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tears, not doubting that this heavenly odour was a sign of the glory enjoyed by the Saint in heaven.

Another circumstance occurred to increase their wonder. Her flesh was reduced to dust (according to the wish she had expressed to God), but her tongue remained fresh, moist, and red. The confessor of the convent, Brother Evangelist of Fabriano, who was present, was moved to tears at the sight of this miracle, and testified his admiration in the words of S. Bonaventure at the sight of the incorrupt tongue of S. Antony of Padua: "O precious tongue, which hast always blessed the Lord, and taught others to bless Him, it is now manifest how great thy service of God has been!" When the nuns had satisfied their tender devotion, they placed the holy body in a marble tomb, which they had previously caused to be constructed in the choir; but the tongue was enclosed in a precious reliquary apart.


Abstinence of the Saint, 116
Agony suffered by the Saint, 147
Albizzini, Mary Gertrude, abbess, 46
Alexandra, a servant of the Giuliani, 6

Alva, Peter of, 140

Ambroni, the Canon, confessor of the Saint, 10

Ambrose, Saint, saying of, 301

Angelucci, Luc' Antonio, 176

Antony, Sister, charity of the Saint to, 212

Apostles, the, our Lord's sorrow for, 373

Avarice, 395

Azzi, degli, Sister Mary Angelica, 111

Backbiting, 399

Bastianelli, Father Girolamo, 216

Battistelli, Father, confessor of the Saint, 234

Blood, tears of, shed by the Saint, 216, 217, 239

Bordiga, Gian Francesco, 176, summoned at the last illness of
the Saint, 181

Borghese, Don Giovan-Antonio, baptized the Saint, 4

Boscaini, Don Domenico, Prior of S. Sisto, 216

Boscaini, Sister Mary Magdalen, 74, 111, 120, 158, 175, 184,
275; appointed sacristan by the Saint, 179; testifies to the
Saint's shedding tears of blood, 216

Brozzi, Sister Gabriella, death of, foretold by the Saint, 179
Cappelletti, Sister Catherine, 281

Cappelletti, Father Ubaldo Antonio, director of the Saint, 19;
narrates a vision of the Saint, 75; prophesies the enlarge-
ment of the Saint's convent, 80; tests the miraculous state
of the Saint, 158, 168, 178; diary of, 196, 199; orders the
nuns to pour water on the hands of the Saint in ecstasy,
209; testimony of the Saint's humility, 254
Capuchins, the, annals of, 111; troubles of, 406

Casoni, Father, S.J., 232

Catherine, S., of Siena, 88, 100, 103, 106, 107, 140, 174
Catherine, S., Ricci, 174

Cavamazza, Father, confessor of the Saint, 62

Cecilia, S., prayer of, 134

Ceoli, Sister Florida, 20, 120, 173, 264, 273; treads on the
Saint's foot, 72; dower of, how spent, 80; sees on the
Saint's head the marks of the crown of thorns, 97; had the
gift of prophecy, 112; holy death of, 207; saw the Saint
shed tears of blood, 217

Chalice, the, seen in vision by the Saint, 86, 232

Cherubim, 343

Christina, Blessed, 140

Cicerbola, the, 265

Città di Castello, monastery of Capuchin nuns in, 42
Clare, Blessed, of Monte Falco, 174

Clare, S., 144, 187; appears to the Blessed Battista Varani, 335
Clare, Sister, companion of the Saint, 216

Clement XI., 224

Codebò, Mgr. Alexander, 176, 181, 251, 272, 275, 280; pro-
phecy of the Saint concerning, 277

Communion, Holy, the Saint's joy in, 114; miraculous, of the
Saint, 211

Confessions of the Saint, once made difficult, 185

Constance, Sister, of Camerino, 331

Constance, Sister, 227

Conversion of a sinner obtained by the Saint, 284
Corvinus, Matthias, 289

Cosmo III., Grand Duke of Tuscany, 81

Crivelli, Father Giovan Maria, S.J., 164, 261; tries the spirit
of the Saint, 165, 168. 247; preaches a sermon to idolaters
before the nuns, 204; testimony of, to the Saint's zeal for
the conversion of sinners, 215; and to her humility, 250;
seen by the Saint in a vision, 251; death of, 252; prophecy
of the Saint, concerning, 278

Cross, the, impression of, on the heart of the Saint, 63
Cross, pectoral, of the Bishop, 186

Cures, miraculous, wrought by the Saint, 280

Cybo, Cardinal, 151

Dereliction, divine, of the Saint, 91

Devils, the Saint assaulted by, 90

Dionysius, the Carthusian, 160

Directors, openness of the Saint with her, 47

Dying, the, charity of the Saint to, 213

Elect, the, sins of, a sorrow to our Lord, 368

Enemies, love of, 403

Epiphanius, S., Bishop of Ticino, 190

Espousals, spiritual, of the Saint, 99

Eustachj, Mons. Luc' Antonio, 97, 275; sanctions the use of
the mysterious liquid, 120; tests, the spirit of the Saint,
150, 164; witness of her mystical state, 173; his severity
to the Saint, 243; testimony of, to the Saint's humility, 245.
Ever, for, 366

Exercises, the spiritual, 130

Fabbri, Domenice, the Chancellor, 176, 251
Fabbri, the physician, 231

Falconi, Don Giovanni, 176

Fast, the great, of the Saint, 115, 122, 246

Fasting of Blessed Battista Varani, 303

Felicia, Sister Clare, unjustly blamed, 238

Felix, Sister Clare, 42

Food, miraculously multiplied, 66; the Saint mortified in her,
117, 231

Frances, Sister, helps the Saint in the kitchen, 65; death of,
in the odour of sanctity, 111; placed in authority over the
Saint, 248; rough in her ways, 261

Francis, Father, of Urbino, preaching of, 304, 308; letter of,
to the Blessed Battisti Varani, 336; the Blessed Battista
converses with, 311

Francis, S., of Assisi, 140, 143, 187
Francis, S., Xavier, 255
Fucci, Sister Mary, 282

Gaetana, Sister Mary, 224

Gasparini, Mgr. 277

Gellini, Don Giacomo, 176

Gentili, Giovan Francisco, surgeon, 160, 163, 176

Gertrude of Oost, 110, 140

Gertrude, Sister, of Pisa, 111

Gherardi, Mgr., 272

Giacinta, Sister. 111, 120; helped the Saint in her penances, 233
Giannini, Don Cesare, 176

Giuliani, Francesco, father of the Saint, 3; removes to Pia-
cenza, 22; puts difficulties in the way of the Saint's voca-
tion, 31, 32; amends his life, 38; dies, 39

Giuliani, Ursula, changes her name to Veronica, 46, see Ve-

God, love of, 72

Good Friday, 298, 345

Gotoloni, Sister Mary Rose, 78, 111

Gregory, Father, 319

Gregory, S., Pope, 259

Gualtieri, Mgr., Bishop of Todi, 251

Guelfi, Father Raniero, 159, 175, 260; deposition of, concern-
ing the instruments of the Passion, 176; sent for in the
last illness of the Saint, 181; with the Saint on her death-
bed, 183; testifies to the Saint's great knowledge, 204; the
last confessor of the Saint, 210; prophecy of the Saint
concerning, 278

Habit, the religious, dignity of, 107

Heart, the Sacred, 381, 386, 389

Heart, the, of the Saint, wounds of, 132; marks on, 173, 176,

Helena, Blessed, of Hungary, 140

Humility, source of, 387, 388

Ida, Blessed, of Louvain, 140

Ignatius, S., 265

Illusions, safeguards against, 48

Ingratitude, sin of, 214
Innocence, 315, 316

Insults borne by the Saint, 242

Intention, effects of, 16

Intercession of the Saint for the Church, 219
Jesus, the Infant, appears to the Saint, 7, 195
Jews, the, ingratitude of, 377, 379

Joanna of the Cross, Blessed, 140

John of Fano, 405

Judas, sin of, 375

Lady, our, presents a chain to the Saint, 88; appears to the
Saint, 161, 266; places the divine Infant in the arms of
the Saint, 8, 273; sorrows of, the sorrows of our Lord, 370
Leprosy, 399

Letters, written on the heart of the Saint, 176, 177
Lidwine, of Holland, 119, 140

Liquid, the mysterious, 119; miracles wrought by, 120

Lomellini, Giacomo, Abate, 255; prophecy of the Saint con-
cerning, 278

Love, divine, the Saint's speaking of, 209

Lucy, Blessed, of Narni, 140

Lukewarmness, the true plague of souls, 72

Magdalen, Mary, love of, 372; mirror of contemplation, 373
Maggi, Monsignor, 224

Maggi, Sister Maria, 74

Maggio, Sister Mary Joanna, 180, 184, 241, 244

Malatesta, Joanna, 290; death of, 405

Mamma mia, 221

Mancini, Benedetta, mother of the Saint, 3; last communion
of, 11

Margaret, Blessed, of Città di Castello, 174

Martyrdom, the Saint's longing for, 205

Mary Magdalen of Pazzi, S., 174

Massani, medical attendant of the Saint, 98

Matthew, Brother, of Bassio, 465

Meazzoli, Sister Mary Celestine, 184

Meditation, 25, 28

Mercatello, birthplace of the Saint, 3, 17; the Saint brought
back to, 36; three sisters of the Saint's, nuns in, 42

Moliano, Father Peter, 292, 344, 347; elected vicar, 333

Mori, Lorenzi Smirli, 251

Mortification, 113; of the Saint, 231

Moscani, Sister Angela Mary, 111

Nicholas, S., of Bari, 5

Nicholas V., Pope, 325

Novices, how trained by the Saint, 69

Noviciate, sufferings of the Saint in her, 238

Obedience of the Saint, 48, 259

Olivieri, Donna Julia Albani, 227

Olivieri, Father, 311

Onorati, Monsignor, Bishop of Urbania, 20

Osanna, Blessed, of Mantua, 140

Pacifico, Fr., of Urbino, 350

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