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lection of farces, on the same plan, in seven volumes, and the Modern Theatre, in ten volumes.

linquished it, and remained in Lon-agreeably to the custom of modern don in great poverty and obscurity. comedy. Mrs. Inchbald also wrote It was now that she began to devote several farces, but 'free from the caricaher attention to dramatic writing. ture, buffoonery, and extravagance of There is another department of liteHaving written a comedy, she read farce in general; and they might more rature in which Mrs. Inchbald has part of it to Mr. Harris, who disap- properly be termed comedies in one, been no less successful than in her draproved of the piece, and sent it anony-two, or three acts. We shall now enu- matic compositions. We mean novel mously to Mr. Colman, the manager merate the dramatic productions of writing; for, although she has not of the Haymarket, with whom it re-this lady, which will show the fertility thought proper to call the pleasing mained nearly three years unnoticed. of her genius. To those already men- story intitled Nature and Art,' a noNotwithstanding this neglect and dis- tioned, she has added,-Appearance is vel, yet it certainly belongs to that couragement in the outset, she perse against Them, a farce, acted at Covent class; the story is interesting-the chavered, and, availing herself of the rage Garden, in 1785.-The Widow's Vow, racters are accurately drawn, and the for balloons, which existed in the year a farce, acted at the Haymarket, 1786. morality sound-its satire is just, the 1784, she sent him her farce of A Such things are a Play, acted at Covent language sprightly, but not fantastic, Mogul Tale; or, the Descent of the Garden, 1717.-The Midnight Hour, and the reflections serious without af Balloon.' The subject, probably, in- a petit comedy, acted at Covent Gar- fectation. The Simple Story,' and duced Mr. Colman to pay this piece den, 1789.-All on a Summer's Day, a the novel by our author, is charactermore attention. He read, approved, comedy, acted at Covent Garden with-ised by the same simplicity and spirit and accepted it. Its success induced out success, 1787.-Animal Magnet- both as to style and manner, as the Mrs. Inchbald to remind him of her ism, a farce, acted at Covent Garden, former, but the characters are more vadormant comedy; on which he imme- 1788.-The Child of Nature, a come-rious, the passions more interesting, diately replied, I'll go home this mo- dy, ditto, 1788.-The Married Man, and the plot is more intricate and surment and read it.' He did so, and a comedy, acted at the Haymarket, prising. The story is said to have having approved of it, he gave it the 1789.-The Hue-and-Cry, a farce, been a favourite with Mrs. Inchbald, title of I'll tell you what,' wrote a acted without success, at Drury Lane, and we are not surprised at it, since prologue for it himself, and brought it 1791.-Next-door Neighbours, a co- we are much mistaken if some of out in 1785. medy, acted at the Haymarket, 1791. the leading incidents in her own life Much has been said relative to Mr.-Young Men and Old Women, a have not furnished the basis of some Colman's not having read the comedy farce, ditto, 1782.-Every One has his part of the story, though diversified by when first sent to him; the truth is, fault, a comedy, acted at Covent Gar-numerous peculiarities, and concealed that according to that gentleman's own den, 1793.-The Wedding-Day, a with much ingenuity. words he admired modest merit, and farce, acted at Drury Lane, 1795.seldom attended to the five-act pro- Wives as they were and Maids as they ductions of anonymous writers, which are, a comedy, acted at Covent Garden, generally proved the vain attempts of 1797.-Lovers' Vows, a comedy, alambitious authors; but he delighted in tered from Kotzebue's Child of encouraging young beginners, who, Love,' acted at Covent Garden, 1798. like himself, began with pieces of one-The Wise Man of the East, ditto, and two acts.

1799-and To Marry or not to Marry,

Of all these productions, the very
pleasing comedy intitled The Child
of Nature,' seems to have been the fa-
vourite of the fair author, as she ap-
pears to have had her eye on it, in one
of her later works, of a different cha-
racter, as well as in her alteration of
Lovers' Vows;' for the character of
Amanthis, in the former, may be fairly
supposed to have given a turn to the
character of Amelia, in the latter.

The tide of Mrs. Inchbald's fortune now began to turn; no longer perplexed as an actress by precarious engagements-no longer mortified by the neglect of her literary talents, she now saw her projects brighten. Accord ingly, she began to enlarge her rules of economy, and changed her humble lodgings for others more suitable to her circumstances; for it was one great excellence in the conduct of this amiable woman, that she always studied economy, and, accommodating her mode of living to her circum-in 1789, and from that period until stances, she preserved, even in her humble fortunes, a high sense of moral dignity and independence.

The comedy of "I'll tell you What' was soon followed by others of a similar character, that of genteel comedy, which was the forte of Mrs. Inchbald, and she seems never to have attempted tragedy, or even tragi-comedy. Her province was humour and satire, occasionally interspersed with the serious,

Mrs. Inchbald retired from the stage

the year 1805, it will be seen she was
very actively employed in dramatic
writing. In the year 1806, she was
engaged to edite a new edition of the
British Theatre, with biographical and
critical remarks. This work, which
consisted of upwards of a hundred
plays, acted at the Theatres Royal,
was published in twenty-five volumes,
12mo. between the years 1806 and
1809. These were followed by a col-

We have hitherto only spoken of Mrs. Inchbald's literary character, but of her conduct as a woman of honour, even amidst all the gaiety of youth and the powerful influence of a most fascinating person, there is but one opinion. During the whole period of her theatrical engagements, she maintained an unblemished character; and, although the incidents of her life have been the subject of much conversation in the gay world, they never conld expose her to the censure of even the most rigid and severe moralist. The worthy part of both sexes, who were honoured with her acquaintance, highly esteemed her worth; her connexion with Mrs. Siddons and Lady Derby strengthened into friendship; and Mrs. Inchbald has left behind her a character that may staud in opposition to the prejudices of such as think that an actress cannot be a virtuous woman. Nothing argues greater illiberality than this common assertion, for it is but justice to observe, that among those who have devoted themselves to a theatrical life, are to be found many persons of the most exemplary conduct.

This distinguished lady, whose talents were of the highest order, and who was an ornament to her sex and country, died at Kensington, on Wed

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YE storms, whose rude blasts have entomb'd in the deep,

My friends and companions, why leave me to weep?

Untroubled on ocean's green bosom they sleep, While I live their fate to deplore.

Yet to live 'midst those wilds, lone, bleak, and austere,

The loss even of country and friends I could bear,

But Fate from my bosom my Morag to tear! 'Tis done and what can Fate do more?

Ye breezes that murmur around my dark cave, And sport on light wing o'er the soft curling -wave!

The deans and their chapters, which seldom are read,

Soldiers foraging still in pursuit of their bread;

All are happy! why not so? aye, surely not


However, when evening is calm on the ocean," And the leaves of the woods are but gently in motion,

I steal from the bustle of joy for one hour,
To be present with absence, and gather a

As to mornings, like London, the city is still,
Savea few orange peasants up-climbing the hill,
A few straggling soldiers relieving the guard,
A few noisy fellows unlocking the ward,
A few broken heads lying close to the walls,
A few early wares cried with comical squalls,
A few woollen cloaks round their owners asleep,
And the infants, their baggage, wrapped up in
a heap.

I have seen a few fights with the bludgeon and fist,

And, 'tis something more strange-fighters shook hands and kiss'd Ere the combat began twas for love to be sure; cled Flere And the Irish, like cats, cause a wound for a

I saw a few priests hurrying off to the shrine, With their mouths full of masses, oft fuller of, wine;

The calling of vigils, the folks but half drest, To the chapel must hie, to cross forehead and

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But, in Ireland, such things are but fudge! What with bob-wig, big-wig, little-wig, and pig-tail,

I care not how soon to old England we sail :

Till we come, may your prospects of pleasure be fair,

But, if clouded in woe, give them hope for despair.

College Court, Dublin, Aug. 1821.

The Drama.


Literature and Science.

A society for the encouragement of arts, upon a plan nearly similar to that of the British Institution, Pall Mall, has been established at Glasgow.

Courser (Mrs. Chatterley), his niece.
He has projected for her a union with
Capt. Belmont (Mr. De Camp), a gen-
tleman he has never seen since he offici-
ated as sponsor for him, and whose person,
therefore, is quite unknown to him. He
sends to the head-quarters of the regi-
Gas tar, mixed with yellow ochre,
ment to which he belongs, to invite him
to his house, and the invitation is accept makes an invisible green paint, very
ed. But Col. Rakely (Mr. Jones), the useful for preserving coarse wood-
commander of the regiment, a man of in- work, or other articles where more or-
trigue and dissipation, gains sight of Bel-nament is required than tar alone.
mont's letter, and, in a frolic, determines
Important Invention. Mr. William
to circumvent him with his mistress. He
employs Belmont on some service, which Wood, of Bow, Middlesex, has disco-
must prevent, for a few days, the prosecu- vered, that a light felt of hide-hair, or
tion of his amour, and himself visits Lady mixture of hide-hair and wool, when
Emily, under the assumed name of his saturated with tar, is highly elastic and
inferior officer. Unfortunately for him, water-proof, and conceiving the useful
Lady Emily, disgusted with the absurd application of the substance as a lining
projects of her uncle, determines to ac- for the sheathing of ships, he manufac
cept no lover of his proposing. Rakely, tures it in an expeditious and econo-
therefore, whose character as a man of
gallantry would otherwise have paved the mical manner, in sheets of suitable size
way to his success, loses all chance by for that purpose; such sheets, being at-
personating Belmont. When he is about tached to the external sides and bottom
to declare himself in his own person, Bel- of the ship by simply nailing with scup-
mont arrives, and, both officers being per nails, are covered with planking.
equally unknown in the family, he is taken The substance he terms adhesive felt.
for Rakely. Some amusing equivoque It possesses the property of elasticity
arises, which leads to the discovery of the in so considerable a degree, as to
real rank and pretensions of each. Bel-stretch uniformly without fracture or
mont is selected as the happy man by the
capricious Lady Emily, partly because injury either to its texture or its com-
Rakely, though under an assumed name, plete imperviability to water, when
had the misfortune of being first proposed ever the ship's seams are opened by
by her uncle, and because, too, she re- straining in hard weather, or, in more
cognizes in him a gentleman who had dangerous cases, of the starting of
rendered her an essential service on some planks or the breaking of timber, as in
former occasion. The chief agent in the stranding. In all such cases, when,
different disguises and discoveries is Shuf- with the usual mode of sheathing, wa-
fle (Mr. Oxberry), an old servant of
ter would necessarily be admitted, to
the certain destructien of the vessel,
this material forms an impenetrable
and elastic case or garment for the
whole ship's bottom, and in case of
opening the seams by straining, it re-
turn of the part so opened, or the re-
covers its first dimensions with the re-
lease of the strain; in such cases it
generally falls into the openings in a
that, however he might have hitherto certain degree, so as to render them af-
failed in match-making, he hoped in terwards more secure against a recur-
rence. He also finds it to be a com-
this he had succeeded, the applause
was loud and enthusiastic. The house plete protection against every descrip-
was (as it now is almost every evening) tion of worm in all climates; this de-
extremely full; but, from the excel-structive animal is never known to pe-
lent manner in which it is ventilated,
the heat was less oppressive than might
have been expected.


DRURY LANE. A new farce was pro-
duced at this theatre on Tuesday night,
The merit of this little piece is en-
under the title of Five Hundred Pounds. tirely in the story and in its dramatic
As there is neither novelty in the plot situations, for the dialogue does not
nor merit in the dialogue, we shall contain a single attempt at wit or hu-
briefly observe, that the story turns
upon a young spendthrift, who, after mour. The acting was indeed excel-
devising various expedients to get 5001. lent; the performers were few, but every
one seemed a principal, and the suc-
at length obtains it by a fraud upon
cess of the piece was complete. When
his uncle. The actors did all they
could for the piece, but it was received Mr. Matchem, at the conclusion, said
with much dispprobation, and lived
but two nights.

HAYMARKET.-On Saturday, after the opera of Fontainbleau, which is admirably performed, a new farcical interlude, in one act, was produced, intitled Match-making. The story, though brief, possesses more interest and variety than usually belong to pieces of

this class:

Mr. Matchem (Mr. Terry), an old bachelor, is possessed with the mania of making matches for all the single people of his acquaintance, though the greater part of them had ended in divorce and separate maintenance. He has a large list of names destined for wedlock; but

the chief object of his care is Lady Emily

ENGLISH OPERA HOUSE.-A new farcical operetta was produced at this theatre, on Thursday night, intitled 4 Cure for Coxcombs. It has not the slightest plot, and its merits, in any other respect, are more than equivocal. It was received very coolly, and cannot possibly last more than a few nights.

netrate the material in the slightest de-
gree. The material, hair, or hair and
wool, is prepared for felting by the
operation of dressing and bowing, as in
the practices of hat-making, and it is
felted in the usual manner.
portions thus felted, are dipped into the
melted tar or pitch in certain stated
proportions to each other, and then un-
dergo a slight compression, to take
away the extraneous or dripping quan
tity of the material; they are then ex-

posed for a short time to dry and cool, and are then considered fit for use.

has taken place at St. Helena, on the 5th of last May, her Imperial Highness, the knights and ladies comprising the interior service of the court, the persons of the ducal household and livery, shall wear mourning for three months, divided into three periods or classes, from 25th July to 24th of September, from 5th September to 2nd October, and from the 3rd to the 24th of October. The obsequies shall take place in the chapel attached to the Villa di Sala, the present residence of her Imperial Highness.' pa

New Medicine.-Dr. Siemerling, jun. of New Brandenburg, has published in the Prussian State Gazette, a cure which he has discovered for the wasting of the windpipe. The remedy consists in the use of the milts of pickled herrings, and the manner of employing them is pointed out by the learned doctor, whose wife, it seems, laboured under, and was in the last stage of, this dreadful disease. Upon her the husband made trial of his nacea, which is thus described-The patient took every morning, an hour before her coffee, the milt washed in water, and as the use of all other medi-LIFE,' Chap. II, Vulgar Errors,' Sam Spritsail, and J. R. P. in our next.

cines was suspended, the effects of the new remedy could be more accurately observed. For a fortnight her situa tion remained as before; but from the end of that period, the herring milts being persevered in, all the bad symptoms of a dangerous malady gradually disappeared, and she was wholly recovered in three months; though, in the opinion of the doctor and other physicians, she could not have been expected to linger six weeks at the utmost, in a state of extreme suffering.'

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Austerity, a state of rigid mortification. It is distinguished from severity and rigour thus. Austerity to the manner of living; severity to the manner of thinking; rigour to the manner of punishment. To austerity is opposed effeminacy; to severity, relaxation; to rigour, clemency. A hermit is austere in his life; a casuist severe in his application of religion or law; a judge rigorous in his sentences.

The following epitaph is copied from the tombstone of R. T. Crossfield, M. D. in Hendon

Church Yard.


Beneath this stone Tom Crossfield lies,

- Who cares not now who laughs or cries; He laughed when sober, and when mellow Was a harum scarum heedless fellow; He gave to none designed offence, So honi soit qui mal y pense. Bonaparte.-The Gazette of Parma contains the following official order of the widow of Napoleon for going into mourning for his death. On the occasion of the death of the most serene spouse of our august sovereign, which

Can any of our readers inform us whether this is the same Crossfield that was tried for shooting at his late majesty, or not?-ED.




The favours of Eliza, Cambro, W. S., and O. B. have been received. Caledonia seems to have been at a pinch when he wrote his sonnet on Snuff.

J. W.D. in defence of Mr. Hunt, will excuse our inserting his letter, which is anticipated by one previously received, and to which we have given place in the present number.

We shall be happy to see the poen offered by C. W. Next week he will see that we do

not forget him.

P. W. C. C. treats what is evidently a joke seriously; our authority was an American paper, and the double insertion an oversight.

A Scotchman' will not do, although his loyalty makes God save the King flash out of his mouth."

We shall not, this week, follow what W.S calls the Blackwood way of answering corres pondents, by nibil;' but we really do not understand him. If it is the address to the Deity, we must obserye that it is

to which he allo


Pinnock's Catechisms.

MESSRS. G. and W. B. WHITTAKER, Ave-Maria Lane, beg to announce that New Editions of the following CATECHISMS, considerably enlarged and improved, have just issued from the Press (price 9d. each) tion.

The First Catechism for Children, Tenth EdiPINNOCK'S Catechisms of Astronomy, Eighth Edition.

Bible and Gospel History, Sixteenth Edition.
Botany, Sixth Edition.

English Grammar, Thirteenth Edition.
French Grammar, Fourth Edition.
Latin Grammar, Third Edition.
General Knowledge, Tenth Edition.
British Biography, Sixth Edition.
Classical Biography, Fourth Edition.
Natural History, Fifth Edition.
Geometry, Seventh Edition.
Mythology, Tenth Edition.
Music, Sixth Edition.

Geography, Twenty-sixth Edition.
History of England, Twenty-seventh Edition.

'Being led to look into these works, we have, been pleasingly surprised at the variety and accuracy of the information they contain, within so small a compass, and in so excellent a form; and we must say, that more convenient, accurate, well-arranged, and proper publica- ' tions, were never submitted to general observation.'-Lit. Gaz.

August 1st was published, hot-pressed, price 2s. 6d.(continued monthly,) SELECT BRITISH DIVINES, Part V. containing Archbishop Leighton's Commentary on St. Peter,

Edited by the Rev. C. BRADLEY, High Wycombe.

Bishop Beveridge's Private Thoughts are very unlike any we have seen by Klop-completed in Nos. I. and II. with a Portrait, and stock.


This day are published, by G. & W. B. WHIT-
TAKER, Ave-Maria Lane, printed in a neat
pocket size, price 1s. each,

form a vol. price 5s -Leighton's Theological Lectures in No. III. with a Portrait, together with his Expository Lectures in No. IV. also form a vol. price 5s. After Leighton will sueceed the Works of Hall, Horne, Doddridge, Watts, Charnock, Hopkins, Howe, Baxter, Fla-. vell, Owen, W: Jones, &c. &c.

This Work will consist of a uniform reprint of all the most valuable Pieces in Devotional:

RIES. Each county is published separately, and Practical Divinity. The Authors, from and is therefore complete in itself; containing whose writings they will be selected, are those, a compendious and accurate account of its History and Topography, its Antiquities, natu- who have either been consistent members of the ral and artificial Curiosities, local Peculiari-Established Church, or whose sentiments have ties, Commerce, Manufactures, &c.; compris-been in strict accordance with the general teing also the Biography of its most Eminent nour of its Liturgy and Articles. Persons, and much other useful information; and each County illustrated by a neat and correct Travelling Map.

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will be given, and in some instances a Portrait. A short Biographical Sketch of each Author:

The Work to be comprised in 40 Vols. but any Author may be had separately.

N.B. For usefulness and cheapness PINNOCK's COUNTY HISTORIES are unequalled. Nearly Printed by A. J. VALPY, and sold by LONGall the Counties of England are now published, MAN and Co.; SEELEY; HAMILTON; HATCHand the remainder are in great forwardness. ARD and SON, London; and all other BookselWhen finished, they will form the most com- lers, of whom the Work may be had regularly; plete and serviceable History and Topography with the Reviews and Magazines, by giving a of Great Britain ever presented to public no-general order to their Booksellers.


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And Weekly Review;

Forming an Analysis and General Repository of Literature, Philosophy, Science, Arts' History, the Drama, Morals, Manners, and Amusements.

This paper is published early every Saturday Morning; and is forwarded Weekly, or in Monthly or Quarterly Parts, throughout the British Dominions.

No. 121.


Review of New Books.

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the same conclusion. Believing, as we
long have done, that Sir Walter Scott,
and no other person could be the au-
thor of the Scottish novels, we feel com-

Price 6d.

similar movement by the French in Paul's Letters. An approaching body of troops is likened to a dark cloud. "God and Letters to Richard Heber, Esq. conthe cause!" "God and the King!" are taining Critical Remarks on the Se"God and the Queen!" resound from ries of Novels beginning with Wa-paratively little interest in an essay, la- the cries at Marston Moor. At Langside, bouring to prove that of which we neverley,' and an Attempt to ascertain the one party; "God and the King!" ver entertained a doubt, notwithstand-thundering from the other. That fine inthe Author. 8vo. Pp. 255. Lon-ing the ingenuity and industry the au- cident in the battle of Flodden,→ thor has displayed to establish his point.

don, 1821.

"Fast as shaft could fly, Bloodshot his eyes, his nostrils spread, The loose rein dangling from his hand, Housing and saddle bloody red,

Lord Marmion's steed rush'd by,"

introduced again in the engagement at

Loudon Hill:

showed that they belonged to the Life "At length horses, whose caparisons Guards, began to fly masterless out of the confusion. Dismounted soldiers next appeared, forsaking the conflict, and❞—

the Scottish novels passed through the
Although it has not been denied that
hands of Sir Walter, yet some have as-
serted, that they are all written by his is
brother, a major in the army; this we
never, for a moment, credited. The
author of the work before us does not
allude to this report, but he shows, and
we think very clearly, that however
much the novelist excels in the rich
and animated pictures of martial life,
military man, but exactly such as
yet they are not those of a professed
of genius, who had recently conversed
might have been expected from a man
with the triumphant warriors of Water-
and commemorated those achievements
loo, or the field of their achievements,
both in verse and prose.'

It is thus a third time touched upon :—
""But ere I cleared that bloody press,
"Our northern horse ran masterless."

Rokeby. Canto 1.
And again in the Lord of the Isles
"The earl hath won the victory.
Lo! where yon steed run masterless,
His banner towers above the press."

Canto 6.

mies suddenly shift their ground:-
In the fight by Lock Katrine, the ar-

We recollect, in one of Mr. Dibdin's
pieces at the Surrey Theatre, a scene
between a manager and a dramatic
poet, in which the latter is cautioned so
to arrange his story, that the audience
may not be let into the plot before the
half-price. The author of the present
work, however, acts differently, for, in the
very outset, he develops his whole story,
by declaring that the Scottish novels
are by the author of Marmion, that is,
by Sir Walter Scott, to whom common
fame has so long ascribed them. He
commences with some general reasons
for his belief, and then enters into those
details which give it sanction. The
circumstances from which he draws the
Kinferenceare carefully enumerated in the
table of contents, and are principally as
follow:-Resemblance between the no-
velist and the poet in their tastes, stu-
The similarity of incidents between
dies, and habits of life, as illustrated the poet and the novelist, which our
by their works-both Scotchmen-ha-
bitual residents in Edinburgh-poets those of description and peculiarity of
author enumerates, are less striking than
—antiquaries—German and Spanish
scholars-equal in classical attainments expression, a few of which we shall
deeply read in British history-law-quote. In their battle scenes,—
In most instances, the conflict is de-
yers-fond of field-sports-of dogs-scribed as seen by persons looking down
acquainted with the most manly exer- upon it from a commanding point, and
cises-lovers of military subjects-the not mixed in the tumult themselves.
novelist apparently not a soldier-both The situation of Morton and his compa-
men of good society-both their works nions at Loudon Hill, and of Queen Mary,
distinguished by good morals and good Seyton, and Græme, at Crookstone, are
sense both excel in grand and com- precisely the same with that of the lady
plicated scenes both have, in many shock of battle, at Bannockburn, is wit-
and two 'squires, at Flodden; the first
instances, resorted to the same sources nessed by Edith, from the Gillies Hill;
of information, and borrowed the same Rebecca watches the attack on Torquil-her
incidents-both fond of mentioning stone, from a window of the castle; and
their cotemporaries-both delight in Allanbane looks down upon the battle of
frequently introducing an antiquated Beal'anduine from a height overlooking
or fantastic dialect. These are some, the Trosacks. The natural sublime com-
though by no means all the points of parison of hostile ranks engaging, to an
similarity, on which the author grounds agitated sea, is introduced in the four
his proof of the works being from the Narrative of the battle of Marston Moor,
passages last referred to, in Risingham's
same pen; there are several others still in the description of the British line charg-
more minute, and all of which tend to ing at Waterloo, and in the account of a

"As the dark caverns of the deep

Suck the wild whirlpool in, So did the deep and darksome pass Devour the battle's mingled mass; None linger now upon the plain, Save those who ne'er shall fight again." "Lady of the Lake. 'And thus in the battle of Inverlochy:"Allan's threats had forced his own clan

from the spot, and all around had pressed on. ward towards the lake, carrying before them noise, terror, and confusion, and leaving bebind only the dead and dying." "Legend of Montrose.

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"In speaking of the moon as seen in a tem waded amid the stormy and dusky clouds, pestuous sky, the novelist says, that "she which the wind, from time to time, drove across surface."-Antiquary,

Thus, too, the poet,→ "The wading moon, with storm presaging


Now gave and now withheld her doubtful


In a clear night,

The Poacher.

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