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" ... wears the same garter and motto as those of the noble Order of St George in England. Upon the whole, he has a melancholy, mortified appearance. "
London Review of English and Foreign Literature - Page 347
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The London Magazine, Or, Gentleman's Monthly Intelligencer, Volume 45

English essays - 1776 - 772 pages
...with a broad gold lace ; lie wears the blue ribband outfide of his coat, from which depends a cameo (antique) as large as the palm of my hand ; and wears...a melancholic, mortified appearance. Two gentlemen conftantly attend him; they are of Irilli extraction, and Roman Catholics you may be fore. This evening,...
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Annual Register, Volume 19

Edmund Burke - History - 1779 - 754 pages
...with a broad gold lace ; he wears the blue ribband outfide of his coat, from which depends a cameo (antique) as large as the palm of my hand ; and wears...order of St. George in England : upon the whole, he i.-as a melancholic, mortified appearance. Two gentlemen conftantly attend him ; they are of Irilh...
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The Annual Register, Or, A View of the History, Politics, and Literature for ...

History - 1788 - 642 pages
...with a broad gold lace ; he wears the blue ribband outfide of his coat, from which depends a cameo (antique) as large as the palm of my hand ; and Wears the fame garter and motto as theft,- of the noble order of St. George in England: upon the whole, he has a melancholic, mortified...
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Annual Register, Volume 19

Edmund Burke - History - 1788 - 642 pages
...broad gold lace ; he wears the blue ribband outfide of his coat, from which depends a cameo (afitique) as large as the palm of my hand ; and wears the fame girter and motto as thofe of the noble order of St. George in England : upon the whole, he has a melancholic,...
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History of England from the Peace of Utrecht to the Peace of Aix-la-Chaoelle ...

Philip Henry Stanhope (5th earl.) - 1838 - 672 pages large as the palm of my hand ; and he wears " the same garter and motto as those of the no" ble order of St. George in England. Upon the " whole, he has a melancholy, mortified appearance. " Two gentlemen constantly attend him ; they are » Dr. King's Anecdotes,...
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History of England from the Peace of Utrecht to the Peace of ..., Volume 3

Earl Philip Henry Stanhope Stanhope - Great Britain - 1838 - 680 pages large as the palm of my hand ; and he wears " the same garter and motto as those of the no" ble order of St. George in England. Upon the " whole, he has a melancholy, mortified appearance. " Two gentlemen constantly attend him ; they are * Dr. King's Anecdotes,...
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The Quarterly Review, Volume 63

English literature - 1839 - 602 pages
...a cameo, antique, as large as the palm of my hand ; and he wears the same garter and motto as those of the noble order of St. George in England. Upon the whole, he has a melancholy, mortified appearance. Two gentlemen constantly attend him ; they are uf Irish extraction,...
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The Aldine Magazine of Biography, Bibliography, Criticism, and the ..., Volume 1

1839 - 366 pages
...a cameo, antique, as large as the palm of my hand ; and he wears the same garter and motto as those of the noble order of St. George in England. Upon the whole, he has a melancholy, mortified appearance. Two gentlemen constantly attend him; they are of Irish extraction,...
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History of England: From the Peace of Utrecht to the Peace of Aix ..., Volume 2

Earl Philip Henry Stanhope Stanhope - 1841 - 462 pages
...cameo, antique, as large as the palm of " my hand ; and he wears the same garter and motto as those of " the noble order of St. George in England. Upon the whole, he • (1) Dr. King's AnocdotP*, p. 207. " has a melancholy, mortified appearance. Two gentlemen con-<...
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The Spottiswoode Miscellany: A Collection of Original Papers and ..., Volume 1

James Maidment - Scotland - 1844 - 652 pages
...depends a cnm*o (antique,) as large as the palm of my hand ; and wears the same Garter and motto as those of the Noble Order of St George in England. Upon the whole he has a melancholike mortified appearance. Two gentlemen constantly attend him. They are of Irish extraction,...
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