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tage from, before I went to Europe the last time-and by the "JOURNAL" I sunk about one thousand dollars; by engaging too many to meeting-houses, before the work was done at one of which there happened to lack twenty-five of eight hundred; and hence twenty-five dollars in cash was demanded, and paid from other pub lications so that I had but about ten dollars, when I emDarked for Europe.

But hitherto the Lord hath helped and brought me through, and gently cleared my way. I feel a sweet inward peace of mind-a blessing I have never lost since I saw "Calvin Wooster." What is before me 1 know not-trials I expect ever await me, while upon the Journey of Life on these mortal shores-but the anticipation of a better and happier world, attracts my mind to surmount every obstacle by "FAITH IN JESUS," to gain that bright abode-and strive by every possible means to regenerate the earth by the knowledge of God-that "moral evil" may be expelled the world, the Kingdom of Christ become general, and

rule over ALL.

I verily believe these are the last days of troublesome times—and will continue to grow worse and worse

and rise higher and higher, until after the "FALL OF BABYLON"-which I expect cannot be far off and the "Beast and False Prophet" be taken away—then the Divine Government will be acknowledged-natural justice attended to-moral obligation performed the. golden rule of practice, as injoined by the VICEGERENT of the world!


Whoever will read the xxviii. of Dieut. and compare it with the history of the Jews, and our LORD's prediction, with Josephus, must be at least rationally convinced of the doctrine of Providence in nature and grace. And whosoever is convinced, and looks at the signs" may discern the "TIMES"- "For the light of the moon is becoming as the light of the suN"-when compared with the last centuries: and " The light of the SUN shall become seven fold as the light of SEVEN DAYS"-saith the inspiration of the AlmightyThen the House of the Lord shall be established in the top of the mountain, and exalted above the hills"

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* and all nations shall flow unto it"-then wolf and the lamb shall dwell together"-and the tions learn war no more”—for “the NAME of the LORD alone shall be EXALTED in that day"--and natural evil will be expelled the world-and the earth restored to its paradisical state" until the thousand years be ended"—whether a common thousand-prophetic or apostolic-when Christ shall reign on earth, and bring his saints with him-but after the loosing of satan, then there will be a falling away; and shortly will come the general judgment-" moral evil" having contaminated the earth again—and hence it is inconsistent with the nature and government of the Almighty to continue the world in being any longer-then we arrive to the "CONSUMMATION" of all things.

THIS world is fitted to man's body, but not to his mind the love of God is the only principle that can satisfy the MIND, and make him happy. Man is ever aspiring for new and greater things-now this principle is not wrong-being implanted by the AUTHOR of nature, as an inherent principle that is innate-the evil consists in the pursuits of improper objects-objects that can never satisfy--and so become idolaters, to the neglecting the Author of all good-the privation of which is misery as He is the only fountain of perfect and lasting happiness!

This world is man's beginning place, like a state of embryo he being a candidate for future happinesshence the other world is his place of destination-For "moral evil" brought "natural evil" into this worldman is degenerate-hence the necessity of " regeneration" by the Divine Spirit-called the "NEW BIRTH."

“The kingdom of Heaven was prepared for man," not from all eternity-but "from the foundation of the world"-whereas "the lake of fire and brimstone" was never made for man, but was "prepared for the devil and his angels."

The "pleasure" of the Lord was the moving cause of "creation."-"Love" was the moving cause of "redemption" and "faith" is the instrumental cause of


"salvation."--But "SIN," man's own ACT, is the CAUSE of his "damnation.”

Therefore the necessity of secking the Lord by faith, to find that knowledge of him which will give an evidence of pardon, and bring peace to the mind.

The "divisions" of the human family into "nations,* has its advantages-to cause a balance of power and a refuge for the oppressed people.

The variety of" denominations” also in those nations, have an advantage-that no one shall have the preeminence to domineer over others in matters of 66 con science;" there being so little real piety in the world. Union of form and ceremony is not religion in a moral point of view-for by it with the addition of power the world hath been imposed upon-and taken the shell for the kernel-in their awful delusive ignorance—which hath driven men to deism and infidelily, as common sense began to wake up and see the imposition. And doubtless will continue so to do more and more-hence the propriety of those words--" When the son of man cometh shall he find faith on the earth?"

But a union of HEART in the spirit of the gospel of CHRIST, is a necessary thing to promote peace, and convince the world of the reality of the religion of Je sus being founded in Divinity-that they may embrace it by faith and "know" its blessed enjoyments.

Let brotherly love continue-for where bitter contention is, is every evil work-and instead of judging and striving for a party-and using the devil's tools with which to do the Almighty's work, strive to excel in love-evidencing your "faith in Christ by WORKS"bringing forth those fruits of Christianity that will be the evidence on which will turn your eternal "justification" forever, in the day of final retribution!

The GLORY of God our object, the WILL of God our lan-His SPIRIT our guide, and the Bible our rule, that Heaven may be our END-Hence we must "watch and pray"---endure to the end to receive the " Crown of Life" --where is pleasure without pain---for evermore!

Then the storms of life are forever over, and this journey is drawn to a close; where there is glory and

honour, praise and power, majesty, might and dominion forever ascribed to God and the Lamb; where is no sighing nor crying--but endless day without night--where we may say hallelujah---hosanna forever!

Glory, glory for the prospects a-head! the "HOPE" beyond the grave!


At the house of Brother Weait Munson,

No. 176 Broadway.

New-York, May 8th, 1814.

Dublin, October 18, 1806:

My Dear Brother Dow,

AS you are about to leave this city, I send you this small testimonial of my esteem and love, as it may on some occasions, open your way among strangers.

I had but few opportunities of attending your meetings; when I did, I had no doubt of the divine blessing attending your ministry: on other occasions, I have had the fullest proof, that although you were confined in your place of preaching, the word of the Lord was not bound, but became the power of God to the salvation of many precious souls. I suppose not less than thirty of these have, on your recommendation, joined the society; several of whom are rejoicing in God,' and living to his glory in newness of life.

When you formerly visited Ireland, I witnessed the power of God attending your ministry in several instances, and I rejoice in the continuation of his grace to you From all I have seen and heard respecting you, I acknowledge the hand of God, who is now as formerly, abasing the pride of man in the instruments by whom he works. (See 1 Cor. i. 26-29.)

I have no doubt of your candid attachment to the Methodists in affection and interest as well as doctrine. I believe your aim is to spend and be spent in bringing sinners to the Lord Jesus, and do therefore "bid you God speed." May you have many souls given you in every place, to form your crown of rejoicing in the day of the Lord! May the eternal God be your refuge, and protect you, and your dear wife and little one, is the prayer of

Your affectionate Brother in Christ,

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