Instructive Rambles in London: And the Adjacent Villages. Designed to Amuse the Mind, and Improve the Understanding of Youth, Volume 1

Front Cover
T. N. Longman, and E. Newbery, 1798 - Conduct of life

Common terms and phrases

Popular passages

Page vii - Let us consider that youth is of no long duration, and that in maturer age, when the enchantments of fancy shall cease, and Phantoms of delight dance no more about us, we shall have no comforts but the esteem of wise men, and the means of doing Good.
Page 128 - The last died in his spring ; — the other two Liv'd till they had travell'd Art and Nature through ; As by their choice collections may appear Of what is rare in land, in sea, in air. Whilst they (as Homer's Iliad in a nut) A world of wonders in one closet shut. These famous Antiquarians, that had been Both...
Page 128 - As by their choice collections may appear, Of what is rare, in land, in sea, in air ; Whilst they (as Homer's Iliad in a nut) A world of wonders in one closet shut : These famous Antiquarians, that had been Both gardeners to the Rose and...
Page 102 - North end, and had an entrance from the river, as well as the street, by a winding staircase. It was beautifully paved with black and white marble; and in the middle was a tomb, supposed to contain the remains of Peter the architect. " This great work was founded on enormous piles, driven as closely as possible together. On their tops were laid long planks ten inches thick, strongly bolted ; and on them were placed the base of the pier, the lowermost...
Page 102 - St. Thomas, which flood on the ninth pier from the north end, and had an entrance from the river, as well as the ftreet, by a winding ftaircafe.
Page 61 - Rich, who, un-- tier pretence of confulting him, obtained his confidence, and betrayed him. The pope rewarded his orthodoxy with a cardinal's hat, but it did not arrive till the poor bifhop's head was on a pole on London Bridge.
Page 124 - ... kept scratching a particular spot of earth, until he attracted his master's notice ; who going back to examine the cause, and pressing with his stick, found something hard, which on a nearer inspection proved to be a pot of gold. With part of this money he purchased the land, and settled in...
Page 101 - Overie. Before, there had been a ferry, left by her parents to their only daughter Mary ; who, out of the profits, founded a nunnery and endowed it with the profits of the boat. This houfe was afterwards converted into the college of * Saxon Cbron.

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