Elachistine Moths of Australia: (Lepidoptera: Gelechioidea: Elachistidae)Elachistine moths are the World’s most species-rich group of Lepidoptera that specialise on monocotyledon plants, especially grasses and sedges. This volume is the first reference to describe the so-far unknown diversity of these leaf-mining moths in Australia. It provides a new generic classification for the group on a worldwide basis, and describes in detail the genera and species that occur in Australia. Keys to genera and species, as well as generic, subgeneric and species group descriptions are given, richly supplied with illustrations of larvae, pupae and adult moths. In addition, the external appearance and the male and female genitalia of all species are described. The volume contains redescriptions of all 11 previously named valid species, and descriptions of no less than 137 species new to science, of which 128 are formally named, increasing the known species richness of Australian Elachistinae by more than an order of magnitude. The diverse Australian Elachisine fauna is nearly entirely endemic, and concentrates on the more humid coastal and montane regions. Given the wealth of biological information, the book provides a basis for conservation consideration of Elachistinae, many of which are dependent on diminishing fragments of suitable habitat. |
Material and methods | 3 |
1 Phylogeny subfamily definition and generic classification | 7 |
2 Morphology | 23 |
3 Biology | 37 |
4 Diversity distribution and conservation biology | 41 |
5 Australian species of Elachistinae | 45 |
Common terms and phrases
2/3 wing length abdomen ANIC antrum apex apophyses anteriores apophyses posteriores arms of gnathos basal Basal arms bluish grey bluish white brownish grey caecum caudal cephalic colliculum Coloration of thorax corpus bursae cucullus Cyperaceae dark grey dark grey-tipped scales digitate process distal fold distally pale dorsal dorsolateral ductus bursae femur flagellomeres flagellum fold of costa Forewing ground colour fringe scales concolorous genitalia of Elachista holotype image of genitalia juxta and digitate Juxta lobe Kaila leg Kaila sp knob of gnathos Labial palpus ascending larva length of valva Lepidoptera LK prep long as wide Material examined Type Median plate narrow neck tuft ochreous grey ostium bursae pale grey pale ochreous palpus papilla paratype pedicel phallus as enlarged plate of juxta Pupa Right bottom Right top sacculus sclerotised setae South Wales species spines Spinose knob sternum tapered tarsomeres tergum thorax tibia Uncus lobes ventral ventral surface Vinculum Western Australia Wing pattern