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they appear in the Synagogues? For if Chriftians have the Old Teftament from the Jewish Synagogues, no Reafon can poffibly be given why they fhould not take them as they there ftand. It must indeed be conceded, that there is no Evidence for ascertaining the Books or Number of Books that make up the Old Testament, if the Authority of the Jewish Synagogues is no proper Authority to rely on in this Matter.

So the Vowel Points and Accents, not being found in the Rolls preserved in the Jewish Synagogues, I without further Hefitation difcarded them out of the Scriptures.

I ALSO foon came to understand that the Rules laid down by Grammarians, were in no meafure to be depended upon; that another Conftruction or Arrangement of Words was quite as confiftent with the Genius of this Tongue, and agreeable to the Nature of Language in general: And upon Application of this Method of Conftruction to thofe Texts, that juftly may


be ftiled the Cruces Theologorum, difcovered that the Original thus viewed contained no Propofition that was falfe, blafphemous, or fhocking to common Senfe.

ALL this I apprehend to be confiftent with our Saviour's Command to search the Scriptures themselves; which is an exprefs Prohibition to rely upon the traditionary Meaning then given to the Sacred Writings by the Rabbins, and now patronized by the modern Grammarians and Lexicographers.

THERE being in this Language but about a thousand radical or original Words, from which the reft are deriv'd, and upon which they of confequence depend for their Meaning, or the Idea they convey; there feemed to me no Method fo certain for coming at the true Sense of the Sacred Writings, as to keep this perpetually in view, and mix with the traditionary Meaning of the Word a true Notice of that Idea, which its Radix was originally intended to convey. By which means, I hope, not only to arrive at the bare gramma


tical Meaning of the Scriptures, but also to enter into the true Senfe and Spirit of each Book.

My Defign in this Performance being to give the true Senfe of the Scriptures from the original Letter; I could not avoid tranflating the Word Gods, according to its certain original Meaning.

THE Common Argument for taking it, when meaning the true God, to be a fingular Word (viz. that it, when fo meaning, is always put before Verbs in the Singular Number) is both falfe and inconclufive.

IT is falfe; for there are many Places in Scripture where this Word, when certainly meaning the true God, and fo tranflated by all Expofitors, is placed before Plural Verbs, as in Gen. ch. xxxi. v. 7. and xxxv. v. 7, &c.

BESIDES, there are many Places in Scripture where this Word, when understood to mean the falfe Gods worshipped by the Heathens, is used as a Nominative to Singular Verbs. Again,

THIS Argument concludes nothing, because in this Language Plural Nouns, when placed as Nominatives to Singular Verbs, do yet retain their true and plural Signification, as in Gen. ch. xlix. v. 22. I DON'T intend here to juftify to your GRACE every Deviation I have made from the common Road, but only fhew you by one Inftance chofen out of many, how ready moft People are who learn this Language to reft content with the falfe Notions at firft inftilled into them by their Teachers.

MANY learned Men have indeed complained of the Imperfections discoverable in all the vulgar Tranflations; but none of them have offered the World an exact Verfion of the whole Scriptures: They having satisfied themfelves with giving now and then an Explanation of fome of the most obviously false Texts.

WHETHER political Views reftrain'd them from this, or a well-grounded Diffidence of the Impartiality of the World, which they might fuppofe would im


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mediately condemn the Labours of private Men, that caft any Reflection upon publickly authorized Tranflations fupported by fuch a Cloud of Interpreters, I fhall not take upon me to determine: But this much feems certain, that a Tranflation of the Scriptures from the Hebrew Letter is yet wanted, and deferves fome Regard from the learned World, that these antient Records may be rescued from many Accufations with which they may too juftly be charged at present.


I am,

May it please your GRACE,
Your GRACE's moft Obedient,

Humble Servant,


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