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Yet how

the world; probably as three to one. dark and ignorant still? What selfishness prevails, and how little is Natural Justice regarded in Social life. How little is moral obligation considered in the various transactions and concerns of life.

How few are living for eternity, and conducting as they expect to answer at the bar of the Supreme Judge? In short, how few attend to the * Moral Law' to love the Lord with all their Heart, and their neighbour as themselves.'-And to the Law of Nature,' which coincides with the Rule of Practice,' as ye would that others should do to you, do you even so to them?” for this is the Law and the Prophets,' and is sanctioned by Jesus Christ.

Until the gospel is preached to all mankind, there is some body who ought to preach that does not; and there are grand causes, enough to proprovoke the God of Love to anger, towards those who hold the people in the darkness of ignorance, by cruel and wicked LAWS!

Quere. How happens it, that Mahomedanism rooted Christianity out of the Eastern World ?

Doubtless Christianity was abused, perverted and so corrupted, that the substance was lost in the shade; and the name of the thing only remained. Hence Mahomedanism which admits of no idolatry,' was preferable; therefore the Nominal Christians, who were not worthy of a political or social existence, having forfeited their right and privilege by sin, were justly scourgeddeprived of the gospel, and removed out of the way, that a better 'ism might follow.

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These ideas will justify the ways of God to Man.' When a social existence is forfeited by abuse, the people constituting it, stand in the way of their betters; and of course, the being who gave, hath a right to take away,' and bestow it


on such as are more worthy. Justice is then administered to the former and mercy to the latter. And that people who possesses the most • moral virtue,' or will answer the best and most ble purpose, are the most preferable. Therefore, to remove the vicious out of the way, as being hindrances to righteousness, is good. Of two objects, goodness and wisdom will prefer and chuse the best, to answer a good and important purpose, and accomplish a noble end.-Hence of two 'isms supported by the arm of human power,' one is old in evil and very bad, the other young and more hopeful; and therefore, it is consistent with wisdom, justice, goodness and mercy, to prefer the latter.

Many people talk about the plans' of the Almighty! If man was perfect in wisdom he would need no plan. And that which argues imperfection in man, will not, cannot argue perfection in the Deity. Therefore such expressions are perfect nonsense if brought for any thing more than a comparison or an illustration!

Morally' speaking, whosoever is right must be just-and whosoever is right and just must be good; and whosoever is right and just and good, must be wise; and whosoever is JUST and RIGHTEOUS and GOOD and WISE must be most NOBLE in the Superlative degree!-Therefore we must unite these ideas of Justice, Righteousness, Goodness and Wisdom, in the Moral character of the Almighty, in order to have any proper conceptions of his Moral Government and of his noble dispensations to the social bodies of mankind.

Some people, to exalt his justice, destroy his Goodness and mercy, and represent him a mere Tyrant others speaking to exalt the power of God, destroy his justice and mercy. Another exalting his Merey destroys his Justice. Thus they split up the Almighty into parts, ascribing

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to him certain ideas which they call Atributes,' formed in their own conceptions-And by extolling his power, or his mercy or justice' improperly bear false testimony, and give the Almighty a character which is far from the truth, as manifested either in his dispensations' or the • written word.' For instance, says one God is all mercy' he is so good. If he be all mercy, where is his Justice? A Governor is so good, as to be all mercy; and therefore will pardon every culprit; and will suffer none to be punished, however dangerous to Society. Thus the innocent must suffer, and the guilty escape and go free!— Now to let the Guilty escape and the innocent suffer, without any possible remedy, exhibits the executive power, as possessing neither mercy nor justice, nor goodness, in his procedure-and of course he cannot be right or noble in his nature or dispensations. A being without mercy, who is unjust and not good, but destitute of every right and noble principle; and is not in possession of any true and genuine wisdom! This is the picture of the very Devil himself.

But the true character of JEHOVAH, or the manifestation of God in Christ-is uniformly consistent with itself, agreeable to the principles of Justice' and Righteousness' and Goodness' and Wisdom' and Mercy'-Mercy to proper objects of mercy-but to let the innocent suffer and the guilty escape, is an unjust tyranny. But Mercy' is always dispensed consistent with, or agreeable to the principles of true Justice,' when administered by the MOST HIGH. If a person hath sinned, pardon without repentance, could never excite gratitude: therefore it would be a thankless act, or favour bestowed upon any culprit who remained impenitent. Religious privileges are the graces of GOD-and as a wise Governor HE expects and requires a proper use

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of them. Some people abuse these privileges by stealing a power, without a right, which is assumption; and a power possessed without a right, is an unjust tyranny. Now here is an abuse of soeial rights; so that the innocent must suffer, by being oppressed and deprived of their rights, who have not merited such treatment at their hands. Natural justice is infringed upon, and the goyernment of the Almighty is despised. God is said to be jealous for His glory, and will not give it to another.' Therefore, for the honour of His government and the mercy of the injured, jus tice demands the removal of such power. And such removal would bring mercy to the injured, justice, to the guilty, and honour to His own moral character.

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As Natural evil' is the effect or consequence of Moral evil;' as nations have flourished in proportion to their virtues, and as judgments have pursued them on account of their wickednessand hence, Angels sinned, and are reserved under chains of darkness to the judgment day to be punished. Sin drove Adam out of Paradise.-Sin brought destruction on the Antedeluvian world. Sin was the cause of the overthrow of Sodom and Gomorah.

Of the Canaanites, God said the iniquity, &c. is not yet full.' He had a right to demand their obedience, and to dispose of their lives in any manner he chose. God waited, and bore with them near five hundred years as a political body, and then destruction to the full, overtook them as a nation. Sin brought calamities on the Jews as a nation, and they are a standing monument thereof to this day!

Again; as political evils in social bodies, consequent upon Moral Evil' in them, brings national destruction; so a social repentance and political reform is necessary, to avert the Judgments of God, which threaten impending dan

ger over a guilty Land. The ease of Ninevah is a striking example of the dealings of God, with a sinful and repenting people. The Jews frequently experienced deliverances in their social capacity, when a reform and repentance took place among them. If ten righteous persons had been found in Sodom, the place would have been spared for their sakes. Isaiah said except the Lord had left unto us a small remnant, we should have been as Sodom and Gomorrah! Jesus Christ calls the Righteous the SALT of the EARTH." And if it were not for the Righteous that now are, and those that will be in succession, it would be inconsistent with the Moral character of the Almighty, and the nature of his moral government, to continue the world in existence!

The Jews were to attend three feasts a year, Penticost, Tabernacles, and Passover,' by the special command of God-All the males who were twenty years of age and upwards, were to appear thrice annually before the Lord, in one Congregation at Jerusalem, which would leave all their borders defenceless, and exposed to an invading foe. Their enemies in their absence might have laid their country waste, and captivated their wives and children, unless restrained by the Providence of God. Here would be a trial of faith, and a proof of Providence; who for their encouragement promised that their enemies should not desire their Land at such times which argues the superintending hand of Providence over nature, and over human affairs.-The xiv chap. of EZEKIEL is pertinent to the same point of doctrine. When a nation or people have forfeited their political existence by sin, and the sword of the Lord, either Beasts, Famine, Sword or Pestilence, was drawn for their extermination

Though Noah, Daniel, and Job, stood before me, saith the Lord, they should deliver neither


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