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sind Dichtungen aus dem Nachlasse des Andreas Gryphius, welche sein Sohn Christian den gesammelten Werken seines Vaters anschlofs (zusammen mit dem oben genannten V. 3. Buch der Sonette 1698). Die „Begräbnisgedichte" (denen auch das Gedicht In einer tödlichen Krankheit“ zugezählt ist) sind (s. Palm) teils aus Freundschaft und Hochachtung freiwillig dargebrachte, teils für bare Belohnung gedichtete sogen. Parentationen voll gelehrter und wunderlicher Beziehungen didaktischen Charakters. Ebenso die Hochzeitsgedichte".

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Der letzte Teil, die Vermischten Gedichte", enthält Dichtungen an seinen Bruder Paul, auf den Untergang der Stadt Freistadt, die zwei Strafgedichte, Kapitän Schwermer und noch einiges andere. Wir stimmen H. Palm völlig bei, wenn er bemerkt, der Verfasser habe diese Gedichte mit richtigem Gefühle von seinen übrigen Werken ausgeschlossen. Litterarisch-ästhetischen Wert haben sie nicht.

In litterarhistorischer Beziehung (in betreff der Nachrichten von dem Jugendleben des Dichters s. H. Palm) mögen sie nicht unwichtig sein.

Wir wären nun am Ende unserer Arbeit angelangt und hoffen, dass es uns gelungen ist, zu zeigen, dass Andr. Gryphius auch als Lyriker Unvergängliches und Dauerndes geschaffen, wenn auch bisweilen die von Zeit und Umständen gezeugten Fehler und Mängel uns den Genufs seiner Werke etwas beeinträchtigen und schmälern.

Wo viel Licht ist, ist viel Schatten, und eine Flamme, von schweren Windstöfsen hin und her gejagt, wird grofse und dichte Schatten werfen, desto freudiger aber begrüfsen wir dann auch immer wieder ihr siegreiches Aufblitzen.


Karl Hartmann.

Proprium Sanctorum,

Zusatz-Homilien des Ms. Vernon fol. CCXV ff. zur nördlichen Sammlung der Dominicalia evangelia.

Mitgeteilt von

C. Horstmann.


Rogabat Jhesum quidam phareseus per Marie woned whon þat ho (Luc. 7, 36-50),1


Worldus weole Made Marie wede, whil heo was child in hire feirhede; heo caste hire Maidenhed awei, whon heo af hire to synful play. Ofte makep þis worldus wynne þeos feire wymmen falle in synne! heo liued longe In lecheri, Ar crist hedde of hire merci; he com gostly to hire herte And mad hire torne to good querte: 10 heo pouzte heo hedde heuene tynt, And sone of synne po gon heo stint, heo rewed of hire synnes ful sore And ofte hedde care more and more. Non þat herep speke of Mari, Ne thar haue wonhope of godus merci. ffor þeis a mon do muche synne, And he wole perof blynne, God of heuene is euer redi


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hedde wille penance to do.


pulke Symound was Mesele; But crist hedde ziuen him his hele. he hedde I-nouh wher-of to liue And almus to be pore to iue.

he preyed crist, as auntur felle, 35 wip him to be mete to dwelle; And crist, þat seknes from him hed kest,

Com and eet wip him as gest. Soone whon Mari herde say þat crist schulde dwelle to mete bat dai,


heo com þer as crist was set. wip wordus feire heo him gret, wib teres per heo wosch his feet þat heo of hire ezen leet, heo wept hem aftur wip hire hare, 45 And custe hem ofte wip swete fare; heo anoynt hem wip an oynement, þat alle feled swetnesse per present. þat oynement i-bouht heo hadde To anoynte hire bodi badde, To make swote smelle hire bodi, while heo vsede hire foli.

pis Symound þat i spac of ere, Biheold þis wommons loueli here: he pouzte, for crist was


prophete, 55 heo scholde not ha touched his feete, And als, him pouzte, wite þat ho weore vnworpi þat dede to do: ffor synne mad hire vnworþi To touche him þat was holi.

And as Symound pouzte pis, Crist wuste what he pouzte, i-wis,




And seide: Symound, tak hede to me, I haue sum þing to speke to be." Symound onswerde and seide him tille: „Sei on, Mayster, what is þi wille." Crist him seide a saumple pon, And seide: hit was a Riche mon, pis Riche mon hedde dettours two bat ouzten to him moneye po: On ouzte to him fifti penys, Anopur an hundred or be prys. Noubur of po men, sop to say, hedde peny to make wip his pay: he hem for af heore dettes bobe, 75 wip-outen stresse or eny lope. whepur of peos two in plas Most holden to him was?"

Symound ons werde crist ful sone, As him phouste hit was to done, 80 And seide: to whom he most forjaue,

Most loue schulde to him haue."

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Marie seue deuelen hadde, wip alle vices heo was ladde. But whon bis wommon bihuld be place of fulpe in hire ibuld, 130 heo Ron, soply for to telle, Of Merci to pat holy welle, per to wall he hire al at ene And fulliche to make hire clene. To vr lord heo brouhte po An Oynement ful swete also, fforte abate pe foule stynk Of hire ffleflches lykyng. wip þe Oynement so neu; heo anoynt þe feet of Jhesu; heo bigon lowe in kynde, ffor heo wolde heize clymbe. ffor heo hedde ek coueyted vnriht Of worldly ping wib een siht,


hire ezen per heo dude despise 145 wip gret wepyng in alle wyse.

And for heo hedde also beo proud


And of hire hed wondur stout, wip pat her heo wipte wip wille be teres pat on his feet dude trille. ffor heo hedde I-spoken als wip hire moup muche and fals, And þat Moup assent to mene To cussynges lechours vnclene, wip pat Moup stunt heo nouht, 155 Cristes feet to cusse heo souht. wip alle hire lymes herbifore þat hedden synne I-vsed zore, heo hem torned in his cas To Godus seruyse bi his gras, wzuche bifore by foul haunt To synne weore ful seruaunt.


pis synful wommon furst vnsleih, God forgaf hire sikerly! And seide to hire on pis manere 165 As ze schul aftur here; Of mony synnes heo was releset, And for heo god loued muchel and plesed,

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And for heo schulde nomore do so, he seide: wommon, in pes pou go." perfore, breperen, beo we bolde Penaunce forte take and holde; Beo we not þerto febul þan, Take we ensaumple at þis womman: þenne touche we sone to be feet 175 Of vre sauiour so sweet. Boldly penaunce is þe Roote Of forgiuenes, be beste bote. be same fflesch þat dude pe synne, Penaunce in hit we moste bigynne ffor þat is beter mony-fold þen hit to bugge wiþ seluer and gold. ffurst we moste bigynne pus: Serwe for synne take wip vs. þat may ze lerne wip-oute fable 185 Bi a Beest vnresonable:

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A foul þat vp his flizt schal take, ffurst a cros he mot make; whon he in þat ilke tyde

his whinges castep on eiþer syde, 250 ben lok his hed and to his tayl: And of a cros pou maizt not fayl.

zif we perfore wole vp flyze, To cros of penaunce mote we hize. ffor gif þou scholdes a burpen bere 255 þat heui weore be to dere,

wher were hit betur þi-self hit do Or haue a felawe to helpe to?

þis ilke burpun penaunce, i-wis, To bere hit bus, my red hit is, 260 whil þi bodi, þat is his fere, In eorpe is wip þi soule here; ffor beter may ze bere hit so þen on bi him-self to go. ffor o day in eorpe here Relesep In purgatorie a zere; pis forsope pe skil mot beo: ffor hit comeb of wille freo.


A man hap two-maner londes to ferme.


wo maner of londes breme vche mon hap her to zeme:



To terme of jeres be ton to seyn, But þei ben in noun-certeyn; be topur is of beter store, hit is ffee for euer-more. zif we wip muche cost gouerne þat lond þat we haue to ferme, whon vs best lykep þer to play hit schal beo take from vs away. perfore is betur þat we spende be gode tresour þat god vs sende, 280 To tile nobliche þat lond þat neuer schal out of vre hond; þen whon þe ferme-lond is take, þer we may vs muri make.


peos londes pat I here of mene, Bodi and soule þei ben atene. bi bodi is terme of 3eres so, pou nost what tyme hit to forgo. Lei not peron to muche trauayle, ffor hit wol þenne at neode fayle; 290 But lei bi cost and bi kepyng vppon þi soule, þat heize ping: ffor hit schal neuer-more dye, weole or wo wheper hit drie. Sette and sowe per-in Inowe Penaunce and gode vertuwes to growe.


bus may we seo bi word and dede bat penaunce moste beo don neede. Spedful als hit is anon:

To heuene hit makep men sone to gon,

To þat blisse bat is so hize,
In be twynklynk of an eize.


Medful also þenne hit is: hit makeþ a Mon to wone in blis; þat schal he haue wip-oute distaunce Euere, for he dude penaunce. vre penaunce pen moste we do hastily, and lastyngly also.

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Comep pe ffisschere wip his net And abouten him he set,


þen is he taken so vnfayn, And so in sleupe is he slayn. pe ffifch is he pat nul not hize To do penaunce hastilye,

But lip slepynge in þe séé, þat worldus catel cald may be. be more perof a Mon drinke, be sarre afurst him schal pinke; vnnepe in him is eny lyue, Touward heuene him to driue, Not ones par auntur in þe wike A pater noster to biseke.

Comep þe deuel atte laste




And cacchep him in his net faste, þer he slep him, sop to telle, ffor he makep him go to helle. To do penaunce hit is ful late whon pe dep is at þe zate. perfore penaunce moste ben hastely don, as we mouwe sen. Lastingly, hose wol be meke, he moste do his penaunce eke. 340 ffor þeih be ffend venymous, þat euere hap Envye to vs, Makep vs vr penaunce to berste, As ofte dop he for be worste, Schriue we vs wip good wille And take we hit azeyn vs tille; pouz hit beo bitter to vr flesch, To vr soule hit is ful nesch.



Moyses caste his zerde him fro,
In to a Neddre hit wox po;
vr lord bad him for his geyn
Take hit bi pe tayl azeyn:
Azeyn he tok hit bi pe ende
And in to a zerde dude hit wende.

if we vr penaunce take so,
To heuene hit wole make vs go.
þenne is pis good ordinaunce
Lastyngly to do penaunce;
And þat we moste do freoly,
Bi þe Mirre-treo zou told I.
Bi vr bodi set we no-ping,
Bute vr soule to blisse to bring.
Ensaumple perof may we take
And bi a wylde brid hit make.

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