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he eyed them as they paffed with the greatest attention; their charms faded in his fight, and her absence seemed to have deprived the fifterhood of that radiance which her prefence reflected upon them.---A thoufand tormenting thoughts rushed into his head, but none of them that led him to the true reafon. --He was determined to make an enquiry after her, and received an answer, informing him that Belvidera was taken from the fchool by her guardian, but her place of refidence at that time was a profound fecret. Refolved to trace her, he employed a thoufand ftratagems, Lut without the leaft fuccefs.

It would have been fome confolation to have known the state of her heart, for he was uncertain, even tho' he fhould find her, whether the might be influenced in his favour : if not, he imagined that his pains would be flung away, and a fecond fight would ferve only to heighten his unhappiness.

Being now of an age to fee the world, he refolved to vitit foreign parts, thinking that the charms of other beauties might obliterate the traits of Belvidera. With this intention he fet out for the continent, and made the grana tour of Europe. He mixed amongst the politeft circles, but found that Belvidera had made a deeper impreffion than he had before imagined, and that time, inftead of weakening it, made it more indelible. He loved Belvidera in every beauteous face he contemplated, and would often fay to himself, "If the be not more beautiful, fhe is at least equal." Tired, but not delighted with his foreign refidence, he thought of returning home to his native country, which was the more attractive on account of its being the refidence of Belvidera.

As he was returning from an affembly in Paris, on the night previous to his intended departure, he was fet upon by two perfons with naked fwords, who attacked him with great fury. Having drawn his fword, he made a brave defence, received a wound, but ran one of the affailants through the body. His comrade seemed to be ani

mated by the fall of his friend, and pushed at Timander with redoubled vigour, who being faint through lofs of blood, and unable to parry his thrufts, received a wound in his thigh, which brought him to the ground.On feeing him fall, the affaffin ran off, and left him weltering in his blood.

The Intendant de Police being at that time on his rounds, met a man running with a drawn fword, which was bloody. He ordered him to be arrested, and took him along with him to fecure him in fome place of confinement. In his progrefs to his place of destination, he heard the groans of a perfon at a distance, dying in his ears. He directed his steps to the place from whence the alarming founds feemed to proceed, and found Timander in the critical fituation which we have already described. Being attended with torches, Timander lifted up his eyes to the all-chearing rays, recognized the traits of the person who had affaffinated him, and cried out, "That is the villain!"-" What villain ?" replied the affaffin." Have you not killed, unprovoked, the dearest friend that I ever had in the world?-Look at him-there he lics, in your ftead, in all the agonies of death. I fhould have followed him, had not providence nerved my arm, and reduced you into the deplorable ftate in which the Intendant has found you."

"Heavens! (cried Timander) how is villainy accompanied by falfhood! But crimes are generally like the bees, they clufter. One crime calls for another to fupport it, and he who once deviates from the line of rectitude, knows not how to ftop: he is fituated upon a glaffy precipice; the firft falfe ftep carries him down to the bottom."

"Did we not meet you running with all the speed you could?" replied the Intendant. "Your flight argues guilt-you must come with us, and this gentleman, whofe wounds will be a fecurity against his flight, fhall be taken care of until he is better."

In confequence of this declaration, the affaffin was taken to a place of


The Surprise.

confinement, and Timander was conveyed to a furgeon for his cure.

The next morning the Intendant waited on Timander, enquired after his health, was informed that the wound he had received was not mortal, and begged to have an interview with him. Timander, on hearing his office announced, ordered him to be admitted immediately.

On his introduction, a chair was placed for him by the bed-fide, and after a little paufe, the officer of the night began to affure him that he was proud of having difcharged his duty in fo critical a moment with fo much difcretion." The gentlemen who affaulted you, Sir, for really they were gentlemen, mistook you for another gentleman, who had run away with an opera dancer, and were refolved to facrifice him to the fury of jealoufy.Confidering you as the perfon I find you to be, they had no malice propenfe: the remaining offender is forry, heartily forry, for his fault; but that will not exculpate him from the crime of endangering your life, nor atone for the lofs of his friend. Sir, you are at liberty. I have done my duty, at least, in endeavouring to secure the peace of this metropolis, and I heartily with you a speedy recovery."


first saw, and where he then expected to fee his adorable Belvidera.

Belvidera was ftill concealed, ftill not to be found by his utmost refearches. Her guardian, who thought to enjoy her fortune, was dead; the old maiden lady who had the care of her was dead likewife. The most critical, the moft anxious enquiries could bring no tidings: but yet he would not give up the hopes of feeing, of fpeaking to her, of pouring into her ears the accents of untainted conftancy, of undeclared, of invincible attachment.

After a long research, he discovercd, that on the deceafe of her guardian and governess, fhe had taken poffeffion of her eftate, and went to fome diftant county. He traced the place fhe had gone to with indefatigable industrybut when he arrived there, was informed that he was courted by a young gentleman of fortune, and tho' he did not give any countenance to his addreffes, fhe had difappeared with him.

This account fhocked him more than a clap of thunder. He was in fufpence whether he should profecute his enquiries, or give her up for loft: but meafuring her fentiments by his own, he was biaffed more by hope than by reaWhen the Intendant had finifhed his fon. On farther enquiry, he difcoverfpeech, Timander looked up to himed that the perfon who made his adwith glistening eyes-" I am glad," faid he, "though my life was in danger, that the attempt upon it did not proceed from any determinate bad defign. I am thankful to Providence for my efcape, but at the fame time grieve for the fall of one of my innocent antagonists, and, if permitted, fhall fet out for my native country, as foon as the cure of my wounds will permit it."

A few days tranfpired, but thefe few days appeared as many years, before Timander was able to revifit his native country, and go in fearch of Belvidera. Át laft the moment came when his departure was, by his furgeon, thought fafe. He failed from Calais with a fair wind, arrived at Dover, travelled poft to the spot where he

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dreffes to her, irritated by her pofitive denial of accepting his hand, had by a ftratagem conveyed her to a madhoufe, where fhe was confined for fome time. He found out the mad-house; and he was informed that she had made her efcape from thence by the affift ance of a young gentleman of fortune. Her efcape gave him joy--but the author of her efcape incited jealousy.

Determined either to fettle the affair with the young gentleman, or to find his dear Belvidera, he dismissed his friends to every part of the environs. The intelligence they brought was, that the young gentleman who refcued her performed that office merely from principles of humanity, and that as foon as he had lodged her fafe, he left the country to join his


corps, who were ordered upon a foreign expedition.

Knowing the fpot to which fhe had been conducted, Timander was determined to find her. Many a tedious day paffed in the refearch, and he feemed to be as much at a lofs the laft day as at the firft. But one refreshing more, following the trillings of the riting lark, and the fong of the nightingale, he was furprifed with fuperior harmony, and drawing nearer and nearer to the spot from whence it if fued, he entered into an agreeable glade, and difcerned his Belvidera finging the dictates of comitancy, of unrevealed, of invincible attachment. The furprize of this rencontr may be better imagined than expreffed: the effufions of inviolable attachment need not be mentioned to thofe in a fimilar fituation. The lovers were free to take each others hands-they did foand are now as happy as any connubial pair can with themselves to be.


THOUGHTS on the return of SPRING.


IS paft! gloomy winter is paft with all its howling winds and piercing froits!Torrenta of rain no longer deluge the meadows, nor clouds obfcure the fky, but all nature emerges, as it were, from a torpid state, and begins to re-assume once more her wonted vigour. The great regent of the day no longer creeps along the edges of the fouthern skies, but mounts higher, and traverfes a larger circuit in the hemifphere; again he collects his potent beams, again fheds his benign influence over the face of the earth, and blazes with a more animated refulgence.--See! all is ferenity and fplendor above; while all is gaiety and beauty below.

The genial warmth begins to roufe the infect tribe from their annual ftate of torpidity. The gnat and the beetle put off their earthly robes, and venture into the air. Butter flies of all hues refign their wintry tombs, frisk about the

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air, perch on the flowers, and difplay their mealy wings, painted with purpie, gold, and azure. See how they fport about from flower to flower, fipping a little fantastic delight, as if their whole intention was to be infignicantly pretty. Hark! what a confufed din!--The air fwarms with the buzzing tribes. Millions of glittering infects, waked by the genial influence, ftart into exiftence, rife from their dark abode, and bask in the animating warmth. The bees (induftrious little animals!) have left their citadel, and in numerous multitudes repair to the blooming meads or purple heath, where they cling to the fragrant flowers, and with inferted tube ingenioufly drain them of their nectarious sweets. How delightful to fee them ply, with inceffant affiduity, their pleafing task, and to hear their drowfy hum, as they fport with busy wing through the soft and yielding air!

Yonder is Flora, crowned with flowers, advancing! Dreffed in the gayeft robes of fpring, the appears inimitably charming. See the graces attend her, and hold up her glittering train as the walks in queenly ftate through the groves, the gardens, and fields -Delightful goddefs! I feel the power of thy charms!-Wherever he goes fle fheds flowers of every hae, and perfumes the zephyrs wings with aromatic sweets, more delicious than thole of Arabia.

Hark! The woodland choirs awake--The little fongsters of the groves, which had long been dumb, animated by the feafon, refume their notes. No longer they fit fhivering in the filent fhade, benumbed with cold, and indulging their woes. No more with timid flight they fkim over the plains, but foar aloft, and flutter about with an air of jucundity. The thrush chaunts forth his bold notes; the black bird, in amorous ftrains, warbles out his full fong; the lark, meffenger of morn, mounts the fkies, pouring ou the moft delightful melody; while the bullfinch, the linnet, and the reft the feathered choirifters atteft the joy, and try again the long-forgotter

Thoughts on the Return of Spring.


conjugal endearment, inexpreffible to defcribe, which always accompanies the marriage ftate, when the hearts and fouls of the bleffed pair are as one; when they earneftly endeavour to in

ftrain. The cuckow alfo, but lately returned from the fouthern climes, joins the choir, and with his uniform note, nodding on the fpray, proclaims the approach of fpring. A concert of mufic fills every grove: the woods e-creafe the happiness, to comfort each cho with the fweet modulations of its other in all the offices of life, and gay inhabitants: every green bough, live inviolably in peace, tranquility, and and every blooming fpray refound with comfort. harmony from all quarters the ear is charmed with artlefs trains, which are at once the perfection of music, and the very language of joy.

drawn out into a long breath, stealing off into a different cadence, now interrupted by a pause, then changing into a new note by an unexpected transition: fometimes he precipitates, fometimes flackens his note. With eager atten

great regret, the fong had ceafed.

Philomel is alfo arrived in our country. The preceding evening as I was walking along the vale, by the margin of a filver ftream, I heard his enAlready the fwallows are returned chanting modulations from a neighfrom their long migration beyond the bouring thicket. Struck with the deocean. At their first arrival they were lightful melody of the new vifitant, 1 feen but feldom, and flew weak and tood motionlefs for a while, liftenfeebly; but now, as the weather growsing to his fong. The little creature warmer, and the number of infects ran through all the variations of mufic: increases, they gather activity and fometimes the tone was fo bold that ftrength. Ye new vifitants, I congra- the groves echoed with the delightful tulate your arrival! Once more, agree-trains; in a moment it was fo foft that able ftrangers, I welcome ye to our it hardly touched the ear, and could ifland, who have fo long been abfent.carcely be heard;-at one time it was Hail little harbingers of the fpring! you elevate, you gladden my heart; you excite in me the pleafing idea of returning fummer. May no unfore feen accident devote any of you to an untimely and premature death; may no rapacious falcon disturb your tran-tion 1 liftened, when frequently, to my quility, or fatiate himself with your innocent blood.- Hark! how delightful is the twittering note of thefe pretty birds as they kim the liquid air over our heads. Their gladfome chatter is probably indicative of the joy they feel, for having migrated in fafety from those warmer climes where they paffed the winter. Remark, oh! remark their amazing inftinct, and adore that unfeen Being operating in his creatures. See how fagacioufly they reconnoitre the roof of their former habitation, and are already making preparations for a new and fweet pro-ed beauty to the roving eye.-Now geny. The two fexes are confulting we experience what the facred poet fo the most eligible fpot, where to fix the elegantly defcribes. 'Tis a mafter muddy citadel. Methinks mutual love piece in its kind, preferable far to the and reciprocal affection feem to sparkle noft elaborate defcriptions of the in their eyes, while employed in this Greek or Roman bard, as indeed to laudable undertaking.-A pattern for any thing of the kind, found in the our imitation! Emblem, fignificant works of the claffic authors. In fhort emblem this of that unparalleled feli-it is fo concife, fo delicately, and fo city, that confummate enjoyment, that beautifully expreffed, that I cannot

Rains now defcending in foft and gentle showers quicken vegetation, and render prolific the capacious womb of the earth. The fields and meads which were ftripped of their verdue, and of a ruffet hue, affume a moft delightful green. The juicy groves feel the balmy influence and fwell their turgid buds big with bloffoms. The ragged thorns, and even the prickly brambles, which in humble state creep along at the foot of the hedges, are robed with beauty. Look wherever we will all is unbound

pass it over without repeating it."The winter is past; the rain is over and gone. The flowers appear on the carth, the time of the finging of birds is come, and the voice of the turtle is heard in our land. The fig-tree putteth forth her green figs, and the vine with the tender grapes give a good fmell." *

Truly nature is in her prime! the vegetable tribes are putting on their gayeft clothing. See yonder eims begin to open their buds, and in a few days more the infant leaves, tinged with the deepest green, and quite expanded, will give them a moft lively and flourishing appearance. Thofe willows alfo, I perceive, are tipped with taffels of grey, while the adjacent poplars that grow by the fide of the river, are pointed with rolls of filver. Even the venerable oaks, which require a greater degree of warmth, begin to open their turgid buds, and will very foon appear dreffed in their vernal livery. Look round wherever we will, we obferve the wonderful operation of nature's all powerful and fecret-working hand. Favoured by the balmy gales and fructifying fhowers, the freshened hills lift their heads and fmile. The garden opens its beautiful scene, exhales its aromatic odours, and perfumes the gentle zephyrs with its fragrant fweets. The moistened plains and irriguous valleys quickened and as it were gladdened by the beneficial humidity, laugh and fing. The ftately trees, together with the diminutive herbs, affume a new life, and flourish again in all their wonted luxuriance.

The haw-thorn in every hedge appears in a milk white bloom, fcarcely a fpray to be feen but is arrayed with a lovely profufion of filken gems. The fruit trees that decorate our orchards, are alfo putting on the fame amiable clothing, and promife, or rather give us a fair profpect of a fruitful feafon. As yet the bloom is not all uniformly in perfection; but it only waits for a few more rifing and fetting funs, to unfold its painted treasure: fome are like

Cant. 2. 11. 12. 13.

bales of cloth from the packers warehouse, wrapped up within a ftrong enclofure; others, I perceive, have expanded their fragant bloffoms, and difplay their beauties to the admiring fight.

(To be concluded in our next.)


A CAR D. ENRIETTA D-r's most respect

ful compliments await the contributors to the Lady's Magazine, and begs their favourable acceptance of a Treat the here prefents them with.

First, there is at their service three fourths of a wild youth added to a numerical letter, and what frequently ftrips our houses againft our will, changing the last letter.

She next prefents them with three fourths of the fymbol of fympathy in woe, and what makes the counsellor plead our caufe, added to half of what will at his life's end receive him.

For fupper she sets before them fome tender offsprings of the feathered warriour, and what grows plentifully in the meadows, added to small birds that flock about our houses :-a place mentioned by the Pfalmift as remarkable for the whitenefs of its fnow-the fourth part of the emblem of innocence, with a rural fong (changing the first letter) well dreft-a variety of chattering birds, and one third of two prefixt to four fifths of a fpecies of fleet mountain beafts, plentifully accompanied with a vifion, changing the first letter.

To drink he has procured two sevenths of a mournful tree and a colour reverfed-a ftory with which children are delighted, expunging the first letter -a kalendar month :-half of what admits light into our houses, with a final vowel added--three fifths of a black, and another word for we-and a merry fellow.

Thus my friends you behold what before you

I've fet,

Though fimple and plain'tis the best I could get,
Then feaft if you like it-you all welcome are,
And believe me I'm


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