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VI. EY, in Grey, prey, they, trey, convey, obey, survey, abeyance.


E, EA, EE, EI, IE, AE, OE, (I, Y).

I. E is pure in the monosyllables Be, he, me, she, the (before a vowel), and we. In the accented simple syllables of these Saxon dissyllables: Besom, even, evil. Classical dissyllables:

1. With the quantity of e long:

Cerate, demon, edict, edile, egress, equal, era, ether, feline, feral, hero, Grecism, legal, penal, precept, predal, prefix, pretor, query, reflex, reflux, secret, venal.

2. With the quantity of e short:

Decent, deist, frequent, genus, gerent, gregal, lever, metre, recent, regent, sequel, sequence, theist, thesis. E is pure in most compound syllables lengthened by silent e:

Cede, Swede, cere, here, mere, sphere, eke, scene, scheme, these.

II. EA has the sound of e pure in Flea, lea, plea, sea, tea, beacon, deacon, treacle, beach, bleach, breach, each, peach, preach, reach, teach, knead, lead (inf.), mead, plead, read (inf.), leaf, sheaf, beagle, eager, league, meager, beak, bleak, creak, freak, leak, peak, sneak, speak, squeak, streak, teak, weak, deal, heal, meal, peal, seal, squeal, steal, veal, weal, wheal,

zeal, beam, cream, dream, gleam, ream, seam, steam, stream, team, bean, clean, dean, lean, glean, mean, quean, wean, cheap, heap, leap, neap, reap, blear, beard, clear, dear, ear, fear, gear, hear, near, rear, sear, shear, smear, spear, tear, s., weary, disease, ease, pease, please, reason, season, treason, weasle, crease, decease, grease, lease, beast, east, feast, least, yeast, beat, bleat, cheat, eat, feat, feature, heat, treat, wheat, beneath, heath, sheath, wreath, bequeath, breathe, bereave, cleave, eaves, greaves, heave, leave, weave.

III. EE, in Bee, fee, feeble, free, glee, knee, lee, see, thee, three, tree, wee, fleece, Greece, breech, leech, screech, speech, beseech, bleed, breed, creed, deed, feed, greed, heed, meed, need, needle, reed, seed, steed, weed, beef, cheek, creek, Greek, leek, meek, reek, seek, sleek, week, eel, feel, heel, peel, reel, seel, weel, wheel, seem, teem, green, keen, queen, screen, seen, ween, creep, deep, keep, peep, sheep, sleep, steep, sweep, weep, beer, cheer, meer, peer, queer, seer, sheer, sneer, steer, cheese, lees, beet, beetle, feet, greet, meet, sheet, sleet, street, sweet, seeth, teeth, breeze, freeze, sneeze.

IV. EI, in Ceil, ceiling, inveigle, plebeian, seize, seizure; and in words from Latin "capio;" conceit, deceit, receipt, conceive, deceive, receive.

Obs.: Nothing is more common than the confusion The student will observe that the of ci with ie.

pure e sound is rarely represented by ei.

V. IE has the sound of e pure in Niece, piece,


VI. EY, in Grey, prey, they survey, abeyance.


E, EA, EE, EI, IE, AE,

L. E is pure in the monosyllab the before a vowel), and we. simple syllables of these Saxon d Besom, even, evil. Classical dissyllables:

1. With the quantity of e long Cerate, demon, edict, edile, ether, feline, feral, hero, Gre precept, predal, prefix, pretor, q secret, venal.

2. With the quantity of e short Decent, deist, frequent, genus, metre, recent, regent, sequel, seqi E is pure in most compound by silent e:

Cede, Swede, cere, here, mere scheme, these.

II. EA has the sound of e plea, sea, tea, beacon, deacon, tre breach, each, peach, preach, reac

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eager, league, meager, beak, blea peak, sneak, speak, squeak, strea heal, meal, peal, seal, squeal, ste

(inf.), mead, plead, read (inf.),

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on, dotage, moment, motive, noble, oral, oval, Roman, sober, solar, solo,

quantity of o short:

a, focal, focus, forum, local, locust,
olar, potent.

1 syllables which end in silent e:
mode, ode, rogue, vogue, broke, choke,
e, smoke, spoke, stroke, woke, yoke,
mole, pole, role, stole, whole, chrome,
ome, bone, cone, crone, drone, lone,
hrone, tone, zone, cope, hope, mope,
ope, slope, trope, close, dose, hose,
ove, grove, hove, rove, strove, stove,

efore ld in Bold, cold, fold, gold, hold,
1, wold, soldier; before lk in folk, yolk;
droll, knoll, poll, scroll, stroll, swol-
lt in bolt, colt, dolt, holt, jolt, molten,
t in ghost, host, most, post; and in
ly, sloth.

he sound of O pure in Broach, coach,
pproach, encroach, load, road, toad
, soak, coal, foal, goal, shoal, foam,
oan, roan, soap, boast, coast, roast,
, float, gloat, moat, oats, loath.

Doe, foe, hoe, roe, sloe, toe, throe, woe.

ugh, mould, moult, poult, soul, poultice,
er, smoulder.

belief, brief, chief, fief, grief, lief, thief, siege, shriek, field, shield, wield, yield, fiend, bier, pier, tier, cashier, brigadier, gondolier, grenadier, fierce, pierce, tierce, priest, achieve, believe, grieve, lieve, reprieve, thieve, frieze.

VI. AE and OE, in Cæsar, odile, foetus, pœan, subpoena.

VII. I, in words of French origin; Ambergris, antique, critique, caprice, fatigue, intrigue, invalid, s., magazine, marine, mandarine, oblique, pique, police, profile, suite, tambourine.

VIII. Y, in two obsolete words; yclad, " clothed," and yclept," called."


I, IE, EI, Y.

I. The vowel I is pure in the monosyllable I (always written with a capital); in the unaccented simple syllables of these Saxon and French dissyllables:

China, cider, cipher, Friday, iron, ivy, lilach, mitre, pilot, ripen, rival, sizer, spider, tidings, tidy, tiger. Classical dissyllables:

I. With the quantity of i long:

Climax, crisis, digest, fibre, final, finite, idol, licence, pica, primate, primer, private, rival, siphon, siren, spinal, spiral, stipend, vibrate, vinous, viper.

2. With the quantity of i short:

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