Longworth's American Almanack, New-York Register, and City Directory: for the ... Year of American IndependencePrinted and published ... by David Longworth., 1808 - Almanacs, American |
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Longworth's American Almanack, New-York Register, and City Directory: for ... No preview available - 1842 |
Common terms and phrases
Abraham Alexander Andrew Anthony attorney Augustus baker Bancker Barclay Barley Bayard Beaver Bedlow Beekman Benjamin boardinghouse bookbinder Bowery brewer Broad Broadway Broome Brown Budd butcher cabinetmaker carpenter cartman Catherine Cedar Chamber Chapel Charles Charlotte Chatham Cheapside Cherry Cherry Smith Church cooper Cornelius corner Cortlandt Daniel David Divifion Division Edward Elizabeth Ferry fhipmafter Fly-market fmith Francis Frankfort Front fruiter George Gold Grand Greenwich grocer Harman hatter Henry Hester Hudson Ifaac Isaac Jacob James John Johnfon Joseph laborer Lawrence Leonard Lewis Liberty Lombard Lumber mafon Maiden-lane mantuamaker mariner mariner 9 marthal mason Mathew merchant merchant-tailor Michael Moore Mott Mulberry Murray Nassau Oliver Orange Orange corner Orchard painter Patrick Pearl Peter Pine Pump rear Reed Richard rigger Robert Robinfon Roosevelt Rutger sailmaker Samuel Sarah shipmaster shipwright shoemaker Smith South Spring Stephen tailor tavern teacher Thomas upper end Vandewater Vesey Wall Warren Washington Water widow Mary William