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(The titles of articles in foreign reviews are given in the original, translated, or abridged in English, without any fixed rule, as appears in each case most convenient for our readers.)

The English Historical Review. No. 10.

Longmans, Green & Co.

The campaign of Sedan (W. O'Connor Morris)-Chatham, Francis, and Junius (Leslie Stephen)-The Plantation of Munster, 1584-1589 (R. Dunlop) -The Claim of the House of Orleans to Milan, Part II (Miss A. M. F. Robinson).

The Nineteenth Century. London: Kegan Paul, Trench & Co.

May: The Local Government Bill (Lord Thring)-June: Local Government in France (H. E. the French Ambassador).

The Journal of Jurisprudence. Vol. XXXII, Nos. 376-8. Edinburgh:
T. & T. Clark.

No. 376.

Art of Legal Composition-Appeals from the Sheriff Court under the Judicature Act-Protection of Infants-Ownership in Land.

No. 377. The Philosophical School of Law-The Chair of Public Law in the University of Edinburgh-The House of Lords-Commerce and Contracts-The trial of Dr. Middleton-Presumption of Life under the Act of 1881-Civil Procedure in New York.

No. 378. Industry and Property-The State and Industry-The Royal Commission on loss of life at Sea, I-The Pawnbrokers' Act-Laws relating to Sunday.

The Scottish Law Review. Vol. IV, Nos. 40-42. Glasgow: W. Hodge & Co. No. 40. Sheriff Berry's address to the Glasgow Juridical Society (concluded)-Agent for Borrower and Lender.

No. 41. Imprisonment for Debt-Law Agents and Notaries.
No. 42. Lord Herschell's Trustees Bill.

The Canadian Law Times.

Parliamentary Divorce in Canada-The Contracts and Rights of Foreign Vol. VIII, Nos. 3-9. Toronto: Carswell & Co. Corporations-Have the Provincial Legislatures power to appoint new Magistrates? (Marsh).

The Canada Law Journal. Vol. XXIV, Nos. 4-10. Toronto: J. E. Bryant & Co.

Insanity in its relation to marriage (A. Wood-Renton)-The Extradition of Criminals (W. Houston)-The Land Titles Act-Proposal for a Law School-The New Tariff of Fees and Disbursements-Divorce: Separation de Corps (F. Hague)-The Fisheries Treaty-A Problem in the English

law of Arbitration (A. Wood-Renton)-Railway Commission-Libel and Slander (R. V. Rcgers)-Provincial Legislation of 1888-The Law of Dower -Divorce-Commission of Real Estate Agents.

The Cape Law Journal. Vol. V, Part 2.

Grahamstown, Cape of Good

Hope: for the Incorporated Law Society, Josiah Slater.

The Theory of the Judicial Practice: Arrests-Notes on some Controverted Points of Law-Sir Henry Maine-Barristers and Solicitors Abroad -The Authority of Counsel.

Harvard Law Review. Vol. II, Nos. 1-2.

The History of Assumpsit, I-II (J. B. Ames)—The principle of Lumley v. Gye (W. Schofield)- The Right to follow Trust Property when confused with other Property (S. Williston)—The limits of Sovereignty (A. L. Lowell). Political Science Quarterly. Vol. III, No. 1. New York: Ginn & Co.

The Bases of Taxation (F. A. Walker)-The Tariff of 1828 (F. W. Taussig) -Control of Immigration, I (R. M. Smith)-The Michigan Salt Association (J. W. Jenks)-Nominations in N. Y. City (A. C. Bernheim)—Laband's German Public Law (J. W. Burgess)-State Statute and Common Law, II (Munroe Smith).

The New Jersey Law Journal. Vol. XI, No. 5. Somerville, N.J.: Honeyman & Co.

Power of Governor to fill vacancies in office.

The Medico-Legal Journal. Vol. V, No. 3. New York.

Criminality (W. G. Stevenson)-Medals of Guislain (H. R. Storer)— The Medical Jurisprudence of Inebriety (Clark Bell, A. R. Dyett, and C. H. Hughes)-Medical Expertism (A. Wood-Renton).

Bulletin de la Société de Législation Comparée. 19° Année. No. 4. Paris.

Bankruptcy Legislation in Germany and Austria (Bufnoir, Challamel, and Lyon-Caen) Proceedings of the Society and of the Swiss Law Association -Legislative Chronicle: Germany.

Revue Internationale du Droit Maritime. 3o Année. Nos. 9-12. 1887-8. Paris.

Seizure and Sale of Ships (Vidal-Naquet)-Reports of French, English (Govare), Belgian (Jacobs and Maeterlinck), American (Autran and Périé), German (Périé), and Norwegian (Beauchet) Cases.

Journal du Droit International privé. Par M. Clunet. Paris: 1888. 15o Année.

Nos. 1-2. Esquisse du droit international privé (Bar)-Condition des Sociétés étrangères en Italie (Danieli)—Exécution des jugements étrangers en France (Daguin)-Seconds mariages d'époux divorcés en Suède (Olivecrona) -Abordage en droit espagnol (Saint-Marc)-Chronique-Incident du consulat de France à Florence Affaire des placards sur l'empereur d'Allemagne-Questions et Solutions-Un français naturalisé anglais peut-il être déshérité par son père resté français ?-Jurisprudence internationaleCongrès international, Conflit des lois maritimes-Bibliographie-Articles à consulter, &c.

[blocks in formation]

Annales de Droit Commercial. 2ème Année. No. 2, 1888. Paris.

Du droit allemand sur les conflits de lois en matière de lettres de change (Beauchet)-German Commercial and Industrial Law, 1886-7 (Cohn)L'assurance sur la vie devrait être insaisissable (Editor).

Annales de l'Ecole libre des Sciences politiques. 3o Année. No. 2, 1888.

The dissensions of the coalition of 1793 (Sorel)-Equatorial Africa: Ogowe, Congo, Zambesi (Poinsard)—Church and State in Russia (LeroyBeaulieu) The organisation of political parties in the United States (Ostrogorski) French Politics at the Congress of Rastadt, 1797-99 (Koechlin)—De l'application des lois Métropolitaines a l'Algérie à propos de la loi municipale du 5 Avril, 1884 (Godefroy)—Mr. Goschen's Conversion Scheme (Arnauné)-Correspondence.

Revue de la Réforme Judiciaire. 4ème Année. Nos. 2-3. Paris.

Avoué's right to plead (Ch. Bertheau)-Assises correctionnelles (V. Jeanvrot)-Code of Civil Procedure reform (de la Grasserie)-New legisla tion concerning public worship-Conciliatory proceedings (Bertheau). Zeitschrift für das Privat- und Öffentliche Recht der Gegenwart. Vol. XV, No. 3, 1888. Vienna.

Fragmente aus einem System des österr. Obligationenrechts (Unger)— -Das relative Vollmachtsindossament (de Jonge)-Gedanken zum Begriffe der 'Benachtheiligungsabsicht' im Anfechtungsgesetze (Kornitzer) - Zur Lehre vom öffentlichen Gute nach gemeinem und österr. Rechte (Burckhard).

Archiv für Öffentliches Recht. Vol. III. Nos. 2-3. 1888. Freiburg i. B.

Die Friedenspräsenz des Deutschen Heeres und das Recht des Reichstags (L. v. Savigny)-Das kaiserlich-russische Thronfolge-u. Hausgesetz (Eichelmann)-Compensation for accidents in course of employment (Rosin). Zeitschrift für Deutschen Civilprozess. Vol. XII. Nos. 1-2. Berlin.

Die Entwickelung des Konkursverfahrens (Endemann)-Ueber die Succession in das Prozessverhältniss (Kohler)-Ueber die gesetzliche Form der Beschwerde (Rintelen)-Ueber die Auferlegung der Kosten der Berufungsinstanz (Marcus)-Ein Beitrag zum Absonderungsrechte des Verpächters (Voss).

Busch's Archiv. Vol. XLVIII.

No. 3, 1888. Berlin.

The International Copyright Convention, 1886 (Fuld)-Erstattung der Protestkosten und der eigenen Provision bei Verklagung der Haupt-Wechselschuldner (Ortloff)-Autor-, Patent- und Industrierecht (Kohler). Beiträge zur Erläuterung des Deutschen Rechts. Vol. XXXII. Nos. 2-3. Berlin Franz Vahlen.

Ueber die Verpflichtung des Arrest legers, etc. (Henrici)-Das Autorrecht an Briefen (Fuld)-Ueber die juristische Natur des Anfechtungsrechts, etc. (Meisner)-Der landrechtliche Begriff des Gewahrsams (Jecklin)-Die Kraftloserklärung von Wechselblanketts durch Ausschluszurtheil (Merfeld). Centralblatt für Rechtswissenschaft. Vol. VII, No. 9. 1888. Stuttgart. Reviews.

Zeitschrift für das Gesammte Handelsrecht. Vol. XXXIV, New Series. Vol. XIX. Parts 3-4. Stuttgart: Ferdinand Enke.

Die Haftung des Kommanditisten (Schawlb) Die Proteststunden im Sinne der Allgemeinen deutschen Wechselordnung (Pappenheim)-Commercial law legislation in England, France, Belgium, and Italy.

Archivio Giuridico, Vol. XXXIX, Nos. 5-6. Vol. XL.


Nos. 1-2.

Actio ex sponsu (Pacchioni)-Per la dottrina del passo necessario secondo il diritto romano (Brugi)-Le sorti del Canone enfiteutico, dopo l'alienazione del fondo (Cogliolo)-Concetto dominante e partizioni scientifiche della statistica moderna (Salvioni)-The codification of the law of negotiable instruments (Vivante)-Introductory lecture upon Roman law (Gabba)-Il termine di un anno stabilito (Castelbolognesi)-La personalità degli schiavi in Roma (Trincheri)-Il diritto nella vita italiana (Tamassia)-La funzione moderatrice nello Stato moderno (Iona)--Il diritto Ferroviario (Manara)— La filosofia giuridica nelle Università (Cogliolo)—A proposito di una recente edizione di Statuti (Chiapelli)-Osservazioni sulla imperscrittibiletà in materia dotale secondo il Codice civile italiano (Bianchi)-Dei caratteri differenziali fra la vendita di cose future (Castelbolognesi)-Letter to Prof. Cogliolo (Fadda)-Review of penal law (Castori).

Il Filangieri. Anno XII, Part I, No. 3. 1888. Milan.

Una lettera di Papa Gregorio 1o: Contribuzione alla storia della cambiale (Tamassia)-Lo statuto italiono e le sue attinenze con le Costituzioni straniere vigenti (Contuzzi)-The International Copyright Conference, Berne, 1886 (Vidari).

Rivista Italiana per le Scienze Giuridiche. Vol. V, Nos. 1-2.

Ermanno Loescher & Co.


Some disputed points in the law of negotiable instruments (Bolaffio)—La legge 14 § 3 D. de alim. rel. cib. leg. 34. 1. Nota (Scialoja)-Sulla misura del contributo dei coniugi ai domestici bisogni (Polacco)-Delle garentie del dominio diretto secondo il codice civile italiano (Mirabelli)—The Commentary of Gaius on the XII Tables (Zocco-Rosa)-L'interdetto Salviano e un rescritto di Gordiano (Schupfer).

Bullettino dell'Istituto di Diritto Romano. Vol. I. No. 1. 1888. Rome.

New Pompeian Tablets (Scialoja, Alibrandi)-Libello di Geminio Eutichete (Scialoja)—Ad Gai. 2, 51 (Ferrini)-Sul così detto pactum de jurejurando (Fadda)—Res mancipi o res mancipii ? (Bonfante).

La Legge. Anno XXVII. Series IV, Vol. I, Nos. 19-22 Rome.
L'art. 574 del codice civile ed il diritto di proprietà (De Vecchi).

Themis. Vol. XLIX, No. 2. The Hague.

Joint or several liability of partners for penalties (Goudsmit)-Presidiale Bevelschriften tot Beslaglegging (Heemskerk)-Application of general provisions as to legislation, etc. (Léon, posth.)-Subrogation in life assurance (Moens)-Domicil (Bergsma)-The draft law of bankruptcy (Goudsmit)— Revision of the Civil Code (Land).

Rechtsgeleerd Magazijn. Vol. VII, No. 3. Haarlem.

Criminal responsibility for acts of third persons (De Leaô Laguna)—The

Summa Codicis of Ugo (D'Ablaing)-De gedwongen tusschenkomst in het burgerlijk geding (van Boneval Faure) - Recent English legislation (Molengraaff).

Revista Forense Chilena. Vol. III, Nos. 3-10. 1887-8. Santiago.

The principal contents of these numbers are commentaries and discussions upon the Chilian codes or projected additions to them. No. 6, at p. 376, contains an incidental notice of Sir Henry Maine's work.

The Law Quarterly Review does not undertake to exchange with or to notice publications which are not of a distinctly legal character.

The Editor cannot undertake the return or safe custody of MSS. sent to him without previous communication.

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