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under fail, when a great diftrubance was perceived on board one of his m jefty's fhips.The orders being given on board that ship to weigh anchor, all the men, it feems, refufed to take up the bars to heave at the capftern, fwearing hey would not go to fea with their prefent commander. An exprefs has been fent to he Admiralty with an account of this affair The matter was afterwards fettled by Admiral Arbuthnot, and the men agreed to fail with their cap in.


Extract of a letter from Mofes Corbet, Efq; Lieutenant Governor of Jersey, to the Lord Viscount Weymouth.

Europa, at fea, May 6, 1779. I omitted in my letter of the ad to inform their lordships, that by the veffel dispatched for their information, of the intelligence I had received of Jersey being attacked, I had also fent a duplicate of it to Admiral Sir Thomas Pye; who, I find, by his letter which I received laft o ght, tranfmitted to me by the Governor of Guernsey, was fending a very fufficient force for the fecurity of those islands.

The Lieutenan Governor of Guernsey acquaints me, that a boat from Jersey arrived at Guernicy on Sunday, and fays that an armament attempted to land, but could not accom plith their defing; that they then flood out to fea, and have returned either to St. Cas Bay, or to Cape Frehel. Capt. Ford, of the Unicorn, has, in my opinion, a force under his command fufficient for the protection of thofe iflands: I therefore leave the direction of the

king's fervice there in his hands; and am now proceeding to Torbay, to rejoin the trade; and, in my way, expect to be joined by the Experiment, which I detached the evening before laft to Guernsey.

In all thefe tranfactions, it has been my conftant endeavour to deferve their lordships approbation of my conduct.

From the Heights of Ouen's Bay, attending to the motions of the enemy, Jersey, May 1, three o'clock in the afternoon. EARLY this morning five large veffels, and a great number of boats (which afterwards appeared to be French) were feen within three leagues of the coaft; from whence they proceeded to St. Ouen's Bay, in order by a coupe de main to affect a landing. The cutters and fmall craft intended to cover their difem barkation, came fo near as to throw fome grape fhot,, and the boats were at hand to effect their purpofe; but by the fpirited march of the 78th, and the militia of the island, with fome few of the artillery of the island which we were able to drag through the heavy fands, they were beat off, and obliged to give up their hoftile inThe City of London, the city and liberties tentions in that bay, without any other lofs on of Westminster, and fuch part of the county our fide than a few men wounded by the burst- of Middlefex, as lie within the bills of moring of a cannon; but the enemy remains with-tality. The Borough of Southwark, and East in about a league of the coaft, lying to, in or der, as we fuppofe, when the tide permits, to make a further attempt; in which cafe nothing fhall be wanting on our part. The king's troops and militia have already gone through great fatigue, and thew a fpirit beyond my power to defcribe.

Admiralty-Office, May 8, 17791 In confequence of intelligence received laft week, of an attack intended to be made by the French on the Islands of Jerfey and Guernsey, orders were immediately dispatched to the commanding officers of his majesty's fhips at Portfmouth and Plymouth, to fend a number of frigates and loops for the protection of thofe iflands; fince which two letters to Mr. Stephens have been received from Admiral Arbuthnot, of which the following are extracts.

Europa, at fea, May 2, ten o'clock, A. M. Having this moment learnt, that the Iland of Jersey was yesterday morning attacked by five French fhips of war, feveral bomb veffels, and so boats, which, were landing men at eleven o'clock, I defire you will pleafe to acquaint their lordships therewith, and that I think it my duty to give every poffible relief to it; for which purpose I am now shaping my course thither.

His majesty, in council, has fufpended the recruiting act, from May 22 till further notice, in order that there may be no hindrance during the hay and corn harveft, in favour of the undermentioned places, viz

Half Hundred of Brixton, confifting of the
following parishes, viz. St. Saviour's, St.
Olave's, St. John's, St. Thomas's, St.
George's, Chrift-church, St. Mary Lambeth,
Camberwell, St. Mary Rotherhithe, St. Mary
Magdalen, Bermondley, St. Mary, Newing-


And in the following cities, and suburbs thereof, Bath, Briftol, Hereford, Lincoln, Chefer, Coventry, Exeter, Gloucefter, Litchfield, Norwich, Salisbury, Worcester.

And in the following towns, Colchester, Derby, Liverpool, Lancafter, Leicester, Nottingham, Newcastle upon Tyne, Shrewsbury. And in the parishes of Birmingham, "Afton, and in the parishes of Manchefter, Preftwich, and Edgbalten, in the county of Warwick, Eccles, and Flixton, in the county of Lancal


May 12. This morning the commanders in chief of the camps, the quarter master general, and proper affiftants, fet off for Coxheath, in order to mark out the lines of cocampment.

The Welch volunteers quartered at Chatham barracks are to do dusy on board the ficet this fummer; an addition of 700 men :s to be added to the marines, without any increase of officers.

13. The Inland of Providence (one of the Bahama iflands) being now again fettled and



well garrisoned, it will be of the utmost confequence to government in her prefent fcheme of annoying the American trade: from its fituation it commands the two Carolinas, being but a fhort diftance from their coaft, and has always a good harbour to run to for shelter, whenever a gale of wind comes on.

34. Much has been faid about the Spanish negociation, and of the long lift of hard terms that were propofed to our miniflry by the Marquis D'Almodavar, and among the reft that of ceding Gibraltar to Spain; but in contradiction to this we are affured that the only propofition was fimply the following: " That a ceflation of arms fhould take place between the forces of Great Britain, France and, America, in order to enter into a treaty of general peace; and that during that ceflation, America fhould be deemed an independant state."The answer was immediate and laconic: "The minifters of his Britannick Majefty would willingly enter into the propofed treaty on confident grounds; but the honour and intereft of the British empire demand the dependence and allegiance of all its colonies, which cannot therefore on any terms be difpenfed with.

The Irish parliament, which flood prorogued to Tuesday, the 25th of May inftant, is further prorogued to Tuesday, the 22d day of June next.

16. The following is an exact lift of the grand fleet now forming at Spithead : Sir Charles Hardy, Knight, admiral of the white, commander in chief. Guns. Ships.








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mouth, with a letter from Captain Gidoin, of his majesty's fhip the Richmond, to Mr. Stephens, of which the following is a copy. Richmond, off Cape Frebel, May 14, 1779. SIR,

I Did myself the honour of writing to you the roth inftant by Sir James Wallace, commander of his majefty's fhip Experiment, but a wefterly wind obliged him to return the fame day to the anchorage in Boulé Bay, Jerfey, not being able to get out. The next day I received a Letter from the Lieutenant- Bailey of that ifland, informing me, that a fleet of French fhips were feen near the islands of Chofé: fome fmall veffels were in confequence fent to reconnoitre, and fhortly after we plainly from the Heights difcovered them to be three hips, a brig, and two floops, and faw them anchor that night off Coutances.

It appeared moft eligible to divide our force, for the better intercepting them; therefore Sir James Wallace, with the fhips named in the margin, and a lug-fail veffel, whofe owners had voluntarily offered her to proceed with the king's fhips) was to proceed round the west end of Jerfey for that purpose; and I failed with the rest of the ships and veffels, and three more armed lag-fail veffels, (whofe owners had made the fame offer as the former) and freered for Coutances-Bay, where the French were still at anchor. When we had approached within three or four leagues of them, a fignal was made from the commanding fhip to weigh (the topfail-yards hoifted aloft with the fails furled;) they immediately wei, hed, and pushed with all their fail fet towards St. Maloes, not expecting, I fuppofe, another division of our fhips; we continued following them; but at ten o'clock that sight, it being almoft calm, and the tide against us, we were obliged to anchor, being then in the narrow paff ge, between Granville and the islands of Chofé. The next morning at three we weighed; there was very little wind, and that foutherly, which obliged the Richmond, with the other hips, in 74 the forenoon, to anchor, the tide being fill against us. At ten, faw fome hips over the islands of Chofé, and foon after discovered they were the other divifion of onr fhips, in pursuit of thofe of the French, then at anchor in Concale Bay. juft before noon there was a smart Cannonade, in which the batteries from the there took a part.



I to Terrible,

90 Invincible,

90 Alexander,


90 Courageux,

74 Refolution,

74 Bienfaifant,




Sir Robert Harland, Bart. vice admiral of the
red, late commander.

Royal George, 100 Thunderer,






Robert Digby, Efq; rear admiral of the blue


90 Canada,

Prince George,

90 Alfred,


74 Culloden,

[blocks in formation]

74 Intrepid,


100 | Berw ck,



90 Hector,



90 Shrewsbury,


Foodroyant, 80 Egmont,



74 Bedford,


[blocks in formation]

74 America,

3 frigates, 3 firethips, and 3 cutters.

The Triton man of war, and the Infernal fi elhip failed on Wednesday through the Downs, in order to join the grand fleet at Spithead.

From the LONDON GAZETTE Extraordinary.
Admiralty Office, May 17, 1779.
Lieutenant Wallace, of his majesty's th p
the Experiment arrived laft night from Portf-

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proper to divide his majefty's fhips there; the Experiment, Pallas, Unicorn, Fortune and Cabot Brig to go round the S. W. end of Jerfey, while he with the rest went to the S. E. The 12th, at half past three, P. M. weighed and came to fail; at feven we got round, and fteered all night over for the French fhore, The 13th, at day-light, faw a frigate coming out of St. Maloes, and five or fix others to Leeward ftanding into Concale Bay. Gave chace to the frigate: fhe got in under the bat-ing her a-fhore a breast of the battery, filenced teries of St. Maloes; bore up, chafed those to Leeward: they went into Concale Bay, and on our appearing ran afhore; they were three frigates and an armed cutter.

N. B. Several fishing boats, and other small craft, deftroyed.

Lieutenant Wallace relates, that the Experiment being greatly annoyed by a battery of fix twelve pounders, Sir James Wallace judged it expedient, after filencing the Danae, to filence the battery alfo, in order to effect the deftruction of the other frigates and cutter; and the pilots refufing to take charge of his ship, carried her up the bay himself, and lay-

it in about three quarters of an hour: soon after which the caews of the above-mentioned frigates and cutter abandoned them, and the boats of his majesty's ships immediately board

Westminster, May 18. This day the lords being met, a meffage was fent to the Honourable Houfe of Commons, acquainting then that the lords, authorised by virtue of his majesty's commiffion, for declaring his royal affent to feveral acts agreed upon by both houses, do defire their immediate attendance in the House of Peers to hear the commiflion read; and the commons being come thi her, the faid commission, inpowering the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Lord Chancellor, the Lord Preúdent of the Council, and feveral other lords therein mentioned, to notify the royal affent to the faid acts, was read accordingly, and the royal affent given to,

The Experiment run in upon the bore di-ed them. rectly among them, and began an action which lafted about one hour and a half, during which the crews from the French all left them; then the boats from all our fhips boarded and brought them off. At this time the enemy had brought down cannon, howitzers, &c. kept up fo fmart a fire, that our people thought it proper to burn two of their frigates, and leave the cutter fcuttled on the hore; the third we bring with us, together with a brig, floop, &c. From fome of the prifoners we are informed, that these were the ships which were to co operate with 2000 troops of the Prince of Naffau's, who are now encamped upon a small island called Sezambre, about two leagues from St. Maloes.

An aft for the further relief of protestant diffenting ministers and schoolmasters.

JAMES WALLACE. N. B. The Experiment was hulled in feve- An act to repeal fo much of feveral acts of ral places, and her fails and rigging much da- parliament as prohibit the growth and promaged by the shot. She had two men killed,duce of tobacco in Ireland, and to permit the and thirteen wounded, two of which danger-, importation of tobacco of the growth and oufly. produce of that kingdom into Great Britain,

The purfer of the Cabot had his leg fhot off,&c. and two of her men were wounded.

An act for granting a bounty upon the imMay 13. A lift of the enemy's fhips and vef-portation into this kingdom of hemp, of the fels taken and deftroyed this day in Concale Bay, growth of Ireland, for a limited time. near St. Maloes, by a divifion of his majesty's fhips that failed from Jerfey the 11th inft to go round the S. W. end of the island, viz. Experiment, Pallas, Unicorn, Fortune floop, and Cabot Brig.

An act for granting a drawback of the du ties Imposed by an act of the last session of parliament upon all foreign wines exported from Great Britain to any British Colony in America, or to any British fettlement in the Eaft Indies.

La Danae, 34 guns, 250 men, deferted by her crew, boarded by the boats of the fleet, brought off, and ordered to Portfmouth or Ply-of mouth, under the command of Lieutenant Rothe, 1ft of the Experiment.

La Valeur, 26 guns, 160 men, burat by Capt. Dod of the Cabot.

Le Reclufe, 24 guns, 130 men, burnt by Lieutenant Rothe, ift of the Experiment.

Le Dieppe, a cutter, 16 guns, 80 men, fcuttled and left on fhore by our people.

La Fleur, a floop of 40 tons, 4 men, taken about ten in the morning, loaded with timber for building, for St. Maloes, from the River Viv'an.

A brig, about 50 tons, and a floop, fame burthen, deferted by their crews, taken, one fad to be loaded with linfeed, the other with lead.

An act to enable the chancellor and council the Duchy of Lancafter to fell and difpofe of certain fee farm rents, and other rents, &c. An act for altering the times of holding the Martinmas and Candlemas terms, in the Court of Exchequer in Scotland.

An act for better fecuring the duties on farch.

And to feveral road, incloure, and other bills.

19. The knights elect of the Bath affembled in the Prince's chamber, Weitminster. About half past eleven o'clock the proceffion began to the Abbey, after walking round which they entered Henry the Vlth's Chapel, where they were inftalled with the usual formality.

The knights in@alled were Sir Robert Gunning, Bart. Sir James Adolphus Oughton, R. H.


Sir John Blaquiere, Sir George Howard, R. H. Sir John Irwine, Sir William Gordon, Sir William Howe, Sir Guy Carleton, Sir Edward Hughes, Sir Henry Clinton, Sir He&or Munro, Sir James Harris, and the Earl of Antrim.

Sir J. A. Oughton, Sir Edward Hughes, Sir Henry Clinton, Sir James Harris, and Sir Hector Munro, were inftalled by proxy.

The old knights that attended were his Royal Highness Prince Frederic, Sir George Pocock, Lord Amherst, Sir J. G. Griffin, Sir Charles Frederick, Sir George Warren, Earl of Bellamont, Sir William Draper, Sir John Lindfay, Sir Ralph Payne, Sir William Lynch, and Sir Charles Thompson.

His Royal Highness Prince Frederic fat as great mafter, and did the bufigefs with cafe and wonderful propriety.

A gallery was erected over the door of the chapel, in which the Prince of Wales, with two of the princes his brothers, the Duke of Montagu, &c. fat to fee the ceremony.

The queen, and others of the royal children, were placed in a gallery built for the purpofe, near the great western door of the Abbey, from whence they had a full view of the proceffion through the Abbey, to and from the chapel.

The whole ceremony was finished by half after two, and in the evening a grand ball was given by the knights who were inftailed, at the king's theatre in the Hay-market, at which upwards of 1000 of the nobility, gentry, &c. were prefent. The ladies were mostly dreffed in white, and their heads ornamented with diamonds, and a plume of feathers. The ball was opened by the Duke of Cumberland and the Duchefs of Devonshire.

20. Laft week an exprefs was fent to Edinburgh for Admiral Sir John Lockhart Rofs to take a command in the grand fleet. When the exprefs arrived Sir John was in the country; it was, however, forwarded to him, in confequence of which he arrived in town. DISPOSITION of the REGU AR TROOPS and MILITA, ordered for Summer Quarters, in England and Wales.


Toth foot

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Quarters Berwick upon Tweed Tinmouth and Newcastle Morpeth and Anwick Beverly



Yorkh. N. Riding Hull

Ditto, W. Riding Liverpool

[Bury, Sudbury, and Col-

ift dragoons

3d ditto

[blocks in formation]

Norwich, &c.

Ipfwich and Landguard



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N. B. The 7th and roth dragoons march into Scotland. The Staffordshire militia in their own county for balloting.

21. An exprefs arrived at the India House brought the following advices: "That the company's troops were on their march to Poonah; that there was not a doubt of our being in poffeffion of the whole of the Marattah country; that Brig. General Leflie had not been killed in the action, as reported, but that he died on the march of the troops.

Extract of a letter from Portsmouth, May 22. Yesterday mon ng arrived the Sarah, Capt. Mathews, from New York, from which place the failed the 15th of Aprillaft, in company with the Swan floop of war, and 24 fail of tranfports, all which he parted with the 28th.

By the captain of this fhip we are info med, that two days before he failed from New York, a hip arrived there from the Weft-Indies, with an account that there had been an engagement between Admiral Byron's and Count d'Estaing's fleets, in which the former took or deftroyed 14 fail. This account, Captain Matthews fays, was believed as fact at NewYork.

La Mothe Piquet's fquadron, which failed from Breft the 3d of May, was not intended for


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Rhode island, as has been fuppofed but mere ly as a renforcement to D' fi ign; and the 21 American vel is which tied with that adm ral were not to convoged to merica, as has been faid but merely took his prote&ton as far as he courfe would allow O the 9th inftant a gule of wind fepirved their Acet, and drove part of them back, v z. one 74 gan ih p int. Ba'que road, with the lof of her man and mizen mafts; one large provifion tranfport was loft on the rocks at the entrance into Breft; another fuopo.ed to founder in the Bay; and three Am rican velles driven on there, and totally left, the crews and paffengers faved. This fquadron confifted of five fail of the ine, fou frigates, wo fmall tenders, and eight provision tranfports, with ten additional companies of ma ines, who are all put into Aix. BIRTHS.

March, 17. One of the Sultanas, of a fecond Prince, who was named Soliman, at Conftantinop e.

May, 1. The Lady of the Marquis of Granby, of a fon, at his houfe in Arlington-frect. M A RR A G E S.

John Hawkins, Efq; eldeft fon of Sir Cæfer Hawkins, of Kelfton, in Somersetshire, Bart. to Mifs Colborne, daughter of Joseph Colborne, Eq; of Hardenhuith, near Chippenham, Wilts. Adolphus Wilton, Efq; of Lombard-ftreet, to Mif. Prifcilla Langton of the fame place. April, 23. George Abingdon Pringle, Efq; of Edinburgh, to Mits Jackson, of New Bondfreet.

24. Robert Auriol Drummond, Efq; eldeft fon of the late Archbishop of York, to Mifs Eyre, daughter of Anthony Eyre, Efq; member of parliament for Boroughbridge.

26. Dr William Grieve, phyfician, to Mifs Sarah Corney, daughter of the late Miles Corney, Efq; of Penrith, in the county of Cumberland.

19. The Rev. George Gaskin, M. A. Lecturer of St. Mary Islington, to Mifs Berfy Broughton, daughter to the late Rev. Mr. Broughton, Rector of Alhallows, Lombard-street.

James Baille, Efq; lately from Calcutta, to Mifs Helena Douglas, daughter to Charles Aytoun Douglas, of Kinglafie, in Scotland Efq; 30. The Right Hon. Lord Binning, to Lady Sophia Hope, daughter to the Earl of Hopetoun, in Scotland.

May. 4. Thomas Parker, Efq; of Alk ncoat, near Colne, in Lancashire, to Mifs Parker, fole heiress of the late Edward Parker, Efq; of New. ton, in Bowland,

5. Thomas Knight, jun, Efq; of Godmerfham, in Kent, and member of parliament for that county, to Mifs Catherine Knatchbull, of St. George, Hanover-iquare.

Jacob Mendes Da Cofta, Efq; merchant, in Devonihire-tquare, to Miis Macano, ot Leadenhall street.

Ralph Robert Carter Petley, Efq; Captain in the West Kent militia, to Mifs Campbell, of Poole.

9. James Shaw, Efq; of Upper Brook-street, to Mits Elizabeth Mafon, of New Bond-ft cet.

10. Robert Ca der, Efq; brother to Sir Henry Calder, bart, to Mifs Michell, daughter of the late John Nichell, Efq; member for Boston.

13. The Rev. Mr. Deane, rector of Berwick, in Yorkshire, to Mifs Hefter Marriott, daughter of the Rev. Dr. Marriott, of Darfield, in the fame county

15. The Rev. Mr. Haighton, rector of Long Stow, Cambridgeshire, to Mils Pawson, of Miles's-lane, Cannon-street.

18. Griffith Price, Efq; of the county of Montgomery, to Mits Sufannah Gibbons, of North Audley-ftreet.

William Shaw, Efq; of Inglewood, in Berkibire, to Mifs Rily, of Argyle-street, daughter of the late John Rily, Efq; of Breadftreet-hill.

22. The Earl of Harington, to Mifs Fleming, of Yorkshire.

Francis Ingram, Efq; of Ticknell, Worceftershire, to Mits Cardale, of Park-street Grofvenor-square.

William Caflon, Efq; of Chifwell-fireet, to Mifs Wittenoom, of Bunhill-row.

Jenkin Jones, Efq; of Old-street, to Mils Whifton, of Queen-square.

25. The Right Hon Hugh Baron Percy, fon of the Duke of Northumberland, to Mils Frances Julia Burrell, of St. George's, Hanover-square.

James Meyrick, of Parliament street, Efq; to Mifs Whitelock, daughter of John Whitelock, Efq.


William Norton, Efq; of New OrmondAtreet, captain of the William and Mary, one of the royal yachts.

William Webber, Efq; formerly a commander in the India fervice.

The Right Hon, Amelia Murray, lady Sinclair, at Marlee, in Scotland, fifter to the late, and aunt to the p efent Duke of Atholl; and first married to James Farquharfon, Elg; of Invercald.

Lewis Ourry, Efq; fort major of the garri fon in the town of Kinfale, in Ireland, and agent for the French prifoners.

Thomas Midd'eton Trollope, Efq; eldest ton of Sir Thomas Trollope, Bart. of Caswick, Lincolnshire.

April 12. Arnold Nesbitt, Efq; member of parliament for Cricklade, in Wiits.

25. The Rev. Dr. Green, Lord Bishop of Lincoln, and Canon Refidentiary of St. Paul's, at Bath.

29 William Parry, Efq; Admiral of the Blue, at Addington, near Wrotham, in Kent.

The remainder of the Deaths in our next.

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