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super articulis præmissis et in eis declaratis quibuscunque, maturam et sedulam faciatis apud singulas ecclesias infra diocesin nostram Cantuarien' utilibet constitutas, modo ac via quibus melius et efficacius poteritis, inquisitionem pariter et indagationem ; reddentes nos de omni eo quod in hac parte per vos fuerit compertum et inquisitum certiores, per literas vestras patentes auctentice sigillatas, tenorem praesentium, et totum et integrum processum vestrum, inquisitionem, et indagationem vestram in se continentes ; et hoc sub pœna contemptus nostri, et prout eidem domino nostro Regi in hac parte sub periculo vestro respondere volueritis, facere et sedulo exequi curetis, et fieri causetis indilate. In cujus rei, &c. Datum in manerio nostro de Lambehith undecimo die Augusti, anno MDXLI. et nostræ consecrationis nono.

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p. 857.


18. a.


The King's Letter and the Mandate of the Archbishop of Canterbury for taking away Shrines and Images.

THOMAS, permissione divina Cantuarien' Archiepiscopus, totius Angliæ Primas et Metropolitanus, per illustrissimum in Christo principem et dominum nostrum, dominum Henricum Octavum, Dei gratia Angliæ et Franciæ Regem, Fidei DefensoRegist. fol. rem, et Dominum Hiberniæ, ac in terra Supremum Ecclesiæ Anglicanæ sub Christo Caput, ad infrascripta sufficienter auctorizatus, dilecto nobis in Christo Magistro Richardo Liell, legum doctori, decano decanatuum de Shoreham, Croydon, Bocking, Risburghe, Terringe, et Pageham, Ecclesiæ Christi Cantuarien' jurisdictionis immediatæ, seu ejus in hac parte deputato, salutem, gratiam, et benedictionem. Literas missivas dicti metuendissimi domini nostri Regis signatas, et nominibus dominorum consiliariorum suorum in calce earundem subscriptas, signeto suo obsignatas, nobis inscriptas et datas, nuper debitis cum honore et reverentia accepimus, tenorem sequentem complectentes :

Most reverend Father in God, right trusty and right entirely well-beloved, we greet you well. Letting you wit, that whereas heretofore, upon the zeal and remembrance which we had to our bounden duty toward Almighty God, perceiving sundry superstitions and abuses to be used and embraced by our people, whereby they grievously offended Him and his word, we did

not only cause the images i and bones of such as they resorted and offered unto, with the ornaments of the same, and all such writings and monuments of feigned miracles wherewith they were illuded, to be taken away in all places of our realm; but also by our Injunctions commanded, that no offering or setting of lights or candles should be suffered in any church, but only to the blessed sacrament of the altark: it is lately come to our knowledge, that this our good intent and purpose notwithstanding, the shrines, covering of shrines, and monuments of those things do yet remain in sundry places of our realm, much to the slander of our doings and to the great displeasure of Almighty God, the same being means to allure our subjects to their former hypocrisy and superstition, and also that our Injunctions be not kept as appertaineth: For the due and speedy reformation whereof, we have thought meet by these our letters expressly to will and command you, that incontinently, upon the receipt hereof, you shall not only cause due search to be made in your cathedral churches for those things, and if any shrine, covering of shrine, table, monument of miracles, or other pilgrimage do there continue, to cause it to be taken away, so as there remain no memory of it; but also that you shall take order with all the curates, and other having charge within your diocese, to do the semblable, and to see that our Injunctions be duly kept, as appertaineth, without failing, as we trust, and as you will answer for the contrary. Yeven under our signet at our town of Hull, the 4th day of October, in the thirty-fourth year of our reign.

In capite vero eorundem sic scriptum est: By the King. In calce hæc nomina habentur: Wm. Southampton, Robert Sussex, J. Russell, Cuthbert Dunelmen., Anthony Browne, Anthony Winkfyld, John Gage. Inscriptio hæc est: To the most reverend father in God, our right trusty and right entirely wellbeloved counsellor the Archbishop of Cantur., and our trusty and well-beloved his vicar general and the dean of the cathedral church of the same.

Nos vero affectantes ex animo ejusdem domini nostri Regis

i [See an account of a conversation upon the use of images between Hen. VIII. and Cranmer, in a Letter from Gardyner to the Protector Somerset. Foxe, Acts, &c. vol. ii. p. 720.]

* [See Crumwell's Injunctions of 1538. Burnet, Ref. vol. i. App. b. iii. No. XI.]

1 [Rectius, "third." Wilkins.]

literis et mandatis obtemperare, volentesque pro nostro erga suam regiam celsitudinem officio, nobis demandatis negotiis omnem nostram curam et solertem adhibere diligentiam, vobis pro parte suæ Regiæ Majestatis, tenore præsentium mandamus, et præcipiendo injungimus, quatenus receptis præsentibus, cum omni qua poteritis celeritate et matura diligentia, omnes et singulos ecclesiarum collegiatarum magistros, ecclesiarumque parochialium rectores, vicarios, et presbyteros quoscunque infra decanatus prædictos degentes, coram vobis diebus et locis pro vestro sano arbitratu, quam citissime tamen fieri possit, assignandis, convocari possitis, eisque coram vobis constitutis contenta et comprehensa in prædictis literis pro parte suæ Regiæ Majestatis denuncietis, declaretis, exponatis, et dilucidetis ac demonstretis; eaque et contenta quæcunque in dictis literis, necnon et Injunctiones alias a sua Majestate clero et plebi suo editas et promulgatas, ab omnibus et singulis subditis suis infra nostros decanatus prædictos degentibus, firmiter et exacte atque ad unguem observari, et debitæ executioni demandari curetis, et efficaciter absque ullo fuco fieri causetis, prout eidem domino nostro Regi sub vestro periculo respondere volueritis. Et quid in præmissis feceritis, nos citra ultimum diem mensis Novembris proxime futuri, per literas vestras, auctentice sigillatas, reddatis certiores. In cujus rei testimonium sigillum nostrum præsentibus est appensum. Datum in manerio nostro de Lambehith decimo quinto die mensis Octobris, anno Domini MDXLI. et nostræ consecrationis anno nono.


vol. iii. p. 862.


Constitutio Thomæ Cranmeri, Archiepiscopi, et aliorum Fratrum suorum de Apparatu Escarum moderando.

In the year of our Lord MDXLI. it was agreed and condescended upon, as well by the common consent of both the archbishops and most part of the bishops within this realm of Engfrom MSS. land, as also of divers grave men of that time, both deans and archdeacons, the fare of their tables to be thus moderated.

C. C. C. C.

Strype, Life of Parker,

vol. iii.

p. 65.

First, that the archbishops should never exceed six divers kinds of flesh, or six of fish on the fish days; the bishop not to exceed five; the dean and archdeacon not above four; and all other under that degree not above three.

Provided also, that the Archbishop might have of second

dishes four, the bishop three, and all others under the degree of a bishop but two; as custard, tart, fritter, cheese, or apples pears, or two of other kinds of fruits.

Provided also, that if any of the inferior degree did receive at their table any archbishop, bishop, dean, or archdeacon; or any of the laity of like degree, viz. duke, marquis, earl, viscount, baron, lord, knight; they might have such provision as were meet and requisite for their degrees. Provided alway, that no rate was limited in the receiving of any ambassador.

It was also provided, that of the greater fishes or fowls there should be but one in a dish, as crane, swan, turkeycock, haddock, pike, tench; and of less sorts but two, viz. capons two, pheasants two, conies two, woodcocks two; of less sorts, as of partridges, the archbishop three, the bishop, and other degrees under him, two; of blackbirds, the archbishop six, the bishop four, the other degrees three; of larks and snipes, and of that sort, but twelve.

It was also provided, that whatsoever is spared by the cutting off the old superfluity, should yet be provided and spent in plain meats for the relieving of the poor.

Memorandum, that this order was kept for two or three months, till, by the disusing of certain wilful persons, it came to the old excess.


vol. iii.

from MSS.

Statutum de Numero Procuratorum Curiæ Cantuar', confirmatum per dominum Thomam Cranmer, Cantuar' Archiepiscopum. THOMAS, permissione divina Cant' Archiepiscopus, totius An- Wilkins, gliæ Primas et Metropolitanus, illustrissimi et potentissimi in Concilia, Christo principis et domini nostri Henrici VIII. Dei gratia An- p 858. gliæ et Franciæ Regis, Fidei Defensoris, et Domini Hiberniæ, ac Sapcroft. sub Christo in terra Supremi Capitis Ecclesiæ Anglicanæ, ad infrascripta etiam parliamenti auctoritate legitime fulcitus, dilectis nobis in Christo filiis, vicario nostro in spiritualibus generali, officiali curiæ nostræ Cant' de Arcubus nuncupat', decanoque decanatus Ecclesiæ beatæ Mariæ de Arcubus prædict', ac prærogativæ nostræ commissario generali; necnon Johanni Hering, Johanni Talcorne, Richardo Watkins, Anthonio Hussaws, Thomæ Stacey, Richardo Feyld, Johanni Trevison, Johanni Clerk, Simoni Leston, Henrico Boffell, Thomæ Dockery, Roberto Johnson,

Willielmo Coveyke, et Davidi Clopham, dictæ curiæ procuratoribus generalibus, ac cæteris earundem curiarum nostrarum ministris, tam præsentibus quam futuris, ac aliis quibuscunque, quos infrascripta tangunt, seu tangere poterunt quomodolibet in futurum, salutem, gratiam, et benedictionem, ac fidem indubiam præsentibus adhibere.

Cum non sit minus pium atque laudabile lapsa reficere, quam nova condere; cura et solicitudine pastorali animadvertere et providere tenemur, ne quæ a sanctis patribus nostræ metropoliticæ Cant' Archiepiscopis prædecessoribus nostris pie et sancte, tam pro honore et celebri fama dictæ curiæ nostræ Cant' quibus antiquitus præ cæteris fulgere dignoscitur, quam pro consideratione ministrorum ejusdem statuta, ordinata, stabilita, et fundata fuerunt, nostris temporibus labantur, deficiant, aut pereant; imo ut consimilibus honore et fama dictæ curiæ nostræ Audient' et prærogativæ fulciantur et decorentur, nos igitur Thomas Cranmer, Archiepiscopus, Primas, et Metropolitanus antedictus, præmissa attente pensantes, et oculate considerantes, ad quem non solum conservatio, continuatio, et confirmatio statutorum prædecessorum nostrorum prædictorum, verum etiam eorundem augmentatio et incrementum notorie dignoscitur pertinere ; vestris supplicationibus inclinati, et grato annuentes assensu ; ac tam dictæ curiæ nostræ Cant' de Arcubus London', et aliarum curiarum nostrarum hujusmodi honori, quam vestris quieti et commoditati consulere volentes; statutum felic' rec' Roberti de Winchelsey, olim Cant' Archiepiscopi, sic incipiens; "Sta"tuimus insuper, ut xvi advocati et x procuratores duntaxat,” etc. una cum ordinatione, statuto, stabilitione, et confirmatione bonæ memoriæ Will. Warham Cant' Archiepiscopi, prædecessorum nostrorum desuper fact', edit' et ordinat', auctoritate etiam capitulari dictæ Ecclesiæ nostræ metropolitica Cant' confirmat', quorum tenores, quatenus expedit, pro his insertis haberi et inscribi volumus, pro nobis et futuris successoribus nostri Cant' Archiepiscopis, in quantum eadem statuta, ordinatio, stabilitio, et cætera præmissa dictos procuratores et hujusmodi eorum numerum tangunt et concernunt, etiam ex mero motu et certa scientia nostris præsentium tenore reintegramus, ratificamus, approbamus, confirmamus, corroboramus, et pro perpetuo consolidamus perennitur observand', atque perpetuis futuris temporibus inviolabiliter observari volumus et mandamus. Volumus insuper, ac ex mero motu et certa scientia nostris, ut supra, ordinamus, at

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