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and-water?"—" He never leaves out the spirits, sir; he always keeps the key himself, sir, in his own pocket."-" He must be a deuced odd sort of fellow, then; send him here immediately."—" Master is dressing, sir; he will be down directly, was the reply; and accordingly, after the lapse of a few minutes, Mr. made his appearance in full evening costume."My good friend," commenced Hook, without raising his eyes from the paper, "allow me to observe that the rules of your establishment are a little inconvenient to travellers. I have been here above a quarter of an hour, and have not been able to get so much as a glass of brandy-and-water-bring one immediately-hot; and let me know what you have got for dinner."-" I really beg your pardon," said old Mr.


soon as he could find words; "I really beg your pardon, but I am at a loss”- "So am I, my good man-for a glass of brandy-and-water. Bring that, and another for yourself, and then I shall be happy to hear whatever you have to say.""But, sir, you must permit me to state' "I was never in such a detestable house in my life," exclaimed Hook, starting up; "what do you stand chattering there for, instead of attending to my order? Am I to be kept here starving all night? Bring the brandy and water--d'ye hear?"—The old gentleman was struck positively speechless; his face purpled; he seemed in imminent peril of choking with the sudden conflux of ire, indignation, and astonishment." Why, the fellow's drunk?" pursued Theodore; disgracefully drunk, at this time of day, and in his own parlour, too! I shall feel it my duty, sir, to lay a statement of this inexcusable conduct before the bench." Mr. sprang to the bell. "John-Thomas -turn this impudent scoundrel out of the house!" The arrival of the servants necessarily led to an explanation. Nothing could exceed Mr. Hook's regret. What could be done? What apology could be made? He was a perfect stranger to Sunbury; had been directed to the "Flower Pot " as the inn affording the best accommodation; and on seeing what he imagined to be a gigantic representation of the sign in question at the garden gate, he had naturally entered, and acted upon that erroneous impression. This was the unkindest cut of all. To find a stranger reclining in full possession of his sofa and slippers was bad enough; to be treated as a dilatory innkeeper was worse; and to be taxed with insolence and intoxication was still more trying to a gentleman of respectable

character and excitable nerves; but to hear the highest achievement of art he possessed-the admiration of himself and friends, and the envy of all Sunbury, his darling vase, compared with which the "Warwick" and the "Barberini" were as common wash-pots-to hear this likened to an alehouse sign, was a humiliation which dwarfed into insignificance all preceding insults. But as to whether Hook contrived to soothe the anger he had provoked, and to win a way, as was his wont, into the good graces of his victim; or whether this last affront proved irremediable, and he was compelled to seek further entertainment for himself and horse at the "Flowerpot" minor, unfortunately our informant is at fault.-Barham's Life of Theodore Hook.

A sleepy deacon, who sometimes engaged in popular amusements, hearing the minister quote the words, "shuffle off this mortal coil," started up and rubbed his eyes, exclaiming, "Hold on, squire, it's my deal!"

A gentleman advertises, in a New York paper, for board in a quiet, genteel family, where there are two or three beautiful and accomplished young ladies, and where his society "will be deemed a sufficiency for board, lodging, washing, and other

et ceteras.

A hair-dresser in the city, who had been in the habit of sending one of his artistes a day occasionally into a village about twelve miles out for the purpose of giving the ladies the benefit of his abilities, gave notice a few days ago, that the said artiste's journeys would be discontinued, as he only realised twenty-five shillings a day!

CAPITAL PUNISHMENT.-Being kissed to death by a pretty girl.

FLATTERY.-An exquisite instance of flattery is related of a certain maid of honour in France, who, being asked by the queen what o'clock it was, answered, "What your majesty pleases."

Nature is a pattern maid-of-all-work, and does best when least meddled with.

The man who gives his children habits of truth, industry, and frugality, provides better for them than giving them a fortune.

HABITS.-Do not fear undertaking to form any habit that is desirable; for it can be formed, and that with more ease

than you may at first suppose. Let the same thing or the same duty return at the same time every day, and it will soon become pleasant. No matter if it be irksome at first; but how irksome soever it be, only let it return periodically, every day, and that without any interruption for a time, and it will become a positive pleasure; in this way all our habits are formed.

THE RIGHT MAN TO PITY.-When Colly Cibber saw his graceless son Theophilus in a rich suit of clothes, he whispered to him as he passed, "The'! The'! I pity thee!" "Pity me!" replied The', "pity my tailor."

NOT PARTICULAR TO A SHADE.-A beggar-boy made application to a farmer's wife in Scotland for relief, and was refused on the ground that she had "no copper;" to which the urchin very accommodatingly responded, "I tak' siller, mem."

INABILITY OF IGNORANCE.-How many men, rich in physical energy, stand with folded and idle hands because they are poor in knowledge! Tell such a man what he should do, and he is ready and willing to act. He stands still because he cannot see his way. He is uncertain because he cannot make out which of two plans he should choose. He is negligent, only because he is ignorant of what he ought to do, or of how it may best be done. Or if, in his physical impatience, such a man rushes forward, he fails to reach his aim, because he is deficient in the materials for successful action. How often do we see the energy of one man ill or wrongly directed because he knows too little of what be engages in, while, under the guidance of knowledge, every s ep, impelled by the energy of another, is observed to be a sure stride in advance!-Professor Johnston.

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