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Genius, Guardian, 183, &c.

Gorboducke, a play, 62, n.

Gothick chivalry, 21, &c. See Englishmen.

Government, popular, its influence on arts and sciences, B. I.
Sect. XV.

Grave writers, 97, 98. Gravity and humour blended in the
greatest characters, ibid.

Greek writers, their excellency, 124.
improvement of taft, B. II. Sect. I.

The only models for

How fo many came

to be deftroyed, 18, 19, & n. Ancient Greek language,
what? 364. How written in Homer's time, 175, n.
GREGORY the Great, burnt the Palatine library, 18.

Hand, for power, 224.

Haver, Having, 321.


Hell, variety of torments there, 218, &c.


HESYCHIUS, illuftrated, 216.

Hieronymo, or the Spanish tragedy, a play ridiculed by

Shakespeare and Johnson, 284.

High and low life, 86.

HOBBES, noted, 84.

HOMER, a Specimen of the manner in which his poem was
anciently writ,175, n.

An Account of his editor Ariftarchus, 132, 133,

220, 221, n.

Paffages explained, 48, n. 224, 225, n. 237.
corrected, 43, 44, n. 219, 220, n.

Honesty, whether requifite in a poet, B. I. Sect. XI. 130.
HORACE, his character, 124, n.

A flatterer of Oltavius, 124.

Dwells too long on the fatyric drama, 101, n.
Paffages illuftrated, 25, 26, n. 307.


HORACE, explained and defended, 89, & n. 108, 109, & n.

Some of his odes corrected and explained, 165, 166,
167, 168.

Hofpitality, facred, 31, n.

Human nature, 68, 69.

corrected, 194.

Humour and gravity, seldom found mixed in the fame cha-

racter, 97.


JAMES, firft, king, complemented by Shakespeare, 39.
Jealoufy, B. I. Sect. VII.

In, in compofition, 305, 306.

Inspiration, poetical, 4, & n.

Interesting subjects of poetry, what? 31, 46, 69.
JOHN, St. explained, 352.

JOHNSON, Ben. his Mafque at Whitehall, 38, n.

Every man in his humour, explained, 63, 64, n.


Every man out of his humour, explained, 64, 135
136, n. 147, n.

Volpone, illuftrated, 81, 82.

corrected, 405.

corrected 65, 112, n.

Cynthia's Revels, explained, 147, n.
Silent Woman, corrected, 185, n. 197.

explained, 307, n.

Alchymift, explained, 289, n. 395-

The Devil's an Afs, corrected and explained, 394-
In his poems, explained, 149, n.

Catiline, corrected, 405, 406.

Heretio fyllabarum, 408, &c. See Alliteration.
JULIAN, his Caefars explained, 120, 121, n. Corrected,
153, n. Explained and corrected, 279, 280.

Ee 3



Καλαιβάτας θεός, 223.

Κήριναι υπολήψεις, 32.

Knight-errantry. See Chivalry.


LABERIUS, bis mimes, 101, n.

Ladies, the upper-hand given them, and allowed to wear
fine cloaths, for what reafon, 72, n.
Lovers of finery,

71, 72, n. Nature of fine Ladies, 29. 30.

Latin ftage writers, 122, 130. Latin authors, 130, 131.
Liberty, its influence on literature, B. I. Sect. XV. On
dramatic poetry, 98, 99, 122.

LONGINUS, noted, 83, n. Corrected, 255, 256.

Love, a comic paffion, 7, & n. Love and honor, ibid.
LUCRETIUS explained, xxvi.

Ludere, meaning of the word, 307.

Lyes, how neceffary in poetry, 23, & n. Probable lyes bet-
ter than improbable truths, 27, n.


Machines, poctic, 44, 45, n.

Magic, poetic, 97.

To make, a maker, a poet, 135, & n.

Man, character of man in general, 68, 69.

Man-fcience, 69.

Manners, poetic, B. I. Sect. X.

MARTIAL, explained, 139.

Marvellous, fee Admiration.

Malk, an account of the ancient, 103, 104.

MAXIMUS TYRIUS, explained and corrected, 271, 272.

Meiofis, a figure used by Shakespeare, 149.

Men of wit, 97, 98.

MENANDER, bis rife and character, 120, 121. How his

plays came to be defroyed, 19,
Metaphors, mixed, 397, 398.

& n.


MILTON, Spencer and Shakespeare his originals, 365. Bor-
rows from Shakespeare, 411, 412.

Often repeats the same letter, 267, 268.
Fingling terminations, whether to be found in his
Paradife Loft, 391.

His broken verfes, how artful, 366, &c.
His character of the Devil, 66, 67.

A fine inftance of the fuitableness of character
in Eve, 70.

Tincture of Vanity in Eve, bow finely and ten-
derly touched, 72, n.

The Paradife Loft, how far a picture of his.
own times, 140, &c.

Paffages illuftrated, 96, & n. 141, 142, 143,
218, 264, n. 401, 402, 411, 412.
-explained, 152, & n. 189, 190, & n. 217,
237, & n. 308, 309, 313, n. 337, 349,
390, 397, 401, 402, 411, 412.

Defended and explained, 158, & n.

xxviii, &c.

227, 228,

334, 337, 338, n. 343, 344, 355, 359,
366, n.

Corrected and explained, 198, 202, 230, 402,

A better reading proposed, 152, 153.

Samfon Agonistes, 144. Corrected, 407, 408.
In his fonnets corrected, 408.

Mifanthrope, 68, 69.

Mocker, 397.

Models, for taft, 130, 131.

Monofyllables, frequent in the ancient Greek language, 364.
Monftrous characters, how far allowable in poetry, 67.
Moral painting in poetry, 84.

Moralities, 99, & n.

[blocks in formation]

MURETUS, how far be impofed on Scaliger, 290. Plato's.

and Cicero's opinion of them, ibid.

Myfteries, 99, & n.


Nature and truth to be ftudied, not fashion and cuftom, 86,

385, 386. Human nature, 68, 69.

Natural character, 30, 31, 68, 69.

Nepenthe, 42, n.

Notion, 229.


OCTAVIUS, his character, 75, 76, 122.

Ομοιοτέλευτα, 12, n. See Rimes.

OVID, In Metamorp. corrected, 155, 156, n. 305, 306, n.

[blocks in formation]

Amor, corrected and explained, 190, 191.

Art. Amat. explained, 307, n.


Palatine library, burnt, 18, n.

Παράβασις, 119, n.

Parodies, 120, n.

Пagóμosov, a figure ridiculed in Shakespeare, 268. See Al-


Phallic, 110, & n.

Quilaola, a fine inftance of that figure, 36, & n.

PHILEMON, corrected, 290, n.

PIERS PLOWMAN, cited, 410.

PLATO, his opinion of mufic, 17. His opinion of human
nature, 68, 69. His great art in the suitableness

of character, 70.

His Gorgias explained, 114, 115, 263, 264.

Io cited, 4, n.

Symposium explained, 98, 263.


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