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E hope, that in future, our patroneffes will be more sparing of their complaints, and bear that testimony to our honour which it deferves, that of never palming upon them any narrative of our own under the name of a pretended correfpondent: were this the cafe, nothing would be cafier for us than to take up the thread of a story, which we ourselves had begun. But as the condefcenfion of the lady who favoured us with a continuation of The Hiftory of Captain Herbert and Mifs Nugent, though entered into a sweet alliance, which might be a fufficient excufe for her not winding up her narrative, will ferve to evince more than we choose to exprefs.

The continuation of l'Hiftore a'Emilie by the author, tho' prevented by fickness, should teach fome of our correfpondents a little more patience, and prevent them from being too forward in blaming what could not be prevented.

Our friend Henrietta deserves not only our thanks, but that of all our fair patroneffes, for the continuation of the life of Epaminondas in French.

In profe, the favours we have received are numerous almost beyond expreffion. The Oriental Tal, from Mr. C*****, is under confideration. The continuation of the series of letters from Indiana, are arrived.

M. K. C's hint about Patterns, are referred to our Female Committee, and will be duly attended to. We must thank our other correfpondents in the profe department, and especially Maria Meanwell, for her address to the Female Reformer. O—-n M- n's Card to the Ladies. Enigmatical Lift of Ladies in Chesham, by J. K---n. Of Ladies in Sunbury, Middlefex, by R-d-b-i Wg. Of Mens Chriftian Names, by Jane B-tw. Of Nine Men of War in Sir Charles Hardy's Fleet. Public Builings in Lendon. Nine Kingdoms. Lift of Admirals. Lift of Generals. And an Enigmatical Alphabet, by H- B-ke. Lift of Six Pair of Turtle-Doves in Ratclig and Stepney, by X. Y. 2. Lift of Towns in Yorkshire by Crito. Lift of Laaies in Spital-Fields, by G-— Sm-by, Fr. Sc. Sc. ! ! !

In the poetic department we are honoured with A Lecture fint with a Rofe to a very Young Lady, by Hyne. By a Young Lady on feeing a Diffenting Minifter in a flowered Needle-Wrought Band, with scalloped Eages, by Flavil a. The Ungrateful Bee, a Song, by A. B. A Song, by Anonymou. The Youth of the Mill, by Paftorella. d Ribus, by 2. X. An Epiftle from a Gentleman in London, to his Friend in the Country, ligued A Correspodent. An Acrostic, by A. B. On Mifs G's Return to Kendall, by Damon. Stanzas in Autum", by Herat.c. Verfes wrote on the Author's Birth-Day, by Amator Cd. An Acroftic on an amiable Lady not many Miles from Rea-Lion-Stre 1, Clerkenwell, by Edwin. To Ca N , Author of the Verses to Mifs -t W—ff—s, inlerted in the Magazine for Auguft, by A Cauferay Buck. Epigram and Epitaph, by A young Philanthropist. Addreffed to Mifi G———, of K- Square, on her late Recovery from the Small Pox, by J. C. To Mr. 7. H- -y, on Human H ppiness, by J. D11. On the Death of an Infant, by Harmonia. With an overflow of other pieces, for which we are at a lofs whether we should admire the multiplicity, or elegant compofitions of our new correfpondents.

The author of the beginning of the Novel, is either at liberty to fend for his copy to the editor, or favour him with the whole of the narrative, prior to publication; but is defired to advert, that the correfpondents of the Lady's Magazine are all Volunteers.


Lady's Magazine;



(Continued from Page 488.)
Berry Hil

We chatted on various fubjects till the hour for dinner arrived, at which we fat down, and with good appetites I am fure. They have got a little boy about a year old, a lovely child. I am a great favourite with her Charles, fhe tells me he often afks after Mifs Wallis." After tea fhe asked me if 1 HREE weeks have elapfed fince liked a walk to the wood, to which I I wrote to my dear Lucy; but very readily affented. It is a moft deindeed it was not from neglect, and Ilightful place, and they have at the end hope fhe will not take it as fuch. She too well knows my love for her would not fuffer it, and nothing but my dear mother's illness prevented me from writing before.


of one of the walks a charming grotto; I took my work with me, and she took a volume of Pope's works. We were enjoying ourselves in this rational way, when I interrupted Mrs. Percy by faying, "dear Louifa, I think I can hear the approach of footsteps this way, and if not very much mistaken, hear captain Percy's voice." She anfwered, "hark! it is Harry and his friends I am fure, but we will fit here till they come up to us, which they did almost as foon as the words were out of her

Within this month a Captain and Mrs. Percy have taken a houfe and are come to refide in our neighbourhood; I like them very much. Mrs. Percy is not handfome, but an agreeable woman, about twenty one; he is very handfome, and is thirty. She and I are become very intimate, and, next to my beloved Lucy, there is not a wo-mouth. man I like better. I went yesterday Mrs. Percy flew to embrace her to fpend the day with her, as I frequent-friend, and captain Percy presented, or ly do, and took my work with me, I rather introduced, his friend to her; found her alone; her husband, fhe told now I fuppofe you long to know what me, was not at home, and had been gone fort of people thefe two are; whether a week on a vifit to an intimate friend they are handfome or ugly. To begin, of his, but that fhe had received a let-Mifs Willis is a very fine elegant woter from him to let her know he should man, and Mr. Gordon, but I cannot be down that night, accompanied by defcribe his perfon, as I am fure I canMifs Willis and his friend Mr. Gor not do it justice, fuffice it then to don. This Mifs Willis is, I find, a fay, he is one of the handfomeft men bofom friend of her's, and the re- my eyes ever beheld. joiced much at the thoughts of feeing he

We foon returned to the house, as they all complained of being much

tired; Mifs Willis in particular, faid she never faw the roads fo duty.

I took my leave afterwards, though very much preffed to stay and take my fupper with them. Our houfe is but a quarter of a mile from Percy Place, and the captain, though fo fatigued with his journey, would infift on attending me here, notwithstanding my utmost endeavours to perfuade him from it. Adieu, my dear Lucy; love to all your worthy fifters, and compliments to the rest of the family; and, blefs me! I hope Mr. and Mrs. Greville will pardon me for putting them laft. I once more give over feribbling. Sophia, fays my friend, why indeed I think I have wrote enough to tire any body, and even your affectionate friend,

fore. Nor do they only affect the body, the mind likewife fuffers, and is often thereby rendered extremely weak and peevish. The low fpiritednefs, timoroufnefs, melancholy and fickleness of temper, which generally attend nervous diforders, induce many people to believe that they are entirely difeafes of the mind; but this change of tem per is rather a confequence, than the caufe of the difcafes.

CAUSES. Every thing that tends to relax, or weaken the body, disposes it to new difcafes, as indolence,, excefs of venery, drinking too much tea, or any other weak, watery liquors ; frequent bleeding, purging, vomiting, &c. Whatever hurts digeftion, or prevents the proper affimilation of the aliment, has likewife this effect; as SOPHIA WALLIS.long fafting, excefs in eating and drink(To be continued.)

[blocks in formation]

I have just been reading Buchan's domeftic Medicine, in which I find a very good account of nervous diforders, and as a correfpondent in your Magazine for June laft, p. 290, begs to be informed of a remedy for the diforder, I have taken the liberty to favour you with this extract, which I flatter myself will not be unacceptable.

Your's, &c.


ing, the ufe of windy, crude, or unwholfome aliments, an unfavourable posture of the body, &c.

Nervous diforders often proceed from affliction of the mind; as grief, difappointment, anxiety, intenfe ftudy, &c. Indeed few ftudious perfons are entirely free from them. Nor is this at all to be wondered at, intenfe thinking not only preys upon the fpirits, but prevents the perfon from taking proper exercife, by which means the digeftion is impaired, the nourishthe whole mafs of humours vitiated. ment prevented, the folids relaxed, and Grief and difappointment likewife pro

In a

duce the fame effects. I have known more nervous patients who dated the commencement of their diforder from the lofs of a husband, a favourite child, &c. than from any other caufe Fall difeafes incident to man- word whatever weakens the body, or kind, thofe of the nervous kind depreffes the fpirits, may occafion nerare the most complicated and difficult vous disorders, as unwholfome air, to cure. A volume would not be fuf- want of fleep, great fatigue, difagreeficient to point out their various fymp-able apprehenfions, vexations, &c. toms. They imitate almost every dif cafe; and are feldom alike in two dif ferent perfons, or even in the fame perfon at different times.

SYMPTOMS. We fhall only mention fome of the moft general symptoms of thefe diforders, as it would be both an ufelefs and impracticable talk to Protens like, they are continually point out the whole. They general changing fhape; and, upon every freshly begin with windy inflation, or difattack the patient thinks he feels fymp- tention of the ftomach and inteftines; ns which he never experienced be- the appetite and digeftion are ufually


On Nervous Complaints.

bad; yet fometimes there is an uncommon craving for food, and a quick dig. tion. The food often turns four on the ftomach. Excruciating pains are often felt about the navel, attended with a rumbling or murmuring noife in the bowels. The belly is fometimes loose, but more commonly bound, which occafions a retention of wind, and great uneafinefs.


one course of medicine, till it has time to produce its proper effects. They are likewife apt to imagine that they labour under difeafes from which they are quite free, and are very angry if any one attempts to fet them right, or laugh them out of their ridiculous notions.

REGIMEN. Perfons afflicted with nervous disorders ought never to faft long, their food fhould be folid and nourishing, but eafy of digeftion. Fat meats and heavy fauces are hurtful. All excefs fhould be carefully avoided.. They ought never to eat more at a time than they can eafily digeft, but if they feel themselves weak and faint between meals, they ought to eat a bit of bread, and drink a glafs of wine. Heavy fuppers are to be avoided. Though wine in excefs enfeebles the body and impairs the faculties of the mind, yet taken in moderation it ftrengthens the ftomach, and promotes digeftion. Wine and water is a very proper drink at meals; but if wine turns four in the ftomach, and the pa

The urine is fometimes in fmall quantities, at other times very copi ous, and quite clear. There is a great fhortness of the breath, with difficulty of breathing, violent palpitations of the heart, fadden fufhing of heat in various parts of the body, at other times a fenfe of cold, as if water were poured on them; flying pains in the arms and limbs; pain in the back and belly resembling those occafioned by gravel; the pule very variable, fometimes uncommonly flow, and at other times very quick; yauning, the hiccough, frequent fighing, and a fenfe of fuffocation; alternate fits of crying, and convulfive laughing; the fleep is unfound, and feldom refreshing; and the pati-tient is much troubled with wind, ent is often troubled with the night


As the difeafe increases the patient is molefted with head-achs, cramps, and fixed pains in various parts of the body; the eyes are clouded, and often affected with pain or drynefs; there is a noife in the ears, and often a dulness of hearing in fhort the whole animal functions are impaired. The mind is diturbed on the moft trivial occafions, and is hurried into the moft perverfe commotions, inquietudes, terror, fadnefs, anger, diffidence, &c. The patient is apt to entertain wild imaginations, and extravagant fancies, the memory becomes weak, and the reafon fails.

Nothing is more charactereftic of this diforder than a conftant fear of death. This renders thofe unhappy perfons who labour under it peevish, fickle, impatient, and apt to run from one phyfician to another, which is one reafon why they feldom reap any benefit from medicine, as they have not ufficient refolution to perfift in any

brandy and water will answer better. Every thing that is windy, or hard of digeftion, muft be avoided. All weak and warm liquors are hurtful, as tea, coffee, punch, &c. People may find a temporary relief in the ufe of thefe, but they always incrcafe the malady, as they weaken the ftomach and hurt digeftion. Above all things drams are to be avoided, whatever immediate eafe the patient may feel from them, for they are fure to aggravate the malady, and prove pernicious at last. Thefe cautions are the more necessary, as moft nervous people are peculiarly fond of tea and fpirits, to the use of which many of them fall victims.

Exercife in nervous disorders is fuperior to all remedies. Riding on horse-back is generally efteemed the beft, as it gives motion to the whole body, without fatiguing it. I have known fome patients with whom walking agreed better, and others who were most benefited by riding in a carriage. Every one ought to prefer that which he finds molt benefici

Long fea-voyages have an excellent effect; and to thofe who can afford to take them, and have fufficient refolution, we would by all means recom mend this courfe. Even change of place, and the fight of new objects, by diverting the mind, have a great tendency to remove thefe complaints; for this reafon a long journey, or a voyage, is of much more advantage than riding fhort journies at home.

the ftomach relaxed and weak, an infufion of the Peruvian bark, and other bitters may be used with advantage.*

the nervous fyltem than cold bathing. Few things tend more to ftrengthen This practice, if duly perfifled in, will produce very extraordinary effects; but when the liver or other vifcera are obftructed, or otherwife unfound, the cold bath is improper. The most proper feafons are fummer and autumn. It will be fufficient, efpecially for perfons of a fpare habit, to go into the cold bath three or four times a week. If the patient is weakened by it, or feels himfelf chilly for a long time after coming out, it is improper.

or thrice a day in a glass of water. This both expels wind, ftrengthens the ftomach, and promotes digeftion.

A cool and dry air is proper, as it braces and invigorates the whole body. Nothing tends more to relax and enervate than hot air, cfpecially that which "is rendered fo by large fires, or ftoves in fmall apartments. When the ftomach or bowels are weak, the whole body ought to be well guarded against have always obferved the greatet beIn patients afflicted with wind, I cold, efpecially in winter, by wearing nefit from the acid elixir of vitriol. a thin flannel waiftcoat next the fkin. It may be taken in the quantity of This will keep up an equal perfpira-fifteen, twenty, or thirty drops, twice tion, and defend the alimentary canal from many impreffions to which it would otherwife be fubject upon every fadden change from warm to cold It would be an easy matter to enuweather. Rubbing the body frequent-merate many medicines which have ly with a fiefh-brush, or a coarte linen cloth, is likewife beneficial, as it promotes circulation, perfpiration, &c. Perfons who have weak nerves ought to rife early, and take exercife before breakfaft, as lying too long in bed cannot fail to relax the folids. They ought likewife to be diverted, and to be kept as eafy and chearful as poffible, as nothing hurts the nervous fyftem more, and weakens the digeftive powers, than fear, grief, and anxiety.

MEDICINES. Though nervous diforders are feldom radically cured, yet their fymptoms may be alleviated, and the patients life rendered comfortable by proper medicines.


been extolled for relieving nervous diforders; but whoever wishes for a thorough cure muft expect it from regimen alone; we fhall therefore omit mentioning more medicines, and again recommend the ftri&teft attention to diet, air, exercise, and amusements.

The Hiftory of Captain HERBERT and

In a Series of Letters. (Continued from Page 487.} LETTER XIII Mifs NUGENT to M.; SIDNEY. When the patient is coftive, he Caffle Nugent. ought to take a little rhubarb, or fomet is, but I cannot help thinking Know not, my dearest Louisa, how other light purgative, and fhould ne that we are not formed to tafte happiver fuffer his belly to be long bound. All frong and violent purgations are to be avoided. I have generally feen an infusion of fenna and rhubarb in brandy anfwer very well. This may be made of any frength, and taken in fuch quantities as the patient finds neceflary. When digeftion is bad, or


* Take of Peruvian bark an ounce, gentian-root, orange-peel, and coriander feed, of each hal an ou ce; let thefe ingr, dients be bruifed in a morter, and infufed in a bottle of brandy, or whisky, for five or fix days. A table spoonful of the Arained liquor may be taken in half a glass of water an hour before breakfaft, dinner, and fupper.


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