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App. No.
22. from

Archiepiscopi Cantuar' Litera Commissionalis ad Richardum,
Suffraganeum Dovorensem.

THOMAS, permissione divina Cant' Archiep' tot' Angl' Primas et Metropolitanus, venerabili confratri nostro Dom' Richardo, Dei gra' sedis Doveriæ nostræ diocesios Cant' Suffraganeo, saluCranmer's tem, et fraternam in Domino charitatem. De tuis fidelitate et Register. circumspectionis industria plenam in Domino fiduciam obtinentes, ad confirmandum sacri chrismatis unctione pueros quoscunque infra civitatem et diocesin nostras Cant', et jurisdictiones nostras, et Ecclesiæ nostræ Christ' Cant' immediatas, ac jurisdictionem nostram villæ Calisiæ, et marchias ejusdem sub obedientia Excellentiss' Principis et Domini nostri, Domini Hen' Oct' Dei gratia Angl' et Fr' Regis, Fidei Defensoris, et Domini Hib' ac in terris sub Christo Ecclesiæ Anglic' Capitis Supremi ubilibet constitut': necnon altaria, calices, vestimenta, et alia Ecclesiæ ornamenta quæcunque et ea concernen' benedicend', locaque profana siquæ inveneris, de quibus te inquirere volumus, a divinorum celebratione ultime suspendend', ecclesias etiam et comiteria sanguinis vel seminis effusione polluta forsan vel polluend' reconciliand', ecclesias et altaria noviter ædificat' consecrand', omnes ordines minores quibuscunque civitatis, diocesios, et jurisdictionum nostrarum prædictarum ipsos ordines a te recipere volentib' et ad hoc habilibus ad jurejurandum de renuntiando Rom' Episcopo et ejus auctoritati ac de acceptando regiam Majestatem pro Supremo Capite Ecclesiæ Anglic' juxta statuta hujus regni in hac parte edita ab eisdem ordinand' et eorum quolibet per te primitus recepto, conferend': ac etiam oleum sanctum chrismatis et sacræ unctionis consecrand': cæteraque omnia et singula, quæ ad officium pontificale in præmissis vel aliquo præmissorum quovis modo pertinent, vel pertinere poterunt, faciend' exercend' et expediend', tibi tenore præsentium committimus vices nostras, et plenam in Domino potestatem: teque quoad præmissa Suffraganeum nostrum ordinamus et præficimus per præsentes; donec eas ad nos duxerimus revocand'. Et ut officium tuum hujusmodi possis in præmissis liberius exercere, universis et singulis decanis, rectoribus, vicariis, capellanis, curatis, et non curatis, clericis et apparitoribus quibuscunque in virtute sacræ [suæ] obedientiæ firmiter tenore præ

sentium injungendo mandamus, quatenus tibi in præmissis et quolibet præmissorum sint obedientes, assistentes, et intendentes in omnibus, prout decet. In cujus rei testimonium sigillum nostrum præsentibus est appensum. Dat' in manerio nostro de Lamehith, decimo die Decembr' anno Domini mill' quin' xxxvii. et nostræ consecrationis anno quinto.


A Declaration to be read by all Curates upon the publishing of the Bible in English *.



WHERE it hath pleased the King's Majesty, our most dread Cleop. E. v. Sovereign Lord and Supreme Head under God of this Church of P. 327. England, for a declaration of the great zeal he beareth to the Cranm setting forth of God's word, and to the virtuous maintenance of App. No. his commonwealth, to permit and command the Bible, being translated into our mother tongue, to be sincerely taught and declared by us the Curates, and to be openly laid forth in every parish church to the intent that all his good subjects, as well by reading thereof, as by hearing the true explanation of the same, may first learn their duties to Almighty God and his Majesty, and every of us charitably to use other: and then applying themselves to do according to that they shall hear and learn, may both speak and do Christianly; and in all things, as it beseemeth Christian men: Because his Highness very much desireth that this thing, being by him most godly begun and set forward, may of all you be received as is aforesaid; his Majesty hath willed and commanded this to be declared unto you, that his Grace's pleasure and high commandment is, that in the reading and hearing thereof, first most humbly and reverently using and addressing yourselves unto it, you shall have always in your remembrance and memories, that all things contained in this book is the undoubted will, law, and commandment of Almighty God,

k ["Now, [viz. 1538.] the Holy Bible was divulged and exposed to coin"mon sale, and appointed to be had in every parish church. And then, "that the sacred book might be used with the more benefit both of the "clergy and lay people, for this reason a Declaration was issued out, to be "read openly by all curates upon the publishing of this Bible." Strype, Cranmer, p. 63. See Preface, and Letters CXCII. CCXLVIII.]

the only and straight mean to know the goodness and benefits of God towards us, and the true duty of every Christian man to serve Him accordingly. And that therefore reading this book with such mind and firm faith as is aforesaid, you shall first endeavour yourselves to conform your own livings and conversation to the contents of the same. And so by your good and virtuous example to encourage your wives, children, and servants to live well and Christianly, according to the rule thereof.

And if at any time by reading, any doubt shall come to any of you, touching the sense and meaning of any part thereof; that then, not giving too much to your own minds, fantasies, and opinions, nor having thereof any open reasoning in your open taverns or alehouses, ye shall have recourse to such learned men as be or shall be authorised to preach and declare the same. So that avoiding all contentions and disputations in such alehouses, and other places unmeet for such conferences, and submitting your opinions to the judgments of such learned men as shall be appointed in this behalf, his Grace may well perceive, that you use this most high benefit quietly and charitably every one of you, to the edifying of himself, his wife, and family, in all things answering to his Highness' good opinion conceived of you, in the advancement of virtue and suppressing of vice; without failing to use such discreet quietness and sober moderation in the premises, as is aforesaid; as you tender his Grace's pleasure, and intend to avoid his high indignation, and the peril and danger that may ensue to contrary.


and every of you for the

And God save the King.


A Book containing divers Articles, De Unitate Dei et Trinitate
Personarum, De Peccato Originali, f &c.

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De Unitate Essentiæ Divinæ et de Tribus Personis, censemus State Paper decretum Nicenæ Synodi verum, et sine ulla dubitatione creden- Office, Ecdum esse, videlicet, quod sit una Essentia Divina, quæ et appella- Papers. tur et est Deus, æternus, incorporeus, impartibilis, immensa potentia, sapientia, bonitate, Creator et Conservator omnium rerum visibilium et invisibilium, et tamen tres sint personæ ejusdem es



"1. De Deo.

"Ecclesiæ magno consensu apud nos docent, decretum Nicenæ Syno"di, de unitate essentiæ divinæ, et de tribus personis, verum et sine "ulla dubitatione credendum esse. Videlicet, quod sit una essentia "divina, quæ appellatur et est Deus, æternus, incorporeus, impartibilis, "immensa potentia, sapientia, bonitate, creator et conservator omnium 66 rerum visibilium et invisibilium, et tamen tres sint persona, ejusdem es"sentiæ et potentia, et coæternæ, Pater, Filius, et Spiritus sanctus. Et "nomine personæ utuntur ea significatione, qua usi sunt in hac causa

f [These Articles are taken from a bundle of Archbishop Cranmer's papers preserved in the State Paper Office. It may be conjectured, as has been stated in the Preface, that they were agreed on at the conferences held in London between the English and German divines in 1538. They bear a strong resemblance both to the Confession of Augsburgh, and to the Forty-two Articles of Edward VI; and probably may have been borrowed from the one, and have furnished materials to the other. To facilitate comparison, the first seventeen Articles of the Confession of Augsburgh, in which the imitation is the closest, have been annexed. Both in these and in the text, the words that are also found in the Formulary of Edw. VI. are printed in Italics. It will be observed that they are not always the same; expressions occurring in this book of Articles and in the Formulary of Edw. VI, which are not used in the Confession of Augsburgh. See Preface.]

sentiæ et potentiæ, et coæternæ, Pater, Filius, et Spiritus Sanctus; et nomine personæ utimur ea significatione qua usi sunt in hac causa scriptores ecclesiastici, ut significet non partem aut qualitatem in alio, sed quod proprie subsistit. Damnamus omnes hæreses contra hunc articulum exortas, ut Manicheos, qui duo principia ponebant, bonum et malum: item Valentinianos, Arianos, Eunomianos, Mahometistas, et omnes horum similes. Damnamus et Samosatenos, veteres et neotericos, qui cum tantum unam personam esse contendant, de Verbo et Spiritu Sancto astute et impie rhetoricantur, quod non sint personæ distinctæ, sed quod Verbum significet verbum vocale, et Spiritus motum in rebus creatum.

2. De Peccato Originali.

Omnes homines, secundum naturam propagati, nascuntur cum peccato originali; hoc est cum carentia originalis justitiæ debitæ inesse, unde sunt filii iræ, et deficiunt cognitione Dei, metu Dei, fiducia erga Deum, etc. Et habent concupiscentiam, repugnantem legi Dei; estque hic morbus seu vitium originis vere peccatum, damnans et afferens nunc quoque æternam mortem his qui non renascuntur per Baptismum et Spiritum Sanctum. Damnamus Pelagianos, et alios, qui vitium originis negant esse peccatum, et ut extenuent gloriam meriti et beneficiorum Christi, disputant hominem viribus naturalibus sine Spiritu

"scriptores ecclesiastici, ut significet non partem aut qualitatem in "alio, sed quod proprie subsistit.

"Damnant omnes hæreses, contra hunc articulum exortas, ut Ma"nichæos, qui duo principia ponebant, bonum et malum. Item Va“lentinianos, Arianos, Eunomianos, Mahometistas et omnes horum "similes. Damnant et Samosatenos, veteres et neotericos, qui, cum tantum unam personam esse contendant, de Verbo et de Spiritu sancto astute et impie rhetoricantur, quod non sint personæ dis"tinctæ, sed quod Verbum significet verbum vocale, et Spiritus motum "in rebus creatum.

“ 2. De Peccato Originis.

"Item docent, quod post lapsum Adæ omnes homines, secundum "naturam propagati, nascantur cum peccato, hoc est, sine metu Dei, "sine fiducia erga Deum, et cum concupiscentia, quodque hic morbus, sen vitium originis vere sit peccatum, damnans et afferens nunc quoque æternam mortem his qui non renascuntur per baptismum et "Spiritum Sanctum.

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"Damnant Pelagianos, et alios, qui vitium originis negant esse peccatum, et ut extenuent gloriam meriti et beneficiorum Christi, dis

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