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that he generously protected them, and entertained charged the business of his office a very little time, them very hospitably, till their affairs were accom- before he was called to a work of another kind modated through his interest with the prevailing For soon after the king's death was published a faction. And then upon their removal, and the book under his name, entitled Em Baoxian, or the death of his own father, his house looked again Royal Image: and this book, like Cæsar's last like the house of the Muses; but his studies had will, making a deeper impression, and exciting like to have been interrupted by a call to public greater commiseration in the minds of the people, business; for about this time there was a design than the king himself did while alive, Milton was of constituting him Adjutant General in the army ordered to prepare an answer to it, which was under Sir William Waller; but the new modelling published by authority, and entitled Eixovoxλææsne, of the army soon following, that design was laid or the Image-breaker, the famous surname of many aside. And not long after, his great house in Bar- Greek emperors, who, in their zeal against idolabican being now too large for his family, he quit- try, broke all superstitious images to pieces This ted it for a smaller in High Holborn, which open- piece was translated into French; and two replies ed backward into Lincoln's Inn Fields, where he to it were published, one in 1651, and the other in prosecuted his studies till the King's trial and 1692, upon the reprinting of Milton's book at death, when the Presbyterians declaiming tragi- Amsterdam. In this controversy a heavy charge cally against the King's execution, and asserting has been alleged against Milton. Some editions that his person was sacred and inviolable, provoked of the king's book have certain prayers added at him to write the Tenure of Kings and Magistrates, the end, and among them a prayer in time of capproving that it is lawful to call a tyrant to account tivity, which is taken from that of Pamela in Sir and to depose and put him to death, and that they Philip Sidney's Arcadia: and it is said, that this who of late so much blame deposing are the men prayer was added by the contrivance and artifice who did it themselves: and he published it at the of Milton, who, together with Bradshaw, prevailbeginning of the year 1649, to satisfy and com- ed upon the printer to insert it, that from thence pose the minds of the people. Not long after this he might take occasion to bring a scandal upon he wrote his Observations on the Articles of Peace the king, and to blast the reputation of his book, between the Earl of Ormond and the Irish Rebels. as he has attempted to do in the first section of his And in these and all his writings, whatever others answer. This fact is related chiefly upon the au

of different parties may think, he thought himself thority of Henry Hills the printer, who had frean advocate for true liberty, for ecclesiastical liber- quently affirmed it to Dr. Gill and Dr. Bernard, ty in his treatises against the bishops, for domestic his physicians, as they themselves have testified. liberty in his books of divorce, and for civil liberty in his writings against the king in defence of the parliament and people of England.

But Hills was not himself the printer, who was dealt with in this manner, and consequently he could have the story only from hearsay: and After this he retired again to his private studies; though he was Cromwell's printer, yet afterwards and thinking that he had leisure enough for such he turned papist in the reign of James II, in order a work, he applied himself to the writing of a His- to be that King's printer, and it was at that time tory of England, which he intended to deduce that he used to relate this story; so that I think, little from the earliest accounts down to his own times: credit is due to his testimony. And indeed I can and he had finished four books of it, when neither not but hope, and believe, that Milton had a soul courting nor expecting any such preferment, he above being guilty of so mean an action, to serve was invited by the Council of State to be their so mean a purpose; and there is as little reason for Latin Secretary for foreign affairs. And he served fixing it upon him, as he had to traduce the king in the same capacity under Oliver, and Richard, for profaning the duty of prayer" with the pollutand the Rump, till the Restoration; and without ed trash of Romances." For there are not many doubt a better Latin pen could not have been found finer prayers in the best books of devotion; and in the kingdom. For the Republic and Cromwell the king might as lawfully borrow and apply it to scorned to pay that tribute to any foreign Prince, his own occasions, as the Apostle might make which is usually paid to the French king, of ma- quotations from Heathen poems and plays: and it naging their affairs in his language; they thought became Milton the least of all men to bring such it an indignity and meanness to which this or any an accusation against the king, as he was himself free nation ought not to submit; and took a noble particularly fond of reading romances, and nag resolution neither to write any letters to any foreign made use of them in some of the best and latest states, nor to receive any answers from them, but of his writings.

in the Latin tongue, which was common to them

But his most celebrated work in prɔse is his D., all. fence of the people of England against Salmasius, But it was not only in foreign dispatches that Defensio pro populo Anglicano contra Claudii the government made use of his pen. He had dis- Anonymi, alias Salmasia, Defe sinem Regian.


Salmasius, by Jirth a Frenchman, succeeded the sader from the Duke of Parma to the French king famous Scaliger as honorary Professor of the uni-wrote a fine encomium of his Defence, and sent versity of Leyden, and had gained great reputa- him his picture, as appears from Milton's Letter tion by his Plinian Exercitations on Solinus, and to Philaras, dated at London, in June, 1652. And by his critical remarks on several Latin and Greek what gave him the greatest satisfaction, the work authors, and was generally esteemed one of the was highly applauded by those, who had desired greatest and most consummate scholars of that him to undertake it; and they made him a presen age: and is commended by Milton himself in his of a thousand pounds, which, in those days of fru Reason of Church Government, and called the gality, was reckoned no inconsiderable reward for learned Salmasius. And besides his great learn- his performance. But the case was far otherwise ing he had extraordinary talents in railing. "This with Salmasius. He was then in high favour at prince of scholars, as somebody said of him, seemed the court of Christina, Queen of Sweden, who to have erected his throne upon a heap of stones, had invited thither several of the most learned men that he might have them at hand to throw at every of all countries: but when Milton's Defence of one's head who passed by." He was, therefore, the People of England was brought to Sweden, courted by Charles II, as the most able man to and was read to the Queen at her own desire, he write a defence of the late king, his father, and to sunk immediately in her esteem, and the opinior. traduce his adversaries, and a hundred Jacobuses of every body; and though he talked big at first, were given him for that purpose, and the book was and vowed the destruction of Milton and the Parpublished in 1649, with this title, Defensio Regia liament, yet finding that he was looked upon with pro Carolo I. ad Carolum II. No sooner did this coldness, he thought proper to take leave of the book appear in England, but the Council of State court; and he who came in honour, was dismissed unanimously appointed Milton, who was then pre- with contempt. He died some time afterwards at sent, to answer it: and he performed the task with Spa, in Germany, and, it is said, more of a broken amazing spirit and vigour, though his health at heart than of any distemper, leaving a posthumous that time was such, that he could hardly endure reply to Milton, which was not published till after the fatigue of writing, and being weak in body he the Restoration, and was dedicated to Charles II. was forced to write by piece-meal, and to break off by his son Claudius; but it has done no great hoalmost every hour, as he says himself in the intro- nour to his memory, abounding with abuse much duction. This necessarily occasioned some delay, more than argument. so that his Defence of the people of England was Isaac Vossius was at Stockholm, when Milton's not made public till the beginning of the year book was brought thither, and in some of his let1651 and they who can not read the original, may ters to Nicholas Heinsius, published by Professor yet have the pleasure of reading the English trans- Burman in the third tome of his Sylloge Epistolalation by Mr. Washington, of the Temple, which rum, he says, that he had the only copy of Milton's was printed in 1692, and is inserted among Mil- book, that the Queen borrowed it of him, and was ton's works in the two last editions. It was some- very much pleased with it, and commended Milwhat extraordinary, that Salmasius, a pensioner ton's wit and manner of writing in the presence to a republic, should pretend to write a defence of of several persons, and that Salmasius was very monarchy, but the States showed their disappro- angry, and very busy in preparing his answer, bation by publicly condemning his book, and or- wherein he abused Milton as if he had been one dering it to be suppressed. And, on the other of the vilest catamites in Italy, and also criticised hand, Milton's book was burnt at Paris, and at his Latin poems. Heinsius writes again to VosToulouse, by the hands of the common hangman; sius from Holland, that he wondered that only one but this served only to procure it the more readers: copy of Milton's book was brought to Stockholm, it was read and talked of every where, and even when three were sent thither, one to the Queen, they who were of different principles, yet could another to Vossius which he had received, and the not but acknowledge that he was a good defender third to Salmasius; that the book was in every of a bad cause; and Salmasius's book underwent body's hands, and there had been four editions in only one impression, while this of Milton passed a few months besides the English one; that a through several editions. On the first appearance Dutch translation was handed about, and a French of it, he was visited or invited by all the foreign one was expected. And afterwards he writes from ninisters at London, not excepting even those of Venice, that Holstenius had lent him Milton's crowned heads; and was particularly honoured Latin poems; that they were nothing, compared and esteemed by Adrian Paaw, ambasssador from with the elegance of his Apology; that he had the States of Holland. He was likewise highly offended frequently against prosody, and here was aplimented by letters from the most learned and a great opening for Salmasius' criticism: but as to agenious persons in France and Germany; and Milton's having been a catamite in Italy, he says, Leonard Philaras, an Athenian born, and ambas- that it was a mere calumny; o the contrary, ha

was disliked by the Italians, for the severity of his and there his third child, a seu was born, and manners, and for the freedom of his discourses named John, who through the ill usage or bal against popery. And in others of his letters to constitution of the nurse died an infant. His ow Vosssius and to J. Fr. Gronovius from Holland, health was too greatly impaired; and for the beHeinsius mentions how angry Salmasius was with nefit of the ais, he removed from his apartment in him for commending Milton's book, and says that Scotland-Yard to a house in Petty-France WestGraswinkelius had written something against Mil-minster, which was next door to Lord Sendaton, which was to have been printed by Elzever, more's, and opened into St. James' Park; but it was suppressed by public authority.


there he remained eight years, from the year 1652 The first reply that appeared was published in till within a few weeks of the King's restoration. 1651, and entitled an Apology for the king and In this house he had not been settled long, before people, &c. Apologia pro rege et populo Angli- his first wife died in child-bed; and his condition cano contra Johannis Polipragmatici (alias Mil- requiring some care and attendance, he was easily toni Angli) Defensionem destructivam regis et induced after a proper interval of time to marry a populi Anglicani. It is not known, who was the second, who was Catharine, daughter of Captain author of this piece. Some attribute it to one Ja- Woodcock, of Hackney: and she too died in childnus, a lawyer of Gray's Inn, and others to Dr. bed within a year after their marriage, and her John Bramhall, who was then Bishop of Derry, child, who was a daughter, died in a month after and was made Primate of Ireland after the restora- her; and her husband has done honour to her tion: but it is utterly improbable, that so mean a memory in one of his sonnets. performance, written in such barbarous Latin, and

Two or three years before this second marriage so full of solecisms, should come from the hands he had totally lost his sight. And his enemies of a prelate of such distinguished abilities and triumphed in his blindness, and imputed it as a learning. But whoever was the author of it, Mil- judginent upon him for writing against the King: ton did not think it worth his while to animadvert but his sight had been decaying several years beupon it himself, but employed the younger of his fore, through his close application to study, and nephews to answer it; but he supervised and cor- the frequent head-aches to which he had been rected the answer so much before it went to the subject from his childhood, and his continual tampress, that it may in a manner be called his own. pering with physic, which perhaps was more perIt came forth in 1652 under this title, Johannis nicious than all the rest: and he himself has inPhilippi Angli Responsio ad Apologiam anony- formed us in his second Defence, that when he mi cujusdam tenebrionis pro rege et populo An- was appointed by authority to write his Defence glicano infantissimam; and it is printed with of the people against Salmasius, he had almost Milton's works; and throughout the whole Mr. lost the sight of one eye, and the physicians dePhilips treats Bishop Bramhall with great severity clared to him, that if he undertook that work, he as the author of the Apology, thinking probably would also lose the sight of the other: but he was that so considerable an adversary would make the answer more considerable.

nothing discouraged, and chose rather to lose beth his eyes than desert what he thought his duty. It Sir Robert Filmer likewise published some ani- was the sight of his left eye that he lost first: and madversions upon Milton's Defence of the people, at the desire of his friend Leonard Philaras, the in a piece printed in 1652, and entitled Observa- Duke of Parma's minister at Paris, he sent him a tions concerning the original of government, upon particular account of his case, and of the manner Mr. Hobbes' Leviathan, Mr. Milton against Sal- of his growing blind, for him to consult Thevenot masius, and Hugo Grotius de Jure belli: but I do the physician, who was reckoned famous in cases not find that Milton or any of his friends took any of the eyes. The letter is the fifteenth of his faminotice of it; but Milton's quarrel was afterwards liar epistles, is dated September 28th, 1654; and sufficiently avenged by Mr. Locke, who wrote is thus translated by Mr. Richardson.

against Sir Robert Filmer's principles of government, more I suppose in condescension to the prejudices of the age, than out of any regard to the weight or importance of Filmer's arguments.

"Since you advise me not to fling away all hopes of recovering my sight, for that you have a friend at Paris, Thevenot the physician, particu It is probable that Milton, when he was first larly famous for the eyes, whom you offer to con made Latin Secretary, removed from his house in sult in my behalf if you receive from me an account High Holborn to be nearer Whitehall: and for by which he may judge of the causes and sympsome time he had lodgings at one Thomson's, next toms of my disease, I will do what you advice me door to the Bull-head tavern at Charing Cross, to, that I may not seem to refuse any assistance opening into Spring-garden, till the apartment, that is offered, perhaps from God.

appointed for him in Scotland-Yard, could be got "I think it is about ten years, more or less since ready for his reception. He then removed thither; I began to perceive that my eye-sight grew weak

and dim, and at the same time my spleen and immoderately addicted to women, nasty, ambi Dowels to be oppressed and troubled with flatus; tious, full of himself and his own performances, and in the morning when I began to read, accord- and satirical upon all others. He was however ing to custom, my eyes grew painful immediately, esteemed one of the most eminent preachers of that and to refuse reading, but were refreshed after a age among the Protestants; but as Monsieur moderate exercise of the body. A certain iris be- Bayle observes, his chief talent must have consist gan to surround the light of the candle if I looked ed in the gracefulness of his delivery, or in those at it; soon after which, on the left part of the left sallies of imagination and quaint turns and allueye (for that was some years sooner clouded) a sions, whereof his sermons are full; for they retain mist arose which hid every thing on that side; and not those charms in reading, which they were said looking forward if I shut my right eye, objects ap- to have formerly in the pulpit. Against this man, peared smaller. My other eye also, for these last therefore, as the reputed author of Regii sanguinis three years, failing by degrees, some months before Clamor, &c., Milton published by authority his all sight was abolished, things which I looked upon Second Defence of the people of England, Defenseemed to swim to the right and left; certain in- sio Secunda pro populo Anglicano, in 1654, and verate vapours seem to possess my forehead and treats Morus with such severity as nothing could temples, which after meat especially, quite to eve- have excused, if he had not been provoked to it ning, generally, urge and depress my eyes with a by so much abuse poured upon himself. There sleepy heaviness. Nor would I omit that whilst is one piece of his wit, which had been published there was as yet some remainder of sight, I no before in the newspapers at London, a distich sooner lay down in my bed, and turned on my upon Morus for getting Pontia the maid-servant side, but a copious light dazzled out of my shut of his friend Salmasius with child.

Galli ex concubitu gravidam te, Pontia, Mori
Quis bene moratam morigeramque neget?

eyes; and as my sight diminished every day, colours gradually more obscure flashed out with vehemence; but now that the lucid is in a manner Upon this Morus published his Fides Publica in wholly extinct, a direct blackness, or else spotted, answer to Milton, in which he inserted several and, as it were, woven with ash-colour, is used to testimonies of his orthodoxy and morals, signed by pour itself in. Nevertheless the constant and the consistories, academies, synods, and magissettled darkness that is before me as well by night trates of the places where he had lived; and disownas by day, seems nearer to the whitish than the ed his being the author of the book imputed to blackish; and the eye rolling itself a little, seems him, and appealed to two gentlemen of great credit to admit I know not what little smallness of light with the Parliament party, who knew the real as through a chink.' author. This brought Du Moulin, who was then in England, into great danger; but the govern But it does not appear what answer he received; ment suffered him to escape with impunity, rather we may presume, none that administered any re- than they would publicly contradict the great palief. His blindness however did not disable him tron of their cause. For he still persisted in his entirely from performing the business of his office. accusation, and endeavoured to make it good in An assistant was allowed him, and his salary as his Defence of himself, Autoris pro se Defensio, secretary still continued to him. which was published in 1655, wherein he opposed to the testimonies in favour of Morus other testimonies against him; and Morus replied no more.

And there was farther occasion for his service besides dictating of letters. For the controversy with Salmasius did not die with him, and there After this controversy was ended, he was at was published at the Hague, in 1652, a book en- leisure again to pursue his own private studies, titled the Cry of the King's Blood, &c., Regii san- which were the History of England before menguinis Clamor ad cœlum adversus Parricidas An- tioned, and a new Thesaurus of the Latin tongue, glicanos. The true author of this book was Peter intended as an improvement upon that by Robert du Moulin, the younger, who was afterwards pre- Stephens; a work which he had been long col bendary of Canterbury: and he transmitted his lecting from the best and purest Latin authors, papers to Salmasius; and Salmasius intrusted and continued at times almost to his dying day: them to the care of Alexander Morus, a French but his papers were left so confused and imperminister; and Morus published them with a dedi- fect, that they could not be fitted for the press, cation to King Charles II. in the name of Adrian though great use was made of them by the comUlac, the printer, from whence he came to be re- pilers of the Cambridge Dictionary, printed in puted the author of the whole. This Morus was 1693. These papers are said to have consisted the SOL of a learned Scotsman, who was president of three large volumes in folio; and it is a great of the college, which the Protestants had formerly pity that they are lost, and no account is given at Castres in Languedoc; and he is said to have what is become of the manuscript. It is commonly been a man of a most haughty disposition, and said too that at this time he began his famous

poem of Paradise Lost; and it is certain, that he his blindness, proceeded slower in business, anj was glad to be released from those controversies, had not yet put the articles of the treaty into Latin. which detained him so long from following things Upon which the ambassador was greatly surprised, nore agreeable to his natural genius and inclina-that things of such consequence should be ention, though he was far from ever repenting of his trusted to a blind man, for he must necessarily writings in defence of liberty, but gloried in them employ an amanuensis, and that amanuensis to the last. might divulge the articles; and said that it was very wnderful, that there should be only one man in England who could write Latin, and he a blind one. But his blindness had not diminished, but rather increased the vigour of his mind; and his state-letters will remain as authentic memorials of those times, to be admired equally by critics and politicians; and those particularly about the sufferings of the poor Protestants in Piedmont, who can read without sensible emotion? This was a subject he had very much at heart, as he was an utter enemy to all sorts of persecution; and among his sonnets there is a most excellent one upon the same occasion.

The only interruption now of his private studies was the business of his office. In 1655, there was published in Latin a writing in the name of the Lord Protector, setting forth the reasons of the war with Spain: and this piece is rightly adjudged to our author, both on account of the peculiar elegance of the style, and because it was his province to write such things as Latin secretary; and it is printed among his other prose works in the last edition. And for the same reasons I am inclined to think, that the famous Latin verses to Christina, Queen of Sweden, in the name of Cromwell, were made by our author ther than Andrew Marvel. In those days they had admi- But Oliver Cromwell being dead, and the gorable intelligence in the secretary's office; and vernment weak and unsettled in the hands of Ri. Mr. Philips relates a memorable instance or two chard and the Parliament, he thought it a season upon his own knowledge. The Dutch were send-able time to offer his advice again to the public; ing a plenipotentiary to England to treat of peace; and in 1659 published a Treatise of Civil Power but the emissaries of the government had the art in Ecclesiastical causes; and another tract entitled to procure a copy of his instructions in Holland, Considerations touching the likeliest Means to rewhich were delivered by Milton to his kinsman, move Hirelings out of the Church; both addressed who was then with him, to translate them for the to the Parliament of the commonwealth of Enguse of the Council, before the said plenipotentiary land. And after the parliament was dissolved, he had taken shipping for England; and an answer wrote a letter to some statesman, with whom he to all that he had in charge was prepared, and lay had a serious discourse the night before, concernready for him before he made his public entry into ing the ruptures of the commonwealth; and anoLondon. Another time a person came to London ther, as it is supposed, to General Monk, being a with a very sumptuous train, pretending himself brief delineation of a free commonwealth, easy to an agent from the Prince of Conde, who was then be put in practice, and without delay. These two in arms against Cardinal Mazarine: but the go- pieces were communicated in manuscript to Mr. vernment suspecting him, set their instruments to Toland by a friend who a little after Milton's work so successfully, that in a few days they re-death had them from his nephew; and Mr. Toceived intelligence from Paris, that he was a spy land gave them to be printed in the edition of our employed by Charles II.: whereupon the very author's prose-works in 1698. But Milton, still next morning Milton's kinsman was sent to him finding that affairs were every day tending more with an order of Council, commanding him to de- and more to the subversion of the commonwealth, part the kingdom within three days, or expect the and the restoration of the royal family, published punishment of a spy. This kinsman was in all his Ready and Easy Way to establish a Free Comprobability Mr. Philips or his brother, who were monwealth, and the excellence thereof, compared Milton's nephews, and lived very much with him, with the inconveniences and dangers of readmitand one or both of them were assistant to him in ting kingship in this nation. We are informed by his office. His blindness no doubt was a great Mr. Wood that he published this piece in Februhindrance and inconvenience to him in his busi- ary 1659-60; and after this he published Brief ness, though sometimes a political use might be Notes upon a late Sermon, entitled, The Fear of made of it; as men's natural infirmities are often God and the King, preached by Dr. Matthew pleaded in excuse for not doing what they have Griffith at Mercer's Chapel, March 25, 1660: so no great inclination to do. Thus when Crom- bold and resolute was he in declaring his sentiwell, as we may collect from Whitlock, for some ments to the last, thinking that his voice was the reasons delayed artfully to sign the treaty con- voice of expiring liberty.

cluded with Sweden, and the Swedish ambassa- A little before the King's ianding, he was s dor made frequent complaints of it, it was ex- charged from his office of Latin Secretary, and was cused to him, because Mr. Milton, on account of forced to leave his house in Petty France, where

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