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being of the profession, enjoyed the re-sited at her door; when being told of putation of a wise man through the it by her porter, she ordered the new neighbourhood. Du Vacher said he guest to be brought into her apart- Just published, by CHAPPLE, Bookseller to his ment, Round its neck was a note in these words, I recommend my child to God and Madam Catalini.' She adopted the child; i

The poet Schiller received from the Emperor of Germany a diploma of nobility, but he never availed himself of it. On searching one day in a chest for some papers, he stumbled on this diploma, and showing it to an intimate friend who happened to be present, he observed, You did not know, I suppose, that I have been several years a noble,' and then threw it carelessly aside. Schiller knew that an emperor might gain honour by conferring a title on him, but that he could gain no honour by a title.

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A Simile.

Majesty and their Royal Highnesses the
Dukes of York and Cambridge, Royal Li-
brary, Pall Mall,
JULIUS. Book I. price 5s.


1. NAPOLEON, and other Poems, by Sam.

Gower, Esq. 7s. bds.

2. HIGH BIRTH; a Satire; addressed to a

young Nobleman. Price 3s. 6d.

Tales in verse, by Tim. Bobbin the younger. 5s. bds.

3. MY LODGER'S LEGACY; being Comic

4. LONDON; or, the Triumph of Quackery, by the same. Price 4s.

Friendly Hints and Admonitions to the Medical Profession. 6s. bds. with a humourously coloured frontispiece.


J. LIMBIRD, BOOKSELLER and STATIONER, 355, Strand, respectfully informs the public that a few complete sets of The LITERARY CHRONICLE, may still be had in boards, vol. 1., price 17s. 6d.; vol. 2. price 11. 7s. 6d.

As above is published,

CATHRALL, assisted by several Gentlemen
of Literary Distinction, Quarto, price 3s, This
Work is published occasionally, and will be
completed in Twenty-one Parts.
will be embellished with a Plate.

must consult a book-left at his house
by a soldier. He informed Ricou his
family was threatened with new misfor-
tunes, and his wife and children would
die in a few days; the only remedy
was to force the sorcerer to undo the
work of fate; and to do this Ricou
must put the sorcerer in the fire, and
hold him there until the thing was ac-
complished. The individual pointed
out by Du Vacher, as the sorcerer and
author of Ricou's misfortunes, was
Moreau, an honest journeyman in the
neighbourhood. Ricou did not easily
consent, but at length yielded to the
fear of losing his wife and children,
and procured the assistance of Fayet
to put Moreau on the fire; the latter
easily consented, being himself a vic-
tim to sorcery, as he believed, in conse-
Friendship is like the cobler's tie,
quence of drinking a glass of cider at That joins two soles in unity;
Moreau's. Ricou sent his wife and But love is like the cobler's awl,
children out of the way; and on the
That pierces through the sole and all'
evening of the 25th of March, enticed Longevity. In the beautiful little
Moreau to his house; a large fire was village of Broxbourne, in Hertford-W.
prepared; Ricou and Fayet seized shire, there died, in the course of seven
Moreau, and commanded him to undo months, preceding 27th May last,
the fate he had cast upon them, or they thirteen persons, whose united ages
would throw him into the fire. Mo- amounted to 1077 years. The young-
reau, in vain, protested he was no sor-est was 70 years, and the oldest 89.
cerer; he was seized and laid across
the fire. The fire had burnt his
clothes, and injured his leg and his left
thigh, when his cries frightened his
persecutors. Fayet ran away with all
speed. Ricou took up a gun and
threatened to shoot Moreau, unless he
suffered himself to be broiled alive; at
length frightened at the cries of the
sufferer, he permitted him to escape.
On the trial, Ricon affirmed seriously,
that a few days after this operation,
the milk of his cows produced good
butter, and he also got rid of the ver-
min; in short, his fate had altered.'
Fayet said, 'as far as regarded himself,
he was always the victim of sorcery,
and had the colic every day from two
to four o'clock.' Ricou and Fayet
were sentenced to two years' imprison-
ment; and Du Vacher was acquitted
on the 12th of August.

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The first was on the 19th October,
1820, and the last on the 24th May,
1821, and they stand in the register as

Susannah Cheshire
Mary Stanford (juu.).
Henry Pearse...
Richard Reynolds..
Ann Baker..
William White

Daniel Wood.

Sarah Clark

William Marshall

George Hale, (sen.)
William Levias..
-Peter White
Mary Lewin






Each Part

Vol. 1 and 2, price 12s. 6d. each, of The CAMBRO-BRITON, a Miscellany, dedicated to the Interests of WALES, and more particularly designed to disseminate amongst strangers a correct knowledge of the History, Language, Antiquities, Manners, Poetry, and general Literature, of that interesting portion of Great Britain.

These volumes contain, amongst other matter, much rare information on the subjects above mentioned and especially with reference to the ancient LITERARY REMAINS of WALES, 83 which are little known, and are yet of a nature so interesting and so valuable.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

It forms a principal object of The CambroBriton to furnish accurate translations of these, accompanied by illustrative remarks: and too. much cannot be said of their importance, as they tend to elucidate the early History of this Island. Price 2s. sewed,

REPORT of the PROCEEDINGS of the EISTEDDFOD, or Congress of Welsh Bards, held at Wrexham, under the Auspices of the Cymmrodorion in Powys, Sept. 13th and 14th, 1820.With an Appendix, containing the several Resolutions of the Society, an Abstract of the Accounts, and a List of the Members, with their Donations and Annual Subscriptions, 1820. Price 2s. in boards, POWYSION; see, Odlau ac Ynglynion a ddanfonwyd i Eisteddfod Gwrecsam, Medi 13,


A similar case will come before the next assizes at Sarthe. In this case the sorcerer is killed by the person suffering under his supposed influence: We are sorry that we cannot award our' pathe murderer accuses his victim of hav-tronage and correspondence' to Mr. Stuart, as London:-Published by J. Limbird, 355, Strand, ing given the small-pox to his infant, he requests; for the very commencement of his two doors East of Exeter Change; where advertise me nts are received, and communications for the and caused the death of his sheep. letter frightens us.In the name of God. Editor' (post puid) are to be addressed. Sold also Madame Catalini.-A few Amen,' may be well enough when it is follow-by Souter, 73, St. Paul's Church Yard; Simpkin years ago, when this celebrated syren was in but it is really too serious a beginning for ored by, 'This is the last will and testament, &c.' and Marshall, Stationer's Court; Chapple, Pall Mall; Grapel, Liverpool; and by all Booksellers London, a new-born child was depo-dinary correspondence. and Newsvenders.-Printed by Davidson, Old Bos well Court, Curey Street.

And Werkly Review;

Forming an Analysis and General Repository of Literature, Philosophy, Science, Arts, History, the Drama, Morals, Manners, and Amusements.

This Paper is published early every Saturday Morning; and is forwarded Weekly, or in Monthly or Quarterly Parts, throughout the British Dominions.

No. 123.


Review of New Books.

Price 6d.

presents, in some places, the most en- Beneath the beauteous tree where they reclin'd, chanting scenery, abounding with all Plac'd the last tribute of his earthly love. the softer pictures of natural beauty; In the last cruel moments of his ex-. The History of Madeira. With a Se- while in others, huge rocks, lofty pre-piring life, Machin implored his friends ries of Twenty-seven Coloured En- cipices, deep valleys, and rushing tor- to consign his remains to the same grave gravings, illustrative of the Cos-rents, combine the most awful and which contained those of his beloved tumes, Manners, and Occupations of charming examples of the sublime and Anna, who had sacrificed so much for him. Inhabitants of that Island. beautiful, with their accessory features the foot of an altar, erected under a tree This request was religiously fulfilled at in the landscape of nature; uniting the of wide-spreading beauty, against whose delights of Arcadia with Alpine mag- stupendous stem was placed a large cross nificence.


London, 1821. AMONG the few places which possess attractive features for the pen and the pencil, and yet have been hitherto neglected by both, is the Island of Madei-ters, said to have been known to the an-pathizing feelings of those who visit the

ra; a place interesting from its situation in the track of British commerce, and more particularly so from its excellent climate, which is found by experience to be highly beneficial to British invalids, in cases where their

native air fails to produce relief.

The work before us contains a good historical and topographical sketch of the island, and the manners of the people are displayed, (correctly we doubt not,) in a series of excellent engravings, from designs by a resident in the island.These designs,' says the author in his preface, being inade with a view to display character as well as dress and figure, appropriate thoughts naturally arising from the description, have been ventured, to increase the interest of the picture; and it is hoped that the effect will not be lessened by their being clothed in verse. In this respect, the desire to please will, perhaps, awaken indulgence, if it cannot excite praise.' We confess we like our author's prose better than his poetry: but the embellishments, (which are the principal features of the work,) are of sufficient merit to compensate for any defects of style in the poetical part of the work.

Although Madeira is, by some wri

cient geographers, and its discovery is,
by others, attributed to John Gonsalvo
and Tristram, navigators employed or
at least encouraged by Henry, Infant
of Portugal, yet the most concurrent
testimony attributes it to an English

gentleman, of the name of Kobert Ma-
chin, who, in the reign of Edward the
Third, was shipwrecked on the island.
The story of Machin, though wearing
much of the air of romance, is believed
in the outline to be founded in truth.

Machin was much enamoured of a

of cedar, which time seems to have venerated, as it still remains to excite the symspot. Near this sacred emblem, was an inscription dictated by the dying lover, concluded with a pious request, that if containing his sad history, and which any Christians should, at some future period, form a settlement in that island, they would there erect a church, and: consecrate it to the Redeemer of Mankind;-a devout hope, which, in the providential course of human events, has

been since fulfilled.'

The distressed followers of Machin embarked in a boat or canoe, which they had either made or preserved, and put to sea. They were driven to the coast of Barbary, and there made captives. While at Morocco, they com

young lady, whose name was D'Arfet contrary to her wishes, to marry a noor D'Orset; but her parents forced her bleman of high rank, Machin being municated their adventure to a fellowthrown into prison until the odious slave, a Spaniard, of the name of Juan de marriage was accomplished. When Morales, who was soon after ransomed. released, he determined to carry off the On his return to Spain, he was taken bride, and succeeded; he then emprisoner off the coast of Algarve, and barked with her in a small vessel at carried into Lisbon by Gonsalvez ZarBristol, and set sail for France; but co, a celebrated Portuguese navigator, tempestuous weather drove them into to whom he related the curious and exthe main ocean, and the first land they traordinary narrative of his English made was the then undiscovered Island companions at Morocco. Zarco comof Madeira. Here they landed; but, municated the intelligence to his sovebefore they had removed any of the reign, who immediately ordered a ship ship's contents on shore for their imme-to be fitted out, the command of which diate accommodation, the vessel was he gave to him, with a view to the disdriven out to sea, and it was supposed covery of the island. Zarco sailed for The island of Madeira is a valuable lost. This preyed so much on the Algarve on the 1st of June, 1419, and possession of the kingdom of Portugal, mind of the lady, that she shortly exmade the eastern-most point of the in the Atlantic Ocean, and has belonged pired in the arms of her distracted island on the 14th of the same month. to that power ever since its first disco-lover:Zarco disembarked on the 2nd of very. The island displays the figure of He could not sustain the shock of this July, and paid a pious visit to the an irregular quadrangle, and is formed overwhelming loss, and lived but a few sepulchre of the two lovers. Mass was of lofty mountains, hills, and fruitful days to lament her. This sad interval he celebrated, and the service for the dead, valleys. Its more elevated parts gene-employed in erecting a memorial to per- according to the Romish ritual, was rally rise in a gradual ascent, the high-petuate his fidelity, affection, and misfor-performed over the tomb of Machin and est point of land being a mile and a-half tunes:

above the level of the sea. The island Himself scarce living; and, upon her tomb,
He laid her in the earth,

his lady; and the ceremony was concluded by laying the first stone of a P P-38

small church, which was afterwards completed of wood, and dedicated, according to Machin's last wish-to the Redeemer of the World.

already planted in this island. events, there must be a confusion in the At all dates, as the island itself, according to the Portuguese historians, had been discoverThe navigators saw no human inha-ed only in the preceding year; and, if so, bitants on the island, nor any ferocious there could scarcely be a sufficient quananimals or poisonous reptiles; but nutity of land cleared away to produce the merous flocks of birds of the most plant vineyards; and if a conflagration of common necessaries of life, much less to beautiful plumage. It abounded with the woods which overspread the country, wood, and the ground was covered with and lasted several years, as is general odoriferous herbs. When it was de- related, was necessary to prepare the termined to convert it into a Portu- island for cultivation, a much later period gueze colony, the immense woods were must be referred to for introducing this set on fire, and the conflagration is fortunate plant into Madeira.' said to have lasted during several years. Zarco was appointed governor of the island, and three young Portugueze noblemen married his daughters, and had ample grants of land, and from them are descended the principal

families of Madeira.

From the variety of grapes grown in this island, it might be concluded, that each could be made to produce wine of its own specific character:

But, in general, the different grapes are all mixed together in making that wine which exclusively bears the name of the We have already mentioned the island, except the Malmsey and Sercial climate of Madeira, which is indebted grapes; the former affording a wine sufor its boasted salubrity to the unifor-perior to any sweet wine, and the latter mity of its temperature; the soil is most fertile, and is capable of producing the fruits and vegetables of almost every quarter of the globe. Not only the tropical fruits, but even those of the north arrive here at the utmost per-muscle-plum, and the clusters are so large as sometimes to weigh twenty pounds.

fection :

This island lays claim to its having been the first situation in the western

world, where the arundo saccharifera, or the sugar-cane, was cultivated. It most probably was introduced from the east soon after the island was discovered; but at what particular period, there are no existing means of ascertaining. From hence it was transplanted to the Brazils, and it is said to be owing to a most destructive blight that it ceased, in a great measure, to be cultivated here, when the vine succeeded, and has continued to form the wealth of the island; but the small quantity of the sugar that is still produced is uncommon. ly fine, and is said to emit an odour similar to that of the violet. Another account mentions, that when the island was first colonized, Prince Henry of Portugal caused the sugar-cane to be transplanted hither from Sicily; and that at one time there were forty sugar-mills on the island, that article then forming the staple commodity. Now there is only one mill remaining; but in this description the excellence of the sugar and its odoriferous quality is confirmed.'

Tinto grape also gives a wine which has another superior to any dry wine. The the flavour of Burgundy, but is commonly mixed with the other wines. There is one extraordinary kind, which is merely used as a desert fruit, about the size of a

The vines run on trellises of cane

work, about three feet from the ground, and the vintage begins early in the month of September; when the singular precaution is necessary to tie up all the dogs to prevent their getting at the grapes, of which those animals are voraciously fond. The rats, lizards, and wasps are also great enemies to the ripened clusters.

The process of making the wine is very simple. The grapes, when cut, are immediately consigned to the press, which is a large wooden trough, not unlike the cider-press in England, over which is a large clumsy lever, connected with other machinery. When the trough is nearly filled, the due number of bare-legged peasants appointed for the purpose, enter the machine, and by the active tread of their feet, press out the juice, which runs into a vessel beneath.

and deposited there for a longer or shorter period. Hence has arisen the practice of sending such wines as are intended for British consumption, a voyage to the West Indies, or round the East Indies, China, and the Brazils; which experience has determined to be essential to their excellence.'

The land owners of Madeira do not

manage their farms, but appoint certain portions to be cultivated, for which they give the tenant one half of the produce. Of the people of Madeira we are told,

The native inhabitants, more particu

larly the labouring classes, are of a more of the colder climates of Europe; for dark and swarthy complexion than those which, it is probable, they may be indebted to a Mulatto or Moorish origin, in common with the natives of the parent branch of the peninsula, from which they are derived. It is only a few of the first families who bear any the least resemblance in complexion, to the fair inhabi ence may be traced to a superior extractants of northern Europe; and this differtion. These islanders are generally of a middle stature, but athletic, well-limbed, active, and of great muscular strength, which renders them capable of sustaining the greatest fatigue; so much so, that they are often reduced to an emaciation of body, and debility of constitution, which brings on premature old age; though long life appears to be, otherwise, among the privileges which nature seems disposed to confer on them. The peasantry are sober, economical, and not merely inoffensive in their manners, but of dispositions the most courteous towards strangers, as among themselves. When they meet one of the latter, [former] they take off their cap, and "hope the Lord will prosper him;" and when they meet each other, they stand cap in hand, with ceremonious politeness, though under a perpendicular sun, and the reflected heat of a rock, till they have satisfied each other as to the welfare of their wives, children, relatives, acquaintance, cattle, domestic animals, &c.; and it is a point of ceremony not immediately to be settled, which of the friendly social party shall first return the cap to its appropriate situ

The husks or stalks are then collected and ation.

pressed with the lever, which pressure is
occasionally extended to the fourth time.
The best wine is said to be produced on
the south side of the island, and when first
made is as deep-coloured as port. It fer-ed
ments for about six weeks after it is made.
'There is some difference in the ac-

Madeira has long been celebrated
for its grapes, of which it produces al-
most every variety, in great perfec-counts given of the quantity of wine made


The vine was introduced into Madeira from the island of Cyprus, but at what period rests upon very dubious conjecture. It is not easy to reconcile the character of Chaptal for accuracy in his philosophical inquiries, when he mentions that, in the year 1420, vines were

in Madeira; but the most authentic average appears to be, from twenty-five to thirty thousand pipes, the greater part of which is exported, and the rest is consumed in the island. It does not, however, attain its due state of perfection till it has acquired a certain age in Madeira, or been transported to a warmer climate,

The higher classes, on the contrary, are inclined to corpulence, as they are inactive and indolent, which may be one cause of it; and this disposition is attendwith a temper somewhat morose, and a tendency to melancholy. Though sober, in respect to their libations to Bacchus, the presiding divinity of the island, they frequently indulge their appetite to ex cess in the luxury of the table. From this circumstance, with the sedentary life to which they habituate themselves, they become subject to chronic disorders, which are followed by the debilities of premature old age.

The youth, or at least the bloom and

gaiety of female life, is also greatly shortened, by early marriages and a numerous offspring. The mothers have often from

was originally found, soon after the first
discovery of the island.

Pilgrimages are daily made to her

pable of such malignity, nor his sense, when he can call it expedience: and, as for the nobles thus abused, they may it is a

six to twelve children, whom they gene-shrine; and the sailor, who is accustom-truly say with Sir William Davenant,

rally suckle; a duty which they often protract beyond the period that nature requires, even for two or three years.' Funchal, the capital of Madeira, contains about twenty thousand inhabitants, which is considered as the fifth part of the population of the island. It is situated at the foot of a lofty range of mountains, forming a magnificent amphitheatre:

ed to danger, and laughs at fear, is seen to
ask for added security against the perils of
the sea, which he devoutly believes that
she can afford him. It is the custom for
sailors, after they have landed safely on
the island, to go about the streets begging
alms, in order to pay the clergy for say-
ing masses in their behalf, at her altar.
An entire crew, headed by their captain,
are to be seen trudging barefoot up the
steep road that leads to the church of
Nossa Senhora do Monte, carrying their
top-sails with them in procession, accom-
panied by an appraiser, who, in the pre-
sence of some priest belonging to the
church, affixes a value on the sails; the
value, being thus determined, is paid into
the hands of the holy man, to defray the
expense of celebrating masses, in favour
of the vessel to which the sails belong, at
the shrine of the saint.'

concourse of

'Libel of such weak fancy and composure,
That we do all esteem it a greater wrong
To have our names extant in such paltry
Rhyme, than in the slanderous sense.'

Objecting, as we do, to the title and subject of this satire, we seek for some atoning, if not redeeming, quality in its merits; but we seek in vain, and we unhesitatingly proclaim that it has not one single feature to recommend it. let then our readers judge for themPerhaps we shall be told we are severe; selves, in the following passage, which relates to a meeting of the county of York, where Earl Fitzwilliam, Lord Grantham, and the Black Dwarf, are the dramatis persona. The Dwarf is exclaiming,


In a corner of the Franciscan convent, is a small chamber, which, though, from its dismal furniture, it may not invite a visit from the gay or the cheerful, may induce the curious to examine such an arrangement of mortality. Its ceilings and walls are completely covered with human skulls and thigh bones, placed in such a manner as to form a kind of triangle, with a skull fixed in the points. A figure of St. Francis is represented as baFunerals. It is the custom here to lancing a saint and a sinner, to ascertain bury the dead within twenty-four hours" Who calls me coward-tho' of regal note, which is the heaviest. From the ceiling after their demise. They bear the body He, a false villain! lieth in his throat! is suspended a small lamp, calculated to on an open bier to the place of inter- I'd brave " A shriek convulsive spoke the give sufficient light to display a scene ment, with the face and arms exposed to which might as well be consigned to ut- full view, attended by a ter darkness. The number of these bones priests and friars, chanting a funeral dirge; is calculated at upwards of three thousand. then follow the friends of the deceased; For what rational purpose they are thus and the procession is closed by a motley curiously preserved, it is idle to inquire; tribe of beggars, bearing torches. When and what object of superstition, none but the body is consigned to the grave, a the superstitious will pretend to deter-quantity of lime and vinegar is thrown in to consume it, in order to make room for others, as the church itself is the exclusive place of interment. If relatives were to attend funerals, it would be considered as a mark of indifference; and widows, in the higher stations of life, never cross the threshold for twelve months after the death of their husbands. It is only since the year 1770, that the Portuguese have withdrawn their uncharitable regulations relative to the burial of Protestants. Previous to that period, their dead bodies


Intending to divide our notice of this interesting and elegant volume, we shall, for the present, only detach one or two passages:

Superstition. About three miles from the town, up the country, is a very handsome church, called Nosa Senhora do Monte, in which are some scripture paintings, and a fine organ, with other decorations suited to the character of the place. The image of the patron saint is preserved with the most devout care, in a glass case, on the great altar. She is about two feet in height, dressed in a flaxen wig, and decorated with a profusion of gold chains and precious stones, which, at different periods, have been the pious offerings of wealthy devotees.

were thrown into the sea.'

(To be concluded in our next.)

By Julius.
Expedience; a Satire.
Book I. 8vo. pp. 35. London,


After the destructive flood in the IF our readers are not absolutely conyear 1803, this image was brought into jurers, we suspect there is not one of the town, with the greatest possible pomp them will guess the subject of this saand solemnity, being attended by the principal clergy, the military, in their tire by its title, for surely never were title and subject more at variance. best array, and the civil authorities, as there was no doubt of her presence prov- Who, except Julius,' would ever ing a certain, and, indeed, providential dream of calling a coarse attack on the protection against any further deluge; Queen, now that the grave has closed and, after being received with the cele- upon her- Expedience? Is it expebration of all due honours, and remain-dient to insult the memory of the dead, ing some months in the cathedral, she was and to abuse every nobleman who returned to her own altar, with all the so- dared to defend an injured woman Jemnity with which she had been conducted to the city; as the church dedi- while groaning under an oppressive cated to her was built on the spot where, prosecution? Surely not, and we envy according to the monkish legends, she not the feelings of the man who is ca

With brandish'd horsewhip Gr*nth*m stood
Prone at his feet the Dwarf persists to screech,
Thump after thump resounds upon his breech;
Ten thousand murders piteously he squealls-
Bellowing in tears, to F*tz, his friend, appeals.
The courtiers hollo" F*tz! defend him,


Faith! have you lost your valour or your
Would'st a fac-simile of F*tz's face,
Its then surpassing glories of grimace;
What time at mirror thy devoirs are made,
A lump of alum 'twixt thy teeth be laid.
Then Gr*nth*m-" Reptile; mark this whip

as eke

This whip hath marked thee; now truly speak, What brought thee here?""My lord! my lord! my lord!

What, what! your lordship, there he is my


Like a stuck pig, Lord Gr*nth*m star'd, and

Thinking he lied-had whipp'd the Dwarf
When lo! a power unseen arrests his clench,
In gath, oh! tell it not-the pow'r of stench.
To cork his nostrils firm was Gr*nth*m right,
Nor lagg'd the court to hold their noses tight.
"Within there! ho!" unanimous they shout,

Pastils to perfume-tongs to take him out!"

Loiter the servants, loath to have the job,

And consequentially exclaim-a snob!
Stretching at arms length, fix the forseps fast,
Pinch him; then, mock-bepitying, gape aghast.
He, like a Savoy monkey, 'gainst its chain,
When tugg'd by stranger, tugg'd and screech'd


Pinch follows gibe, and gibe succeeds to pinch,
The court, loud-laughing—“ Man, what makes

you flinch ?"

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The Retrospective Review. No. VII. THE last number of this popular and ably conducted review, justifies the hopes that were first entertained of it, and fully maintains the high character which it has gained among its contemporary periodicals. To the lovers of early English literature, the Retrospective Review, by pointing out the stores and selecting some of its gems, must afford a rich treat; and even those who may not be anxious to hold converse with the dead through the medium of their works, will scarcely fail of gratification, in the interesting extracts which it gives from books of approved merit, interspersed with acute critical remarks and ingenious reflections.

The seventh number, published on the 1st of August, contains ten articles, namely, The Life of Cellini,-The Poetical Literature of Spain,-Dryden's Prose Works, Arnalte and Lucenda,--Ascham's Toxophilus, Davenport's King John and Matilda,-Andrew Fletcher's Political Lovelace's Lucasta,




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Round the gay banks R ea R up their citadel
In proud secur
Ity, as tho' they were
Appointed guardi A ns o'er A scene so sweet;
Lady! all nature Looks out Lovely now;
Un counted beaU ties, tho Ughts most ex-
I ng glow

In hol I est union blend; a liv
Seem S to pervade the world, & welcomes thee;
All, all is brightness now o'er heaven, eArth,

and sea.'


By others may be found;
But I must search the black and fair,

Like skilful mineralists, that sound
For treasure in unplow'd-up ground.
"Then, if when I have lov'd my round,
Thou prov'st the pleasant she;
With spoils of meaner beauties crown'd,
I laden will return to thee,
Ev'n sated with variety."

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Family,' is chiefly interesting from the Wynne's History of the Gwedir clear and comprehensive view which it

exhibits of the manners of the Welsh at

We pass on to the review of the poems of the unfortunate Colonel a time when they were little better than Lovelace, who was an instance of one Lawrence's barbarians. The following extracts of the ino-t melancholy reverses of forgive a singular picture of the Cambrotune to be found in the annals of a set Britons about the middle of the fif of men, the early poets of England, teenth century:distinguished for the calamitous varie-kindness between Jevan ab Robert and The beginning of the quarrell and unWynne's History of the Gwelir Fami-ty of their adventures;' a gentleman Howel ab Rice ab Howel Vaughan, grew ly; and, lastly, The Early English who was remarkable for the beauty of in this sort. Jevan ab Robert, after his bis person and the elegant endowments sister's death, upon some mis-like, lest the The first article is a good but brief of his mind; one of the most gay and company of Howel ab Rece, and accomanalysis of the life of that ingenious sprightly courtiers of Charles I. but panied John ab Meredith, his nephew, and artist and entertaining auto-biogra- who, for his attachment to his sove-his children, who were at continuall bate pher, Benvenuto Cellini, a man of reign, was so involved and so persecut- with Howel ab Rice. The fashion was, great genius and uncommon versatili-ed, that, says Anthony Wood, he be- in those days, that the gentlemen and ty of talents: caressed alike by kings, came very poor in body and purse, was their retainers met commonly every day, popes, and dignitaries of the church of the object of charity, went in tagged was noe gentleman of worth in the counto shoote matches and masteries; there Rome; esteemed by men of learning; cloathes, (whereas when he was in his trey but had a wine cellar of his owne, lauded by the most eminent artists of glory he wore cloth of gold and silver,) which wine was sold to his profit; thither his time, and beloved by his acquaint- dirty places, more befitting the worst spent the day in shooting, wrestling. and mostly lodged in obscure and came his friends to meete him, and there of beggars and poorest of servants.' throwing the sledge, and other acts of acThe polished Lovelace' died at a tivitie, and drinking very moderately wretched lodging in Gunpowder Alley, withall, not according to healthing* and near Shee Lane, and was buried at the gluttonous manner of our dayes. west end of St. Bride's Church, among surfeit-slain fools, the common dung of the soil.' Lovelace was a charming poet, and, we think, deserves a higher praise than our critic awards him; we, however, agree with him fully as to the short poem which we shall quote, when he


From the account of the poetical literature of Spain, which is a well-written article, we shall quote an extract. It is a sonnet from a MS. volume of verstes, written on occasion of the death of the Queen of Charles II. and shows the ingenious trifling of some of the Spanish poets. It is as follows: 'Deidad que sin llegar O's O Cloto cogerte en tu veid 0 г No el N acer Reyna tu tempra Na flor hacer etern A tu salud M aio des M ayò en ataud A un ex A la su vapor

A lcanz A

Mira el

A romas

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Regia Pyra

A liento el

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A ur A fué de su vivir
Lofatal entre f L ores Leve huella
U igor det U hermosura f U é morir
I nsufr I ble dolor pens
I on de bella
Su S pende lyra llora este S entir
A spira à Elisios campos a cogell A.
Not having indulged in attempts of
this kind, we were not a little surprised at
the facility with which, in twenty minutes,

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draught+ upon Jevan ab Robert ab Meredith, and sent a brother of his to lodge over night at his house of Keselgyfarch, to understand which way Jevan ab Robert ab Meredith meant to goe the next day, who was determined to shoote a match with John ab Meredith's children at Llanvihangel Pennant, not farre from John ab y Meredith's house. stood, the spie (Howel ab Rice's brother) This being underslips away in the night to his brother, and lets him know where he should lay for him. Now had Howel ab Rice provided a butcher for the purpose, that should have murthered him; for he had direction by Howel to keepe himselfe free, and not to undertake any of the company until he * That is-drinking of healths.'

Howel ab Rice ab Howel did draw a

thor, and implies drawing a plan, or settling a + This is a phrase frequently used by our au


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