Approximation, Optimization and Mathematical Economics: With 14 Tables ; [ Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on "Approximation and Optimization in the Caribbean" which Met at the Université Des Antilles Et de la Guyane ( Guadeloupe, French West Indies ) During the Week March 29 to April 2, 1999 ]The articles in this proceedings volume reflect the current trends in the theory of approximation, optimization and mathematical economics, and include numerous applications. The book will be of interest to researchers and graduate students involved in functional analysis, approximation theory, mathematical programming and optimization, game theory, mathematical finance and economics. |
I | 1 |
II | 2 |
III | 4 |
IV | 9 |
V | 15 |
VI | 18 |
VII | 25 |
IX | 26 |
LXXXVI | 194 |
LXXXVII | 197 |
LXXXVIII | 199 |
LXXXIX | 201 |
XC | 205 |
XCII | 206 |
XCIII | 208 |
XCIV | 209 |
X | 30 |
XI | 33 |
XII | 37 |
XVII | 38 |
XVIII | 39 |
XIX | 41 |
XX | 42 |
XXI | 47 |
XXII | 49 |
XXIII | 52 |
XXIV | 55 |
XXV | 59 |
XXVII | 60 |
XXVIII | 64 |
XXIX | 65 |
XXX | 68 |
XXXI | 71 |
XXXIII | 72 |
XXXIV | 74 |
XXXV | 75 |
XXXVI | 79 |
XXXVII | 81 |
XXXIX | 83 |
XL | 85 |
XLI | 89 |
XLII | 90 |
XLIII | 97 |
XLV | 98 |
XLVI | 101 |
XLVII | 102 |
XLVIII | 106 |
XLIX | 109 |
LI | 111 |
LII | 117 |
LIV | 119 |
LV | 120 |
LVI | 121 |
LVIII | 123 |
LIX | 124 |
LX | 128 |
LXI | 133 |
LXIII | 134 |
LXIV | 139 |
LXV | 144 |
LXVI | 147 |
LXVIII | 149 |
LXIX | 151 |
LXX | 156 |
LXXI | 159 |
LXXIV | 160 |
LXXV | 161 |
LXXVI | 162 |
LXXVII | 165 |
LXXVIII | 177 |
LXXX | 179 |
LXXXI | 183 |
LXXXII | 187 |
LXXXIII | 191 |
LXXXV | 192 |
XCV | 213 |
XCVII | 214 |
XCVIII | 216 |
XCIX | 223 |
CI | 224 |
CII | 228 |
CIII | 232 |
CV | 235 |
CVII | 236 |
CVIII | 237 |
CIX | 241 |
CX | 242 |
CXI | 245 |
CXII | 246 |
CXIII | 250 |
CXIV | 253 |
CXV | 255 |
CXVI | 256 |
CXVII | 257 |
CXVIII | 261 |
CXIX | 268 |
CXXI | 275 |
CXXIII | 276 |
CXXIV | 277 |
CXXV | 281 |
CXXVI | 283 |
CXXVII | 287 |
CXXIX | 291 |
CXXX | 297 |
CXXXII | 298 |
CXXXIII | 300 |
CXXXIV | 301 |
CXXXV | 304 |
CXXXVI | 309 |
CXXXVIII | 312 |
CXXXIX | 317 |
CXL | 325 |
CXLI | 329 |
CXLIII | 331 |
CXLIV | 333 |
CXLV | 337 |
CXLVI | 343 |
CXLVIII | 344 |
CL | 348 |
CLII | 350 |
CLIII | 357 |
CLV | 359 |
CLVI | 362 |
CLVII | 363 |
CLVIII | 365 |
CLIX | 369 |
CLXI | 372 |
CLXII | 374 |
CLXIII | 383 |
CLXVI | 385 |
CLXVII | 387 |
CLXVIII | 391 |
CLXIX | 392 |
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Common terms and phrases
A-spline agents algebraic algorithm applications approximation assume assumptions Banach space barycenter bounded coalition coefficients Computer consider constraint continuous continuous function convergence convex core Corollary curve defined denote differentiable E₁ economy equation estimate exists finite Fix(F function f given GSIP Hölder Hölder spaces inequality integral interpolation iteration L-curve Lemma linear Lipschitz lower semicontinuous mapping Math Mathematical matrix polynomials measure method metric mollification n,mn Nash equilibrium nonempty nonlinear norm objective function obtained optimality conditions optimization problem orthogonal matrix orthonormal matrix paper parameters prisoner's dilemma programming proof properties Proposition quasiconvex quasiconvex functions regularization reinsurance satisfies scale-space segmentation semicontinuous sequence Shapley value smooth solution spline strategy X subdifferential subset tensor product Theorem Theory tion topological U₁ values vector veto mechanism