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[Agreeable to the promise of the Introduction, I subjoin to the Romance of THOMAS of Erceldoune, the abstract of those curious Fragments, existing in MR. DOUCE'S MS. For the opportunity of comparing the style of composition which prevailed in France and in Scotland, and of illustrating, by each other, poems written about the same period, and on the same subject, the reader is Indebted to GEORGE ELLIS, Esq., by whom the following elegant precis of the French romance was transmitted to the Editor.]

This curious MS. appears to have formed part of some volume belonging to a monastery; because it contains, besides the two detached pieces of the story of Tristrem l'Amoureux, a long metrical dialogue between Pride and Humility, and a prose dissertation on the Cross. It is written on vellum, and consists of 22 leaves. The handwriting apparently belongs to the 13th century.

The first of the two parts contains a regular and circumstantial relation of the latter adventures of Sir Tristrem, and terminates by his death, and by that of Ysolt. The other, a complete and separate episode, begins at the second column of the same page in which the other narrative is terminated, and contains only a single adventure; in which, however, a great part of the hero's history is artfully recapitulated. It is therefore probable that it was inserted in the monastic volume, principally on account of its presenting a short and lively summary of the preceding long, and perhaps tedious history.

Be this as it may, the two Fragments differ very considerably in their style; the first being so verbose and diffuse as fully to justify the ridicule thrown on the historian of Sir Tristrem by the author of "Sir Hain and Dame Anieuse," (BARBAZAN's Fabliaux, vol. iii. p. 53,1) while the second is concise, lively, and dramatic. The orthography of the two is also different; and it is further to be observed, that, in the first poem, the residence of King Mark is placed in London, but in the second, at the Castle of Tintagel. The following is a free translation of the whole of the Second Fragment, which consists of 996 verses :

Tristrem, living in his own country at a distance from his beloved Ysolt, feels that he has been restored to life merely for the purpose of dying a thousand deaths, from the anxiety which daily preys on his spirits. "Thought," says our author, “comforts or kills us; and such were the thoughts of Tristrem, that he would have gladly ended them by his death, had it been possible that his fate could have been separated from that of his faithful mistress." He therefore forms the desperate resolution of passing into England. It was highly important to conceal this determination from all the world, and particularly from Kaherdin, the brother of his wife. It was no less necessary that his appearance should be such as should secure him from discovery in a country where he was so well known; and that, for this purpose, he should not only quit the usual accoutrements of chivalry, and assume the appearance of a poor and insignificant traveller, but that he should also disguise his features, and even his voice. Tristrem resolved to neglect none of these precautions; and in this, says the author, he acted wisely :

"Car souvent avient domage grand

Par dire son conseil avant,

Qui se cêlat, et ne le dit,

Le mal, ce crois, ne encusit,'

Pour consell dire et decouvriré,
Soit 3 maint mal souvent venir."

The reflections of a single night were sufficient to mature his project. In the morning he assumes his disguise, hastens to the nearest port, and finding a merchant ship just on the point of weighing anchor for England, requests to be admitted on board; and, embarking with a fair wind, arrives on the second day at the harbour of Tintagel, the residence of King Mark and Queen Ysolt.

The castle of Tintagel was equally celebrated for its strength and magnificence. It was situated on the sea-coast of Cornwall, and its vast square towers are said to have been the work of giants. They were built of (quarels,) regularly and exactly squared, and chequered, as with azure and cinnabar (si comme de sinopre et di azur).-I suppose bricks alternately red and blue as being more or less striped, and called quarels from their being quarrés, squared. The gate of the castle, commanding its only approach, was strongly secured, and capable of being defended by two guards. Immediately below the fortress were extensive and beautiful meadows, forests abounding with game, rivers filled with fish, and warrens, (so I translate gueraineries. probably garennes ;) besides which, the walls being washed by the sea, this beautiful residence of King Mark and Queen Ysolt

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was plentifully supplied with every article of foreign merchandize.

It was called Tintagel, i. e. Chastel fier, from the following peculiarity;

"Chastel fais fut dit à drelt,

Car, dous fais li an, se perdeit."

Travellers declare that, twice in every year, it became invisible; once at Christmas, and once in the summer; so that even the natives of the country would be unable to find it, had they not previously ascertained its situation by permanent land


Here Tristrem arrived; and, enquiring news of King Mark, was informed, that he was then in his palace, and had but lately held one of his solemn festivals. "And where is Queen Ysolt, and her beautiful maiden Brengwain?"-" Faith, sir, they two are here: I saw them lately; but, in truth, Queen Ysolt is, as usual, pensive and melancholy." At the mention of his mistress, a sigh escapes from Tristrem. He recommends himself to Providence, convinced that without inspiration, he cannot devise the means of seeing Ysolt. The vigilant hatred of King Mark alarms him for a inoment, but he immediately recollects himself: "And what," says he, if my uncle should discover and put me to death? It is my duty to suffer death for the love of my mistress. Alas! I die every day that I am absent from her sight!" Reflecting on the madness of his attempt, he says, "And why not feign madness? Under a disguise so well suited to my present circumstances, I may, perhaps, escape suspicion, and enjoy the pleasure of laughing at those who are amused by my apparent folly."

At the moment when this idea came across his mind, he perceived a fisherman, whose dress seemed admirably suited to his purpose. It consisted of a coarse frock formed of rug, with a cowl or hood, and a pair of loose and tattered trousers. Tristrem beckons the fisherman to him, and says, "Friend! shall we change dresses? Mine, as you see, is the better of the two, but yours happens to strike my fancy." The fisherman, perceiving that the exchange was, in fact, much to his advantage, instantly accepts the proposal, and departs with his new wardrobe.

Tristrem had brought with him a pair of scissars, the gift of Ysolt; with these he cut off his hair, leaving only a circle round his head, and a cross on the top, so as to resemble a fool by profession. He had always possessed to admiration the talent of assuming a counterfeit voice; and from his knowledge of herbs, he was enabled to collect such blackening juices as were proper to change his complexion. So complete was the metamorphosis, that his dearest friend would not have suspected, in this fool, the illustrious Tristrem. Seizing a stake from a hedge, and bearing it on his shoulder like a fool's staff, he marches, with an air of assurance, straight to the castle. All who meet him, view him with a mixture of contempt and apprehension. The porter at the castle-gate, meaning to banter him, exclaims, "Come, fool, make haste! where have you staid so long?""-"I have been," replies Tristrem, " at a wedding at that of the Abbot of Munt, [I believe Mons, ] a particular friend of mine. He has just married an abbess, a great fat woman in a veil. There is not a priest, or abbot, monk, or clerk, from Mons to Besançon, who is not asked to the marriage; and they all carry baubles and crosiers. I left them making a fine riot! frisking and dancing in the shade! I wished to remain, but was obliged to come away, because it is my duty to serve the King at table."

The porter answered him, "Come in, son of Urgan the rough! fat and rough art thon; and thus resemblest thou thy father." The pretended madman enters by the wicket, (par le wiket,) and all the valets, squires, and pages of the court, exclaim in concert, "What a figure! a fool! a fool!" at the same time assailing him, on all sides, with sticks and stones. Tristrem was not much alarmed at such a skirmish. Parrying some blows, receiving others, and returning them with usury, he gradually found himself at the gate of the hall, which, shouldering his hedge-stake, he immediately entered with an air of solemnity.

King Mark, seated at the high table, immediately perceived his new visitant, and exclaimed, "Behold a curious officer of my household! let him be brought into my presence." He was much delighted with the air of pomp with which the fool returned the salutes of the courtiers, while approaching the royal seat. "Welcome, my friend," said Mark; "whence comest thou, and what

seekest thou here?"-"I will tell you whence I come, and what I seek," replied Tristrem. "My mother was a whale, and was in the habit of living, like a siren, under water. I do not recollect the exact place of my birth, but perfectly remember that my wetnurse was a tigress, who, finding me on a rock, mistook me for one of her whelps, and suckled me very carefully. But you must know that I have a sister, far more beautiful than myself. I will give her to you, if you choose, in the room of that Ysolt, of whom you are so fond."

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The King, laughing immoderately at this sally, answered, "What saidst thou, thou wonder of the world?"—" I say, King,” replied Tristrem, "that I will give you my sister instead of Ysolt, with whom I happen to be deeply in love. Let us make a bargain! let us try the exchange! a new beauty is well worth trying. You must be, by this time, tired of Ysolt, so give her me; amuse yourself with a new mistress, and I promise to serve you in your court from pure affection." Fresh peals of laughter from the King, who was too much delighted with his new acquaintance to drop the conversation. But, God deliver thee! if I should give thee possession of the Queen, tell me what thou wouldst do with her, and whither thou wouldst carry thy bride?”—“ Up there, Sir King," answered Tristrem; "up into the air! I have a palace above, made of glass; it is hung upon a cloud, and that so artfully, that the roughest wind cannot rock it. My hall is of glass, full of sunbeams; and I have a bedchamber adjoining, composed of crystal and amber." The King was now still farther delighted; and all the courtiers admitted, that they had never heard so eloquent a fool. "King," continued Tristrem, "I am much in love with your wife, and you ought to give her up to me, because you see how melancholy she is. I am Tramtris, who always loved her, and shall love her for evermore."

Ysolt, starting at this well-known name, exclaims, "Fool! thou art not Tramtris! thou art a vile liar!" Tristrem, who had carefully watched the countenance of his mistress, saw, with infinite pleasure, the indignation which flushed her cheek, and sparkled in her eye; but preserving his assumed character, coolly continued as follows:

"Queen Ysolt, I am Tramtris. You must remember how dangerously I was wounded, during my combat with the Morhout, who demanded a tribute from this country. I fought him successfully I killed him, but I was most dangerously wounded, because he fought with a poisoned sword. He had wounded me in the hip; so powerful was the venom, all my blood was inflamed; the bone was blackened; and the pain, which was excruciating, could not be appeased by all the skill of my physicians. I embarked in search of advice, and my pains increased so fast, that I wished to be relieved by death, when a sudden tempest drove me on the coast of Ireland. I was forced to disembark, in the very country which I had the most reason to apprehend, after having killed the Morhout. He was your uncle, Queen Ysolt! I had every thing to apprehend; but I was wounded and wretched. I landed with nothing but my harp, which had long been my only consolation. Soon you heard of my skill on that instrument, and I was sent for to court. The Queen, your mother, heaven reward her for it! healed my wounds. In return, I taught you the sweetest lays on the harp; British lays-lays of your own country." (I suppose he means her present country.)" You must remember, lady, the circumstances of my cure. The name I took in Ireland was Tramtris; am not I the person whom you saw there?"

"Most certainly not!"exclaimed Ysolt. "He was all beauty and elegance; you, who assume his name, are coarse, unmannerly, and hideous! Now, begone, and make me no more the subject of your discourse. Your pleasantry is no less disagreeable to me than your appearance."

Tristrem, turning suddenly round, and applying his hedgestake in all directions, drives all the courtiers before him to the other end of the hall; exclaiming, as he deals his blows around, "Fools! fools! get out of the room, and leave Ysolt and me to enjoy our private conversation!" The King was transported with delight at this new piece of wit; Ysolt blushed, and was silent.

Mark, enjoying her confusion, asks Tristrem, "Fool! come, be sincere; is not Ysolt thy mistress?"-" Certainly," replied Tristrem; "I do not mean to deny it."-" Most certainly," exclaimed Ysolt, "thou art the most impudent of liars; hence

with this fool! that I may be no more importuned with him." Tristrem, only laughing at her rage, continues his questions: "Do you not remember, Queen Ysolt, when the King wished to send me (as, indeed, he afterwards did) for you, whom he has since married, that I returned to Ireland, in the disguise of a merchant? This disguise was necessary; for his majesty, who now sits by your side, was no favourite of your countrymen, and I was detested by them on account of the Morhout. But I was, at that time, careless of danger: a true knight. Such was my confidence in my strength and skill, that there was not a man, from Scotland to Rome, whom I should have dreaded to encounter.

"A fine story, indeed!" exclaimed Ysolt. "You a knight! Fool, fool, you are ridiculous enough, but you are too hasty and violent. So pray be gone, and God go with you."

Tristrem laughs again, and continues: "Lady! Queen! do you not remember the serpent, the dreadful serpent, who filled your court with consternation? I killed him; I cut off his head, I took out his forked tongue; I concealed it in my boot, and the consequence was, that I received a poisoned wound in my leg. I thought I must have died. Unable to reach your court. I fainted by the way-side. There your mother and you saw me, and, by your joint care, recovered me. Do you not remember the bath in which you placed me, and where, in a moment of indignation, you determined to kill me? Do you not recollect, that, from an impulse of curiosity, you drew my sword, and finding it broken at the point, concluded, very justly, that I was the author of the Morhout's death? that you opened the cabinet in which the point, since your uncle's death, had been preserved, and found that it exactly fitted my sword? How courageously did you resolve to assault me with my own sword, while I lay, naked and wounded, in the bath where you had placed me! such is the rage of women! The Queen came to us, alarmed at the noise. You must remember that I made my peace with you; I obtained my pardon, and I deserved it by protecting you against the violence of a man whom you hated. Is not this true? did I not thus defend you?"

"No! it is not true! it is all a lie! it is a dream-the dream of a drunkard."-" Of a drunkard, Ysolt?-yes, I am drunk, and with a potion, from whose effects I shall never recover! Do you not remember, when your father and mother consigned you over to me; when I embarked with you, being charged to conduct you to the King, your present husband? I will relate to you the circumstances of our passage. One day, when the sea was calm, and the weather beautiful, but extremely hot, you complained of thirst. Do you not remember this, daughter of the King of Ireland? we then both drank from one cup. I have been drunk ever since, and a fatal drunkenness have I found it."

When Ysoit heard these words, she suddenly enveloped her face in her mantle, and attempted to retire; but the King, who was delighted with the scene, canght her by her robe, and drawing her back to her seat, said, "Bear with him, Ysolt, my dear, and let us hear to an end the ravings of this madman!"-Then, turning to Tristrem," Fool," said he, "what is your profession?" -"I have served kings and counts."—" Do you understand dogs and hawks?"-" Yes, Sir King. When I choose to hunt in the forest, I can, by my lures, attract the cranes while flying above the clouds. With my hounds, I can catch swans and geese as white as snow, and immense quantites of fine bustards." Mark, and his whole court, are again extravagantly delighted by Tristrem's answers. "And pray," says the King, what is your mode of chase by the river side?”—“ Oh," said Tristrem, “I can catch all that I find. I take, with my larger falcons, the wolves of the wood, and the gigantic bears; with my ger-falcons, I take wild-boars; with my small falcons, the doe and the roebuck; with my sparrow-hawk, foxes; with my emerillian [merlin], and with my hobby [hobel ], hares and [le kue et le bevre]. When I return home, I amuse myself with skirmishing with my hedge-stake, and few can shield themselves so well as not to get a rap from me. I know how to deal my blows, with great exactness, among the squires and pages. Besides these talents, I can play upon the harp, and rote, and can sing [ après la note] from scored music. I know how to charm the affections of a queen; an art in which no lover is my equal. I know how to cut shavings of wood, and, by throwing them into a stream, to convey, by this device, my intentions to my mistress. Besides this, I am

no bad minstrel; and you shall now see what a tune I can play upon a simple hedge-stake."

At these words, he began to brandish his weapon, exclaiming, "Avaunt, scoundrels! why do you press upon the King? get home directly! Have you not dined sufficiently? What do you stay for ?"

The King, who did not feel the blows that fell on the shoulders of his courtiers, was so much pleased with the fool, that he gave with regret, and at a later hour than usual, his orders to his equerries, to saddle his horse, that he might go, according to custom, to hunt in the forest. While his attendants were hastening to share his amusement, "Excuse me, sire," said Ysolt, "I am very sick; my head aches dreadfully permit me to avoid this scene of tumult, and to retire to my chamber till your return."

The King having granted this permission with a good grace, she retired to her room, and abandoned herself to grief. Throwing herself on her bed, she exclaimed, “Alas, that ever I was born! Brengwain! my dear Brengwain! the evil star, which prevailed at my birth, continues to persecute me. This day has brought upon me a new misfortune. A fool, for such he appears by his shaven crown, or rather a conjurer in that disguise, is arrived at court for my torment. He knows exactly every, even the most hidden, circumstance of my life. Who could have discovered to him such parts of my life, as were only known to you, to myself, and to Tristrem? It is impossible! he must be indebted to sorcery for a knowledge so minute and particular!"—" I, on the contrary," replied Brengwain, “ am persuaded this pretended fool is no other than Tristrem."-" No! no!" replied Ysolt; "this man is hideous and deformed. Tristrem is so beautiful! Tristrem is the flower of chivalry; and his courage and beanty are not more remarkable than his wit and eloquence. The fool, whom God confound! is the reverse of all this; accursed be the country from whence he came; accursed the vessel that brought him! Oh! that the seas had swallowed him before he landed in this country for my persecution!"

"Silence! lady," said Brengwain. "Where did you learn to demean yourself with such violence! you swear like any pirate!"* "My dear Brengwain, you would forgive me if you had heard him! never did man utter such vexatious truths!"'

"As St. John shall bless me," said Brengwain, "I am persuaded that he is, if not your lover, at least a messenger from Tristrem." "Alas! I know not who or what he is; but, for Heaven's sake, go, and see him yourself; and, if possible, return with some information respecting him."

The courteous Brengwain immediately executed her commission, and descended into the hall, where she found Fristrem alone; the rest of the company having disappeared soon after the King's departure. Brengwain surveyed him with an air of distance and anxiety; but Tristrem, throwing away his stake as soon as he saw her, exclaimed, "Brengwain! fair and generous Brengwain! in the name of God, pity and assist me!"

"Assist thee!" replied Brengwain; "how can I assist thee?'' "Alas! I am Tristrem! who live in sorrow and disappointment; I am Tristrem, who suffer endless misery for the love of Ysolt!"—"That you most certainly are not," replied Brengwain, or my eyes deceive me strangely."


"Yes. Brengwain! I am the real Tristrem. Do you not remember how we sailed together from Ireland? you were then intrusted to my protection; you, as well as Ysolt, who now refuses to acknowledge me. The Queen held you in her right hand; she consigned you over to me; she requested me to take care of you, no less anxiously than she recommended her daughter Ysolt. You must remember this, fair Brengwain! At the same time she delivered into your charge a little flagon, and told you to preserve it most carefully, if you wished to retain ber affection. When we got out to sea, the weather became insufferably hot; so hot, that I, though dressed only in a light mantle, was near fainting with weakness and thirst. I asked for drink. A servant, who was at my feet, got up, and searching for liquor, found the flagon, which he emptied into a silver cup. I eagerly carried the beverage to my lips, and then offered it to Ysolt, who was equally thirsty. We drank; we both drank; and have owed to that beverage all the misery of our lives. Do you not remember this, fair Brengwain ?" "Not a word of it," replied Brengwain.

"Brengwain! since that day I have never ceased to love Ysolt; but have concealed my passion from all mankind. You have

seen us; you have heard our mutual protestations; you have consented to aid our passion. What I tell you is known to us three, and to us only."

Brengwain, at these words, turns round in silence, and hastens to her mistress. Tristrem follows, adjuring her to assist him; and they arrive together at the chamber. Brengwain enters, smiling; but Ysolt changes colour at the sight of this unwelcome visitant, and complains of a sudden and violent indisposition. Her attendants, trained to discretion, quit the room. Tristrem runs eagerly up to his mistress, and attempts to embrace her; she shudders with apprehensiou, and starts from him. Tristrem, enjoying her confusion, suddenly recollects his assumed character, and stationing himself near the door, proceeds, in his feigned voice, as follows:

"Alas! never did I expect, fair Ysolt! such a reception from you, and from the amiable Brengwain. I have lived much too long, since I am become an object of horror and disgust to those I love. Oh Ysolt! Oh my love! true affection has a more retentive memory. A fountain is a beautiful object; but when it ceases to rise into the air, and throw its refreshing waters around; when it dries up in summer, it loses all its value. Such, it seeins, is your love!"

"Friend," replied Ysolt, "thy discourse astonishes me! I see and hear you, but neither my eyes nor my ears show me, in you, the slightest resemblance of Tristrem." Tristrem answers: "Ysolt, my love! I am―indeed I am your Tristrem. Do you not remember the seneschal who betrayed you to the King? He was my companiow; we were of the same age, and lodged in the same house. One night when I rose to visit you, he followed me. Unfortunately, it had snowed, and the traces of my feet betrayed


He followed my steps in secret; he saw me enter your chamber; and next day accused me before the King. He was, I think, the first person who awakened the jealousy of your husband. Next, you cannot but remember the treacherous dwarf, our most malignant enemy, whom you so violently and so justly hated. He was placed by King Mark as a spy on your actions, and his temper was well suited to such a vile commission. He watched you night and day. Once, however, we had the art to out-wit him. Such is the inexhaustible invention of lovers, that they will arrive at last, by dint of stratagems, at the completion of their wishes. The dwarf had employed a notable artifice to detect our secret meetings, by strewing flour over your room; but I perceived the trick, and, at one jump, sprang from my bed into yours. But I received, accidentally, a scratch on my arm; your sheets were stained with blood, as were my own, when I leapt back into my bed. King Mark did not fail to observe this unlucky coincidence, and, consequently, banished me from court. Do you not remember, my love, a present I once made you? a little dog, of uncommon beauty, your favourite Cru? Do you not remember an earlier and more important incident of your life, when my audacious rival, the celebrated harper, came to your father's court, and so charmed his ears, that he obtained you as a scholar, and was on the point of carrying you off as his mistress? he had nearly borne you off to his ship; but I overheard the declaration he made to you; and, mounting my horse with a rote in my hand, overtook, and wrested you from him. He obtained you by his harp; 1 recovered you by my role. Queen! you must remember, that once, when I was in disgrace with the King, and most anxious to converse with you, I came into the orchard, where we had before had frequent interviews, and, sitting under a thorn, began to cut chips of wood, which were the well-known signal agreed upon between us. A fountain, which rose in the orchard, flowed under your windows; I threw the chips into the water, and, by the sight of them, you knew that I should come to you at night. An enemy chanced to see me, and hastened to convey the secret to King Mark. The King came at night to the garden, and concealed himself under the thorn. 1 arrived soon after, unconscious of his presence; but I luckily perceived his shadow, and guessed the story. I saw you coming; and was grievously alarmed, lest your eagerness in approaching me should betray you. But Heaven protected us. You too observed the second shadow, and turned back. I addressed you aloud, requesting your interposition to reconcile me to the King,

whose favour I had unjustly lost; or to procure from him the payment of my salary, with leave to quit the kingdom. By this fortunate accident we were saved, and I was reconciled to your husband. Ysolt! do you remember the law [i. e. trial, ordeal] that you underwent for my sake? When you came out of the boat. I held you softly in my arms. I was perfectly disguised, according to your instructions, and my face discoloured. You ordered me to fall with you in my arms: 1 did so, very gently: you opened your arms to me; I fell between them. The whole people were witnesses of this apparent accident, by which, 1 believe, you were acquitted of your oath, and of the law [ordeal] which you had promised, before the court, to submit to."

The Queen listened to him, marked every word, looked at him, sighed, but was unable to answer. What could she think? not a feature in his face, not a tone in his voice seemed to resemble Tristrem. Yet all he said was correct and true. Tristrem, who observed every change in her countenance, thus continued :

"Lady! Queen! Your disposition was formerly very different! You then loved me frankly and freely; you are now full of disdain and reserve. Is this dissimulation? 1 have seen the day, fair lady, when you not only felt, but were proud to avow, your pas sion. When King Mark banished us both from court, you readily gave me your hand. We left the court together, and went together to the forest. What a charming retreat did we find there! it was a cave, formed by nature in the rock its entrance was narrow, and scarcely visible; but within, spacious, vaulted, and variegated, as if it had been painted by art. That vaulted cave was the scene of our pleasures during the time of our banishment. My dog, my favourite Hodain, watched us in silence. With my dog and my falcon we were at no loss for amusements. Lady! you remember how we were afterwards discovered. The King himself found out our retreat, by the assistance of the dwarf, his constant conductor. But the eye of Heaven watched over us. The King found us asleep; but my drawn sword lay between us, and that removed all bis jealousy. He drew off his glove, and laid it gently on your face, observing, that your lovely complexion was tanned and burned by the sun. His whole kindness returned; and he immediately recalled us to his court. Ysolt, you must remember this. I gave you my favourite dog; I gave you Hodain: where is he? call him to me."

"I have him still, "replied Ysolt; "and you shall see him presently. Brengwain, haste to fetch the dog, but bring him with his chain and collar."

Brengwain obeyed the request of her mistress, and instantly returned with the dog, bounding before her. "Come here. Hodain!" said Tristrem; "thou wert once mine, and 1 now reclaim thee."

Hodain saw, and instantly recognised his master. Never did animal express such transports of joy. He howled, he sprang upon him, he struck the ground with his fore-feet, and expressed his affection with a warmth, which could not but affect all the beholders. Ysolt's astonishment redoubled. The fierce and terrible Hodain, whom none but herself and Brengwain dared to approach since the departure of his master, was suddenly changed in his nature, by a voice to which her ear was quite unaccustomed. She blushed, and became more and more confused. Tristrem, returning the caresses of Hodain, said to her, "Ysolt! he, whom I once fed and caressed, has not forgotten his master, though you forget the long affection and tried constancy of your lover!"

"Mult parait en chen' grant franchise,

E en femme grant feintise!"

Ysolt changed colour, and shuddered with apprehension and anxiety he continued-"Lady! you once were loyal and constant! Do you remember the time, when, in the orchard, we were found asleep by your husband, who, in a transport of rage, determined to put an end to your life? but it was the will of Providence that I should awake; I overheard his resolution, and advertised you in time of your danger. On that occasion, you presented to me your ring. It was of gold, beautifully enamelled. 1 received it with transport and retired."

"True!" exclaimed Ysolt. "Such was my pledge of faith to Tristrem! You have the ring, then? if so, show it me."

1 Chen-Chien

Tristrem, drawing the ring out, presented it to her. She examined it with attention, clasped her hands together, and exclaimed, with a flood of tears, "At last! at last, I have lost him! If Tristrem were still alive, no other man could possess this ring. Oh! he is dead! he is dead! Wretch that I am! all my hopes of comfort are dead with him!"

Tristrem was not proof against the tears of his beloved mistress. Overcome with compassion and admiration, he exclaimed in his natural voice, "Lady! Queen! from henceforward, 1 cannot doubt that your constancy, like your beauty, is unaltered!" Ysolt at the first accents of his voice, threw herself into his arms, and kissed his face and his eyes. Tristrem having requested Brengwain to bring him some water, washed away the die which had so completely changed his complexion, while Ysolt, unable to speak, or to loosen her embrace, observed in silence the revival of his features. Her joy was extreme. She will never more part with him. He shall have the best palace, and the best bed, in her husband's dominions. Tristrem, however, wishes only for the Queen. Ysolt was beautiful! Tristrem is full of joy and transport, and his fair hostess receives full proof of it. The concluding lines are singularly pretty.

"Ysolt entre les bras le tin, Tele joi en ad de sun ami K'ele ad etant de juste li

Kele ne sait cument cuntenir. Ne le l'érat anuit mès partir! Dit, k'il avrat bel ostel, E baus lit, ben fait et bel; Tristran autre chose ne quiert Hors la Reine. Ysolt bele ere! Tristran en est joius et ler: Mult set ben ki il berbiger."



This begins, as it appears, in the middle of a furious speech, in which Brengwain reproaches Ysolt-" Accursed be the hour," says she, "when I first knew you, and Tristrem your lover! For you I abandoned my country,

Et puis, pur votre fol curage,
Perdis, dame, mon pucelage!
lo'l tis, certes. pur votre amur;

Vus me promistes grant bonur ; '" etc.

This long-winded quarrel, which occupies 344 lines, originated, as it appears, in a mistake. Ysolt and Tristrem had persuaded Brengwain to accept the hand of Kaherdin, brother to Ysolt aux Blanches Mains, the wife of Tristrem and Tristrem and Kaherdin, having, soon after this, secretly departed for some reason or other, Cariados, a boasting and cowardly knight, declares that he has driven them both out of the country. Poor Brengwain, extremely offended at the supposed cowardice of her husband, quarrels with Ysolt for making the match, and, in a fury, denounces her friend to King Mark.

Mark listens very patiently to her string of accusations, which, to do them justice, might have perplexed a better head than his, and urges her to explain herself a little more intelligibly, promising her inviolable secrecy. He had concluded, that Tristrem had lately been found, according to custom, in the embraces of Ysolt; but he hears, with astonishment, that Ysolt is now passionately in love with Cariados. This intelligence, which had no foundation but in the anger of the confidante, perplexes him more than ever; but he ends, by desiring Brengwain to take complete charge of her mistress, and to preserve her, if possible, exclusively for his embraces.

While Ysolt thus found her former friend and confidante converted into an inflexible duenna; while Mark was more than ever a prey to jealousy; while Cariados found his passion for Ysolt less likely than ever to become successful, Tristrem and Kaherdin were proceeding on their journey. It at length, though rather late, occurred to the former, that they had quitted the objects of their affection somewhat hastily; and he determined, no less hastily, to return to court; to obtain a sight of Ysolt, and

to explain to her the motives of his departure. He therefore quits his companion, assumes the dress of a poor man, and, by means of herbs, disfigures his face so as to appear like a leper. He blackens his face and hands, and, taking an alms cup, (hanap de marre, a leper's cup,) which Ysolt had given him during the first year of their passion, he put into it a clapper of box, and thus converted it into a beggar's rattle. He then repaired to court, stationed himself near the hall door, and endeavoured to procure, by repeated questions to all whom he met, some account of his mistress. His endeavours, however, were all ineffectual. At length, on a great holyday, he saw the King and Queen proceeding to the cathedral, to hear mass. Tristrem attached himself to the Queen, and rattled so loudly, in the hopes of attracting her attention, calling on her by name, for some charitable donation, that the sergeants, offended at his pressing so close to her, thought it necessary, by blows and menaces, to drive him out of the crowd. Tristrem bears all, but constantly returns to the charge. He follows Ysolt into the chapel of the cathedral, still rattling, and crying for charity, till his importunity first raised her indignation, and then her wonder and curiosity. She casts her eyes on the tankard, and immediately recognises her lover; and, blushing with alarm and surprise, draws a gold ring from her finger, which she endeavours to throw into the tankard. Unfortunately, the watchful eyes of Brengwain had already made the same discovery as those of Ysolt. She calls Tristrem a sturdy beggar; scolds the sergeants for permitting him to come so near the Queen, and, addressing herself to Ysolt, "How long have you been so charitable as to make such magnificent presents to lazars and common beggars? You wish, then, to give him a gold ring? but fortunately I have the power to prevent you from purchasing repentance so dearly." Tristrem, finding himself buffeted, and turned out of church by order of Brengwain, learns, for the first time, that he has excited her indignation; and, reduced to utter despair, and bewailing his misery, knows not which way to direct his steps. There was, in the outer court of the palace, near the porter's lodge, a remnant of a ruined staircase. On this he throws himself, overpowered by fatigue and anxiety, and falls into a swoon. In the meantime, the service being ended, the King and Queen returned from the cathedral to dinner; after which the evening was devoted to amusements, in which poor Ysolt, solely occupied by her own distress, and that of her lover, was unable to take a part. At night, it so happened, that the porter, finding himself very cold in his lodge, directed his wife to go and get some wood for the fire. "Some dry logs, my dear Marian; and some fagots immediately!" His wife, unwilling to go to the wood-pile, recollects some bundles of fagots lying on the old staircase. She goes thither in the dark, seizes, instead of the fagots she expected to find, the shaggy and tattered cloak of Tristrem, screams with fright, and rushes to her husband, with the assurance of her having found the devil. Her husband takes a light, examines all the objects round him, and proceeding with great caution to the ruined staircase, finds a human figure cold and insensible. Tristrem, however, awakes from his swoon, recognises his tried friend the porter, tells him his story, is received into the lodge, finds a good supper and a warm bed, and despatches the friendly porter with a message to Brengwain. But neither Tristrem's message, nor the porter's eloquence, had any effect on the enraged confidante. Ysolt, however, knowing where her lover is lodged, sees a ray of hope, employs every topic of flattery, and humbles herself so effectually, that Brengwain at length consents to go and hear Tristrem's justification; convinced, at the same time, that it must prove unsatisfactory. Tristrem, however, who was really innocent, exculpates himself completely; promises to punish Cariados for his infamous calumny, and at length is secretly conducted by Brengwain to the chamber of Ysolt, where he lies till near morning, when he takes his leave, returns to the sea-side, meets Kaherdin, passes into Brittany, and finds Ysolt aux Blanches Mains distracted with jealousy at the strange conduct of her husband, but hitherto ignorant of her rival.

Tristrem being departed, Queen Ysolt, recollecting that her lover had purchased one short night of happiness by much fatigue and anxiety, besides a long swoon. which may possibly have injured his health, thinks it right to do, on her part, some penance, in return for all that he had suffered for her sake. Never was there a more perfect model of female constancy and fidelity!

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