.'

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Monteith. Enough! ye have your orders.' Helen. Enough! I see.'

But of all others, the word heaven is the most backnied; we could quote at least forty lines in which it occurs; for, in addition to numerous appeals to heaven, we have gracious heaven,' the • face of heaven,' dews from heaven,' 'merciful heaven,' a glimpse of heaven,'' yonder heaven,' patient heaven,' the eye of heaven,' with a number of ah! heavens,' and 'oh! heavens.' The exclamation Ha!' is used still more reprehensibly: but we will not stop to notice the instances, as the author will perhaps think we have done enough already. Well then, to be brief; there are a few must not be's, cannot be's, and other be's which, though evidently favourites, are intruders in legitimate tragedy; therefore, we advise Mr. Walker to give them a peaceful exit. There is a little word called YE, that has crept in and disfigured some of the best poetry. No more of that, has spoiled another dozen lines; and in sooth is any thing but soothing.

Thus, having dwelt so largely on its blemishes, justice demands our giving quotations of a higher description, and which have biassed the public, as well as ourselves, in Mr. Walker's favour :

From Act 5-Scene the First. [Interior of a
'Glos. Wallace, it pitieth me to speak thy

But, lo! the sovereign's seal and signature
Hath past, and thou must die!

That presages a day of peace!

The Bruce! the Bruce! he comes he rushes on
Her chains-my native land is free!
Scotland again is free!

Clif. But for thee

This instant

Wal. Aye-this instant to the block! Scotland is free and Wallace falls contented! Clif. Now lead him on!,

Parts of Brazil; taken during a Residence of Ten Years in that Country, from 1808 to 1818. By John Luccock. 4to. pp. 639. London, 1820. MR. SOUTHEY has given us a valuable history of Brazil; Koster and Prince Maximilian, of Wied Neuwied, have added much information respecting. that interesting and extensive country; Mawe has explored its mines; and now Mr. Luccock, in a bulky quarto, pours in a vast quantity of general information to complete our knowledge of the subject. The title of Notes' is modestly and very appropriately assumed, for the facts stated by Mr. Luccock are desultory and ill arranged: he is evidently a plain and intelligent may, who has, during his ten years' residence, gleaned a variety of interesting information respecting the Brazils. The singular facts which he details in natural history are confined to general descriptions, and not to scientific notices: this being a branch of science with which he does not appear to be acquainted. This is the more to be reap-gretted as no country in the world presents such an extensive or valuable field for the naturalist; but, not to dwell longer on what Mr. Luccock does not presume to know, we will come to those subjects on which he is suffici

The King hath sworn lie will not quit yon tower
Till the commingling swell of trump and drum,
Shall to the city's utmost bounds proclaim,
Th' arch-rebel is no more!
Come! [Helen falls senseless into the arms of

Wal. Hold yet, awhile:
Helen! my latest moment is arrived.
Nay; rouse thee-and collect thy nobler self,
To bid me one farewell-one dear farewell-
Till we do part.

Clif. Now, prisoner-it were bestGuards, bear him to the block! [Soldiers proach.]

Wal. [with extreme indignation.] Back! back! ye slaves!

Nor dare pollute me with your ruffian hand!
Shall it not be permitted me to pour
A few warm tears o'er an expiring wife?
Look there-there-there-throwing himself on ently informed, and make a few ex-
his knees beside her.]
Thou loveliest and thon best!

Is there a power on earth to tear me hence,
Ere I have ta'en of thee one last embrace?
Ah me! my wife! my poor, dear, desolate wife!

And art thou stricken thus for me?-for me

Falls this stroke on thee? Ah! when I'm gone
Thou shalt revive! for I have been to three
As the fell poison-tree, beneath whose shade,
Thon, sweetest flower, hast sickening died
Farewell! farewell! farewell! [Retiring slowly.]
Yet, one kisз more!

One other! oh, eternally farewell!'

tracts from this miscellaneous and unconnected work and, although by no means first in order, yet of the first importance, we quote a passage on the present state of literature and the arts in Brazil:

The licensed press has produced some useful works besides those which relate to military affairs. Among them we reckon, as the most useful, the Thesouro dos Meninos, which treats of "Morals, Virtue, and Good Manners." It was dedicated, very properly, to Don Miguel, the king's how-second son, for no boy can require such instructions more than he does; his edacation has been most limited and unfortu

We have an utter dislike to the presumptuous appeals of tragedians, ever Roman-like and prevailing; and


independently of our citations nate. A book entitled, Lectures on Phiheavens, there are other expressions losophy, contains too much of the dogmas which are reprehensible. The gallop-of Aristotle and the dark ages to evince ing syllable is permitted to run very that the author is either enlightened or ju freely, and the imitations are numeroas. dicious. We have also the History of

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