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refolve; fo that the Order of Proportion be strictly obferved, both in the Choice of the Council and the refpective Committees thereof, viz, for one third to go off and come in yearly.


That from and after the Death of this present Governor, the provincial Council fhall, together with the fucceeding Governor, erect from Time to Time, ftanding Courts of Juftice, in fuch Places and Number, as they fhall judge convenient for the good Government of the faid Province and Territories thereof; and that the provincial Council fhall, on the thirteenth Day of the Second Month then next enfuing, elect and prefent to the Governor, or his Deputy, a double Number of Perfons, to ferve for Judges, Treasurers, and Masters of the Rolls, within the faid Province and Territories, to continue fo long as they fhall well behave themfelves in thofe Capacities refpectively; and the Freemen of the faid Province, in an Affembly met on the thirteenth Day of the third Month, yearly, fhall elect, and then present to the Governor, or his Deputy, a double Number of Persons to serve for Sheriffs, Juftices of the Peace and Coroners, for the Year next enfuing; out of which refpective Elections and Prefentments, the Governor or his Deputy, fhall nominate and commiffionate the proper Number for each Office, the third Day after the faid refpective Presentments; or else the first named in fuch Prefentment for each Office as aforefaid, fhall ftand and ferve in that Office, the Time before refpectively limitted; and in Case of Death or Default, fuch Vacancy fhall be fupplied by the Governor and provincial Council in Manner aforefaid.

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That the Affembly fhall continue fo long as may be needful, to impeach Criminals fit to be there impeached, to pafs fuch Bills into Laws as are proposed to them, which they fhall think fit to pafs into Laws; and till fuch Time as the Governor and provincial Council fhall declare, That they have nothing further to propofe unto them for their Affent and Approbation; and that Declaration fhall be a Difmifs to the Affembly for that Time; which Affembly fhall be notwithstanding, capable of affembling together, upon the Summons of the Governor and provincial Council, at any Time during that Year, if the Governor and provincial Council fhall fee Occafion for their fo Affembling. XVIII.

That all the Elections of Members or Reprefentatives of the People to ferve in provincial Council and Affembly, and all Queftions to be determined by both or either of them, that relate to Choice of Officers, and all or any other perfonal Matters, fhall be refolved or determined by the Ballet; and all Things relating to the preparing and paffing Bills into Laws, fhall be openly declared and refolved by the Vote.


That at all Times when the Proprietary and Governor fhall happen to be an Infant, and under the Age of one and twenty Years, and no Guardians or Commiffioners are appointed in Writing, by the Father of the faid Infant, or that fuch Guardian fhall be deceased, that during fuch Minority, the provincial Council fhall, from Time to Time, as they fhall fee meet, conftitute and appoint Guardians and Commiffioners, not exceeding three, one of which fhall prefide as Deputy and chief Guardian during such Minority, and fhall have and execute, with the Confent of one of the other two,


all the Power of a Governor, in all publick Affairs and Concerns of the faid Province and Territories thereof, according to Charter; which faid Guardian fo appointed, fhall alfo have the Care and Overfight of the Eftate of the faid Minor, and be yearly accountable and refponfible for the fame to the provincial Council, and the provincial Council to the Minor, when of Age, or to the next Heir, in cafe of the Minor's Death, for the Truft before expreffed.


That as often as any Days of the Month mentioned in any Article of this Charter, fhall fall upon the first Day of the Week, commonly called the Lord's-Day, the Business appointed for that Day shall be deferred until the next Day, unless in Cafes of Emergency.


And for the Satisfaction and Encouragement of all Aliens, I do give and grant, that if any Alien, who is or fhall be a Purchafer, or who doth or fhall inhabit in this Province or Territories thereof, fhall decease at any Time before he can well be naturalized, his Right and Intereft therein shall notwithstanding defcend to his Wife and Children, or other his Relations, be he Teftate or Inteftate, according to the Laws of this Province and Territories thereof in fuch Cafes provided, in as free and ample Manner, to all Intents and Purposes, as if the faid Alien had been naturalized.


And that the Inhabitants of this Province and Territories thereof, may be accommodated with fuch Food and Suftenance, as God in his. Providence hath freely afforded, I do alfo further grant to the Inhabitants of this Province and Territories thereof, Liberty to fowl and hunt upon the Lands they hold, and all other Lands therein not enclofed ; and to fish in all Waters in the faid Lands, and in

all Rivers and Rivulets in and belonging to this Province and Territories thereof, with Liberty to draw his or their Fish on fhore on any Man's Lands, fo as it be not to the Detriment or Annoyance of the Owner thereof, except fuch Lands as do lie upon Inland Rivulets that are not Boatable, or which are or may behere after erected into Manors. XXIII.

And that all the Inhabitants of this Province and Territories thereof, whether Purchafers or others, may have the laft worldly Pledge of my good and kind Intentions to them and theirs, I do give, grant, and confirm to all, and every one of them, full and quiet Poffeffion of their respective Lands, to which they have any lawful or equitable Claim, faving only fuch Rents and Services for the fame as are or customarily ought to be referved to me, my Heirs or Affigns.


That no Act, Law or Ordinance whatsoever, fhall at any Time hereafter be made or done by the Proprietary and Governor of this Province and Territories thereunto belonging, his Heirs or Affigns, or by the Freemen in provincial Council or Aflembly, to alter, change, or diminish, the Form or Effect of this Charter, or any Part or Claufe thereof, contrary to the true Intent and Meaning thereof, without the Confent of the Proprietary and Governor, his Heirs or Affigns, and fix Parts of Seven of the faid Freemen in provincial Council and Affembly met.


And Laftly, I, the faid William Penn, Proprietary and Governor of the Province of Pennsylvania and Territories thereunto belonging, for me, my Heirs and Affigns, have folemnly declared, granted, confirmed, and do hereby folemnly declare, grant and confirm, that neither I, nor my Heirs nor Affigns,


fhall procure or do any Thing or Things, whereby the Liberties in this Charter contained and expreffed, fhall be infringed or broken: And if any Thing be procured by any Perfon or Perfons, contrary to these Premiffes, it fhall be held of no Force or Effect. In Witness whereof, I, the faid William Penn, at Philadelphia in Pennsylvania, have unto this present Charter of Liberties fet my Hand and Broad Seal, this fecond Day of the fecond Month, in the Year of our Lord One Thoufand fix Hundred Eighty and Three, being the five-and-thirtieth Year of the King, and the third Year of my Govern



This within Charter, which we have diftinctly beard read, and thankfully received, shall be by us inviolably kept; at Philadelphia, the fecond Day of the fecond Month, One Thousand fix Hundred Eighty and Three.

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