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might be, to the distant residence of
a clergyman, whose Herculean might,
in matters of wisdom, had been as fully
amplified as possible; there to abide
until my mental and bodily qualifica-
tions were something softened down to
the A. B. C. occupations of ordinary

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The musk-ox is quite a local animal; mathematical precision. In short, the it appears first above Churchill River, spheres were not better arranged than on the western side of Hudson's Bay, were our manners and our modes; and, and is to be found very plentiful bealthough, perhaps, I was not a bona tween lat. 66 and 73 north. The musk fidê CRICHTON, under the tuition of oxen go in herds of twenty or thirty, such a sçavan I could not fall far short. delight in barren and rocky mounAnd here were spent some of the tains, and run nimbly. They are very happiest days in all my life; days that active in climbing the rocks, seldom He was one of those extraordinary flew along in luxurious ease and unfrequent the woody parts, and are individuals, who, to the profound eru- disturbed contentment; that came shot by the Indians for the sake of the dition of a minister of the church, (do- with honied sweetness, and passed away skins, which make the best and warming duty once a fortnight,) added every with sorrow for their shortness; that est blankets. They are found again possible acquirement which the skull left naught behind but the delightful among the Cris, or Cristinaux, and the of man could compass or the brain remembrance of their pleasures; oh! Assigilouels, and among the Attimos- conceive. He was, indeed, a sapient how pleasant was that time; even now, piquay; are continued from these soul; a living encyclopedia of learn when age has saddened the scenes of countries as low as the provinces of ing, to which you have but to refer, life, when changes and vicissitudes have Nievera and Libola. and the hidden mystery of things are intervened, and when sober feelings exposed unto your astounded sense have supplanted that enthusiasm which a positive circle of the sciences. There gives such a brilliant colouring to all was nothing in the heavens above, or in around,-still, even now, I can recor the earth beneath, or in the waters unto that happy period of my life, and der the earth, but he was as familiar dwell with renewing fondness on the with it as a bosom-friend. He knew recollection of its bliss. For, oh! all about the anthropophagi, and men Mary, my long-loved Mary, here, here whose heads do grow beneath their it was that first I saw thee. Beloved shoulders,* and had some considerable spirit! if thou hast seen from thy bigh smattering of the principles of divina- abode all the troubles of my chequered tion. He knew as much of chemical life; if thou hast watched all the ills philosophy as of legal proprieties; and and evils I have borne; if thou hast of ærology as of either. He had a marked all my sins and grievous misgood deal to say upon the Linnæan doings;-oh! Mary, remember me in system; and many doubts had occur- heaven! red to him as to the Newtonian philosophy. He would offer some sagacious

A part of this species has been found in the north of Asia, the head of one having been discovered in Siberia, on the Arctic mossy flats, near the mouth of the Oby. Dr. Pallas, who states this fact, does not speak of the kind as being fossil, but suspects that the whole carcass was brought on floating ice from America, and deposited where the skull was found. If this be certain, it proves that these animals spread quite across the continent of America, from Hudson's Bay to the Asiatic seas.




The little village of Bishops-owen is situated in a retired and beautiful val

Collected, Methodized, and Conglomerated, reasonings touching the growth of po-ley in the west of England, bordering

By W. B. L.


CHAP. III. THE proficiency that I made in all my academic studies soon satisfied my father as to the benefits which were like ly to result from the 'expediency' of a public school. My expertness in the lighter branches of education, such as bruising, robbing orchards, disturbing apple-stalls, and assisting the venders, tricks upon tell-tale cobblers, and some few dozens of etcæteras beside, was really wonderful; and, although such early signs of precocity could of course afford nothing less than the highest possible gratification to all whom it concerned, it was, nevertheless, deemed that the administration of a few lessons or so, of a soberer kind of science, might probably be so far advantageous, as slightly to check that exuberance of genius, which, much to the annoyance of sundry dull and uncivilized folks, whose ideas never soared beyond the boundaries of quiet and decorum,-1 was so everlastingly exhibiting. I was, therefore, in the fitting season, gently removed, with as much dispatch as

tatoes, and could draw a plausible pa- the Bristol channel. It was rather a
rallel between Raphaël and his master, cluster of detached irregular cottages,
Da Vinci (whose name, he would tell built after the fashion of the faucy, and
you, was to be pronounced Vinchi, and so as most conveniently to command
uot Vinci, as the vulgar have it). He the view of such parts of the surround-
would discourse excellently well upon ing scenery as were most congenial to
the cartoons of either, but had a slight the owner's taste. It was, indeed, a
objection to the drapery in the Transfi- lovely spot a spot that poets might
guration; this he would explain. He have chosen for their sylvan scenes;
had a singular talent for painting him- where gay green fields spread them-
self, and could dance, solve Euclid, selves beneath the high sun, and lofty
poetize, or preach the gospel most fe- trees threw the shadows of their bright
licitously. He was a perfect mineralo- foliage for rustic shelter and repose;
gist, and played Kaufferhankerbum's where silver brooks babbled out their
sonata on the violincello delightfully. music through cowslipped meadows,
It did men's hearts good only to read and young birds piped out their wild
his prospectus. His pupils were select melody in the woods. How often have
and limited; yet, through some fortu- I, reclining with book in hand upon
nate and unaccountable mischance, some bank, or perched among the
there was always a vacancy for one. branches of some widely-spreading oak
All they did, and were to do, was exe-tree, gazed upon the varied charms of
cuted according to the most approved
rules. They ate their dinners by the
systematic rules of logic as laid down
by Obediah M'Cricker, gentleman and
logician; and went to bed secundem
arlem. They were allowed to speak
just so many words within the hour,
and arranged their habiliments with

that sweet place! How often have I listened to the tripping song of some innocent villager, loitering along its happy paths, and hymning unconsci ous praises to the great Giver of all !—— Half a dozen words would set all this into jingling rhyme, and yet it is the literal flow of the remembrance. I

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"A merrier man,

Within the limit of becoming mirth,
never spent an hour's talk withal:
His eye begets occasion for his wit;
For every object that the one doth catch,
The other turns to a mirth-moving jest
Which his fair tongue, conceit's expositor,
That aged ears play truant at his tales,
Delivers in such apt and gracious words,
And younger hearings are quite ravished;
So sweet and voluble is his discourse."

Love's Labour Lost.


How few, like thee, inquire the wretched out,
And court the offices of soft humanity;
Like thee, reserve their raiment for the naked,
Reach out their bread to feed the crying or-

Or mix their pitying tears with those that weep."

P. ME, Esq. M. P.


The tartness of his face sours ripe grapes. When he walks he moves like an engine, and the ground shrinks before his treading,-talks like a knell, and his hum is a battery." Shakspeare.

J. HU-E, Esq. M. P.
Free from gross passion, or of mirth or anger,
Constant in spirit, not swerving with the blood,
Garnish'd and deck'd in modest compliment,
And but in purg'd judgment trusting either.
Not working with the ear but with the eye,


could not speak of those enchanting ings of the silk made but an awkward scenes after the manner of prosing con- bandage. Oh,' cried the kind maidfabulation, and I even think of it po-en, with a look which well bespoke the etically, and almost in numbers! But humanity of her heart, I do intreat of it was not in the power of theses un- thee to take mine; it is far fitter for thy aided, nor of all the picturesque and purpose I do believe, and the' canst blooming scenery in the world, that return it to me when next we meet.' could have given me a chastened plea-And when may that be, my sweet sure, or have tamed my ungovernable young lady,' said I; when may I respirit into quiet;-it was for thee, my new the thanks which are so well due blessed Mary, for thee reserved, to to your kindness. Surely, I require curb the headstrong passions of youth, no thanks for doing assistance to a and to check the ebullition of my will. poor and helpless brute,' replied she; One lovely summer's evening I had surely if a thorn had pierced my foot, sauntered into the uplands with Ossian thou would'st have done the same by in my hand, and lay extended in theme, albeit a stranger.'➡ By heaven, 1 shadow of a pleasant hedge, poring would have gone to the world's end to over a tale of the times of old-the have assisted so much sweetness, aldays of other years;' my dog Nero (no though, by doing so, a thorn had relation to the gentleman who fiddled) pierced my heart. There would be was sporting with the gnats which little need of going so far, I do think,' buzzed about him, and barking at the she retorted, for assistance or a thorn, white butterflies, as they led him on to when this wood aboundeth with both a distant and fruitless pursuit ;—I had the one and the other; but how the' thus lain for at least a full hour, when, heart may receive a thorn I understand as I listlessly moved from my recum not. I know not how or in which way bent posture, I unconsciously exclaim- I explained the difficulty, so earnestly ed, Why tarries my love on the hill-was I gazing on the young creature fair-haired daughter of storms, white- before me: her age could not have exbosomed Brazela come! If thou ceeded sixteen, but her loveliness speakest of a dog, and that dog be seemed perfect and mature; her comthine, I can tell thee-' said a soft voice plexion was beautifully fair, and her behind me. I started from my seat, blue ethereal eyes spoke to the heart R. W. ELN, ESQ. and stood before one of the sweetest in a palpable discourse; her fair light well us'd; for they are the abstract and brief 'See the players well bestow'd! let them be girls that ever was formed by the hand hair, simply parted over her high and chronicle of the time. After your death, you of Heaven, She was a Quaker maiden, polished forehead, gave a witching sym-were better have a bad epitaph, than their ill and her neat costume well accorded metry to the contour of her sweet face; report while you liv'd.' with her angelic face. If the dog be her mouth-oh! what a delicious thine,' she continued, come with me mouth! made but to speak unearthly and I will take thee to hun, for he purity and tell of holy and heavenly The first that knows thy own sufficiency." needeth thine assistance; he lieth lame things. She was a human creature; and in much pain yonder; I would but, oh! she was the extreme of lovelihave taken him to my home, but that ness; she seemed to exceed man's dream he is large and defieth ny strength.' of beauty; she was a being who brought I was upon the point of striking out to the heart the real presence of its into some cloudy compliment, and of brightest visions. Almighty heaven! swearing that I could go with her the I think I see her now! world over, 'spite of all the dogs and cats in Christendom, but her modest mien and placid eye rebuked all folly. I followed her quick footsteps as she led the way to the spot where poor Nero lay in all the anguish which a dog usually feels that has trodden on a thoru. I sprung forward, and soon discovered the cause of his suffering. My fair conductress stood by, and watched my proceedings with much and evident anxiety, whilst I extracted the thorn from the dog's paw.' Poor animal,' said she, poor animal, what the' must bave felt, and how gratefully dost the' lick the hand which relieves thee.' I took my handkerchief to wrap round it, but the thick fold

(To be continued.)

Poetical Portraits,

No. IV.

You are guarded

with such a general loyalty in subjects,
That if you slept among the multitude,
Even when some rage possèss'd them, unde-

With any arms, but that, th' imperfect slumber
Need not to be broken with a fear."

Nabb's Unfortunate Mother.
RD. MRN, ESQ. M. P...
to the world am like a drop of water
Who failing there to find his fellow forth,
That in the ocean seeks another drop,
Unseen, inquisitive, confounds himself.



J. G. L―M-N, Esq, M. P. 'Seem not too conscious of thy worth; nor be



His learning savours not the school-like gloss
That most consists in echoing words and terms,
And soonest wins a man an empty name;
Nor only long or far-fetch'd circumstance,
Wrapp'd in the curious gen'talities of arts;
But a direct and analytic sum

Of all the worth and first effects of arts.'
Johnson's Poetaster.

'He reads much,

He is a great observer, and he looks
Quite through the deeds of men.'


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BOTANIC gardens are a source of riches, not only to the country in which they are established, but they are of universal benefit to society. The plants peculiar to one garden are soon transmitted to all the others, and interesting varieties produced either by chance or cultivation are thus easily propagated. Such establishments, if protected by the fostering hand of government, would ultimately naturalize in every civilized country those useful fruits and vegetables, against which the difference of climate does not oppose an invincible obstacle.

Although the ancients have written many volumes on the history of plants, and have ascribed most astonishing virtues to some of them, still they never thought of having botanic gardens. Pliny informs us that Anthony Castor, one of the learned physicians of Rome, was the first who made the attempt: but his collection consisted merely of medicinal plants, and it does not appear that their cultivation was continued after his death.

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sent for plants from Egypt and the nearly to the same period. The uni-
Levant. At Milan, that of Scipio Si-versity of Jena founded her's in 1629,
monetta, of which Tugio has given a and intrusted it to the management of
description and the catalogue. At Rolfine, who has left a curious work
Lucia, that of Vincent de Monte Cat-on vegetables, in which he has intro-
tino, which Belon mentions with praise. duced the history of the public bota-
At Rome, the gardens of scene con- nic gardens of his time.
vents, and chiefly the Récolets on the
Capitol. At Naples, that of John
Vincent Pinelli, where Bartholom
Maranta perfected himself in botany,
and composed his Methodus Cognoscen-
dorum Simplicium, published at Ve-
nice, in 1559.

In France, it was Henry IV., who,
in 1597, founded the botanic garden
at Montpellier, which gave a new splen-
dour to the university of that town.
The Medicinal School; of Paris, plant-
ed a botanie garden nearly about the
same time, but, as it was very small,
In Germany and Switzerland the and limited to useful plants, the sci-
gardens of several apothecaries and cler-ence derived little benefit from its esta-
gymen; at Augsburg in particular, blishinent. But the garden which
that of the Fuggers.
Louis XIII. established at Paris, in
1626, soon rose superior to all the other
botanic gardens of Europe.

In France, that of René du Bellay, Bishop of Mans, who had sent the celebrated Belon to the east to make researches relative to the study of natural history.

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Among the public botanic gardens posterior to that of Paris, the principal are that of Messina, founded in 1638; The works of Lobel, L'Ecluse, Do- that of Copenhagen, established some doens, and Gesner, mention the gardens time before the year 1640; that of that existed in 1560. Those of Cama- Upsal, which owes its origin to the rarius, at Nuremburg, and of the Swedish king, Charles Gustavus, in Landgrave William, at Cassel, appear 1657: but after the conflagration of to have been posterior to this time. the town, in 1702, this gården cóntiAt the beginning of the sixteenth These were the principal private bo-nued in a deplorable state until the century, some persons fond of botany, tanical gardens, anterior to the esta- year 1740, when its walls were rebuilt, collected the most interesting plants in blishment of public ones, which first In 1742, the professorship of botany, one spot. Curicius Cordus, at Erfurt, commenced about the middle of the at Upsal, was given to Linnæus, and Nordecius, at Cassel, and Gaspard de sixteenth century. The most ancient the botanic garden acquired, under the Gabriel, at Padua, established their of the public gardens, devoted to the care of this great man, a deserved celebotanic gardens about the year 1525. improvement of Botanical knowledge, brity. The celebrated Conrad Gesner began is that of Pisa, founded in 1544, by soon after to cultivate the plants which Cosmo de Medicis, first Grand Duke he wanted to study and to describe; of Florence. The garden of Padua, and collected in his garden, at Zurich, which enjoyed a great reputation in the all those he could procure by means of sixteenth century, was founded in his numerous exertions and extensive 1546. That of Boulogne, dates from correspondence. A taste for botany the year 1568. The garden of Flospread all over Germany, Switzerland, rence was first established in 1556, and and France. The same Gesner wrote, restored with renovated splendour in in the year 1560, that these countries 1718. The garden of the Vatican, at possessed, at that period, more than Rome, is of nearly the same antiquity fifty botanic gardens. But he says as that of Bologna. Holland very almost nothing of those of the Nether-early followed the example of Italy. lands, where even under the Dukes of Burgundy, and at the time of the crusades, they had imported and cultivated many plants of the east; several of their botanic gardens were, however, abandoned or destroyed during the civil wars. Lobel, in his preface to the new edition of his History of Plants, published in 1576, enumerates the most considerable gardens of the low countries...

Those which enjoyed the greatest reputation in the other parts of Europe


At Venice, the garden belonging to the Senator Jerome Corner, who had

In Holland, the gardens of Amster dam and Groeningen became the most famous, next to the botanic garden of Leyden, The first dates from the year 1684, and is remarkable for having cultivated the first coffee-plant that was brought to Europe. The botanic garden of Groeningen was established by Henry Munting, in 1641.

Prior, to the foundation of public botanic gardens in England, there were several private ones belonging to botanists; as those of John Gerard, of The Botanic garden of Leyden was the two Tradescants, and the garden established in 1577, and its manage- at Chelsea, which belonged to Sir Hans ment confided to Theod. Aug.Cluyt. Sloane, and which he left to the LonIn Germany, the Elector of Saxony don Corporation of Apothecaries. established a public botanic garden at The botanic garden of the UniversiLeipzic, in the year 1580. That of ty of Oxford, founded about the year the university of Giessen was founded 1640, was inconsiderable before the adin 1605. The magistrates of Nurem-dition of that which two brothers of berg were, in 1625, the founders of the name of Sherrard possessed at Elthe Botanic garden at Altorf, which, tham tushun under the direction of Jungermann, Madrid was without a botanic garsoon became the most celebrated of all den until the year 1753. That which Germany. That of Rintelin, which was established at Coimbra, in 1773, was four years older, shared its cele- has procured us many plants from the brity; and the origin of the Botanic Brazils. 11190 1 gardens at Ulm and Ratisbon ascends. But, independently of the public


botanic gardens, and of the pleasure ny Tita- published the catalogue in
gardens of many princes and great 1713. Prince Frederick of Wirtem-
lords in Italy and Germany, Europe burg had one at Montbelliard; Gas-
had, at the end of the sixteenth cen-pard Rose, at Leipsic; the Prince of
tury, a considerable number of gardens Baden Durlach established one at
destined only to introduce, to natur- Carlsruhe, in 1715; and the Swedish
ralize, and to disseminate exotic plants. Senator, Count de la Gardie, had one
L'Ecluse, who devoted his whole at Jacobsdal, near Stockholm.
life to botany, cultivated, at Vienna,
at Frankfort, and at Leyden, a great
number of plants, of which he wrote
the history. Maximilian II: who sat
on the Imperial throne of Germany,
from the year 1564 to 1576, founded
a magnificent garden at Vienna, of
which he gave L'Ecluse the manage-


In Spain and Portugal, some botanists, like Monardis and Simon de

Tovar, cultivated the plants brought

from the two Indies.

Clarke. That of Cayenne, founded by the Chevalier Turgot. Those which André Michaux has established at New! York and at Charlestown. That of"> Mexico, of which Professor Cervantes is the manager. That which Dr. Osack has planted at Elgin, in America, in 1804; and, lastly, that which.: was founded by subscription, ati Charlestown, in 1805, under the sauce, tion of the American legislative body..


Of the numerous private botanic gardens in Holland, the most celebrated for the richness of its collection, and for the description which, Linnæus published of it, in 1737, is that which THE ECCENTRIC' Clifford had at Hartecamp, three miles. JOSEPH SANFORD, B. D." from Harelem and nine from Leyden. In the Austrian monarchy there are, has lately appeared in most of the LonWHAT is called a classical anecdote,' at present, twenty-three botanical gar-don and in several of the provincial padeus. The palace of Schoenbrunn, near pers. The name of the ingenious stuVienna, had scarcely been begun in dent who made the replies was Joseph 1753, when the Emperor, Francis I. He was originally a memJohn Gerard had a botanic garden destined part of his garden to the culti-ber of Exeter College, whence he was near London, the catalogue of which vation of exotic plants. This is be-elected Fellow of Balliol. His rooms he published in 1596; and it appears come one of the most deservedly cele. at Balliol were in the middle staircase, from the Hortus Kewensis, that Eng-brated in Europe. Its hot-houses beon the east side of the quadrangle; he land has been indebted to him foring the most extensive that ever were used to read at the end of a gallery, many exotic plants. built, tropical trees display their without fire, in the coldest weather. flowers and fruit, and birds of Africa never missed walking to some house, and America fly about amidst the trees four or five miles from Oxford, on the of the native country. The King's banks of the Cherwell, where he used garden at Kew, possesses, however, more varieties, and is more particularly devoted to the progress of botany *.

At Florence, the Senator Nicholas branches at liberty; they produce both / On every Friday, in all weathers, he

Gaddi was one of the first who got plants from Egypt and the east. At Rome, Cardinal Farnese collected a considerable number of plants, of which Aldini published the history in 1625. But, of all private botanic gardens, known at this period, the most celebrated was that of Conrad von Gemmingen, Bishop of Eichstadt, founded near his palace towards the close of the sixteenth century. John Robin cultivated, about the same time, a private botanic garden at Paris, of which he published the catalogue in


Next to John Gerard's garden, that of John Tradescant is the most ancient in England; it was planted about the year 1630. King Charles I. and the gentlemen of his court, who often visited this garden, acquired a taste for the cultivation of exotic trees, and several plants introduced by Tradescant, were named after him as Aster Tradescanti Ephemerum Tradescanti.

Demidow's garden, at Moscow, is the most considerable botanic garden that ever belonged to a private individual. The catalogue of his plants, which he published in 1786, contains four thousand three hundred and sixtythree notable species, five hundred and seventy-two varieties of fruit-trees, six hundred varieties of flowers, and two thousand species of plants, which had not yet flowered.


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to dine on fish. On his application to the bishop for ordination, he was introduced to the chaplain, to whom he was a stranger, and who, as usual, told him he must examine him; and the first question proposed was • Quid fides to which Sanford replied, in a loud voice, and increasing it at each answer, Quod non vides. The se cond question was Quid spes? to which Sanford answered, Futura res." The third was, Quid caritas ? to which he roared out, In mundo raritas.' Upon which thể chaplain, findThe only remarkable private bota-ing that he had an extraordinary chanic garden in France is that of Mal-racter to deal with, left him, and went maison, formed by the Empress Jose- to inform the bishop what had passed phine. Mr. Ventenant has described below, with a person he knew not what the new plants which have flowered in to make of, who had given in his this garden. There is another at Gand, name, Joseph Sanford, of Balliol; this which, since the year 1799, is become made the bishop laugh, and exclaim, a public one; it counts already more You examine him? Why he is able to than three thousand species. examine you and our whole bench! Of the Botanic gardens out of Eu-Pray desire him to walk up; when rope, which are destined to receive the the bishop made an apology for the plants collected by botanical travellers chaplain, and said he was sorry Mr. in the adjacent countries, the principal Sanford had not applied to him in the are:-That of Teneriffe. That of the first instance. Io an evening it was his Society of Sciences at Calcutta, where constant practice to walk his mile up Sir William Jones has cultivated the and down Mr. Fletcher's shop†, after most celebrated plants of the Indies; that of Jamaica, under the care of Dr. J. F. Mauroceni had a private bota*For some account of this garden, see Litenic garden at Padua, of which Antho-rary Chronicle, No. 101.

Henry Compton, Bishop of London, in 1675, collected, at Fulham, a great number of exotic trees which had never before been seen in Europe.

Collinson's garden, at Mill Hill, near London, was remarkable for a large collection of American plants; Mr. Salisbury, who purchased it a few years since, has particularly restored it to botany.

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* Mr. Bishop, of Godstowe, who lately died at a very advanced age, informed the editor that he knew Mr. Sanford, who often took fish at his house, which is on the banks of the Isis.

Now Mr. Parker's in the turl; Mr.

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he had taken tea at Horseman's coffee-jesty, when at the head of your army,
house, where he met Mr. Cracherode, wrote yourself an account of your ex-
Dr. Smallwell, (afterwards Bishop of ploits, having no other table but a
Oxford,) and other Christ Church drum. The most distant ages must
men, who used to accompany him to learn that the English, those fierce and
the Turle. He was a profound scho- audacious enemies, jealous of your Ma-
lar, and rendered Dr. Kennicott much jesty's fame, were compelled to yield
assistance in his great work, the He- to your prowess the palace of glory.
brew Bible. His extensive library he Their allies were only so many witness-
gave to Exeter College, by a nuncupa- es of their shame, and hastened to join
tive will, witnessed by Mr. Fletchert. their standards only to become the
Dr. Eveleigh, the late provost of Oriel, spectators of your Majesty's triumph.
who married a daughter of his nephew, We venture to tell your Majesty, that
Dr. Sanford, formerly Fellow of All whatever may be the love you bear your
Souls, presented a portrait of him to subjects, there is still one way to add to
Exeter College; he is represented with our felicity, by curbing the high cour-
a folio under his arm, which is the first age which you possess, and which
edition of the Hebrew Bible, a book of would cost us too many tears, if it ex-
the greatest rarity, which he bought for posed to the certain danger of war,
a trifle of David Wilson, a bookseller your Majesty's precious life, or that of
in the Strand; and as soon as he had the young hero, the object of our fond-
ascertained his treasure, he never laid est hopes!"
the book down, but took it himself to
his lodging, and the next morning set
off for Oxford, although he had not
finished the business which brought
him to London, and kept the book
in his hands the whole journey,
until he had safely lodged it in his
room at Balliol. He was so much
pleased with this acquisition, that, on
Mr. Fletcher's next visit to London, he
sent a guinea by him to the bookseller,
in addition to what he had first paid
him. He died September 25th, 1774,
aged 84 years, and was buried in the
middle aisle of the parish church of St.
Mary Magdalen, Oxford, in which
church a monument, with an inscrip-
tion, has ben raised to his memory.
He was equally well known for his
learning, extensive library, and singu-
larity in dress.-Oxford Herald.


THE following Address to Louis XV. after the campaign of 1745, will shew that French adulation did not take its rise in the present day:


The conquests of your Majesty are so rapid, that we think it absolutely necessary that future historians should be cautious in their relation, lest posterity should consider them as fables unworthy of belief. Yet they must be told an undoubted fact, that your MaFletcher was the father of our venerable alderman of that name.

This circumstance was told to the editor of the Herald by Mr. Fletcher, whose character stood so highly in the university, that his assertion only of Mr. Sanford's having repeatedly told him it was his intention to give his books to the library of Exeter College, had the full effect of a will regularly signed and seated.

Original Poetry.


ΤΟ ****.

WHAT tho' Zuleika's eyes be dark
As those of the gazelle,
What tho' they shed a brighter spark,

Or more of passion tell
Than thine;-I deem them not so true,
All lovely as they seem,
As those of heaven's clearest blue,

Of heaven's softest beam.
Tho' sweet they are to gaze upon,

They wander like the light
That flits when evening's gleam is gone,
Before the traveller's sight,
When in his path deep marshes lie,
And distant is his home;
But there's a light within thine eye
That tells me 'twill not roam.

WHEN the coach and four arrive
At the Peacock, Islington;
"Velveteen!" is all alive

Snarling, sneering, queering, brewing,
Business still full drive pursuing,

Pence and jobs to make.

'Going down to-day, Mem?"
Quick, the mails are driving up
With a fine and glorious speed,
"Twixt the hour we tea and sup,
Take a glass or papers read:
All is dunning, bellowing, stunning,
Velveteen!' is on his way;
Wits are loitering, quizzing, punning,
Life, like wheels to coaches running,
Hurries through the day.

York mail! York mail! run
J. R. P.!"

Sept. 1, 1821.

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When evening spreads around her cooling
SOFT as the wind that whistles thro' the trees,

Where no harsh sound or roar assails the ear,
But all is sweet and calm, serene and clear;
Such and so soft's the parent's parting sigh-
So sweet is his life. Before it deigns to fly!
He to his daughter turns his stiff 'ning gaz,
Big tears flow down the furrows of his face,
He clasps his daughter in his last embrace!
Then, on her weeping face he weeps his tears,
Her arms surround his neck, and his arms her's;
Life soon forsakes his form, and flies to where
Man tastes of joy for ever freed from care.
She feels he breathes not ;-no! devoid of


She clasps a parent-forc'd from her by Death.
The weeping sufferer, stricken with her woes,
Upon the clay-cold corse her tears bestows;
Shrieks rend the air-the soul's awak'ning fear
Conquers her hopes and dries the starting tear;
She starts-a pale and trembling wretch she

A victim to Affection's stern demands!
She stands as breathless-now her wand'ring

Till coachee mounts, all right! and gone: Owns no soft tear, but from it flashes fly,
Horses reeking, bugles squeaking,

Boxes, passengers, and haste;
Friends are greeting, lovers meeting,
And the generous nobly treating
Those who liquors taste.

Who's for Manchester?'

"Velveteen!' is all the go;
In his mouth a sprig he keeps,
And his eyes are tutored so,

One opens while the other peeps;
Ever squinting, like wit hinting,

For a pleasant thought or twe,-
Time's engraver mezzotinting,
Wrinkles on his forehead, printing
Periods not a few.

- Here! a coach! a coach!'
On his face the purple glows,
Ruddier than the luscious grape,,
Ripening to his bottle-nose
Like Job's, which potsherds vied to scrape:
Pigtail chewing, quids renewing,
Joking with a turkey's shake,

Of sad despair, of grief, of woe, and dread,
And thus the maiden mourns her parent dead.
No tender sighs steal on the attentive ear,
She stands like heathenstatues form'd for Fear;
With haggard looks and eyes of sad despair,
Her sunken eyes once more attempt to gaze,
And the cold form a moment she surveys :
Sad task for tender virtue to perform
Toface despair-nor heed the passion's storm;:
On the pale face she casts her gazing eye,
Swift thro' her soul affection's terrors fly,-
Totters her limbs, her trembling knees give

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