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row, 5717-

see also Tender."

aliens as, 4769-70.

artificers abroad as, 4772-
assent of executors entities,

attestators as, 4765
banished persons as, #771.
bound to wait, 4882.
congratulation by executers
entitles, 4884-5-

entitled to inventories in
probate or administra-
tion, 4554-
executors and, 4688, 4093,
executors as, 4773-88, 443-
see also "Executors."
husbands of witnesses 25,
interest due to, 4392. 14705
liable for legacy duty, 43:5-
limitations and, 6614-15 (1
mechanics abroad as, 477
outlaws as, 4771-

payments to minors wh
are, 4585-8. [4830-02
payments to wives who are,
residuary, 4732

see also "Residue."
traitors as, 4771.

transported persons 25, 4771.
widows and, 2417-18, 2434
wills drawn by, 3950-1.
witnesses as, 4705-
wives of witnesses as, 47S
workmen abroad as, 4772
see also Legacies."
Legitimacy: 2954-

onus of proof of, 3851.
see also Declarations of
Leicester, district registry at
the town for the county
Leicestershire :
district registry for, 428
land tax in, 958.
Lend, contract to, void go
Lenders :

bills of sale and, 6416. [2241.
on the chance of alimony,


by partners, 6800.
pawns, 6168.

charity trustees as, 5423-8.
debts of, 1360.
entitled to deed, 1294.
growing strength of, 1217.
helplessness of ancient, 1211.
liability of original, 1375.
possession by, 1262, 1343.
security of modern, 1215,
signature of, 1296. [1216.
Lessors entitled to copy of
[deeds, 1295.
agreements and, 12510-11.
see also "Letters as agree-
alimony and, 2350. [ments."
bankruptcy and, 13446.
bargains and, 5469.

carriers and, 10336, 10344.

[blocks in formation]

detention of, 10366.
duty to deliver, 10368.
guaranties and, 6505.
guilty knowledge of, 10369.
insufficient stamps upon,
leases and, 1257. [10376.
losses of post, 10355.
magistrates and, 10377.
marriage articles and, 2926.
must be forwarded, 10358.
not returnable, 10357.
passengers' luggage and,
postage of, 10374. [10736.
proof of delivery of needless,
property of the Crown,
prosecutions to recover,


security of post, 10352.
senders liable for postage of,
sender's property in, 10359,
servants and, 10366.
special enactment respect-
stolen, 10362. [ing, 10367.
vain disavowal of, 10373..
wills of sailors and soldiers

and, 4072, 4081.
witnesses to posting of, 10371.
etters as agreements: 12559.
delays of, 12568.
exchanged, 12561-2. [12566.
extended responsibility of,
full force of, 12559.
misdirections of, 12567.
post, 12563-72.

production of, 12560.

replies to, 12569-70.
signatures of, 12571-2.

time to reply to, 12564-5.

[blocks in formation]

see also Administration
complicated form of affi-
davit for, 4530-1.
extreme case of, 4531.
grant of, 4545.
inferior claimants of, 4515-
in lieu of probate, 4513.
intestacy essential to, 4512.
inventory required by, see

may be cancelled, 4546.
next of kin entitled to, 4514.
penalties for omitting to
procure, 4823.
renunciation of, 4517-21.
seven days' interval before,


simple form of affidavit for,
subsequent discovery of a
will cancels, 4546.

sureties necessary to, 4544.
Letters of allotment: 7644-5.
stamp law and, 12888, 12897.
Letters of application for

shares, 7654. ["Powers."
Letters of attorney, see
Letters of credit, names of

companies upon, 7481.
Letters of licence: 13162.
absolute bars to proceed-
ings, 13166.

actions suspended by, 13163.
advantageous course, 13162.
confidence essential to,13170
credit under, 13169.
extension of principle of,

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by wives, 2180.

illegal bargains and, 5619.
limitations and, 6603-6.
Licence (bishop's) to marry:
application for, 1769-74.
declaration for, 1775.
effect of, 1778.

forbidding of, 1845-8, 1855.
form of, 1777..

Licence (consul's) to marry,
1810, 1851.

Licence (superintendent re-
gistrar's) to marry :
declaration for, 1795, 1798.
not available for churches
of England, 1803.
proceedings against, 1849.
special effect of, 1796.
two kinds of, 1794, 1797-

auction, see


dog, 785.

"Auction li-

excise, to deal in game, 836.
fire office, 11763, 11780.
"Game licence."

game, see
gun, 783.
magistrates', to
game, 835.
of carriers, 10333,
of debtors, see

deal in

Letters of

to deal in game, 831-852.
to deal in game limited to
twelve months, 852.
sporting, 770.
victualler's sacrifice, 1353.
Licences of pawnbrokers:
compulsory, 6121.
England and, 6125.
July 31st and, 6123.
London and, 6124.
provincial, 6125.
renewal of, 6122.

Somerset House and, 6124.
stamp offices and, 6125.
Wales and, 6125.
Licensed victuallers, not inn-
keepers, 11195.
Lichfield, district registry at,
Lien 5511.
actions under, 5548-9.
alterations and, 5524.
arbitrators', 12417.
bailees and, 5572.
bankers and, 5540.
bankruptcy and, 13615.

breach of contract under,

[blocks in formation]

Lien (contd.):

by contract, 5532. [10f02.
carriers and, 5523, 10466,
commission and, 5543-
customs and, 5533-4-
damages under, 5554-
delivery under, 5549.
difference of price under,
distinctive, 5535-43,

dock companies and, 5543.
dyers and, 5536.
effect of, 5512.

employers of domestic ser-
vants and, 10012.
equitable, 5557-
expenses and, 5543.
extinguishment of debts

under, 5519.
factors and, 5538.

fires and, 5559.

general, 5532-5547-

horses and, 5528, 5529.5551.

goods under, 5552.

guests and, 5522.

hay under, 5559.

innkeepers and, 5521,11332-

land and, 1490, 1495.


limitation of, 5514.

life interests and, 5545.

limitations and, 6567-9.
local customs and, 5534.
loss of profit under, 5555-6.
millers and, 5525.
money under, 5553.
mortgage deeds and, 5547.
mutual obligations under,

[blocks in formation]


estates, 233-
holding only, 112.

see also "Life tenants."
Life annuities, enrolment of,


Life appointments under arti-
cles of association, 7325.
Lifeboat Institution under
mortmain, 4233-

Life insurance: 11888.
agents of proposers and,

army and, 11917, 11982.
assurance and, 11888-9.
asthma and, 11918.
birth and, 11914.
capital executions and,
children and, 11904-5.
consumptive symptoms and,
coughs and, 11920. [11955.
creditors and, 11908-10.
dangerous occupations and,

debtors and, 11908-10.
declarations for, see "De-
clarations." [11920.
diseases of the chest and,
drunkenness and, 11968.
duelling and, 11986.

easy, 11934. [minations."
examinations for, see "Exa-
fits and, 11918.

good health and, 11931.
gout and, 11918.
habits and, 11964.
heirs and, 11906-7.
husbands and, 11901-3.
imperfect health and, 11932.
insanity and, 11921.
intemperance and, 11965.
interest essential to,11896-7.
latent maladies and, 11944.
limitation of amounts of,
maladies and, 11944. [11897.
marriage and, 11915.
minor debtors and, 11909.
navy and, 11917, 11982.
no duty upon, 11891.
offices for, see "Life offices."
opium eating, 11966.
parents and, 11904-5.
peculiar deaths and, see

pecuniary interest essential
to, 11898.

policies of, see "Life poli-


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[merged small][ocr errors]

Life tenancies, limitations and

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fixed amount of, 7403.
security under, 7406.
seldom resorted to, 7407.,
Limitation to one room, dis-

tress for rent and, 9262.
Limitations: 6557.
acknowledgments and, 6624,
acknowledgments to stran-
gers and, 6667.
admissions and, 6644, 6653.
agents and, 6668, 6680-5.
arbitrations and, 6678.
arms and, 6593.
assaults and, 6601.
bankrupts and, 6670.
barristers' clerks and, 6684.
battery and, 6601.
beyond seas and, 6617.
bills and, 6613.
Board of Works and, 6583.
bonds and, 6565.
by lapse of time, 6557.
cestui que trusts and, 6679.
church rates and, 6589.
common debts and, 6607-10.
compensations and, 6585.
constables and, 6582.
continuous libel and, 6605.
Corrupt practices and, 6595-6,

Limitations (contd.):

county rates and, 6590.
criminal acts and, 6592, 5597-
customs and, 6578-9. [6600.
damages and, 6604.
deception and, 6621.
deeds and, 6565-6568.
distress for rent and, 9083.
doubtful expressions and,

encroachments and, 6586.
exceptions to, 6671.
executions and, 6571-3.
executors and, 5011, 6665-6.
express acknowledgments
and, 6630.

extensions of, 6612-23.
extinguishing effect of, 6557.
extortions by prosecution
and, 6599.

false imprisonment and, 6602.
fifty-six years of, 6618.
first statute under James I.
upon, 6559.

foreign judgments and, 6574.
guaranties and, 6509. [6588.
guardians of the poor and,
heirs-apparent and, 6575.
highway authorities and,
[and, 6599.
holding over prosecutions
implied acknowledgments
and, 6625.
imprisonment and, 6602,
incorporeal hereditaments

subject to,6561. [and, 6664.
indirect acknowledgments
in fire policies, 11830-3.
insufficient admissions to bar,
interest and, 6626. [6653-63.
interest upon mortgages and,
interpretations of time for,
intestacy and, 6616.
invoices and, 6612.
joint debtors and, 6664.
judgment debts and, 6570-4.
justices and, 6580.

land as affected by, 6560.
leases and, 1275.
legatees and, 6614-15.
legislation upon, 6558-9.
libel and, 6603-6.
liens and, 5514, 6567, 6569.
life tenancies and, 6562.
local boards and, 6587.
local officers and, 6566.
London residents and, 6584.
magistrates and, 6580-1.
members of parliament and,
6622. [Works and, 6583.
Metropolitan Board
minors and, 6563-6623.
mortgages and, 6566
must be pleaded, 11.
officials and 578.


Limitations (contd.):
of life insurance, 11897.
of travelling in life policies,
one minute as affecting,
part payments and, 6627-9.
pawns and, 6336.
personal offences and, 660r.
poaching and, 6594.

police constables and, 6582.
police magistrates and, 6581.
poor-law guardians and, 6588.
prescriptions and, 6564.
Prince of Wales subject to,
6575-7. [and, 6598.
promptitude in prosecuting
prosecutions and, 6598, 6600
revivals against, 6624, 6675.
securities and, 6677.
set-off and, 6672-6.
slander and, 6603.
solicitors and, 6683. [6565.
specialty debts subject to,
statute of Elizabeth upon,
stewards and, 6682. [6558.
sufficient admissions to bar,
time for, 6612. [6644-52.
training to arms and, 6593.
treason and, 6592.
trustees cannot plead, 6679.
verbal acknowledgments
and, 6631.

vestries and, 6584.
waiver and, 6557:

Weekly Dispatch and, 6606,
widows and, 6563, 6623.
wounding and, 6601.
written acknowledgments
and, 6632-3.
Limited: 7468.

addition of the word, 7469.
Board of Trade and the
word, 7471.
by guarantee, see "Limita-
delusive security of the

word, 7488. [shares, 766c.
effect of applications for
effect of the word, 7483.
exemptions upon omitting
the word, 7474-
importance of the word, 7468.
institutions, 7470.

last word in names of com..
panies, 7476.

licence to omit the word,7471.
meaning of the word, 7483.
without the
word, 7477 [7469-70.
of the word,


privies without the word,


[word, 7475.

profitable companies and the

rash reliance upon the word.


[word, 7471.

registration without

ruin, 7486.


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auctions and, 11500.
bills of sale of, 6404.
furnished houses and, 9569.
Lions, responsibility of owners
of, 8530.

Liquidations of companies, see

"Winding up."
Liquidations under the Bank-

ruptcy Act: 13225.
affidavits for, 13237-8.
amount of debts essential in

petitions for, 13239-40. [2.
antagonistic rules for, 13230-
arbitrations and, 12201.
attorneys and, 13234.
by arrangement, 13225.
committees of inspection
under, see "Committees."'
consolidated with statutory
compositions, 13227-9.
discharge of debtors in, see

distress for rent and, 13267.
eventual failure of very

small, 13252.

fifty po s and, 13242–4.
form for petion for, 13225-6.
form of affidavit for, 13238.
immediate effect 01, 2289.
impossible proceedings for,
inspectors under, see "Com- !
interim proceedings for,



irrespective of amounts,

Liquidations under the Bank-

ruptcy Act (contd.):
lack of majority in, 13251.
non-traders and, 13240.
no public examinations in.
petitions for, see "Peti-
possession of property under,



precise provision for, 13232.
preferable to assignments,
records of court concerning,
rent and, 13267. [for, 13241.
requisite amount of debts
second in the Act, 12999.
small debtors and, 13247.
special resolutions for, 13276.
subsequent proceedings in,
temporary bankruptcy and,
temporary trustee and, 13269.
ten pound creditors and,
traders and, 13239. [13249.
trustees under, see "Trus-
under £50, 13244. [tecs."
very small debtorsand,13253.
Liquidators of companies:
acceptances by, 7979-
actions by, 7974-
administration by, 7980.
advice of court to, 7993-4:
affidavits of, concerning
compromises of calls, 8139.
appeals against, 7945.
appointments of voluntary,
arrests by, 7998. [7942-51.
assistance of, 7989, 7993-
Bank of England and, 7986.
bills by, 7979-
businesses carried on by,

[blocks in formation]

Liquidators of companies

meetings and, see "Wind-
ing-up meetings."
official, see "Official liqui

outgoings and, 7993.
pecuniary responsibilities of,

penalties upon, 8180.
powers of, 7938, 7973-
promissory notes by, 7979-
prosecutions by, 7996-S.
receipts by, 7977-

removal of voluntary, 7949
returns of dissolution by,

salaries of, 7982-4-
single, 7941

solicitors of, 7990-2
sureties of, see Sureties."
two, 7940.

use of seals by, 7977-
voluntary, 7942-51.
Liquid filth, trespass by, 8465.
Liquid measure, 5549-
Lists of contributories, see
Lists of shareholders: [7789.
abstracted from registers,
after annual meetings,
annual, 7789. [7797-8

deposit of, 7800.
seven days' grace for, 7799
Literary institutions, poor's
rates and, 8935-
Literature and legacy duty,

Lithographic stones, distres
for rent and, 9159-
Little boys as railway pas

sengers, 11041.

Little freeholds:

land tax and, 1032.
origin of, 97.

custom of, 1643-

district registry at, 4421.
land tax in, 1007.
Livery-stable keepers, bank-
ruptcy and, 13339-
Livery stables, distress for
rent and, 9169.

Live stock :


carriers and, 10410, 105,
distress for rent and, 9104,

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