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O, would oblivion rise, and cloud

Thy memory for ever,

'Tis o'er, and thou shalt ne'er again,
While o'er life's desart roaming,

To quell the thought that swells so proud, Be bound by the alluring chain
Of fair, deluding woman.

The springs of life to sever.

G. F.


CRITICISM.-A country fellow being asked to give his opinion of a volume of poems, which an acquaintance of his own had published, seemed rather backward in complying with the request, at last he was asked what he thought of them, when he compared them with any other poems which he had read, he replied, I dinna ken, but he doesna say diel like Burns at a.'

men in disguise, or if not, which is the man?'

IGNORANCE OF FEAR.-A child of one of the crew of his Majesty's ship Peacock, during the action with the United States vessel, Hornet, amused himself with chasing a goat between decks. Not in the least terrified by destruction and death all around him, he persisted, till a cannon ball came and took off both the hind legs of the goat, LANGUAGE. A clergyman who now presides over a small parish in the High-tride her, crying, Now I've caught you.' when seeing her disabled, he jumped aslands of Scotland, on being asked by a

friend what language he thought most ex- CURIOUS HANDBILL.-B--Y, mercer pressive, replied, had I to command an and sea-draper, High-street, IIull. Sailarmy, I would speak Latin; had I a mis-ors rigged complete from stem to stern, tress to woo, French or Italian; but if I viz. chapeau, mapeau, flying-gib, and had Deity to adore, it would be in Gaelic.

SOPHISTRY.-A gentleman called one day in autumn on a friend, who possessed more wit than what commonly falls to the share of the many, the day being uncommonly warm, he was surprised to see a very large fire burning, and his friend perspiring at every pore, bless me Jam very sure there is no need for a fire in a day like this, you are mistaken,' he replied,in such days as this, we best feel the effects of a good fire, were it a very cold day in winter, we would scarcely know we had one on.


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flesh-jack; inner pea, outer pea, and cord defender; rudder-case and service to the same, up-traders, down-traders, fore-shoes, lacings, gaskets, &c. &c.

With canvas bags,

To hold your cags,
And chests to sit upon;

Clasp knives, your meat
To cut and eat,

When ship does lay along.


tish sailors had always been accustomed to drink their allowance of brandy or rum clear, till Admiral Vernon ordered those under his command to mix it with water. The innovation gave great offence to the sailors, and for a time rendered the commander very unpopular among them.The admiral at that time wore a grogram coat, for which reason they nick-named him Old Grog,' &c. Hence by degrees, the mixed liquor he constrained them to drink, universally obtained among them the name of grog.

Susan!' said an

ELOPEMENT.-A dandy, who recently A GENUINE BULL. underwent the fatigue of an excursion to Irish footman the other day to his fellowScotland with an heiress, in the hurry of servant, what are the bells ringing for such affairs, took his bride before the priest again!' In honour of the Duke of in a riding-coat. Before proceeding with York's birth-day, Mr. Murphy. Be aisy his brief ceremony, the wag looked atten- now,' rejoined the Hibernian, none of tively at the parties, and said, But, to your blarney-sure, 'twas the Prince Reprevent any mistakes hereafter, tell me, gents on Tuesday, and how can it be his without prevarication, if ye are both wo-brother's to-day, unless indeed they were



We take the present opportunity of presenting our very warmest thanks to our large circle of contributors, our numerous subscribers, and to a seemingly gratified public, for putting us in possession of the necessary ways and means to proceed in our undertaking. Since the task of editing the Melange fell into our hands, we have strenuously endeavoured to merit the support and countenance of those, who at a former period, felt an interest in its suceess, by doing every thing in our power to make it interesting. We have culled liberally, and, we hope, judiciously from the various sweets which have been presented to us, whether original or select, and the encouragement we have lately met with, warrants us in believing, that our industry and care have both been duly appreciated: as one proof of this, our contributors have so increased, that we have been enabled to present to the public the present number, containing nothing that is not original, so far as we know, Varieties excepted, exhibiting to our friends a knowledge of our literary strength, and displaying a criterion by which they may judge of our future capabilities for carrying on the work. We have still the firmest belief that there is not wanting material, in our often libelled city, to carry on a periodical publication, though of a much more extensive nature than that over which we have the honour to preside; and we call on our contributors, generally and individually, who have arrayed themselves under our banners, to persevere in their efforts, in order that others may have confidence in our creed. Immersed in business, as most of our literary friends must be, our pages perhaps, may never boast of that classic richness and purity which so eminently distinguish the pages of our eastern neighbours-our philosophical speculations may never be so deep, or so varied-our ideas may never be so sublime, or elegant, yet we may boast of opportunities for acquiring as intimate a knowledge of human life and characteristic eccentricity, as those who are possessed of all the fore-mentioned advantages. No city in Great Britain, London excepted, exhibits to the inquiring mind a wider field of observation than that in which we live, without having recourse to a single personality, there are not wanting opportunities enough for holding up the ludicrous for sport, the worthy for imitation, genius for admiration, and the offender for punishment; there are scenes of misery and of suffering passing daily before us, which, if embodied in a tale, or a narrative, might call forth the sympathy of sensibility; incidents, humourous enough, coming hourly under review, which, if well related, might make the most rigid set of features turn flexible, and the most stoical and selfish bosom beat in unison with the feeling-benevolent or good-humoured. The poet may find themes, though distant from lake and mountain, in the contemplation of a street, and the diversified imagery that is continually flitting before him; in short, no person capable of writing need be at a loss for a subject; for, as one of our friends remarked, while we were promenading the Trongate together on a late forenoon As one crowd from another crowd recedes, so one crowd to another crowd succeeds.' We cannot conclude without expressing our high sense of the behavour of many individuals, whose communications were rejected as unfit for our pages, and who, so far from feeling hurt, have still continued to assist and encourage us.


Our mathematical friend Diagram, will be pleased to accept our best wishes in return for his kindness. We have already mentioned to him the impossibility of our presenting to the world his ingenious speculations in the manner they deserve.

To the Querist we are much obliged, but his communications would be productive of a literary warfare, and be the means of monopolizing too great a proportion of the Melange,

We are obliged to the writer of The Effects of Society; but cannot insert it, being too personal.-He will find it addressed to him at the publishers.

The Letters of Mrs. Maffat, and A Distressed friend, are under consideration. Mid-Day in the Trongate will positively appear next week.

The Rambles of an Ant in search of the sublime are too particular for insertion. Asmodeus is much too personal. We would advise him, in his next flight, not to come near the Trongate.

C. W. A. will find an early insertion.

Printed, published and sold, every Wednesday, by GEORGE PURVIS & Co. Successors to W. Tait, Lyceura Court, Nelson Street, where communications, post paid, may be addressed to the Editor. Sold also by Mr. Griffin, Public Library, Hutcheson Street; at the Shops of the Principal Booksellers, Glasgow. Also of the following Booksellers: John Hislop, Greenock; John Dick, Ayr; Thomas Dick, Paisley; Robert Mathie, Kilmarnock; Malcolm Currie, Port-Glasgow; D. Conde, Rothesay; James Thomson, Hamilton; and M. Dick, Irvine; for ready money only.

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sible in the fitful light that came from the embers of a wood fire. The thing seemed to be nestling there as if for shelter against the cold-it was in the month of January-and at last it mut

Yesterday (so writes Mr. M. to one of his friends)-was the wedding of the lovely Bildac with the young tered, Have n't warmed myself for Saintville, at which I, as a neighbour, a long time! cold! cold! cold!' of course was present. The day passed with the customary mirth of such occasions; but the night brought with it an adventure scarcely credible, and certainly without example.

I confess to you, friend-for why should I deny it?-that a shudder came over every part of me; yet still I gazed on the spectre-I could not help gazing on him. I could even When the hour came for breaking distinguish that the figure was that of up, I was shown, for want of better an old man, almost wasted to a skeleaccommodation, into a room imme-ton, and more than half naked, who mediately below the turret; and, ex-stretched out his withered hands tohausted by the mirth of the day, I wards the fire; it seemed by the aésoon fell into a slight slumber. It tion, and the rapid motion of his lips, could not have lasted long-perhaps that he was imprecating curses on the not more than half an hour-when I house, and devoting it to ruin. I was awakened by the rattling of chains could not have borne this much longer above me. At first I thought it was-human nature must have sunk unfancy, and laughing at my own mo- der it.

méntary weakness, I again laid my A few minutes only, and the aged head on the pillow, and it must have figure tottered, and fell on its knees, been near day-break, when the same sobbing and praying. I could plainly noise again interrupted my sleep.- make out the words God! Ó Thoroughly roused by this, I listened God! How just are thy dispensaand distinctly heard the dragging of a tions!" At these words I started up chain on the stones. Then I heard in my bed, and at the rustling of the footsteps-beat-beat-beat. On a clothes, the thing on the hearth exsudden my door flew open, the chains claimed, Is there any one in this 'rattled close beside me, and there was bed?'

spectre on the hearth,,' I replied, drawing back the

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curtains and who are you, old man?'

to lord it over my lands-to have all the pride, and the luxury, and the The most wretched creature on pomp, and the observance that waits the face of earth. More I ought not on wealth and power. He seized me to say to you; but it is so long since at midnight, and having chained me I have seen a human face-so long in the turret above, by the aid of since I have heard a human voice-two ruffians-well paid no doubt for I needs must speak! I needs must the purpose-he deceived the world speak!' by a false report of my sudden death: My fears of a spectre had now sub-then followed a mock funeral-and sided into pity for a poor old man, my friends were following my coffin to whom I half suspected to be a maniac. the grave, while I was moistening my I therefore hastily flung on my dress-solitary meal with my tears. From ing-gown, and took my seat beside the turret above, I saw my own hearse him a mark of confidence which moved him again to tears. He took me by the hand with an expression not soon to be forgotten.

I heard the tolling of the death-bell. How soon will it really toll for me!

but no-no bell will toll for my death no grave will be dug for my Good man! good man! I will bones-no priest will speak a blessing tell you all. But first say, why are over my tomb.-No-no-I shall rot you in this horrible chamber, which amidst the dust of my turret, till I am else, has been deserted for many, many as that dust.-O, if they had not left years? What was all the tumult of my door open, by mere chance, in the this morning? Has any thing extra-bustle of this morning, I never had ordinary happened?', again seen a human face, for my jailors are not human.'

On my telling him of the marriage of the fair, Bildac, he stretched out his arms and said, 'Has Bildac a daughter? Is she married? God in heaven bless them! and keep their hearts free from sin from the curse that rests on their race: I am Bildac, the grandfather of the bride, whom my monster of a son-yet no I do not accuse- -I have no right to accuse.'


My first idea, on recovering from the surprise of this story, was to free the old man from his horrible imprisonment; but he refused my offer, declaring that he would not bring such shame on his innocent grandchild, who must, in some measure, affected by the publication of her father's guilt. All this was true enough, The words, Do you really live, but it did not quite satisfy me; such or are you only a spectre ?' were trem- self-denial was something more than bling on my tongue; but I did not extraordinary, and I persisted in my speak. The old man probably gues-resolution. Oppression,' I said, sed them from my manner, as he in-has, for the moment, enfeebled your stantly went on, as if in answer

It is no spectre that you see before you, but a living man-a man who is not dead, though his coffin is in the grave the living grandfather of the bride, whose bridal you have this day celebrated. But I lived too long. My son-O his heart is hard! -My son thirsted to be my heir

mind, as well as body, but follow my advice, and all may yet be well. There will be time enough hereafter to consider, as to the means of restoring you to the world; the immediate business is to free you from your confinement, and that may be done by your following me, without delay, to my castle; there you can remain in



secret, till we have resolved on what measures are best to be adopted.'

"I acknowledge your goodnessi would to God that I could take advantage of it! But O, I may not cannot follow you.'

Then do you remain, while I announce your situation to the governor of the province, and we shall then free you by open force, from natural son.'

your un

grave, and swear never again to leave it.

I could neither stir nor answer, and the old man went his way unhindered by me. It is impossible to describe to you the horror of that moment, or the state of my mind when the first shock had passed by: and I began to consider what was fittest to be done under such awful circumstances. To give both the offenders up to justice Not for the world! Do not, I was the most obvious line of conduct, conjure you, abuse your knowledge but what then would become of the of my sad secret! Let me die here innocent daughter, and why was I to -monster as I am, unfit to be again take on myself to be the minister of in the light of heaven!-Look here vengeance? No,' I said internally -look at this hand-do you see it No, I will not disturb the peace do you see the mark of blood?-of of the young and innocent-I will not my father's blood? I too thirsted for usurp the office of my Maker, who a father's inheritance.-I too would has said, have lands, and wealth, and power! -but I went to work a darker way than my son did I murdered my father!He only made a prisoner of his.'.

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Vengeance is mine, and when the hour shal be, I will requite them.'


The air was

On one of those fine Autumnal evenings, that Geofry Crayons could well describe, and which I delight to contemplate, I took a walk into the country. All was still and serene-the voice of man was not to be heard the noisy hum of the city was faintly fading away in the distance, and the feeble rays of the declining sun shed dusky hue upon the scene. mild: it was like the bracing atmosphere of spring, breathing over the maturity and inclined to think that it was ushering in in the life and warmth of summer, while every object, upon which I cast my eye, bore the marks of decay. The fields were robbed of their load the trees were strip

A frenzy seemed to possess the old man as he said this; he tore his hair and rolled about on the floor like one in convulsions, while I stood rooted to my place, speechless and motionless. There was a long silence, interrupted only by his groans, and the gnashing of his teeth, that were shock-a ing beyond description, till at last his passions subsided by their very violence. It was now day-break, and we heard a stirring in the passages below, which roused the old man to the full possession of his senses. He raised himself slowly from the floor, without, however, lifting up his eyes to me as he spake :

desolation of Autumn. I was sometimes

ed and bare-all were clothed in the sober

livery of brown and yellow, and seemed to mourn the verdure that had passed away. You are filled with horror of me My mind accorded with the scene. A -I know it, though I dare not look softened melancholy brooded over my on you I know it by your silence thoughts; and I pensively meditated over and it is right.-Farewell!-and, if my own misfortunes, and the folly of the world. My love and my friendship had you can, forget that you have ever both been scared in their growth. Decay seen the parricide. I go back to my had sapped the foundation of my peace.→→→

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