Oxen cost, on an average, one hundred roubles per pair. Cows, about thirty-five roubles each, and some few sixty roubles. Horses, from twenty to one hundred and twenty roubles; some few one hundred and fifty to two hundred roubles; the general price about forty roubles. Sheep and ewes, ten roubles; lambs, five roubles; rams, fifteen roubles; two year wethers, seven to ten roubles. Implements :-a plough, twenty to thirty roubles; a cart, twenty to twenty-five roubles. To hire a plough ten roubles a day are given, for which three men and six pair of oxen are furnished, who plough as much. as four measures will sow. 168 NOTES ON THE CRIM TATARS. Labourers are hired from St. George's to St. Demetrius's day, or vice versa. Wages are about two hundred roubles per annum, and two suits of clothes, comprizing shube, tchekmen, two pair of trowsers, two shirts, and shoes of ox-hide; also an allowance of two or two and a half measures of corn per month. The value of the rouble during my stay may be stated at tenpence.. MVSEVM rinted by Cox and Baylis, Great Queen Street. |