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given it as their decided opinion that no human wisdom could have foreseen the result, nor any human aid prevented it.

Her dear remains were interred in the catholic cemetry of the parish of Freiwaldau, in Silesia, on Monday, October 24th. The Rev. Andreas Bathelt, a protestant clergyman, kindly came a distance of twenty English miles to officiate. "At ten o'clock in the morning," Mr. Stewart writes, "the friends met at our lodgings, where we sung a hymn, and I engaged in prayer, and spoke to those present on the sorrowful event. We then walked in solemn order to the grave; myself and wife, Mr. Smith and Mr. Ellis, as chief mourners, twenty-one English, and a number of the gentry of various nations, together with a crowd of peasants, formed the procession. The bier was borne by eight youths of Freiwaldau, uncovered, wearing white gloves, and a branch of rosemary in their hair, according to the custom of the country. No feathers waved over her simple coffin-three chaplets of flowers alone decorated it. Little did she think, when with delight she rambled among these luxuriant productions of the mountains, that they were shortly to accompany her to the tomb. At the grave, the pastor offered up a prayer, and gave an interesting plain address, easy to be understood, and likely to be profitable to the assembly. Those of us who stood more immediately near, cast with our own hands the first clod of that cold clay which claims kindred with mortality— then turned to wipe the big tear that gushed from many an eye, and left her to repose till the voice of our returning Saviour, and the trump of God shall wake her ashes to immortality and bliss."

From a review of her character, there is reason to believe that she was a disciple of Jesus, but secretly." I could never ascertain her state of mind from her own lips, for whenever I attempted to speak personally to her, she made no reply, and doubt about her safety cost me deep anxiety. But had I known what I have ascertained since her death, I could not have questioned that she was a child of God. Her naturally amiable disposition, her sound understanding, and great cheerfulness, won her many friends. "It was the privilege of few," writes her late preceptress, "to be as universally beloved as dear Selina;" and on this very account, I was more fearful lest the caresses of friends should draw her from decision for Christ. During Mr. Kirk's residence with us, she became the subject of deep convictions, and seemed to be near the kingdom of God. These were renewed during her abode at school. Her letters bear the marks of the deepest anxiety about her salvation-marks in which I trace the operations of the Spirit of God. One or two extracts will show this. "I do indeed long to become a Christian; I have prayed, I think I may say, earnestly and fervently for God's forgiveness, and for the renewing influences of his Holy Spirit; but still the heavens seem as brass. What shall I do? You say that this may be the turning point of my existence. I feel it may; and I have on my knees before God, told him that I would yield myself to his service; but I feel that I am not yet his. Jesus I know is willing-I think I am. What can I do for this hard heart? it will not submit to the Saviour. Oh! pray for me, that I who have been the child of so many prayers, may not be cast away at last." In another, after describing

a sacramental service here, with which she had been much affected, "she adds, "When shall I be among the people of God? Oh! my beloved friend, my heart is still unsubdued-still in alienation from its Redeemer. How great is his mercy, that I am not cut down as a cumberer of the ground! I began my duties in the Sunday school this morning, though I do not see how I can conscientiously endeavour to impress upon others those truths which I neglect myself. Oh! I fear lest my anxiety about my soul should pass away as the morning cloud, or as the early dew! I often regret that I could not talk to you on religious topics. I made several resolutions to do so, but the moment I saw you, my lips seemed sealed, and I could say nothing. Is it not strange that we should be unable to communicate that which we most wish ?"

Few would view such feelings in any other light than the fruits of the teaching of the Spirit of God: but jealousy lest she should deceive herself, and fear lest she should lower the standard of Christian excellence, would not permit her to conclude that she had any part or lot in the salvation of Christ. Circumstances, however, have brought to light many traits of Christian character and conduct, which justify the statement of Mr. Stewart, that they could not be the offspring of mere nature. I will mention a few.

Immediately after we left her at Gräfenberg, she accompanied a lady, a beloved friend, on a tour, to see the beauties of the neighbourhood, for nearly a fortnight. This lady, after her death, sent over a request to us to allow her to have Selina's Bible, as a memorial of her, stating that the book had become precious to her, and completely associated with her memory, because it

was the only volume Selina took with her on the journey, which, at all suitable opportunities, she found her reading. This is more gratifying, as a friend had presented her with a volume of Byron's best pieces, the beauties of which she was capable of relishing in a high degree, but the book was left at home, and never touched by her afterwards. Her dear mamma, jealous over her with a godly jealousy, and fearful that her reading of the Scriptures had not been so regular at Gräfenberg, wrote to her on the subject: her reply was, "Though I have avoided reading the Scriptures in your presence, I can most conscientiously say, before God, not a day has passed over without perusing the book of God in secret, with prayer."

Her love to the people of God was also evidenced in a remarkable manner. I believe it would have been a greater pleasure to her for me to invite missionaries or devoted Christians to our house, that she might listen to their conversation, than an offer to see any exhibition, or to give her any temporal gratification. During the anniversaries of the great religious societies of the metropolis, and especially of the London Missionary Society, she would earnestly remind me to bring home from Exeter Hall as many as possible of those self-denying labourers, who had carried the gospel to the heathen. On one occasion, when at a friend's house, she met two gentlemen from America, one of whom, before others, and in a way not likely to gain the affections of a young person, addressed her on the concerns of her soul. When we returned home, she said, "Dear papa, I wish you would invite those gentlemen to come and stay with us." Expecting that her powers of mimicry had had great

occasion for exercise, I expressed my astonishment at her request, and stated, that I was sorry the good man had made his appeal to her in so coarse and ludicrous a manner: but she instantly replied, "Oh! that is nothing to me; he is a man of God, and tried to do me good, and I should like them to stay with us very much."

It appears, also, that on no occasion, however fatigued or suffering, would she retire to rest without communion with God. "Oft," says Mr. Stewart, "did she entreat me to pray for her, and my wife to read precious portions of Scripture to her. We could not give her greater delight than to be so engaged. She appeared in this, as in all her conduct, to act from principle, believing its value and importance to her eternal interests."

She mentions in one of her letters her unfitness for Sunday-school teaching. A friend on one occasion overheard her addressing her class, and knowing our anxiety about her spiritual state, was induced to listen more attentively. She after

wards told us how interested and struck she was with the spiritual and affectionate appeals which Selina made to the hearts of her young charge, and the concern she manifested for their salvation. Knowing that her remarkable sincerity of character, and abhorrence of hypocrisy, would lead her to utter that only which she really believed, we could not help receiving this intelligence as an omen that we should soon see her in association with the Church of Christ.

These traits in her conduct, which have been elicited by circumstances, have put hope and joy into a father's heart; and I cannot but conclude, in the sentiments of a friend who had most enlarged opportunities of knowing her character, and with whom she was in the habit of frequent

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