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active pay Africa and South Agassiz Amazon Amelu animals Archiguiana astronomers birds blue bull catfishes caudal caudal peduncle cause Central characins Chinook jargon color corona Daroca depth Dolly Varden trout dorsal earth earthquakes engineering environment eruptions evidence existence fact families famine fauna favor Finger Lake fins fluctuations forms fresh-water fishes genera geological heat Helminthophaga heredity horse hybrids Indians individual isthmus known Kootenay country Kootenay language Lake Lake Titicaca land connection large number lava less Louis Agassiz Lower Kootenay Lutianus marine mass miles nature nostrum number of species observations Observatory occur ontogenetic ontogenetic species origin Orthogenesis Pacific slope Panama Patagonia photographs plants Professor progeny race radioactivity radium recent region reservoir retiring allowance saltation selection Silurida similar Society South America Southdown sheep Spain Spanish American specimens spots subspecies surface tion traits trout types University variations volcanic writer yellow