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On a Life of Diffipation and Pleasure.

PROVERBS, xiv. 13.

Even in laughter the heart is forrowful; and the end of that mirth is heaviness.


PAINS and forrows occur fo frequently SERM, in human life, that it is not furprising that the multitude of men fhould eagerly court scenes of pleasure and joy. It is natural to seek relief from our cares by whatever promises to fubftitute hours of gladness in the place of anxiety and trouble. But we have much reafon to beware, left a rash or unwary pursuit of pleasure defeat its end, left the attempt to carry pleafure too far, tend, in the iffue, to fink us into mifery. There is a way, fays the wife man in the verse preceding the text, which Seemeth

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SER M. feemeth right unto a man; but the end thereof


are the ways of death. There is a certain course of life which a man may have chosen to adopt, as leading to gladness and enjoyment; but which he fhall find at last to be deftructive of his happinefs; for all is not real gladnefs, which has the appearance of being such. There is a laughter, in the midft of which the heart is forrowful; and a mirth, the end whereof is heaviness.

From ferious admonitions of this kind given in Scripture, it would be very unjust to infer, that religion is an enemy to all mirth and gaiety. It circumfcribes our enjoyments, indeed, within the bounds of temperance; but as far as this facred limit permits, it gives free scope to all the gratifications of life. It even heightens their relish to a virtuous man. It enlivens his cheerfulness, and allows him to enjoy with fatisfaction all that prosperity affords him. The text is applicable only to that set of men to whom temperance is no restraint; who propofe to themselves the unlimited enjoyment of amufement and pleasure in all their forms, as the fole object and bufinefs of life.



Such perfons, too frequently to be met SERM. with in the age wherein we live, have utterly mistaken the nature and condition. of man. From the participation of pleafure, as I just now obferved, he is far from being excluded.

But let him remember

that a mediocrity only of enjoyment is allowed him, for his portion on earth. He is placed in a world, where, whatever his rank or ftation be, a certain part is allotted him to act; there are duties which are required of him; there are serious cares which muft employ his mind, how to perform properly the various offices of life, and to fill up the place which belongs to him in fociety. He who, laying afide all thoughts and cares of this kind, finding himself in the poffeffion of eafy or affluent fortune, and in the bloom of life, fays within himself, "What have I to do, "but to feek out every pleasure and amuse"ment which the world can afford me? "Let others toil in the common walks of "life, who have to make their fortunes by "fober and dull application. But to me "labour is fuperfluous, the world is open. "Wherever amufement invites, or pleasure


SERM " calls, there I go. By paffing my days "and nights in whatever can entertain


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my fancy or gratify my fenfes, life fhall,

to me, be rendered delightful."-He, I fay, who thinks thus, vainly endeavours to counteract the intention of nature, and the decree of Providence. He attempts to render his flate on earth, what it was never defigned to be. He might as well expect that the phyfical laws of nature should be altered on his account; and that inftead of being confined to walk like ordinary men on the ground, he fhould obtain the privilege of treading on the air, as expect to enjoy a ftate of perpetual pleasure, by devoting himself to pleasure wholly, and setting afide all the ferious cares and duties of life. Troubles, he may be well affured, are prepared for him, and await him. Where he expected fatisfaction, he fhall meet with difappointment; and in him fhall be verified the faying in the text, that even in laughter the heart is forrowful; and the end of that mirth is heaviness.

But left, to perfons of this defcription, fuch general reafoning, from the eftablished conftitution of Providence, may not be fatis



factory, I proceed to show them how clearly s ERM. it is confirmed by facts. For this purpose let us obferve,

IN the first place, the obvious confequences of a life of pleasure and diffipation, to health, fortune, and character. To each

of these, it is an enemy, precisely according to the degree to which it is carried.Character is foon affected by it. As the man of diffipation often makes his appearance in public, his courfe is marked, and his character is quickly decided by general opinion, according to the line which he is observed to pursue. By frivolity and levity, he dwindles into infignificance. By vicious exceffes, or criminal pleasures, he incurs difapprobation or contempt. The fair prospects which his friends had once entertained of him die away, in proportion as his idleness or extravagance grows; and the only hope which remains is, that fome fortunate incident may occur to check his career, and reclaim him to a better mind. In the mean time, the refpectable and the grave fmile at his follies, and avoid his company. In the midft of fome fashionable affemblies


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