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Philofophical Grammar;

Or, VIEW of

Modern Philosophy.




I. A philofophical View of the terraqueous Globe.

II The Philofophy of Earths, Stones,
Metals, Minerals, &c.

III. The Philofophy of Water, viz.
the Seas, Rivers, Springs, &c.
IV. The Philofophy of Plants and

V. The Philofophy of animal Badies, viz. the bumane Body, Brutes, Fowls, Fifbes, Infects, Reptiles, Shell-Animals, &c.

Shewing the wonderful Discoveries of the modern Naturaiifts in thofe Parts of the Science.


Geology, or the general Doctrine of the Globe, of its various Divifions and Subdivifions, of the Viciffitude of Seafons, and other general Affections.


RAY what is imported by the Word Geology?

B. A Difcourfe of the Earth in general, or terraqueous Globe, as confifting of Land and Water; from the Greek Words T, the Earth, and Acy, a Discourse.

A. How is the Earth divided?

B. The first great and most general Divifion of the Earth is into Land and Water; which again are feverally subdivided into other leffer Parts.

A. Pray

A. Pray how is the Land subdivided ?
B. Into the following Parts, viz.

1. Continents, which are great Tracts of main Land, containing whole Countries and Kingdoms, as Europe, Afia, Africa, and America.

2. IЛlands, or Parts of Land environed by the Sea, as Britain, Japan, Madagaf car, &c.

3. Peninfulas, which are Parts of Land encompaffed by Water, excepting on one Part by which it is joined to the main Land, or Continent, as Morea, &c.

4. Ifthmus, is that Neck of Land joining the Peninsula to the main Land.

5. Promontories, or Capes, are thofe high Parts of Land which run far out into the Sea in a Point, as the Cape of Good Hope,


A. And, pray, what are the Subdivifions of the Water on the Globe?

B. These following, viz.

1. Oceans, are thofe vaft Collections of Water which cover fome greater Parts of the Earth's Surface, as the Atlantick Ocean, Mare del Zur, &c.

2. Seas; thofe are leffer Affemblages of Water, which lieth before, and washeth the Coafts

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