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And Weekly Review;

Forming an Analysis and General Repository of Literature, Philosophy, Science, Arts, History, the Drama, Morals, Manners, and Amusements.

This Paper is published early every Saturday Morning; and is forwarded Weekly, or in Monthly or Quarterly Parts, throughout the British Dominions.

No. 127.


Review of New Books.

sage of the Atlantic. I fear that the poli-
cy of England is cutting away the sinews
of the state.' Now it is notorious, that
for one emigrant to America with
5000l. or even 5001. there are several
hundreds with barely the means of
paying their passage there. Again:-

One instance more of the English feeling which pervades these Views:'

Price 6d.

punished murder of the English merchants, Arbuthnot and Armbrister.

The instances we have quoted, we Views of Society and Manners in Amethink, amount to the proof positive that rica; in a Series of Letters from the writer is an American; the collatethat Country to a Friend in England, ral proofs are still more numerous, and during the Years 1818 and 1820. betray themselves on every occasion, By an Englishwoman. 8vo. pp. 523. The American enters the western wil- where either England or the United London, 1821. derness skilled to vanquish all difficulties, States are mentioned. The ladies of NOTWITHSTANDING the assertion in the and understanding to train his chil- America, we are told, possess the most title-page, and the attempted confirma- dren in the love of their country, founded solid attainments, and the modern and tion of the cheat in the dedication, we upon a knowledge of its history and an even the dead languages, their manfeel no hesitation in expressing our de-appreciation of its institutions; he is fitted cided conviction, that this work is nei- to form the advanced guard of civiliza-ners are marked by sweetness, artlesstion; the foreigner, in general, will be ness, and liveliness,-their dress is elether by an Englishwoman, nor by any better placed in the main body, where gant and costly, but made with strict woman at all. It bears the most con- he may himself receive instructions, and regard to decency. The citizens of clusive evidence of its being the pro- imbibe feelings suited to his newly as Philadelphia and New York, are duction of an American-a genuine sumed character as a citizen of a repub- what we certainly never heard them acAmerican, republican in principle, lic.' cused of before-courteous to stranconceited and arrogant in opinion, and illiberal in sentiment. We might adduce a hundred instances to prove the transatlantic origin of the author, but one or two shall suffice. Would an Englishwoman detail the defeat of the British fleet on Lake Erie, in a more exaggerated manner than the most republican journal of the United States ever did? and even admitting this, would she exclaim, I dwell on this splendid engagement with pleasure?' The cheat here betrays itself, and reminds us of a life of General Benninsen, by a Russian; in one of the first pages of which he speaks of Shakespeare as his countryman. But to our author; we are told that an European said to an American farmer, where are your ruins and your poetry.

During the war, when a body of American militia had repulsed a party of invaders, and were pursuing them to their ships, the commanding officer sudcitizen, surprised and irritated at the ordenly called them from the pursuit. A der, seeing the possibility of cutting off the retreat of the enemy, reproachfully observed, that ere they could gain their boats, two thirds might be dead or prisoners. "True," calmly replied the other, having first enforced the order for retreat, [an order of this sort seldom required enforcing in the republican army, we might, possibly, with the loss of a dozen men, have deprived the enemy of some hundreds, but what would have been the dozen?-sons, husbands, fathers, and useful citizens. And what would have been the hundreds-men fighting for hire. Which loss in the balance had weighed the heaviest ?” '

gers; and have a great regard to morals and fair dealing. Having cautioned our readers, that the imputing the authorship of this work to an, Euglishwoman is, as Lord Grizzle says, ; 'all a trick,' and that its statements must be received with great suspicion, we proceed to make a few extracts. Our author visited Utica, a town scarcely twenty years old, and which now aspires to be the capital of the state of Albany. An innkeeper at Utica, at whose door fifteen stages now stop daily, eighteen years ago carried the solitary and weekly mail in his pocket to Albany :

Leaving Utica, the country assumes a rough appearance, stumps and girdled trees encumbering the inclosures; loghouses scattered here and there; the culThere are our ruins,' replied the retivation rarely extending more than half publican, pointing to a revolutionary a mile, nor usually so much on either soldier, who was turning up the glebe; How kind and considerate in this hand; when the forest, whose face is usu* and there,' extending his hand over American colonel, who was so sparing traveller by a skirting line of girdled ally rendered hideous to the eye of the the plain that stretched before them, of English blood, that he would not trees, half standing, half falling, stretches smiling with luxuriant farms and little purchase the sacrifice of some hun- its vast unbroken shade over plain, and villas, peeping out from beds of trees, dreds of enemies, with the loss of a do- hill, and dale-disappearing only with the there is our poetry.' We wonder the zen citizens. To make the story more horizon. Frequently, however, gaining a European did not adopt Mr. Burchell's complete, we would advise this English-rising ground, (and the face of the country expressive phrase, and answer this re- woman, should he ever relate the story is always more or less undulating,) you can publican nonsense by fudge. The afterwards, to add that Jackson, the distinguish gaps, sometimes long and next paragraph, too, is very English, American Hannibal, (as he has been fa-broad, in the deep verdure, which tell that at least as English as true. It is men cetiously called,) was the name of the with the wilderness. On the fifth day the axe and the plough are waging war of substance, possessed in clear proper- commanding officer, in order to show from that of her departure from Albany, ty of from five hundred to five thous- that he sometimes possesses other feel-brought our traveller and her companions and pounds, who now attempt the pas-ings than those which marked his un- to Auburn. The villages at the head of VOL. III,

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thrown into the waggon; but it sometimes riably found with perfect civility. One happened that the settler was from home. thing I must notice,-that you are never On one occasion, I remember, neither any where charged for attendance. The man, woman, nor child was to be found: servant is not your's, but the innkeeper's; the stage-driver whistled and hallooed, no demands are made upon you, except by walked into the dwelling, and through the the latter; this saves much trouble, and, dwelling, sprang the fence, traversed the indeed, is absolutely necessary in a house field of maize, and shouted into the wood'; where the servant's labour is commonly but all to no purpose. Having resumed too valuable to be laid at the mercy of his station, and set his horses in motion, I every whimsical traveller; but this arinquired how the letters were to find their rangement originates in another cause,destination, seeing that we were carrying the republican habits and feelings of the them along with us, heaven knew where? community. I honour the pride which Oh! they'll keep in the country any makes a man unwilling to sell his personal how; it is likely, indeed, they may go service to a fellow creature; to come and down the Ohio, and make a short tour of go at the beck of another; is it not natuthe states; this has happened sometimes; ral that there should be some unwillingbut it is a chance but they get to Washing-ness to do this? It is the last trade to which an American man or woman has recourse; still some must be driven to it, particularly of the latter sex, but she always assumes with you the manner of an equal.

the different lakes, Skeneatalas, Cayuga,
Seneka, Onondaga, and Canadaigua, are
all thriving, cheerful, and generally beau-
tiful; but Canadaigna bears away the
The land has been disposed of
in lots of forty acres each, one being the
breadth, running in lines diverging on ei-
ther hand from the main road. The houses
are in all delicately painted: their win-
dows with green Venetian blinds, peeping
gaily through fine young trees, or stand-
ing forward more exposed on their little
lawns, green and fresh as those of Eng-
land. Smiling gardens, orchards laden
with fruit, quinces, apples, plumbs,
peaches,&c. and fields, rich in golden grain,
stretch behind each of these lovely villas;
the church, with its white steeple, rising
in the midst, overlooking this land of en-ton at last, and then they'll commence a
chantment. The increase of population, straight course anew, and be safe here
the encroachment of cultivation on the again this day twelvemonth, may be, or
wilderness, the birth of settlements, and two years at farthest."'
their growth into towns, surpasses belief,
till one has been an eye-witness of the
miracle, or conversed on the spot with
those who have been so. All here wears
so much the gloss of novelty, all around
you breathes so much of the life and en-
ergy of youth. that a wanderer from the
antique habitations of time-worn Europe,
might look around, and deem that man
here held a new charter of existence;
that Time had folded his wings, and the
sister thrown away the shears.'

The mode in which the contents of the post-bag are usually distributed through the less populous districts, is amusing:

I remember,' says the writer, when taking a cross cut in a queer sort of a caravan, bound for some settlement on the southern shore of Lake Erie, observing, with no small surprise, the operations of our charioteer; a paper flung to the right hand, and anon a paper flung to the left, where no sight or sound bespoke the presence of human beings. I asked if the bears were curious of news; upon which I was informed, that there was a settler in the neighbourhood, who ought to have been on the look-out, or some of his children for him. "But when I don't find them ready, I throw the paper under a tree, and I warrant you they'll look sharp enough to find it; they're always curious of news in these wild parts;" and curious enough they seemed, for not a cabin did we pass that a newspaper was not flung from the hand of this enlightener of the wilderness. Occasionally making a halt at some solitary dwelling, the postbag and its guardian descended together, when, if the assistance of the farmer, who here acted as post-master, could be obtained, the whole contents of the mail were discharged upon the ground, and all hands and eyes being put in requisition, such letters as might be addressed to the surrounding district, were scrambled out from the heap; which, being then again scrambled together, was once more shaken into the leathern receptacle, and

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there are now several villages, though
Between Rochester and Lewistown,
A pretty recommendation, truly, for
five years ago there was but a single,
a servant; one thing, however, we
log-house. Our author says,- must say, that this account of the in-
A citizen, who got into the stage dur-fluence of the republican principles on
ing the morning for a dozen miles, and servants, is by no means exaggerated,
who united the professions of doctor and but, we believe, rather too faint a pic-
farmer, and painter also, if I understood ture. Of Birkbeck's colony, in the Il-
right, told me that he had five-and-thirty linois, we are told, on the authority of
patients within the stretch of one mile. two American gentlemen who visited
This may convey to you some idea at the settlement, that,-
and the physical evils that the first occu-
once, of the rapid settling of the country,
piers of the soil have to encounter. We
did not enter a house in which there were
less than two of the family either in bed,
or looking as if they ought to be there.
The autumn is always the trying season,
and the prolonged and extreme heats of
the summer months have this year doubled
its usual fatality. These evils, dreadful
while they last, are, however, but tempo-
rary; as the axe and the drain advance
into the forest, the mal'aria recedes. It
would recede more rapidly, as well as
more certainly, if the new settlers would
contrive to do without, or at least with
fewer mills. The collection of the wa-
ters from the creeks and the swamps, soon
brought, by the action of a powerful sun,
to a state of putrefaction, increases ten-
fold the deadly air already spread by na-

A few miscellaneous extracts, and we shall conclude:

Taverns. On arriving at a tavern in this country, you excite no kind of sensation, come how you will. The master of the house bids you good day, and you walk in; breakfast, dinner, and supper are prepared at stated times, to which you must generally contrive to accommodate. There are seldom more hands than enough to dispatch the necessary work; you are not, therefore, beset by half-a-dozen menials, imagining your wants before you know them yourself; make them known, however, and if they be rational, they are generally answered with tolerable readiness, and I have inva

Its situation possesses all those positive advantages stated by Mr. Birkbeck; that the worst difficulties have been surmount-; ed, and that these have always been fewer than what are frequently encountered in the centre of the settlement, contains at a new country. The village of Albion, Present thirty habitations, in which are a bricklayer, a carpenter, a wheelright, a cooper, and a blacksmith; a well-supplied shop, a little library, an inn, a chapel, and a post-office, where the mail regularly arrives twice a week. Being siand little Wabash, it is, from its elevated tuated on a ridge, between the greater position, and from its being some miles removed from the rivers, peculiarly dry and healthy. The prairie in which it stands, is described as exquisitely beauti- › ful; lawns of unchanging verdure, spreading over hills and dales, scattered with. hand of nature with a taste that art could islands of luxuriant trees, dropped by the sky of glowing and unspotted sapphires. not rival; all this spread beneath a my friend observes," would afford a most "The most beautiful parks of England," imperfect comparison." The soil is abundantly fruitful, and, of course, has an advantage over the heavy-timbered lands, which can scarcely be cleared for less: than from twelve to fifteen dollars per, acre; while the Illinois farmer may, in general, clear his for less than five, and then enter upon a much more convenient mode of tillage. The objection that is too frequently found to the beautiful prairies of the Illinois, is the deficiency of springs and streams for mill-seats. 'This :

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⚫is attended with inconvenience to the settler, though his health will find in it advantage. The nearest navigable river to Albion, is the Wabash, eight miles distant; the nearest running stream, that is not liable to fail at mid-summer, the Bonpaw, four miles distant. The stock-water in ponds, for cattle, my correspondent judged, was liable to run dry in a few weeks; and the settlement apprehended some temporary inconvenience from the circumstance. The finest water is every where to be raised from twenty to twenty-five, or thirty feet from the surface; these wells never fail, but are of course troublesome to work in a new settle

the last enumerated qualities of mildness | the poorer emigrants; and to others, afand suavity are oftener found than in our fords lodging, and often money to a consicountrymen. His face is fine, and bearsderable amount. His kindness has, of so close a resemblance to that of his more course, been imposed upon, in some cases distinguished brother, that it was difficult so flagrantly that he is now learning ciat the first glance to decide which of the cumspection, though he does not suffer busts in the apartment were of him, and his humanity to be chilled. This I learnwhich of Napoleon. The expression of ed from his American neighbours. I left the one, however, is much more benig- Count Survillier, satisfied that nature had nant; it is, indeed, exceedingly pleasing, formed him for the character he now and prepares you for the amiable senti- wears, and that fortune had rather spited ments which appear in his discourse. him in making him the brother of the amThe plainness and urbanity of his manners bitious Bonaparte.' for the first few moments suspended pleasure in surprise; and even afterwards, when, smiling at myself, I thought, " and what did I expect to see?" I could not Our last extract, for in remark we still help ever and anon acknowledging have done already, contains au account that I had not looked to see exactly the of a visit, paid by our traveller, to Jo-man I saw. I felt most strangely the seph Bonaparte, whose residence is near fast travelling through my brain, of battles contrast between the thoughts that were Bordertown, on the Jersey shore of the and chances, ambition and intrigues, Delaware river :crowns and sceptres-the whole great drania of his brother's life passing before me-I felt most strangely the contrast between these thoughts and the man I was


The Celt's Paradise, in Four Duans.
By John Baim. 12mo. pp. 122.
London, 1821.

THE 'Celt's Paradise' is founded on an
acknowledged anachronism, that of
Ireland was towards the end of the
making St. Patrick, whose abode in
fourth century, a cotemporary with
Ossian, who lived a century before
him. The poem embraces many of
the legendary traditions respecting the
bard, which are not unhappily intro-
duced; but its poetic merit is scarcely
sufficient to atone for its general in-
consistency, although it presents some
claims to originality. We quote
one extract; it relates to a vision
of Ossian, which he describes to the
saint, and is a favourable specimen
of the author's talents, really possessing
considerable beauty :-


We travelled the waste of the desolate ocean-
And how proudly I rode on the back of the bil-


With her lip for my kiss and her breast for my pillow!

It is a pretty villa, commanding a fine prospect of the river; the soil around it is unproductive, but a step removed from the "pine-barren;" the pines, how-conversing with. He discoursed easily ever, worthless as they may be, clothe the on various topics, but always with much banks pleasantly enough, and, altogether, quietness and modesty. He did and said the place is cheerful and pretty. Enter- little in the French manner, though he ing upon the lawn, we found the choice always spoke the language, understanding shrubs of the American forest, magnolias, English, he said, but imperfectly, and not kalmias, &c. planted tastefully under the speaking it at all. He expressed a curiohigher trees which skirted, and here and sity to become acquainted with our living there shadowed, the green carpet upon poets; but complained that he found which the white mansion stood. Advanc- them difficult, and inquired if there was ing, we were now faced at all corners by not often a greater obscurity of style than gods and goddesses, in naked, I cannot in that of our older authors. I found heYes!-swift as the wild wind that gives it its say majesty, for they were, for the most meant those of Queen Anne's reign. In part, clumsy enough. The late General speaking of the members of his family, Moreau, a few years since, according to he carefully avoided titles; It was "Mon the strange revolutions of war-stricken frere Napoleon, ma sœur Hortense," &c. Europe, a peaceful resident in this very He walked us round his improvements inneighbourhood, and who re-crossed the doors and out. When I observed upon the Atlantic to seek his death in the same amusement he seemed to find in beautify-We came to a land where the light of the battle which sent here as an exile the ing his little villa, he replied, that he was brother of the French emperor;-this ge- happier in it than he had ever found himneral, in the same Parisian taste, left be- self in more bustling scenes. He gatherhind him a host of Pagan deities of a simi- ed a wild flower, and, in presenting it to lar description, with a whole tribe of dogs me, carelessly drew a comparison between and lions to boot, some of which I have its minute beauties and the pleasures of seen scattered up and down through the private life; contrasting those of ambition surrounding farms. Two of these dumb and power with the more gaudy flowers Cerberuses are sitting at this moment of the parterre, which look better at a disover the side of a neighbouring gentle-tance than upon a nearer approach. He man's door, and the family use them as said this, so naturally, with a manner so Yet half I remember as we past A desert of sand outstripping its blast, hobby horses.' simple, and accent so mild, that it was impossible to see in it an attempt at display That came to look on us too near Of savage shapes and forms of fear of any kind. Understanding that I was a And the hungry glaring of their eyesTM foreigner, he hoped that I was as much Half yielded to a stern surprise, pleased with the country as he was; ob-To see such rapid travellers there, served that it was a country for the many, Or hear us hurrying thao' the an. and not for the few, which gave freedom to all and power to none, in which happiness might better be found than any other, and in which he was well pleased that his lot was now cast.

Count Survillier (he wears this title, perhaps, to save the aukwardness of Mr. Bonaparte), soon came to us from his workmen, in an old coat, from which he had barely shaken off the mortar, and (a sign of the true gentleman) made no apologies. His air, figure, and address, have the character of the English country gentleman-open, unaffected, and independent, but perhaps combining more mildness and suavity. Were it not that his figure is too thick-set, I should perhaps say, that he had still more the character of an American, in whom, I think,

The character of this exile seems to be much marked for humanity and benevolence. He is peculiarly attentive to sufferers of his own nation-I mean France; is careful to provide work for


Hath brightest his standard of summer unfurled,

We touch it we pass it-we traverse its scope Like the glancing of thought or the gleamings of hope!

'I have no memory of the things,
I saw or met in that fearful flight-

They only make strange visitings,
To my sleeping thoughts in a dream of night-

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And on!-The blue bills backward fly,-,
Trees, rocks, and the world and all glance by!--
And once as I gave a farewell look
To the old sun I had forsook,
He seemed as if rushing down the sky,
To drink the depths of the ocean dry,
And finish his long and lonely reign,
And never light up the world again.
On, on! And we came to the last cold shore
That aged sun is shining o'er-

It was a scene of feature wild-
It's rocks in random ruin piled-
And towers of ice and hills of snow,
Mocking the wither'd waste below.
Yet there, all beautiful and bright,

The sun was shedding his chastened light-
It seemed as if faithless trees and flowers,
That vary with the varying hours,
And eyes and cheeks that change at will,
And worldly hearts more fickle still,
Had tired him with their dull deceit,
And he no more would lend them heat
Or light or life—but hither came,
To shiue on things that, cold and tame,
And shapeless, and strange as they might be,
Smiled always in white constancy.
And there away from house and tower.
He spent his silent noon-tide hour,
All sportively: his soft beam fell

On many a glancing icicle,

And kindled up each crystal height,
With rainbow hue and chequered light.
And I thought he wished no other eye
To gladden at a scene so high,
But all in solitude smiled to see
The play of his own pleasantry.
(On, on!--That spangling scene is past,
And we have left the world at last!
I cannot tell you if we went
Upward or down-thro' firmament,
Or wind or water-air or light;-
It was even as a vision of night,
When youthful hearts that pant for heaven,
Dream of some rich and rosy even,
Upon whose perfumed breeze they rise,
Like the mist of the hill in summer skies.-
I saw not, touch'd not, aught but her,
Who was my bosom's comforter,
In that rash flight-enough for me,
To feel her clasp me tenderly,
And with her kisses call from death
The flutterings of my failing breath-
O then! in what a keen delight,
We shot upon our airy flight-
Like the lone comet calm and fair,
Cleaving the silent realms of the air!-
I said I knew not aught was there-
Nor saw a shape, nor heard a sound
In all the voiceless space around ;-
Yet have I thought a half-dreamt thought,
That far and doubtingly I caught,
While in our rush of silence hurled
A parting glance of my native world-
'The stars were up-and weak and small,
They twinkled round a darkened ball;
I strove to fix them on my sight,
And, as I looked, their points of light
Lengthened to lines, that quick and slight
Traversed each other, and entwined
Like a maiden's tresses in the wind-
And still I look and still they glance,
And mingle in their misty dance-
And faint and fainter, and now they fly-
And now they fail, and now they die-
And they and the spot they woke to light
Have melted from my swimming sight!-
One earthly sigh I gave to part,
From the world that warmed my youthful


'And on, and on!-But how or where?
I felt no motion in the air,

And I think no breeze was busy there;
But I was swathed as in a mist,

That the morning sun-beam has not kissed;
And I was hurled as in a wind,
That all but leaves a thought behind
'On, on!--and have we not touch'd at last,
-Some gentle substance as we pass'd ?—

I thought our flight less fearful now,
And I looked upon my spirit's brow
To read its smile-O well I knew
My own heart's thought reflected true!—
And smoother still we glide along,
Smooth as the gushing flow of song;
The velvet sod we press at last,/
The gathered mist aside is cast,
And arm in arm, and hand in hand,
We wander thro' her own bright land!'

The notes which are appended to the
volume, shew Mr. Banim, who is the
author of the tragedy of Damon and
Pythias, to be well read in the authen-
tic and legendary history of Ireland.

C. is rich in important lives, and contains memoirs of Burke, Boyle, Barry, Brook, Brien, Boirumhe-the glory and grace of his age; Berkeley, 'to whom every virtue under heaven;' the Butlers, Curran, Carolun the bard, Centlivre, &c. &c. It is not, however, from the lives of individuals so well

known that we shall make our extracts, but principally from the neglected biography in which these volumes have rescued many names. We may, how

ever, observe, that in the more extended memoirs, and where originality cannot be expected, Mr. Ryan has presented the most important facts in an agreeable form. The first extract we make on account of its embracing a jeu d'esprit, and some lines by Moore:

'Joseph Atkinson was a man who fully merited the epithet "worthy ;" and truly sorry are we to inform our readers, that, with almost every particular of his life, we are wholly unacquainted.

Biographia Hibernica. A Biogra-
phical Dictionary of the Worthies
of Ireland, from the earliest period
to the present time. Written and
Compiled by Richard Ryan. 2
Vols. 8vo. pp. 1135. London, 1821.
LAST week, we noticed the Lives of
Eminent Scotsmen,' a work which pre-
sents strong claims to support; and it
now falls to our lot to say a few words
'He was a native of Ireland, and was
respecting the Worthies of Ireland,' treasurer of the Ordnance, under the ad-
a publication which every son of Erin ministration of the Earl of Moira.
must dwell on with delight. We
was the intimate of Moore, Curran, and
might, perhaps, object to the terms was himself a poet of more than ordi-
the rest of the galaxy of Irish genius; and
' eminent' and worthies,' as implying nary ability, as the following jeu d'esprit,
something rather too superlative for addressed to his friend Moore, on the
general biography, but they must be birth of his third daughter, will evince:-
taken in a qualified sense. The edi-"I'm sorry, dear Moore, there's a damp to
tors of both these works have strong
national feelings, but not too strong
for impartial biographers and historians.
The Scotsman' exults in the number
of men his country has produced 'eini-
nent in arts or arms, in letters or in
science;' and while Mr. Ryan laments"
over the misfortunes of his country
with patriotic feeling, he appeals to bio-
graphy as the vindicator of an unhap-
py people, and brings in the dead to
plead their cause,' glorying that the
darkest periods of Ireland's history have
been rich in men of talent, whose me-
mory should not be forgotten.


To speak of the utility of such a work is quite unnecessary; and where the object is so laudable, we should not be over fastidious as to its execution. To us, however, it appears that Mr. Ryan is an honest biographer,faithful chronicler; that he has not sought to adorn his heroes with virtues they never possessed, but has been anxious to give honour where honour is due, and to exhibit each character fairly and impartially. It is this which makes biography valuable; and we would rather have a dozen pages of facts relating to an individual, than a whole volume of dissertations. The first volume of the Worthies,' which extends uo farther than the letter

your joy,

Nor think my old strain of mythology stupid,

When I say, that your wife had a right to a


For Venus is nothing without a young Cupid.

But since Fate, the boon that you wish'd for, refuses,

By granting three girls to your happy embraces, She but meant, while you wandered abroad with

the Muses,

Your wife should be circled at home by the

'He died in Dublin, at the age of seventy-five, in October, 1818, and was sinbeing admired by the young for his concerely regretted by all who knew him; viviality, and respected by the aged for his benevolence and numerous good qualities.

The following beautiful lines, from the pen of his intimate, Moore, are intended to be engraved on his sepul


"If ever lot was prosperously cast, If ever life was like the lengthen'd flow

Of some sweet music, sweetness to the last, 'Twas his, who, mourn'd by many, sleeps below.

"The sunny temper, bright where all is The simple heart that mocks at worldly wiles, strife,

Light wit, that plays along the calm of life, And stirs its languid surface into smiles;

"Pure Charity that comes not in a shower, Sudden and loud, oppressing what it feeds;

"The happy grateful spirit that improves, And brightens every gift by Fortune given; That, wander where it will, with those it


Makes every place a home, and home a hea


"All these were his-Oh! thou who read'st

this stone,

But, like the dew, with gradual silent power, | Captain Ellis, escorting the rear,) a The fate of Lieutenant Salsford was Felt in the bloom it leaves along the meads; charge destined to be her final act of ser distinguished by a singular circumstance, vice, and in which she was most lamenta- which we cannot forbear recording:-A bly to fall by shipwreck. The evening large ta ne wolf, caught at Aspro, and before she struck, the Plantagenet tele- brought up from a cub by the ship's comgraphed to her, and hauled to the west-pany, and exceedingly docile, continued ward; but the master and pilots of the to the last an object of general solicitude. Minotaur, too confident of their reckon- Sensible of its danger, its howls were pe ing, unfortunately stood on. At nine culiarly distressing. He had always been o'clock that night she struck on the a particular favourite of the lieutenant, Hakes so violently, that it was with great who was also greatly attached to the anidifficulty the midshipmen and quarter- mal, and through the whole of their sufmasters gained the deck. The scene offerings he kept close to his master. On horror that now presented itself can only the breaking up of the ship, both got upbe conceived by those who witnessed it. on the mast.-At times they were washed off, but by each other's assistance #gained it.-The lieutenant at last became exhausted by continual exertion, and benumbed with cold. The wolf was equally fatigued, and both held occasionally by the other to retain his situation. When within a short distance of the land, Lieutenant Salsford, affected by the attachment of the animal, and totally unable any longer to support himself, turned towards him from the mast; the beast clapped his fore-paws round his neck, while the lieutenant clasped him in his arms, and they sunk together.'

The ship's company, almost naked, were sheltered from the severe cold and heavy sea by the poop, and the greatest exertions were made to get out the boats, the quarter ones having been stove and washed away. By cutting down the gunnel the launch was got off the booms, into which one hundred and ten men crowded; at this time the appearance of the ship, nearly covered by the sea, and having only the main-mast standing, was truly pitiable. The launch, with great difficulty, reached the shore.-The yawl was next got out, but immediately sunk, from the numbers that crowded into her, with the natural desire to avail themselves of the smallest chance of escaping from a state of inevitable destruction.

When for thyself, thy children, to the sky,
Thou humbly prayest, ask this boon alone,
That ye like him may live, like him may die."
Anthony Barnewall, a young officer of
great promise, was the youngest son of
John, eleventh Lord Trimlestown. The
religion of this family precluding all pos-
sibility of his rising to eminence in his
native land, he retired in his seventeenth
year into Germany, where he entered the
imperial service, in which he continued
until his decea e, in September, 1739.
The following account of him is given in
a letter from a general in the imperial
service, to Viscount Mountgarrett :-
"Amongst all those brave men who have
lost their lives at the battle of Crotzka,
none is so much lamented by all as Mr.
Anthony Barnewall, the Lord Trimles-
ton's youngest son: he came into Ger-
many in General Hamilton's regiment of
cuirassiers, when his good sense, humility,
good nature, and truly honest worthy
principles, gained him the love and
esteem of all who had the least acquaint-
ance with him; we have had scarce any
action of any note with the Turks that he
was not in, and always acquitted himself
with uncommon resolution. The day be
fore the said battle he was made a lieute-
nant; the next fatal day, the regiment in
which he had his commission, was one of
the first that charged the enemy; at the
very first onset, his captain and cornet
were killed, when he took up the standard,
tore off the flag, tied it round his waist,
and commanded the troop; he led out
twice to the charge, and was as often re-
pulsed; the third time, he turned himself
to his men, and said, Come on, my
brave fellows; we shall certainly now do
the work: follow me.' He then set spurs Through the whole of this melan-
to his horse, and pursued into the thick choly scene, the conduct of Captain Bar-
est of the enemy, where he was surround- rett did honour to his station. From the
ed, defending himself for considerable commencement to its fatal termination,
time with amazing courage; at last he he evinced the most heroic coolness;
fell quite covered with wounds, and dy- during which time no possibility of saving
ing, left such an example of true courage the ship had ever existed. The pilots
and bravery, as cannot fail of being ad-seem to have been deficient in knowledge
mired by all who shall hear of it.""

The life of Captain John Barrett, a brave but unfortunate seaman, terminates with a melancholy narrative. He perished on board the Minotaur, a seventy-four gun ship :

Thus cut off from all prospect of escape, the only desire apparent in those who remained was, to clothe themselves in their best suits. The captain of marines and surgeon had themselves lashed in a cot that hung in the cabin, and two of the officers followed their example with the utmost composure.

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At length came the awful stroke-and the sea washing through the belfry, tolled the funeral knell. The captain of the main-top, who was saved on the mainmast, said, he saw Captain Barrett to the last exhorting the men to patience; he was standing on the poop, surrounded by them, when a dreadful sea destroyed every remnant of the ship, and closed his meritorious and useful life.

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of the ship's track, for they opposed the warning of the Plantagenet, and differed, after the ship struck, in opinion, whether Hakes; Captain Barrett decided for the she was on the Smith's Knowl or the latter, and the ensuing dawn, by a distant view of land, confirmed it. In the In the spring of the year 1810, the course of this dreadful night, an officer, Minotaur sailed again for the Baltic, and in the eagerness of exertion, occasioned was principally employed in escorting the some disturbance; Captain Barrett said different convoys from Hanno to Deers- to him, "Sir, true courage is better shown head. At the close of the season she by coolness and composure-we all owe again took charge of the homeward-bound nature a debt-let us pay it like men of convoy (the Plantagenet, seventy-four, | honour."

To pass from grave to gay,' we quote a laughable anecdote, relating to James Barry, the celebrated painter, premising that he had invited Mr. Burke to dine with him at a small house he occupied in St. Martin's Lane. Mr. Burke accepted the invitation, and kept his appointment :

When he rapped at the door, however, Dame Ursula, who opened it, at first denied that her master was at home; but on Mr. Burke's expressing some surprise and announcing his name, Barry overheard his voice, and ran down stairs in the usual trim of abstracted genius, utterly regardless of his personal appearance: his scanty grey hair, unconscious of the comb, sported in disordered ringlets round his head; a greasy green silk shade over his eyes, served as an auxiliary to a pair of horn-mounted spectacles, to strengthen his vision. His linen was none of the whitest, and a sort of roquelaure served the purposes of a robe de chambre; but it was of the composite order, for it was neither jockey-coat, surtout, pelisse, nor tunic, but a mixture of all four; and the chronology of it might have puzzled the Society of Antiquarians to develop. After a welcome greeting, he conducted his eloquent countryman to his dwellingroom on the first floor, which served him painting-room; but it was at that moment for kitchen, parlour, study, gallery, and so befogged with smoke, as almost to suffocate its phthisicy owner, aud was quite impervious to the rays of vision. Barry apologized; d-d the bungling chimney doctors; hoped the smoke would clear up, as soon as the fire burned bright; and was quite at a loss to account for "such an infernal smother," until Mr. Burke, with some difficulty, convinced him he

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