Home is where We Start from: Essays by a PsychoanalystHis ideas have influenced the diverse psychoanalytic schools of Anna Freud, Melanie Klein, and Hans Kohut. But his reach extends far beyond professional circles: his talks to general audiences over the years won him enormous numbers of followers among parents and teachers who have found his observations rich in penetrating insight. This collection brings together many of Winnicott's most important pieces, including previously unpublished talks and several essays from books and journals now difficult to obtain. They range widely in topic--from "The Concept of a Healthy Individual" and "The Value of Depression" to "Delinquency as a Sign of Hope"--and elucidate some of Winnicott's seminal ideas, such as the "transitional object" and the concept of false self. All convey Winnicott's vision of the ways in which the developing self interacts with the family and the larger society. |
Preface | 9 |
The Concept of a Healthy Individual 21 22 323 | 21 |
Living Creatively | 35 |
Am | 55 |
The Concept of the False Self | 65 |
The Value of Depression | 71 |
Aggression Guilt and Reparation | 80 |
Delinquency as a Sign of Hope | 90 |
Children Learning | 142 |
Adolescent Immaturity | 150 |
Thinking and the Unconscious | 169 |
The Pill and the Moon | 195 |
Discussion of War Aims | 210 |
Berlin Walls | 221 |
Freedom | 228 |
Some Thoughts on the Meaning of the Word | 239 |
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Home is where We Start from: Essays by a Psychoanalyst Donald Woods Winnicott,D. W. Winnicott No preview available - 1990 |
Common terms and phrases
able achievement adaptation adolescent adult analyst antisocial tendency baby become beginning behaviour belongs Berlin Wall boy or girl capacity care-cure child clinical concept creative living D. W. Winnicott defences democracy dependence depressed mood depression deprivation destructive difficult doctor Donald Winnicott dream dynamic psychology Ego Psychology emotional development existence experience facilitating environment fact father fear feminism freedom Freud give good-enough growth happens hate human human reliability hypomania idea immature impulse individual individual's infant inner psychic reality interpersonal relationships kind look male marriage matter maturity means mental monarchy mother nature object parents patient perhaps Pill play political primitive loving problem psychiatric psycho psychotherapy puberty reached Reality Principle reduplicated relation relationship responsibility schizoid schizophrenia sense of guilt social society someone stage talk theory thing tolerate treatment whole Winnicott woman word