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looked unto." And soe that bickering
brake, with the hurt of many, and the
death of that one man.

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saw them in a medley, and every man sweet basil, bay-leaves, and sage; when fighting. Then was his chardge to come you have let him swallow this, immediatebehinde the tallest man in the company, ly whip him to death, and roast him forth(for otherwise he knew him not, being a It fortuned anon after, that the parson with. How to still a cocke for a weake stranger,) and to knocke him down; for of Llanvrothen* took a child of Jevan ab bodie that is consumed;' 'take a red Howel ab Rice sayd,-"Thou shalt Robert's to foster, which sore grieved cocke that is not too olde, and beate hin soone discerne him from the rest by his Howel Vaughan's wife, her husbaud to death,'-See the Booke of Cookrye, stature, and he will make way before him, haveing then more land in that parish than very necessary for all such as delight There is a foster-brother of his, one Ro- Jevan ab Robert had; in revenge whereof therein.-Gathered by A W. 1591, 12mo. bin ab Inko, a little fellow, that useth to she plotted the death of the said parson in p. 12. How to ROAST a pound of BUTTER, watch him behind; take heed of him; this manner. She sent a woman to aske curiously and well; and to farce (the cufor, be the encountre never soe hotte, his lodgeing of the parson, who used not to linary technical for to stuff) a boiled leg eye is ever on his foster-brother." Jevan deny any. The woman being in bed, af- of lamb with red herrings and garlick; ab Robert, according as he was appoint-ter midnight, began to strike and to rave; with many other receipts of as high a reed, went that morning with his ordinary whereupon the parson, thinking that she lish, and of as easy digestion as the Devil's company towards Llanvihangel to meete had been distracted, awakening out of his venison, i e. a roasted tiger stuffed with John ab Meredith. You are to under-sleepe, and wondering at so suddaine a tenpenny nails, or the Bonne Bouche,' stand, that in those dayes, and in that crie in the night, made towards her and the rareskin rowskimowmowsky, offered wilde worlde, every man stood upon his his household also; then she sayed that to Baron Munchausen a fricassee of pisguard, and went not abroad but in sort and he would have ravished her, and soe got tols, with guapowder and alcohol sauce," soe armed, as if he went to the field to en- out of doores, threatening revenge to the-see the Adventures of Baron Munchaucountre with his enemies. Howel ab parson. This woman had for her bre- sen, 12mo. 1792, p. 200:-and the horriRice ab Howel Vaughan's sister, being thren, three notable rogues of the damn'd ble but authentic account of Ardesoif, in Jevan ab Robert's wife, went a mile, or crewe, fit for any mischiefe, being follow- Moubray's Treatise on Poultry, 8vo. thereabout, with her husband and the ers of Howel ab Rice. In a morning, 1816, p. 18. company, talking with them, and soe these brethren watched the parson, as he parted with them; and in her way home-weat to looke to his cattle, in a place in wards, she met her brother a horseback, that parish called Gogo yr Llechwin, bewith a great company of people armed, ing now a tenement of mine, and there and rideing after her husband as fast as murthered him; and two of them fled to they could. On this, she cried out upon Chirkeland in Denbighshire, to some of her brother, and desired him, for the love the Trevors, who were friends or a-kinne of God, not to harme her husband, that to Howel ab Rice or his wife. It was the meant him noe harme; and withall steps manner in those dayes, that the murtherer to his horse, meaning to have caught him onely, and he that gave the death's wound, by the bridle, which he seeing, turned his should flye, and he was called in horse about. She then caught the horse Wales a lawrudd, which is a red hand, by the tail, hanging upon him soe long, because he had blouded his hand; the acand crying upon her brother, that, in the cessaries and abettors to the murtherers end, he drew out his short-sword, and were never hearken'd after.' strucke at her arme, which she perceiving, was faine to lett slippe her hold, and running before him to a narrow passage, whereby he must pass through a brooke, where there was a foot-bridge, near the ford. She then steps to the foot-bridge, and takes away the canllaw or hand-stay of the bridge, and with the same letts flie at her brother, and, if he had not avoyded the blow, she had strucke him downe from his horse.

-Furor arma ministrat.


The notice of the Early English Drama' is the last of a series of articles on the subject which have appear ed in the Retrospective Review,' and is confined to an examination of the works of Marlow, whose genius and talents are very fairly estimated.


The following specimen of the unaccountably whimsical harlequinade of foreign kitchens, is from La Chapelle' Nouveau Cuisinier, Paris, 1748.

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But the most extraordinary of all the culinary receipts that have been under my eye, is the following diabolically cruel directions of Mizald's. How to roast and eat a goose alive.’-Take a GOOSE, or a DUCK, or some such lively creature, (but a goose is best of all for this purpose,) pull off all her feathers, only the head and neck must be spared: then make a fire round about her, not too close to her, that the smoke do not choke her, and that the fire may not burn her too soon; nor too far off, that she may not escape free: within the circle of the fire let ther- be set small cups and pots full of water, wherein salt and honey are mingled; and let there be set also chargers full of soddish. The goose must be all larded, and den apples, cut into small pieces in the basted over with butter, to make her the better: put then fire about her, but do more fit to be eaten, and may roast the

not make too much haste, when as you see her begin to roast; for, by walking about, and flying here and there, being cooped in by the fire that stops her way out, the unwearied goose is kept in; she will fall to drink the water to quench her thirst, the apple sauce will make her dung, and and cool her heart, and all her body, and A turkey,' in the shape of a football, cleanse and empty her. And when she or a hedge-hog.'-'A shoulder of mut-roasteth and consumes inwardly, always ton,' in the shape of a 'bee-hive.'wet her head and heart with a wet sponge; tree of pigeons, in the form of a spi- and when you see her giddy with running, der,' or sun-fashion, or in the form of a and, begin to stumble, her heart wants frog,' or in the form of the moon.'-Or, moisture, and she is roasted enough. to make a pig taste like a wild boar:'— Take her up, set her before your guests, Take a living pig, and let him swallow the and she will cry as you cut off any part following drink, viz. boil together in vi- from her, and will be almost eaten up benegar and water, some rosemary, thyme, fore she be dead: it is mighty pleasant to

• En

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Howel ab Rice and his company, within while, overtooke Jevan ab Robert and his followers, who turned head upon him, though greatlie overmatched. The bickering grew very hotte, and many were knocked downe on either side. In the end, when that should be performed which they came for, the murthering butcher haveing not strucke one stroake all day, but watching opportunity, and finding the company more scattered than at first from Jevan ab Robert, thrust himselfe among Jevan ab Robert's people behind, and makeing a blow at him, was prevented by behold!!!'-See Wecker's Secrets of NaRobin ab Inko, his foster-brother, and ture, in folio, London, 1660, pp. 148, 309. knocked downe; God bringing upon his + We extract this curious article from that We suppose Mr. Mizald stole this rehead the destruction that he meant for excellent Vade Mecum for all good house-ceipt from the kitchen of his infernal maanother; which Howel ab Rice perceiv-keepers and epicures, the Cook's Oracle; a jesty; probably it might have been one ing, cryed to his people, "Let us away work which we shall notice more at length in of the dishes the devil ordered when he and begone, for I had given chardge that a week or two; when we can sit down with a invited Nero and Caligula to a feast.Robin ab Inko should have been better good appetite to digest it.-D. LA. C. Jun.

Llanvrothen is a small village near the sea-side, in Merionethshire.'

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This is also related in Baptista Porta's Natural Magicke, fol. 1658, p. 321. This very curious (but not scarce) book contains, among other strange tricks and fancies of the Olden Time, directions how to ROAST and BOIL a fowl at the same time, so that one half shall be ROASTED and the other BOILED;-and if you have a lacke of cooks-how to persuade, a goose-to roast himselfe !!!

Many articles were in vogue in the 14th century which are now obsolete we add the following specimens of the Culinary Affairs of Days of Yore.


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herbs, roasted and served up whole, and
covered after dressing with the skin and
feathers-the beak and comb gilt, and the
tail spread-and some instead of the fea-
thers, covered it with leaf-gold-it was a
common dish on grand occasions and
continued to adorn the English table till
the beginning of the 17th century.

In Massinger's play of the City Ma-
dam,' Holdfast exclaiming against city
luxury, says, three fat wethers bruised,
to make sauce for a single peacock.'

The bird is one of those luxuries which were often sought, because they were seldom found: its scarcity and external appearance is its only recommendationthe meat of it is tough and tasteless.

Sauce for a Goose, A. D. 1381. Take a faire panne, and set hit under the goose whill she rostes;-and kepe Another favourite dish at the tables of clene the grese that droppes thereof, and put thereto a godele (good deal) of wyn, our forefathers was a pye of stupendous and a litel vynegur, and verjus, and ony-magnitude, out of which, on its being ons mynced, or garlek; then take the opened, a flock of living birds flew forth, gottes (gut) of the goose and slitte hom, to the no small surprise and amusement of and scrape hom clene in watur and salt, the guests. and so wash hom, and hack hom small, then do all this togedur in a piffenent (pipkin) and do thereto raisinges of corance, and pouder of pepur and of ginger and of canell, and hole clowes and maces, and let hit boyle and serve hit forthe.'

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That unwieldy marine animal, the PORPUS, was dressed in a variety of modes, salted, roasted, stewed, &c. Our ancesfors were not singular in their partiality to it; I find, from an ingenious friend of mine, that it is even now, A. D. 1790, sold in the markets of most towns in Portugal-the flesh of it is intolerably hard and rancid.'-Warner's Antiq. Cal. 4to. p. 15.

The swan was also a dish of state, and in high fashion when the elegance of the feast was estimated by the magnitude of the articles of which it was composed; the number consumed at Earl of Northum

berland's table, A. D. 1512, amounted to twenty.'-Northumberland's Household Book, p. 108.

The CRANE was a darling dainty in William the Conqueror's time, and so partial was that monarch to it, that when his prime favourite, William Fitz Osborne, the steward of the household, served him with a crane scarcely half roasted, the king was so highly exasperated, that he lifted up his fist, and would have strucken him, had not Euds (appointed Dapifer immediately after) warded off the blow.' -Warner's Antiq. Cul. p. 12.

Four-and-twenty blackbirds bak'd in a pye;
When the pye was open'd the birds began to


Oh! what a dainty dish-'tis fit for any king.
This was a common joke at an old Eng-
lish feast. These animated pies were
often introduced to set on,' as Hamlet
says, a quantity of barren spectators to
laugh,'-there is an instance of a dwarf
undergoing such an incrustation.—About
the year 1630, King Charles and his
Queen were entertained by the Duke and
Duchess of Buckingham, at Burleigh on
the Hill, on which occasion, JEFFREY
HUDSON, the Dwarf, was served up in a
cold pye.-See Walpole's Anecdotes of
Painting, vol. ii, p. 14.

The BARON OF BEEF was another favou-
rite and substantial support of old English

Among the most polished nations of the 15th and 16th centuries, the powdered (salted) horse seems to have been a dish in some esteem: Grimalkin herself could not escape the undistinguishing fury of the cook. Don Anthony, of Guevera, the Chronicler to Charles V., gives the following account of a-feast at which he was present. I will tell you no lye, I sawe such kindes of meates eaten, as are wont to be sene, but not eaten as a HORSE roasted—a CAT in gely-LYZARDS in hot brothe, FROGGES fried, &c.'

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The Romans, in the luxurious period of their empire, took five meals a-day; a breakfast (jentaculum); a dinner, which was a light meal without any formal preparation (prandium); a kind of tea, as we could call it, between dinner and supper (merenda); a supper (cana), which was their great meal, and commonly consisted of two courses; the first of meats-the second, what we call a dessert:—and a posset, or something delicious after supper (comissatio).-Adams's Rom. Antiq. p. 434 and 447.

The Romans usually began their entertainments with eggs, and ended with fruits; hence AB OVO USQUE AD MALA, from the beginning to the end of supper, Horat. Sat. i. 3. 6.; Cic. Fam. ix. 20.

The dishes (edulia) held in the highest estimation by the Romans are enumerated, Gell. vii. 16., Macrob. Sat. ii. 9., Martial v. 79. ix. 48. xi. 53., &c. a peacock (PAVO, v. us), Horat. Sat. ii. 2. 23., Juvenal i. 143., first used by Hortensius, the orator, at a supper, which he gave when admitted into the college of priests (aditiali cœnâ sacerdotii), Plin. x. 20. s. 23., a pheasant (PHASIANA, er Phasi Colchidis fluvio), Martial iii. 58. xiii. 72., Senec. ad Helv. 9., Petron. 79., Manil. v. 372., a bird called Attagen_vel-ina, from Ionia or Phrygia, Horat. Eopd. ii. 54., Martial. xiii. 61. a guinea-hen (avis Afra, Horat. ibid., Gallina Numidicà vel Africana, Juvenal, xi. 142., Martial. xiii. 73.) a Melian crane; an Ambracian kid; nightingales, luscinia; thrushes turdi; ducks, geese, &c. TOMACULUM (A TIμYW), vel ISICIUM (ab inseco), sausages or puddings, Juvenal. x. 355., Martial. i. 42. 9., Petron. 31.-See Adam's Roman Antiquities, 2d Edition, 8vo. 1792, p. 447.

That the English reader may be enabled to form some idea of the heterogeneous messes with which the Roman pa late was delighted, I introduce the following receipt from Apicius:

THICK SAUCE FOR A BOILED CHICKEN.' Pot the following ingredients into a mortar;-aniseed, dried mint, and lazer root, (similar to assafoetida,) cover them with vinegar.-Add dates; pour in liquamen, oil, and a small quantity of mus tard seeds-reduce all to a proper thickness with Port wine warmed; and then pour this same over your chicken, which should previously be boiled in Anise-seed


While we are thus considering the curious dishes of olden times, we will curThe Liquamen and Garum were synoniSEALS, CURLEWS, HERONS, BITTERNS, sorily mention the singular diet of two or and the PEACOCK-that noble bird, the three nations of antiquity, noted by Hero-mous terms for the same thing; the former adopted in the room of the latterfood of lovers and the meat of lords-was dotus, L. 4. The Androphagi (the canalso at this time in high fashion-when nibals of the ancient world) greedily de- about the age of Aurelian. It was a lithe baronial entertainments were charac-voured the carcasses of their fellow crea- quid, and thus prepared:-The guts of terized by a grandeur and pompous cere-tures; while the inoffensive Cabri (a Scy-large fish and a variety of small fish, were monial, approaching nearly to the magni-thian tribe) found both food and drink in put into a vessel and well salted, and ficence of royalty: there was scarcely any the agreeable nut of the pontic tree. The then exposed to the sun till they became royal or noble feast without pecokkes, Lotophagi lived entirely on the fruit of putrid. A liquor was produced in a short which were stuffed with spices and sweet- the lotus tree. The savage Troglodyte time, which being strained off, was the li* It is a curious illustration of the de gusti- esteemed a living serpent the most deli- quamen.→Vide Lister in Apicium, p. 16, bus non est disputandum, that the ancients con- cate of all morsels; while the capricious notes. sidered the swan as a high delicacy, and ab-palate of the Zyguntini preferred the stained from the flesh of the goose as impure to every thing.Vide Warner's Antiq. and indigestible.'-Moubray on Poultry, p. 36, Cul. p. 135.


Essence of Anchovy, as it is usually made for sale, when it has been opened about ten days, is not much unlike the

Roman liquamen. Some suppose it was the same thing as the Russian caviar, which is prepared from the roe of the



The BLACK BROTH of Lacedæmon will long continue to excite the wonder of the philosopher and the disgust of the epiWhat the ingredients of this sable composition were, we cannot exactly ascertain. Jul. Pollux says, the Lacedæ. monian Black Broth was blood, thickened in a certain way: Dr. Lister (in Apicium) supposes it to have been hog's blood; if so, this celebrated Spartan dish bore no very distant resemblance to the black-puddings of our days. It could not be a very alluring mess, since a citizen of Sybaris having tasted it, declared it was no longer a matter of astonishment with him, why the Spartans were so fearless of death, since any one in his senses would much rather die, than exist on such execrable food. Vide Athenæum, L. iv. c. 3. When Dionysius, the Tyrant, had tasted the Black Broth, he exclaimed against it as miserable stuff; the cook replied,it was no wonder, for the sauce was wanting.' 'What sauce?' says Dionysius. The answer was,- labour and exercise, hunger and thirst, these are the sauces we Lacedæmonians use,' and they make the coarsest fare agreeable.-Cicero, 3 Tuscul.

cuse our great bard of having pilfered
from the philosophical Roman. I shall
transcribe the two passages, and leave
the reader to form his own conclusion:

entitled The Death of Sir Charles Bawdin.' This and similar instances of plagiarism on the part of Chatterton, by the by, are among the strongest proofs of the spuriousness of RowThou must be patient, we came crying hi-ley's Poems,' which, whatever be the Thoy know'st the first time that we smell the



We wawle and cry—

When we are born, we cry that we are come
To this great stage of fools.'

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It is not improbable, after all, however, that Fenton may never have read Cyprian.

Yet, whatever may be said of the foregoing examples, the one I shall nextcite must, I fear, be set down as a Original Communications. plagiarism; though no one will think

the worse of it on that account. I al-
lude to the beautiful line with which
Gray's Elegy commences,—

To the Editor of the Literary Chronicle.
SIR,-Conformably with the inten-
tion I intimated in my last communi-
cation, I now send you a few examples
of Literary Coincidences' to be found
in the expressions of eminent writers; And pilgrim, newly on his road, with love
and I leave it to your readers to deter-Thrills, if he hear the vesper bell from far,
mine how far some of them are to be That seems to mourn for the expiring day,'
set down as plagiarisms. But certain-
ly this cannot be said of the whole.

The curfew tolls the knell of parting day,'

which is obviously borrowed from
Dante. The following is the passage
in Mr. Cary's translation :-

My first instance shall be drawn from classical lore. Cicero, in one of his orations, has the following passage:

Quid est, quod, in hoc tam exiguo vitæ curriculo et tam brevi, tantis nos in laboribus


And what makes it more probable that Gray committed a petty larceny on this occasion is, that the sweet expression of ' trembling hope,' in the same delightful poem, also occurs in Dante.

Before I quit Gray, let me also notice, that his thought,

And leaves the world to darkness and to me,' This sentiment, so beautifully am-is to be found likewise in the Beggar's plified by Tully, we find thus more Petition,' where we haveconcisely expressed in one of the OdesAnd leaves the world to wretchedness and me of Horace:

"Quid brevi fortes jaculamur ævo Multa?"

one obviously a parody of the other.

Every reader of English poetry recollects the beautiful yet simple expression of Goldsmith, in his Edwin

Yet nothing was more natural, than that the poet and orator should have expressed themselves alike upon this oc-and Angelina,'— casion. The thought is perfectly natural; and, besides, plagiarism was not in fashion in those days.

There is a passage in King Lear' which bears a strong resemblance to one in Lucretius; yet no one will ac

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"And tears began to flow.'
Goldsmith, however, was not the first
to use it. It occurs in Dryden's Alex-
ander's Feast,' and and in the Essay
on Criticism' of Pope; and, last of all, it
lis to be found in Chatterton's poem,

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ters, will be regarded by posterity, I present ephemeral taste in poetical mat

think, as the noblest monument of the genius of modern times. It is hardly too much to say that, when Chatterton died, the Shakespeare of the eighteenth century was no more.

But to return; or, as the French have it, 'à nos moutons,'-the following line in Pope's Eloisa to Abelard,'

"I have not yet forgot myself to stone,' is evidently borrowed from a similar expression of Milton,

'Forget thyself to marble.' Milton has also,

⚫ Caverns shagg'd with horrid thorn," which Pope adopts in the same poem. Other coincidences' between him and our great epic bard, are likewise to be traced, which justify the inference, that the Twickenham bee' had, before just the composition of Eloisa to Abelard, been drinking deep' of the honied stores of his illustrious predecessor.

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It would be easy to swell this list of examples; but I shall confine myself to one other, and that other Blair, who, in his Grave,' has favoured us with abundant instances of these literary feared, however, the reader will hardly regard as accidental. Among the number, the following will be recognized as having its prototype in Pope's Elegy on an Unfortunate Lady.' I shall transcribe the two passages:

coincidences,' which, it is much to be

Blair. 'Sullen, like lamps in sepulchres, your shine Enlightens but yourselves.'

Pope. 'Dim lights of life, that burn a length of years, Useless, unseen, as lamps in sepulchres.'

Several other 'coincidences,' with Shakespeare, Addison, and some of our most eminent poets, are to be found in the Grave; but, as my paper is out, as well, I fear, as your patience, I must refer the curious reader to the poem itself, where the instances are too obvious to be missed. ORDOVEX. London, Sept. 5, 1821.

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much gratified if any of your correspondents would answer me two questions; first, whether the poem of Mr. Coleridge's friend, mentioned in his Sibylline Leaves,' was ever published, and if so, who was the publisher? A word respecting the measure and the Imerits would be very acceptable, as I have for some time been engaged in the composition of a poem on a similar

-subject, in ignorance of its having been
-before, touched upon. Secondly,
whether the Shah Nemah' of Ferda-
si' has been ever translated into Eng-
lish, and if so, whether in prose or
verse? the last question, if not the first,
will appear to shew singular ignorance,
but I have been inquiring until I am
weary, without any satisfaction as to
one or the other. I am, Sir,

Your most obedient,

Of your impartial Criticisms.


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To the Editor of the Literary Chronicle. SIR, For the satisfaction of your correspondent ANTIQ., respecting the female head in front of some of the houses in Queen Street, Cheapside,' I can inform him that it is the head of our maiden Queen Elizabeth, who, I presume, patronized or made some grant to the Mercers' Company, it being the mark affixed to their estates. Not having immediate access to a survey of London or memoirs of the company, you will excuse this brief answer. With respect, your's, &c. O. F.

17th Sept. ACCIDENTS AND OFFENCES. To the Editor of the Literary Chronicle. SIR,-One of the articles in a newspaper which always attracts the most notice, is that headed Accidents and Offences; why these words have so long been united has always surprized me, for I could never, since the days of my boyhood, discover any affinity between them; at that period, indeed, it was different; my schoolmaster used to punish all accidents as offences, and I exercised all my logic to prove my of fences were only accidents. I have, to be sure, seen the same logic used by adults, and, by the common consent of newspaper editors, it seems to be established as a law, which, like that of the Medes and Persians, altereth not, that accidents and offences are to be considered always together, as being merely different gradations of the same

thing: so that it seems clearly proved,
that it is an offence to happen with an
accident, and an accident to be guilty
of an offence. I am, &c.




MR. JOHN HOOK says, that an bypocrite is in the worst condition of any man upon earth, for he is hated of the hated of God because he has no more world because of his profession, and a profession.'

of Colonel King's, who was the first in the House of Commons that moved for King Charles's restoration. He was so far from owning the preceding powers, that he never paid any tax for twelve years together.

Mr. H. Vaughan.-Once he very narrowly escaped great trouble. As he was reading in a bookseller's shop in London, with his back towards the door, a pursuivant caine in and told the bookseller, that he and three more had spent four days in searching after one Vaughan, but said they could not find him, and he escaped. He was Mr. John Haddesley, A. M.- was ultimately committed to the goal in so excessively modest, as to be under Grantham, called the Old Shop, for some awe when his brethren were pre-not reading the Common Prayer. sent at any of his performances, though they were much his inferiors.'


Mr. Ed. Reyner, M. A.-The imMr. Cuff-was a person who took portunity of friends prevailed with him to accept the bishop's present of a pregreat liberty to jest in the pulpit.' bend, but when he came next mornMr. John Farroll, A. M.-Hising seriously to reflect upon the neces enemies said that they would not send him to prison again, because he lived

better there than at home.'

friend to

Mr. N. Stevens, M. A.-One that
was then well acquainted with him, re-
lates the following instance of his plea-
Santry: He went with a
his house, and knocked at the door,
when, none of the family being at
hand, he called to them to come in,
and asked them whether, of the two,
they would have had opened the door
for them, the blind or the lame? His
wife being blind, and he so lame as not

this his new preferment, he was much sary attendants and conséquences of dissatisfied, for he found he could not

keep it with a safe and quiet conscience. Hereupon he prevailed with the Lady Armine, to go to the bishop to mollify the offence, and obtain a quietus. The bishop pleasantly told the lady I have had many countesses, ladies, and others, that have been suitors to me to get preferments for their friends; but you are the first that ever came to take away a preferment, and that from one that I bestowed it on my own hands.'



Mr. Geo. Boheme, Sleaford Church. A worthy person writes, that pretcountry church hath not had a setled minister in it for sixty years, to his knowledge; and adds, he supposes not of sixty more before that; because it was so destitute of any maintenance till the late Sir John Brownlow settled 101. a-year upon it, for which there is a sermon preached once a fortnight.'

to be able to rise out of his chair with-
out help.'. He would often tell a story
of what happened when he was young,
in the west, where he was born:
clergyman coming into the church,
went up to the chancel to bow to the
altar. It so happened, that there was
no, altar there, but the communion-ta-
ble stood against the east wall, and a
boy sat upon it. The boy seeing the
and stood before the table. At length
priest coming towards him, slipt down,
the priest made a low bow, and the loyal subject, and one of those who
poor boy, thinking it was to him that
the respect was paid, bowed as low to Charles II. and concurred heartily in
greatly desired the restoration of King
him again; and the bows were repeat-it, saying to a friend of his, when dis-
ed three times on each side; the boy coursing about it, Fiat justitia et ruat
being surprised at the priest's wonder-
ful civility. In this case,' said Mr.
Stevens, the boy knew well enough
who it was he bowed to: but whether
or not it was so as to the priest, is

Mr. Lec.-He was an intimate friend *Should our correspondent ever have the misfortune to be classed in the list of offenders in a newspaper,, we suspect he will then learn the difference betwixt accidents and offences.


Mr. John Richardson.-He was a

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to him again, when he first saw him
after Bartholomew, 1662. He was a
man of unparalelled temperance in the
whole course of his life. Being to
preach once at St. Paul's Cross, and,
as was usual, a glass of sack being
offered him before he went into the
pulpit, he refused it, and pleasantly
said, he did not chuse to preach by
the spirit of sack.'
JR. P.

cœlum.'— Ruit Cœlum,' said his friend

THE MUSK-OX AND POLAR BEAR. AMONG the many novelties which have recently been added to that grand national repository, the British Museum, the musk-ox and the Polar bear are not the least interesting. They are some of the fruits of the two last expeditions to discover a North-West Pas


some blubber of a sea horse, which the and voice, her anxiety for their procrew had killed a few days before, gress; but finding her pursuers gaining which had been set on fire, and was upon them, she carried, or pushed, or burning on the ice at the time of their pitched them alternately forward, unapproach. They proved to be a she-til she effected their escape. In throw bear and her two cubs; but the cubsing them before ber, the little creatures were nearly as large as the dam.. They are said to have placed themselves ran eagerly to the fire, and drew out across her path to receive the impulse, from the flames part of the flesh of the and when projected some yards in adsea-horse that remained anconsumed, vance, they ran onwards until she over The Polar Bear, the Ursus Mari- and eat it voraciously. The crew of took them, when they alternately ad❤ timus of Linnæus, now placed on the the ship threw great lumps of the flesh justed themselves for another throw. landing of the staircase in the British of the sea-horse which they had still Their winter retreats are under the Museum, was killed during Captain left, upon the ice, which the old bear snow, in which they form dens, supRoss's voyage, in lat. 70° 40′ N., and fetched away singly, laying every lump ported by pillars of snow; or else unlong. 68° 00′ W. It is, in length, before her cubs as she brought it, aud der some great eminence beneath the about eight or nine feet, and about dividing it, gave each a share, reserv-fixed ice of the frozen sea. They three feet and a half high. It has a longing but a small portion to herself. As feed on fish, seals, and the carcasses of head and neck, and round ears; the she was fetching away the last piece, whales; and on human bodies, which end of the nose is black, the teeth large; they levelled their muskets at the cubs, they will greedily, disinter; they seem the hair long and white, tinged in some and shot them both dead, and in her very fond of human blood, and are so parts with yellow; and the limbs are retreat they wounded the dam, but not fearless as to attack companies of of great size and strength, although it mortally. It would have drawn tears armed men, or even to board small vesis by no means one of the largest of its of pity from any but the most unfeel- sels. When on land they live on birds species. ing, to have marked the affectionate and their eggs; and, allured by the

This animal is confined to the cold-concern expressed by this poor animal scent of the seals' flesh, often break in

est part of the globe; it has been found as far north as navigators have penetrated, at least above lat. 80. The frigid climates alone seem adapted to its nature. The north of Norway, and the country of Mesen, in the north of Russia, are destitute of them; but they are met with again in great abundance in Nova Zembla, and from the river Ob, along the Siberian coast, to the mouths of Jenesei and Lena, but are never seen far inland, unless they lose their way in mists; none are found in Kamtschatka or its islands. They have been seen as far south as Newfoundland; but they are not natives of that country, being only brought there accidentally on the islands of ice.

During summer, the white bears are either resident on islands of ice or passing from one to another; they swim admirably, and can continue that exercise a distance of six or seven leagues; they also dive with great agility. They bring two young at a time; and the affection between the parents and them is so strong, that they would die rather than desert one another. Of this affection, several instances are recorded, but we shall only select two. While the Carcass, one of the ships in Captain Phipps's voyage of discovery to the North Pole, was locked in the ice, early one morning, the man at the mast head gave notice that three bears were making their way very fast over the frozen ocean, and were directing their course towards the ship. They had, no doubt, been invited by the scent of

The flesh of the Polar bear is white, and is said to taste like mutton; the fat is melted for train oil, and that of the feet used in medicine; but the liver is very unwholesome, as three of Barentz's sailors experienced, who fell dangerously ill on eating some of it boiled.

in the dying moments of her expiring to and plunder the houses of the Green-
young. Though she was sorely wound-landers. Their greatest enemy in the
ed, and could but just crawl to the brute creation, is the morse, with
place where they lay, she carried the which they have terrible conflicts, but
lump of flesh she had just fetched are generally worsted, the vast teeth of
away, as she had done the others, tore the morse giving it a superiority....
it in pieces, and laid it down before
them: when she saw that they refused
to eat, she laid her paws first upon one,
then upon the other, and endeavoured
to raise them up, making, at the same
time, the most pitiable moans. When
she found she could not stir them, she
went off, and when she had got at some
distance, looked back and moaned; One of this species was brought over
and that not availing to intice them to England a few years ago; it was
away, she returned, and smelling round very furious, almost always in motion,
them, began to lick their wounds. roured aloud, and seemed very uneasy,
She went off a second time, as before, except when cooled by having pailsfull
and having crawled a few paces, looked of water poured over it.
again behind her, and for some time
Callixenus Rhodius, in his descrip-
stood moaning. But still her cubs not tion of the pompous procession of Pto-
rising to follow her, she returned to lemæus Philadelphus, at Alexandria,
them anew, and with signs of inexpres-speaks of one great white bear, among
sible fondness went round them, paw-other wild beasts, that graced the show;
ing them successively. Finding, at but, from the local situation of this
last, that they were cold and lifeless, animal, at present, it can scarcely be
she raised her head towards the ship, supposed to have been of the same spe-
and growled a curse upon the destroy-cies, though Pennant is inclined to be-
ers, which they returned with a volley lieve that it was.
of musket-balls. She fell between her
cubs, and died licking their wounds.

A Greenland bear, with two cubs under its protection, was pursued across a field of ice by a party of armed sailors. At first she seemed to urge the young ones to an increase of speed, by running before them, turning round, and manifesting by a peculiar action

The Musk-ox, which is also placed on the staircase, was killed during the expedition of Captain Parry, and, as we gave a particular account of it in No. 103 of the Literary Chronicle, we shall now merely add a few general remarks.

The Arctic walrus, or sea-horse.

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