supposed, this Coin of my Lord's will be another Instance. But then, Sir, the Observation will not be greatly invalidated by that, fince there are so few Examples of it, even with this Coin of my Lord's included. I am, Sir, Your most obedient, Humble Servant, Whittington, ON. 15,1755. SAMUEL PEGGE. FINIS. Lately published, by J. WHISTON and B. WHITE, (Price Eighteen Shillings neatly bound) I. TABLES of Ancient COINS, WEIGHTS, and MEASURES, explained and exemplified in several Dissertations. By JOHN ARBUTHNOT, M. D. Fellow of the Royal Society and of the College of Physicians. To which is added, An APPENDIX, containing Observations on Dr. Arbuthnot's Differtations on Coins, Weights, and Measures. By BENJAMIN LANGWITH, D. D. II. A DISSERTATION upon ORIUNA, said to be Empress, or Queen of England, the supposed Wife of CARAUSIUS, Monarch and Emperor of Britain, who reigned in the Time of Diocletian, the great Perfecutor of Christians; whom he was at War with for many Years, until received as Collegue with him in the Roman Empire. Illustrated with the Coin of ORIUNA, and several others most remarkable of CARAUSIUS, hitherto not made public; this Coin of her's being lately Sent to France to his Most Christian Majesty. Price 2s. 6d. few'd. OR, DISCOURSES . ON ANTIQUITIES IN BRITAIN. NUMBER I. Origines Roystoniane, or, an account of the Oratory of By WILLIAM STUKELEY, Rector of -Superasque evadere ad auras, Hic labor, hoc opus est. LONDON: Virgil. Printed for R. MANBY, on Ludgate-Hill, over-againft |