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ret Nicholson, who died in the madhouse, with her partner. Brothers, the famous prognosticator, are amongst the most noted; besides a great many ambulant prophetesses, now strolling in several parts of England. Martin Luther, alias Luder,* that arch heretic, foretold, in his time, the downfal of the Pope within two years. The elector of Saxony had stuffed his wise brains with the pleasing hopes of forming a German league, and an army of two hundred thousand men, to fight an old priest, surrounded by his formida ble Popish guards. Some English newspapers also appear in a prophetic garb, about the downfal of Popery, and as they appear to me very sarcastic, I have extracted a few on account of their ingenious turns: viz. "The power of the Pope will most undoubtedly ere long be scanted out among the powers who have now a footing in Italy, whenever they can agree upon the division of the bear-skin."" The Saint Peter, Captain Pope, formerly a very good first-rate ship, has lost in a late storm her stern and masts, and is now only fit to be broke up."-" Within a few years popery will be eradicated from the face of the earth; Naples has declared herself independent of Rome; France has given liberty of conscience; all the other powers will soon follow so laudable an example; then the English Church, AND ALL HER SPAWN, will be acknowledged the only true church of Jesus Christ upon earth."

Before Bonaparte had put his claws upon Italy, he promised (as the Chronicle says) to adorn the brow of the first sans culotte, who should have best distinguished himself in the conquest of the old man's dominions, with the pope's tiara or triple crown. Poor mortals! refrain from that man, and leave him alone; for if his counsel or works be of God, ye cannot overthrow it, lest haply ye be found even to fight against God. These eighteen centuries has the papal dignity resisted, in the most miraculous manner, the united efforts, persecutions, calumnies, and excruciating martyrdoms, from the most implacable, obdurate, and relentless

* Luther's name, before he undertook his pretended reformation in religious matters, was Luder; it is a German word, and signifies a decoy, a bait, a deluder.

tyrants. The English and Irish, have beheld the hanging, bowelling, and quartering, of their missionary priests and lay people of both sexes; add to all this, an infinite number of malicious, spiteful, and rancorous misrepresentations, falsehoods, invective declamations, all pointed, not at the Pope or his followers, no, but at the mother-church, instituted by Jesus Christ; in one word against the Almighty. It is as useless to Protestants to protest against the divine institution of the Pope, as it is useless to protest against the course of the sun; the sun which fertilizes and enlivens all animation, has run her regular course more than 5000 centuries, in spite of deluges, earthquakes, hurricanes, and tempests; the Pope, or spiritual sun, enlightening and spiritualizing, by the ministers spread all over the habitable globe, the faithful of the mother-church, has had his regular course these eighteen centuries, in spite of all the said loathsome persecutions; in spite of corporation and test acts; in spite of the monument, which " like a tall bully, lifts up its head and lies.” In spite of all the falsifications and metamorphoses of the Catholic works and the Bible, the Pope, Cardinals, and Catholic ministers, still form that universal, indivisible, unsullied Catholic Apostolic Church, without spot or wrinkle, built upon a rock by Jesus Christ himself, and is to last so until the end of time; and the gates of hell (the innumerable sects) shall not prevail against it.

Let us consider, for a moment, on the one hand, all the persecutions which the Catholic Church, or Popery, (as the protesters against the Church of God are pleased to nickname it,) have undergone, in order to annihilate or change its primitive institution; and on the other hand, the transient glory and changes to which this habitable globe for 1800 years has been subject; where are now all those mighty empires, with their great and magnificent imperial cities, built with marmer and incorruptible cedar wood? Their pillars, trophies, and monuments of glory, are all obliterated or vanished long since. Nor THE POPE! Show me where they all stood; read to me their inscriptions; tell me the victors names; what remnants, what impressions, what difference or destruction do you see in this mass of fire, which

consumes or changés every thing, NOT THE POPE! Reflect, I say, how, by the force of one element breaking loose upon all the rest, all the varieties of nature, all the works of art, all the labours of men are reduced to nothing since 1800 years. NOT THE POPE. Since 1800 years, another form or face of things overspreads the whole earth; yet THE POPE, like the sun, remains in his full splendor, and must remain so until the end of time, in spite of storms and earthquakes. Even the everlasting hills, the mountains, and rocks of the earth, are melted as wax before the sun, or the snow upon their summits, and their place is nowhere to be found.

"The works and institutions of men can never be made perfect, nor of long duration. Jesus Christ from the very beginning' gives a perfection and durability to all his works and laws; and that law is so wise and perfect, the moment he creates a being, or enacts a law, that it has never been posssible to add any thing to the perfection of the works of the Almighty, or take away any thing from it; for it is so sublime, that all human sagacity has never been able to reach the least touch of it; and yet it is so simple, so much within the reach of us all, that the most unlearned can easily comprehend and practise His laws." Past. 1. 80.*

Let the sectaries sing or bawl the devil's favourite ballad or infernal yell, of NO POPERY! let them make a bugbear or a scarecrow of him-hang or burn him in effigy—let them invent fables of Popesses, plots, popish fees and abominations, &c. and make the cardinals fight in the conclave, and throw inkstands at one another's head; let them put as hideous a mask on the face of the Pope and the Catholics as all their witty brains are able to fabricate: there is Pope Pius the VIIth. and 250 of his predecessors, and there he must remain, usque ad finem. Bonaparte, or any other tyrant, may have a grasp or lay their claws at his temporalities, but with regard to his spiritualities, neither he nor the devil can ever touch them. They might bowel and quarter him, which would do no more harm to the Papal dignity, than a black cloud overshadowing the sun; it comes forward again with apparently more splendor. It is

*Matt. xxviii. 19, 20.

the same with the Pope; his martyrdom would only appear a black cloud to raise a successor, like another phoenix, out of his ashes; why? because they both are divine institutions, which no human creature can annihilate nor even hurt, and is to last so for ever, according to the promises of Jesus Christ. God is not a man that HE should lie, neither the son of man that he should repent; has He said, and shall he not do it? or has He spoken, and shall he not make it good? Numb. xxiii.

If the Pope, or his Holiness, had his conclave and cardinals in the midst of London or Windsor, or any where else in England, or at St. Sophia in Constantinople, or at Pekin in China, his spiritual power and mission would be in as great safety as in the midst of Rome, Avignon, or Paris. The Pope is an evergreen; he is an Ubiquitary, who exists every where in the four parts of the universe by his spiritual influence, directed by the Spirit of God, over his only, universal, Catholic Apostolic church, under one shepherd, one baptism, one Lord; and where all its members form one body, are all of one mind and one spirit; a church which no human malice nor schism can destroy or disunite; a church instituted to last until the end of time, without spot or wrinkle. All the private sins of the Catholic clergy, Queen Mary, the inquisition, &c. &c. which the protestants or dissenters have so much stretched out, magnified, and tortured, can never sully that holy universal Catholic church with a single spot or wrinkle; no, it is built upon a more sure foundation, upon a rock. The church of Christ shall never be disunited or destroyed, but shall endure as long as the sun and moon last, throughout all generations. It is a city on a mountain; a straight and only way to heaven, in which fools cannot err. The true form, character, and evident sign of the Holy Roman Catholic and Apostolic Church, is, One God-One faith-One baptism-One body-One spiritOne communion-One common-brotherhood; agreeing in harmony, even as the members of the same body; without strife without contention-without division. One flock, one and indivisible; led by the same pastors-following the same guides-walking in the same path, and gathered together for their common safety and preservation. Such

in a general view, as far as the outline is extended over various parts of the Sacred writings, is the faithful delineation which has been depicted to us of the true form and character of the Christian church. Common sense alone evidently tells us, that this Christian church can never be patched up like a harlequin's coat, to form the said Church of Christ by detached and separate communions, severed and unconnected from each other by contradictory articles of their belief; as different among themselves as yea and no; one affirming positively what the other denies. A national church, and all her spawn, manufactured by human hands (piece-meal, helter-skelter) with a random he or she pope at their head, can never mean the church which Jesus Christ has instituted. This cannot be the One fold, and One body, under One shepherd; but they have eyes to see, and they will not see; they have ears to hear, and they will not hear; they have an understanding to understand, and they will not understand.

The sectaries began their career at a very early period, in endeavouring to extinguish popery; in about 1800 years that the Papal dignity has resisted (by the evident power of the Almighty) the united efforts of her adversaries, (the nameless sects all concur in one point, viz. to be declared enemies of the Pope,) she has had 250 popes; Saint Peter was the first pope, or visible head of the unalterable immaculate church of Christ. After he had reigned thirtysix years, five months and twelve days, Nero had him hanged on a cross with his head downwards, according to his own desire; for that servant of Jesus Christ thought himself unworthy to be hanged with his head upward, as his dear master had been. Linus, the successor to Saint Peter, was beheaded by order of the consul Saturniņus; his successor Anacletus was martyrized under Domitianus; Clement, the fourth pope, was thrown into the sea by order of Trajanus; and a great many others were sacrificed to the fury of the enemies of popery, and all to no purpose.

Short-sighted creatures! they might as well try to extinguish the moon with an engine. Let the enemies of Popery bruise the Pope with a pestle in a mortar; let them make a

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