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presented by a friend to a living worth nearly £500 per annum. It came, however, too late; for Mr. Penrose's health was now in a deep decline, and he died at Bristol in 1779, aged thirty-six. In 1768 he married Miss Mary Slocock, of Newbury, by whom he had one child, Thomas, who was educated at Winton College. Mr. Penrose was respected for his extensive erndition, admired for his eloquence, and esteemed for his social qualities. By the poor, to whom he was liberal, he was venerated. To his portical abilities, the public, by their reception of his Flights of Fancy, &c., have given a favorable


PENRYN, a borongh and market-town of Cornwall, situate on an eminence at the mouth of the King's Road River, that runs into Falmouth harbour, three miles north-west from Falmouth, and 266 W.S. W. from London. Its principal business is in the pilchard and Newfoundland fisheries. It is a large town, consisting of one main street, and several smaller ones. Formerly it had a collegiate church. Here is a market-house, town-hall, assembly-room, and a good custom-house. The town is extremely well watered, having streams running through the streets; on which are four grist-mills, and one paper-mill. Here are several good breweries, which supply the Falmouth shipping; and it is reckoned the granary of the south-western part of the county. It was anciently surrounded by a wall, and defended by a castle. It is governed by a corporate body, consisting of twelve aldermen, twelve common-councilmen, a recorder, steward, and other officers, and sends two members to parliament, who are elected by the mayor, portreeve, aldermen, and inhabitants at large, paying scot and lot. The number of voters is about 140. The manor of Penryn-Forryn has a court of record, and the steward holds pleas to any amount, and proceeds by bailable capias in all cases above £10. Market on Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday. Fairs, 1st of May, 7th of July, and 21st of December.

PENSA, a government in the cast part of European Russia, lying between Niznei-Novgorod and Saratov, Its area is 16,500 square

miles; the number of its circles or districts ten. Lying between 53° and 54° N. lat., its climate is mild, and the soil fertile; but it is as backward in cultivation as the rest of this vast empire. The corn raised, however, is more than is wanted for consumption; part of the overplus is distilled, and the rest exported. Here are Tartars of various tribes, such as Morduans, Baschkirs, Calmues, and some Circassians. These retain their pastoral habits; and the Morduans, in particular, attach themselves to the rearing of bees. With the exception of distilled spirits and soap, the manufactures are insignificant; and the exports are limited to spirits and raw produce, i, e. corn, wax, honey, and wool. Population 800,000. PENSA, the capital of the above government, is situated on an eminence at the confluence of the

Pensa and Sura, on a height. It contains twelve

churches, and two monasteries. The high church is a fine building. The manufactures are leather and soap, and the inhabitants carry on a brisk traffic in corn and foreign wines. Tuhabitants 10,000. 460 miles south-east of Moscow.

PENSACOLA, a town of West Florida, on the gulf of Mexico, at the head of a bay or basin, formed by several rivers. This harbour is safe from every wind, and has from seven to eight fathoms water; so that vessels drawing twentyone feet may enter. Pensacola is in 30° 28′ N. lat., and 87° 12′ W. long. The city is of an oblong form, about a mile in length, and a quarter of a mile in breath, delightfully situated. The entrance into the bay is fortified by a fort on Rosa Island, and a battery on the opposite shore. When it was in the hands of the English it exported, in skins, furs, logwood, and dyeing stuffs, to England to the amount of £63,000 annually; and its imports from this country were valued at £97,000. After the Spaniards took it in 1781 it gradually declined. In 1794 the total population did not exceed 400. When the town was attacked by the Spaniards, in 1781, the defence was spirited, and the progress of the siege slow; but, unfortunately, a shell, bursting at the door of a magazine in one of the advanced works, set fire to the powder, which in an instant blew up the whole redoubt: seventy-six of the garrison were killed, and twenty-four badly wounded. 1818 Pensacola was occupied by an American force, in virtue, as was supposed, of a treaty between Spain and the United States for the cession of the Floridas. The forces were, however, recalled. Long. 87° 12′ W., lat. 30- 28′ N.


PENSILE, adj. ? Lat. pensilis. Hanging; PENSILENESS, n. s. suspended.

Two trepidations; the one manifest and local, as of the bell when it is penile; the other, secret of the minute parts.

This ethereal space,


Yielding to earth and sea the middle space,
Anxious I ask you, how the pensile ball
Should never strive to rise, nor never fear to fall.


Fr. Span. Belg. and Teut. pension; Sof Lat. pensio. A

PENSION, n. s. & v. a. PENSIONARY, adj. & n. s. PENSIONER, n. s. stipend paid without equivalent: to pension is to support by a gratuitous stipend pensionary means supported by or connected with a pension: pensioner, a person thus supported.

Prices of things necessary for sustentation, grew excessive to the hurt of pensioners, soldiers, and all hired servants. Camden.

Scorn his household politics, His silly plots and pensionary spies. Donne. They were devoted by pensionary obligations to the olive. Howel.

Hovering dreams. The fickle pensioners of Morpheus' train. Milton.

Those persons whom he trusted with his greatest secret and greatest business, his charity, seldom had recourse to him, but he would make enquiry for new pensioners


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A PENSION is, or ought to be, a sum of money paid annually for actual services, or considerations already past. The yearly payment of each member to the houses of the inns of courts are likewise named pensions; and the yearly assembly of the society of Gray's Inn, to consult on the affairs of the house, is also called a pension. PENSIONARY, OF PENSIONER, a person who has an appointment or yearly sum, payable during life, by way of acknowledgment, charged on the estate of a prince, company, or particular person.

PENSIONARY, in the former government of the United Provinces, was the first minister of the regency of each city in Holland. His office was to give his advice in affairs relating to the government, either of the state in general, or of the city in particular; and, in assemblies of the states of the province, he was speaker in behalf of his city. The function, however, of these pensionaries was not every where alike in some cities they only gave their advice, and were never found in assemblies of the magistrates, except when expressly called thither; in others they attended constantly; and, in others, they made the propositions on the part of the burgomasters, drew up their conclusions, &c. They were called pensionaries, because they received an appointment or pension.

PENSIONARY, GRAND, an appellation given to the first minister of the states of Holland. The grand pensionary was chairman in the assemblies of the states of that province: he proposed the matters to be consulted on; collected the votes; formed and pronounced the resolutions of the states; opened letters; conferred with foreign ministers, &c. His business was also to inspect the finances, to maintain the authority of the states, and to see that the laws were observed; and he was perpetual deputy of the states-general of the United Provinces. His commission was, however, given him only for five years; after which it was deliberated whether or not it should be renewed; but there is no instance of its being revoked; therefore death only put an end to the functions of this important minister.

PENSIONER, in the university of Cambridge, and in that of Dublin, has a very peculiar meaning; for those students, either under-graduates or bachelors of arts, are called pensioners who live wholly at their own expense, and who receive no emolument whatever from the college of which they are members. They are divided into two

kinds, the greater and the less; the former of whom are generally called fellow-commoners, because they eat with the fellows of their college; the latter are always called pensioners, and eat with the scholars, who are those students of the college, either under-graduates or bachelors, who are upon the foundation, who receive emoluments from the society, and who are capable of being elected fellows. See SERVITOR and SIZAR.

PENSIONER, in general, denotes a person who receives a pension, yearly salary, or allowance from government. Hence

PENSIONERS, THE BAND OF GENTLEMEN, a sort of guard to the king's person, consisting of forty gentlemen, who receive a yearly pension of £100, and are supposed to wait in his bedchamber. This band was first instituted by king Henry VII., and their office is to attend the king's person, with their battle-axes, to and from his chapel-royal, and to receive him in the presence-chamber, or coming out of his privy lodgings: they are also to attend at all great solemnities, as coronations, St. George's feast, public audiences of ambassadors, at the sovereign's going to parliament, &c. They likewise carry up the sovereign's dinner on the coronationday and St. George's feast; at which times the king or queen often confers the honor of knighthood on two such gentlemen of the band as their captain presents. Their arms are gilt battleaxes; and their weapons on horse-back, in time of war, are cuirassiers' arms, with sword and pistols. Their standard, in time of war, is argent, a cross gules. Their captain is a nobleman, who has under him a lieutenant, a standardbearer, a clerk of the check, secretary, paymaster, and harbinger.

PENSIVE, adj. Pr. pensif; Ital. pensivo; from Latin, penso. Sorrowfully serious thoughtful; melancholy.

So fair a lady did I spy,
On herbs and flowers she walked pensively
Mild, but yet love she proudly did forsake.



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PENTA, a town of the French empire, in the island and department of Corsica, seven miles north-east of Porta.

PENTACEROS, in natural history, a name given by Linkius and some other authors to a kind of stella marina, or sea-star fish, composed of five principal rays, with several transverse hairy or downy processes.

The PENTACHORD, of Gr. πɛvre five, xopen string, was an ancient musical instrument. The invention of the pentachord is referred to the Scythians; the strings were of bullock's leather; and they were struck with a plectrum made of goat's horn.

PENTACROSTIC, in poetry, a set of verses so disposed as that there are always five acrostics of the same name, in five divisions of each verse. See ACROSTIC.

PENTACTINODOS, in natural history, a name given by some authors to those species of star-fish which are composed of a body divided into five rays.

PENTADACTYLON, five fingers, in botany, a name given by some authors to the ricinus or palma Christi, from the figure of its leaf.

PENTADACTYLOS PISCIS, the five-fingered fish, in ichthyology, the name of a fish common in all the seas about the East Indies, and called by the Dutch there viif vinger visch. It has this name from five black streaks which it has on each side, resembling the prints of five fingers. Its head is flat, convex at the bottom, plain in the sides, and inclined in the fore part. The snout is thick, obtuse, and round; the lower jaw at its extremity bent and rounded; the nostrils are double; the balls of the eye oval; the iris of a silver color; the first fin of the back is small,

the second is more elevated; those of the breast are inserted obliquely, that of the anus is greatly extended, and that of the tail much sloped. The whole body is covered with scales of a moderate size, thin, flexible, and slightly indented on their hinder edge; the back is reddish, the sides of a silver color, and the fins white. The fish is described by some as about nine inches long; by others as a foot and a half. It is a dry but not ill-tasted fish.

PENTAEDROSTYLA, in the old system of mineralogy, a genus of spars. The bodies of this genus are spars in form of pentagonal columns, terminated by pentangular pyramids at one end, and regularly affixed at the other to some solid body.

PENTAE'DROUS, adj. Gr. πEvtɛ, five, and pa, scat, or sides. Having five sides.

The pentaedrous columnar coralloid bodies are composed of plates set lengthways, and passing from the surface to the axis. Woodward.

PENTAGON, n. s. A Fr. pentagon; Gr. PENTAGʻONAL, adj. TETE, five, and yoria, an angle. A figure with five angles: pentagonal, quinquangular; having five angles.

I know of that famous piece at Capralora, cast by Barocchio into the form of a pentagon with a circle inscribed. Wotton. The body being cut transversely, its surface appears like a net made up of pentagonal meshes, with a pentagonal star in each mesh. Woodward.

PENTAGON, in geometry, is a figure of five sides and five angles. See GEOMETRY.

PENTAGON, in fortification, denotes a fort with five bastions.

PENTAGONOTHECA, in botany, the name given by Vaillant to the plant called by Linnæus, Plumier, Houston, and others, pisonia.

PENTAGRAPH, an instrument designed for copying figures in any given proportion without any general skill in the art of drawing. See MINIATURE. The instrument is otherwise called a parallelogram. The common pentagraph of the diagram

consists of four brass or wooden rulers, two of them from fifteen to eighteen inches long, the other two half that length. At the ends, and in the middle, of the longer rulers, as also at the ends of the shorter, are holes, upon the exact fixing of which the perfection of the instrument chiefly depends. Those in the middle of the long rulers are to be at the same distance from those at the end of the long ones, and those of the short ones; so that when put together they may always make a parallelogram. The instrument is fitted together for use by several little pieces, particularly a little pillar, No. 1, having at one end a screw and nut, whereby the two long rulers are joined; and at the other a little knot for the instrument to slide on. The piece, No. 2, is a rivet with a screw and nut, wherewith each short ruler is fastened to the middle of each long one. The piece, No. 3, is a pillar, one end whereof, being hollowed into a screw, has a nut fitted to it. At the other end is a worm to screw into the table; when the instrument is to be used, it joins the end of the two short rulers. The piece, No. 4, is a pen, portcrayon, or pencil, screwed into a little pillar. The piece, No. 5, is a brass point, moderately blunt, screwed likewise into a little pillar.

I. To copy a design in the same scale or bigness as the original: screw the worm No. 3 into the table; lay a paper under the pencil No. 4, and the design under the point No. 5. This done, conducting the point over the several lines and parts of the design, the pencil will draw or repeat the same on the paper. II. If the design be to be reduced, e. g. into half the space, the worm must be placed at the end of the long ruler, No. 4, and the paper and pencil in the middle. In this situation, conduct the brass point over the several lines of the design, as before; and the pencil at the same time will draw its copy in the proportion required; the pencil here only moving half the lengths that the point moves. Hence, on the contrary, if the design be to be enlarged by one-half, the brass point, with the design, must be placed in the middle, at No. 3, the pencil and paper at the end of the long ruler, and the worm at the other. III. To enlarge or reduce in other proportions, there are holes drilled at equal distances on each ruler, viz. all along the short ones, and half way of the long ones, in order for placing the brass point, pencil, and worm, in a right line therein; i. e. if the piece carrying the point be put in the third hole, the two other pieces must be put in its third hole. If, then, the point and design be placed at any hole of the great rulers, and the pencil with the paper at any hole of the short ruler, which forms the angle therewith, the copy will be less than half the original. On the contrary, if it be placed at one of the holes of that short ruler, which is parallel to the long ruler, the copy will be greater than half the original.

The construction of this instrument requires a degree of accuracy which most of our instrumentmakers are strangers to; for which reason there are very few of the instruments that succeed. Few will do any thing tolerably but straight lines; and many of them not even these. To prove that the figure described by a pentagraph

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P the pencil for tracing the given figure PP, and p the pencil which traces the other figure pp; p, &c., must be so adjusted, that p, C, and P, may lie in one straight line; then, since Bp: A p: BP: AC, whatever be the situation of the pentagraph, the angles PCP and pCp, are vertical: and therefore, P Cp will in every position of the instrument be a right line; but PC:pC

BA: A p, in each of the two positions in the figure, and consequently the triangles PC P, p C p, are similar; and PP: pp (:: PC: Cp) :: BA: A p, or in a given ratio. Hence it appears, that, by moving the pencil p, A p may be equal to B A, or less in any proportion; and consequently pp may be equal to P P, or less in the same proportion.

PENTAGYNIA, from Gr. TEVTε five, and yuvn, a woman, or wife, in the Linnæan system of botany, an order in the classes pentandria, decandria, dodecandria, icosandria, and polyandria; consisting of plants which have hermaphrodite flowers, with five female organs. See BOTANY.

PENTAMETER, n. S. Fr. pentametre ; Lat. pentametrum. A Latin verse of five feet.

Mr. Distich may probably play some pentameters upon us, but he shall be answered in Alexandrines.


PENTANDRIA, from Gr. TEVTE five, and avnp, a man, or husband, the fifth class in Linneus's sexual method, consisting of plants which have hermaphrodite flowers, with five stamina or male organs. See BOTANY.

the classes monadelphia, diadelphia, polyadelphia, gynandria, monccia, and diœcia. See BOTANY. PENTAN'GULAR, adj. Gr. πεντε and angular. Five cornered.

PENTANDRIA is also the name of an order in

His thick and bony scales stand in rows, so as to Grew. make the flesh almost pentangular.

PENTAPETES, in botany, a genus of the dodecandria order, belonging to the monadelphia class of plants; and in the natural method ranking under the thirty-seventh order, columniferæ. The calyx is quinquepartite; the stamina are twenty in number, of which five are castrated and long; the capsule quinquelocular and polyspermous. There is but one species known, víz. P.

Phoenicia, with halbert-pointed, spear-shaped, sawed leaves. It is an annual plant, a native of India, and rises to two or three feet, adorned with fine scarlet flowers, consisting of one petal cut into five segments. In the centre of the flower arises a short thick column, to which adhere fifteen short stamina. It is a tender plant, and must be brought up in the hot-house.

PENTAPOLIS, a district of Cyrenaica, situated on the Mediterranean; denominated from its five cities; namely, Berenice, Arsinoe, Ptolemais, Cyrene, and Apollonia.-Ptol.

PENTAPOLIS OF THE PHILISTINES, the five cities of the Philistines, Gaza, Gath, Ascalon, Azotus, and Ekron.

PENTATEUCH, n. s. Fr. pentatenque ; Gr. TETE and Tsuyos. The five books of Moses. The author in the ensuing part of the pentateuch makes not unfrequent mention of the angels. Bentley.

Hesiod in his commerce with the daughters of memory had recourse to foreign correspondents, and often drew bills at sight on the pentateuch.

Whyte's Poems, Preliminary Essay. PENTATEUCH is derived from the Greek Πεντάτευχος, from πέντε, five, and τευχος, an instrument or volume; and signifies the collection of the five instruments or books of Moses, viz. Genesis, ExoduS, LEVITICUS, NUMBERS, and DEUTRONOMY. See these articles.

PENTATHLON, or PENTATHLUM, in antiquity, a general name for the five exercises performed at the Grecian games, viz. wrestling, boxing, leaping, running, and playing at the discus. PENTECOST, n. s. I Gr. TEVTEKOTη; Fr. PENTECOSTAL, adj. S pentacoste, 1. e. the fiftieth, because kept fifty days after the passover. A feast among the Jews: pertaining to pentecost or Whitsuntide.

And whanne the daies of pentecoste weren filled all his disciplis wereen togedre in the same place. Wichy. Dedis 2. But I will tarry at Ephesus until pentecost. 1 Cor. xvi. 8. Tis since the nuptial of Lucentio, Come pentecost as quickly as it will, Some five-and-twenty years. Shakspeare. This was a feast, the feast of pentecost, but for the estate of these Jews it was a day of contrition, a day of deep hunger and thirst after righteousness.

Bp. Hall.

I have composed sundry collects, made up out of the church collects, with some little variation; as the collects adventual, quadregesimal, paschal, or pentecostal.


At the time of Pentecost, when the Jews were obliged to rejoice before the Lord, rendering thanks unto him for the harvest newly gathered in-did God bountifully impart the first fruits of his Holy Spirit.


Pentecost signifies the fiftieth, because this feast was celebrated the fiftieth day after the sixteenth of Nisan, which was the second day of the feast of the passover; the Hebrews call it the feast of weeks, because it was kept seven weeks after the passover: they then offered the first fruits of the wheat harvest, which then was completed: it was instituted to oblige the Israelites to repair to the temple, there to acknowledge the Lord's dominion, and also to render thanks to God for the law he had given them from Mount Sinai, on the fiftieth day after their coming out of Egypt. Calmet.

PENTECOST. At this feast the Jews presented at the temple seven lambs of that year, one calf, and two rams, for a burnt offering; two lambs for a peace offering; and a goat for a sin offering: Levit. xxiii. 15, 16; Exod. xxxiv. 22, and Deut. xvi. 9, 10. The modern Jews celebrate the

pentecost for two days. They deck the synagogue and their own houses with garlands of flowers. They hear a sermon in praise of the law, which they suppose to have been delivered on this day. The Jews of Germany make a very thick cake, consisting of seven layers of paste, which they call Sinai. The seven layers represent the seven heavens, which they think God reascended from the top of this mountain. See Leo de Modena and Buxtorfii synag. Jud. It was on the feast of pentecost that the Holy Ghost miraculously descended on the apostles. Acts ii.

PENTICOST, an island in the Archipelago of the Great Cyclades. It was discovered by Bougainville on Pentecost day, 22d May, 1768. It

is six miles from Aurora Island.

PENTELICUS, a mountain of Attica, famous for beautiful marble.

PENTHESILIA, a queen of the Amazons, succeeded Orythia, and gave proofs of her courage at the siege of Troy, where she was killed by Achilles. Pliny says that she invented the


PENTHEUS, in fabulous history, the son of Ethion and Agave, king of Thebes in Boeotia. He was murdered by the Bacchanalian women, for opposing the worship of Bacchus, then newly introduced; though others say it was for prying into the mysteries of the new deity. His mother and his aunts, Ino and Autonoe, were the first to tear him to pieces. Ovid. Met. iii. fab. 7, 8, 9. Virg. En. iv. 469. See MYSTERIES.

PENTHILUS, a son of Orestes and Erigone, the daughter of Egysthus; who reigned conjunetly with his brother Tisamenes at Argos, till they were expelled by the Heraclidæ. He then went to Achaia, and thence to Lesbos, where he planted a colony.--Paus. 4. Paterc. 1. c. 1.

PENTHORUM, in botany, a genus of the pentagynia order and pentandria class of plants: CAL. quinquefid; there are either five petals or none: CAPS, five-pointed and quinquelocular.

PENTHYLUS, a king of Paphos, who assisted Xerxes with twelve ships. Being seized by the Greeks he gave them much useful information as to the situation of the Persians.-Herod. vii. 195.

PENTILE, n. s. Pent and tile. A tile formed to cover the sloping part of the roof: often called pantiles.

Pentiles are thirteen inches long, with a button to hang on the laths; they are hollow and circular.

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