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The Words by a Female Correfpondent, fet to Mufic by Mr. HUDSON.

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Madrid, Jan. 6.

His majefty's health continues to decline

fome new arrangements have taken place, in order to eflift him in the management of state affairs, and the prince of Afturias is appointed regent of the kingdom.

Copenhagen, Jan 12. Ten fhips of the line, and fix frigates are fitting out against the spring, Viz, one of 74 guns, three of 70, two of 64, two of 60, and two of so, two trigates of 36 guns, one of 34, two of 30, and one of 20 guas.

difficulties, which, In the predecing negocia tions, feemed to occafion invincible obftacles.

Hague, Jan. 22. We have accounts from Tuns of the following very fingular affair. The Bey's fon in law, Sidi, fecond minifter of the fiate, and gene al of the army, went to receive the annual tribute from the oriental frontiers of that country, but fift hired a large venetian bark, which was to be loaded with his effects. This vellel was provided well with provifions, and ordered to lie at anchor near the coaft; he then received the tribute, which amounted to near 100,000 piafties, and return Berlin, Jan. 12. A number of beautiful ed towards Tunis, Lut when he came to a cer buries are fet off to remount the cavalry in Sitain diftance from that place, he pretended leba. The Ruffian troops are now actually on their march towards Siefia, viz, 18 regiments of infantry, three of cavalry, one of huflars, fire of coflacs, and a corps of artillery. The commander in chief is prince Repnin; the lieutenant-generals are, Kamenfkay and Ingelfrom; the major-generals, prince Wolkonsky, Potemkin, Ronne, count Romanzow, the prince of Anhalt-Bernbourg, Bockelman, and Vece

Venna, Jan. 13. The emperor will fet out drectly for Bohemia, to forward the operations of the ensuing campaign. We shall have on foot this fpring four grand armies; one in Bobemia, another in Silefia, a third in Poland, and a fourth in Barvaria. A confiderable reinpyrcement of troops, with a large train of artillery, are daily expected from the Netherlands. Venice, Jan. 15. The noble Paul Renier is chofen Doge of this republick, and was, after the ufual ceremony, crowned this morning.

Copenhagen, Jan. 16. The dilemper among the horned cattle gains ground very faft in thefe mind, and even in Sleswick, notwithstanding | ad the precautions which have been taken to p event it.

Breslau, Jan. 16. The daily conferences held he minifters of the mediating powers wih fe of the Prufian cabinet, confirm the hopes ich had been, fome time fince, entertained ➡he re-cftablishment of the tranqu lity of Germany. It is certain that the courts of Verhes and Petersbourg are taking the utmost as to hasten the falutary work of place. 1.4 moth Chriftian majesty has prefented to the prefs a plain of accommodation, which, we afired, is of fuch a nature as will mot proy fatisfy all the parties interefed in the at quarrel about the Bovarian frecce flion. The rt of Vienna feems now to incline to a more fick fiftem, and according to authentic adA s. bath already confented to remove isveral VOL. X.


that the camels wanted forage, and therefore though it advisable to embark their bur then in the above-mentioned veffel, which was done, and he returned to the camp. Some days after, he gave orders for all to be ready to march by break of day the next morning, and he went on board the bark, taking with him all his Chriftian flaves, ten in number, his phyfician, teven Renegadoes, fome few muficians, and his treasurer, and in the night fet fail. The confternation was univerfal the next morning, when they found the veflel gone, and couriers were fent to the Bey, who, as well as all his family, were greatly affected at this account. No one knows yet where he is gone, nor can imagine his reasons for this action, unless it is to tura Chriftian, as he was born of Chriftian parents, and was always a great friend to thofe of that perfuafion. Moncy could not be his object, as the fum he has carried away with him is nothing in comparison of his own poffeffions; he has feveral fuperb palaces, gardens, and cftates; one palace, which he was building at Tunis, has coft already, though not finished, near 40,0col. fterling.

Vienna, Jan. 23. An officer difpatched by lieutenant general Count de Wurmier, brings the agreeable news that major-general Count Francis de Kirky, who had been detached towards Habe twerd, in the county of Gratz, attacked the enemy there fo fuccefsfully on the 18th of this month, that he made prifoners the Pruffian general prince of Hofle Philip(thall, three colonels, 22 officers of different ranks, and 800 folciers. Our troops a fo, at the fame time, took fix colours, and four pieces of

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tion of the emprefs, which has already been prefented to the court of Vienna:-"That they might be affured, that the emprefs, his fovereign, would vigorously act in the prefent mediation; but that afterwards, if her meafures were inefficacious, the fould join his Pruffian majefty as her particular ally, and as the friend of the other states of Germany, with whom he would make it a common cause."

Bilboa, Jan. 15. According to our letters from Ferrol, twelve fail of the line will fail from that port the beginning of March. The naval force of this kingdom confifts at prefent of eight fhips from 80 to 100 guns, 60 of 70 guns, fix of 60, befides a great number of frigates and fmaller veffels, all in the best condition. A large quantity of warlike ftores are ordered from Cadiz to the camp at St. Roche. Vienna, Jan. 27. Th: Petit Nobleffe of Hungary have offered to raife a corps of 40co Huffars, at their own expence, as in the last war, upon condition that they thall be formed into regiments, and not incorporated into other bodies. The court has not only accepted the offer, but has appointed feveral of the principal Hungarians to be chiefs of this corps.

Hague, Feb. 6. The French minifter is at this time foliciting a loan of eighteen millions of Hyres of the inhabitants of Flanders; the fubfcription for which is opened at Lifle,

When the last accounts came away from Silefia, the Auftrians remained in poffeffion of Habelfchwert and Zugmantel, in the county of Glatz; and the king of Pruffia had marched out of Schweidnits with an intention to diflodge them.

Minden, Feb. 7. One thousand three hundred Heffian recruits, deftined to complete the regiments of that nation ferving in America, are to pafs through Bremer-Lehe, and embark as foon as the Wefer becomes nav gable; 600 men from Brunswick are expected to fail in a few days from Slade, bound alfo for America.

Amfterdam, Feb. 8. Letters from the Cape of Good Hope inform us, that the English · and. French are making great preparations for war in the East Indies; that the former have an army on foot to the number of 60,000, mostly fepoys, and commanded by European officers; and that the latter had collected a number of troops and warlike stores at the ifle of Mauritius.

Bruffels, Feb. 8. A Courier is arrived here with the news of the important Fortress of Glatz being taken by the imperial arms the taking of that place is of the utmost confequence, and gives to the conquerors the poffeffion of great part of Silcha.

Hanover, Feb. 8. The king of England, our elector, has demanded from the regency of this electorate two tons of gold, to enable him to put the electorate in a proper ftate of defence in thefe critical times. This demand was readily complied with by the states, at an affembly held for that purpofe the 21tult.

Copenhagen, Feb. 6. A placart was issued on Monday laft for enforcing the execution of the ftanding regulations for the light houfes and beacons throughout the coafts of Denmark, Norway, &c. by ordering the Danish fubjects, and encouraging foreigners to give immediate Utrecht, Feb. 10. We have received advice and accurate information of every inftance of this moment, that the Auftrian troops have negligence that shall come under their obferva- furprized Joannesberg, and hat in consequence tion, in a point of fo much importance to the of this capture they have cut off the communilives and fortunes of navigators; and all the cation of Neiffe, with Jagerndorff and Troppau. Danish be.cons and light-houses, particularly Hamburgh, Feb. 1o. The ftates of Holland thofe upon Anholt, are put into compleat re-adjourned laft Saturday without taking any fpair. nal refolution relative to the convoying of the naval ftores; and as the city of Amsterdam had at la confidered that in the present circumftances it would be equally as dangerous to offend England as France, and the flates had obtained the time they required of the king of France for an anfwer, they have fignified to the French Amballador, that they thould debate the affair in their next affembly, affuring him, that they would do all in their power to fatisfy the king his mafter: they at the fame time gave every affurance to the ambassador of England, that they wou'd endeavour to fatisfy the king of Great-Britain. All this feems as if they only wanted to gain time, flattering them. felves, that in the interim fomething may hap pen to relieve the Republick from their present critical fituation.

Dresden, Feb. 7. For fome days paft almoft the whole of the army quartered in this electorate has either been in motion, or preparing to move. Several bodies are in march towards the frontiers of Bohemia. A corps under; eneral Teuffel, of about 100 volunteers, drawn from the regiments near this place, was to have paífed the foreft of Eichwald on the other fide of Dippoldiswalde the night before laft, and it appears their march is directed towards Toplitz; at the fame time general Mollendorf, with a body of between 15 and 1600 men, moved from Freyberg towards Sheyda, on the rod to Commotau, and we fince hear, that, after having penetrated into Bohemia, had met with fome refittance near Brix, in which he had b's horfe killed under him, but his loft was very inconfiderable; and when the lait meffenger came away, the general had made above 100 prifoners, and taken two pieces of cannon, The Saxon general Anha, with as numerous a body, has allo moved forward towards Adorf, in the road to Egra.

Hague, Feb. 16. The court of Vienna is negociating the fum of 12 millions of florins in this country, at four one half per cent. And it is faid the banker Boaz, of this place, has undertaken to furnish feven millions, and the houfe of Goll, at Amfterdam, the rest.


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Extra of a Letter from Edinburgh, Jan. 20.


HIS day the Lord Provoft, magiftrates, and town-council, received the report of a commitre formerly appointed to take under confideration the refolutions of the various incorporations of Edinburgh, and of the mer. chant company, and other focieties, refpecting the propofed bill for repealing the penal ftatures against popery. The committee had a previon meeting with the Lord Advocare for Scotland; at which his lordfhip gave them the molt fatisfactory answers to every question propofed; and declared, that though he himself had not drawn up any bill for the above purpefe, he knew fuch a bill was framed, in the fime terms with that lately paffed for England,

and tranfmitted to London. The committee were of opinion, that it should be vigorously opposed; with which report the Lord Provoft, magißrates, and town-council, this day con curred; and ordered, that a copy of their refolution should be immediately tranfmitted, by exprefs to their reprefen ative in parliament, the fight hon. Sir Laurence Dundas, bart. and another copy to his majesty's advocate, reprefentative for the country, begging they might ale their utmost endeavours to prevent the bill being brought into parliament; or, if it fhould be brought in, that they would, by every means in their power, oppofe its being paffed in oalaw.

Plymouth, Jan. 26. On Saturday night laff, between the hours of 11 and 12, a man was difcovered on the wall of the dock-yard, near the hemp houfe. The watchman ftationed there, immediately fired, on which he jumped off, and although inftantly pursued could not be found. The method he made ufe of to get on the wall, was by the means of a large filhhork faftened to a fmall cord, this was thrown over the wall, by which means he hauled himfelf up, in his hand he took a small rope with a basket fixed to it, in which was contained a pint bottle of gunpowder, fome match, and a dark lantern: it was fuppofed he intended (when got on the wall) to pull thefe mater als after him. A long piece of match was faftened to the bottle, and what is very rema kable, a window of the hemp houfe was left open at the place he afcended. The fcheme feems highly probable to have been concerted, as it happened on a very dark night, and when the jdmen were paid off, as on thofe nights they generally drink rather freely. Several of the people belonging to the hemp-house have been


examined, but nothing has transpired to effect a discovery.

27. Advice was received at the AdmiraltyOfice, that his majefty's ship the Amazon was fafe arrived at Portfmonth from New-York, with dispatches to Government, by which we are informed, that the king's troops were fafe arrived at Georgia, and were received by the inhabitants with open arms; and that they were preparing to march for South Carolina, joined by a great number of the inhabitants. As foon as the king's troops arrived at the above place, all the inhabitants that were under arms laid them down, and furrendered to the king's troops.

28. The judges met in Lord Chief Justice Mansfield's chamber, Weftminfter-hall, and chofe their refpective circuits for the ensuing Lent Affizes, viz.

Northern, Lord Chief Juftice Mansfield, Justice Willes.

Norfolk, Lord Chief Juftice De Grey, Justice Afhurft.

Midland, Lord Chief Baron Skinner, Baron Eyre,

Home, Juftice Gould, Juftice Blackflone.
Wefern, Juftice Nares, Baron Hotham,
Oxford, Baron Perrynn, Juftice Buller.

30. As a further compliment to his Maj fly, the Manchefter gentlemen are now railing by fubfcription 200 fresh men to augment their regiment called the Royal Manchester Volunteers, now lying at Gibraltar; it being intended to form them into two battalions; and they are to embark the 21st of March.

Feb. 1. About one o'Clock the remains of Mr. Garrick were removed from his houfe, on the Adelphi Terrace, to be interred in Weftminster Abbey About three o'clock the bo. dy was received at the great weft door by the Bishop of Rochefter, Dean of Westminster, who, attended by the gentlemen of the choir, in their hoods and furplices, preceded the corps up the center aile, during which time the full organ and choir performed Purcell's funeral fervice. Arriving at the place of interment, immediately under the monument of Shakefpeare, in the Poet's Corner, the bishop performed the laft facred office of the church; the choir fung another folenin ftrain, and the remains were deposited in a grave, doubly hallowed by a nation's grief, and the copious tears of private friendship!

The paul was fupported Lord Camden, Earl of Oflory, Right Hon. 1r. Rigby, Hon. Mr. Stanley, J. Patterson, E; Duke of De vonshire, Earl Spencer, Viscount Palmerston, Pa


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