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Part 2. undeceive me; but thofe events fhall never be feen. Who can doubt, that by the feat of the Beaft is meant Rome? and when was it that the viol of the wrath of God fell upon this feat, i.e. Rome? It was when it loft its Sun, the Sun which is spoken of in the preceding plague, i. e. its Pope, the papal Court, that like a gulf or whirle pool drew to it all the riches of the Kingdoms of Europe. In the year 1305. Clement V. left Rome, to go and dwell when the at Avignon. The City that was mistress of the Popes left World,became defolate,a very defert,and a fhadow to Avignon, of its felf during thofe 74 years, when its Masters

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Rome,to go

kept their Seat at Avignon. The viol fell upon the Seat of the Beast, and his Kingdom was full of darkness. "Tis not only faid,that his Seat was darkned, but his Kingdom. And indeed, till that time the Kingdom of the Beaft, the Authority of the Pope, the Glory of the Holy See (as 'tis call'd) had never fuffer'd fuch a ftrange and terrible an eclipfe. This removal of the papal Seat unto Avignon, was the cause of a Schifm. At the end of 74 years Gregory XI. compelled by the complaints of the Romans, brought back the Seat to their City. But after his death, the Cardinals (who were almost all French) refolved to have a Pope of their own Nation, the Citizens of Rome fearing left a French Pope fhould return into France, forced the Colledge of Cardinals to chufe an Italian to be Pope, who call'd himself Urban VI. The Cardinals incenfed at the force which was used in the election, contrived to revolt, which they did, and chose another Pope, who call'd himself Clement VII. he held his Seat at Avignon, and his Succeffors for 40 years, in the mean while, Urban VI. and his Succeffors at Rome, had one part of the Church of Rome under their obedience.


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Schifm of

ble plague

At that time, the Sun of the Antichriftian Part 2. World was divided into two; (as it happens to The great the Sun and the Moon, when they are eclipfed) it the Weft, was eclipfed and darkned. The Church of Rome was a terri fuffer'd the greatest reproach imaginable. Jefus to the 4 Chrift had no less then three or four Spouses at one tichrißian Empire. time. This is a piece of History, which confounds popery even at this day; which destroys its foolish pretences unto an uninterrupted fucceffion, an undivided unity and infallibility: from hence we draw a conclufion against it, which cannot be avoided. Then the Kingdom of the Beast was darkned; Prin ces defpifed the Popes, and made themselves their Judges (whereas formerly Popes had judged Kings.) They made them be depofed, they call'd by their own Authority the Council of Conftance where Popes were fubjected to Councils, and accounted depofable, as in effect there were three who were there actually depofed. Till that time Cenfures and Excommunications, had been the frongest beams of the Antichriftian Sun, the most efficacious methods of his domination. But then men began to despise them. There was nothing but excommunicating of one another; the Western Church was divided into two Obediences, that which obeyed one Pope was excommunicated by the other; and by this means all Europe lay under excommunication, which made it contemptible, and the people who once refpected the Cenfures with incredible trembling, began to difcern that these thunderbolts were vain and empty things. And this brought a confiderable darkness upon the feat of the Beast, and the papal power; for all Europe groaning under the flavery of the Popes, every one began to think of recovering their liberty. Germa by refused to fubmit to Refervations and Expecta

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8. Part 2. tions, means which the Court of Rome make use of to make her felf Mistress of all Benefices. France, not only rejected Refervations and Expectations, but annull'd Annats, Provifions, and all other exactions of the Court of Rome. Then were laid the foundations of the pragmatick Sanction, which gave the Popes fo much trouble, because it cut off all the fimonaical tricks, which the Court of Rome ufed to enrich her felf; even Italy it felf, during the Schifme, did fhake off the yoke; the City of Bolonia made a Law, that the Benefices of that Church fhould be conferred upon none but of that City and Territory. To conclude, it cannot be expreffed by how many ways that grand Schifme,which divided the Sun of the Antichriftian World, did fpoil it of its frength and luftre. After this time, the Authority which the Popes had fo mischievoufly ufed, (to ruin the Kings and Kingdoms of Europe) did fcarce do any more mischief. "Tis evident, that then the Kingdom of the Beast was darkned, becaufe by this Eclipse it loft half of itsbeams, i. e. of its Authority.

They gnawed their tongues for pain. History must be confulted to know how many calamities,war's, combats, how much fhedding of blood, rage and fury, did fpring from this shameful Schifme. Every one of these Popes gnafht his teeth, and bit his tongue against the Antipope: There were nothing but thunderbolts, excommunications, Croifades, wars and combats, of one against another. Nay, ftill to this day, the flaves of the papal Seat are vext to the death, when we prefs them with this thing.

But under all their forrows, they blafphemed the God of Heaven, and repented not of their deeds, In thofe Ages, Idolatry was fo far from loofing


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୨୬ any thing, that it encreased; then was the reign Part 2. of Monks, of fuperftition, of Fables, of Legends, and a thousand abominations. In that age Simony was come to its height. While the Court of Rome fate at Avignon, is invented a thoufand wayes of felling holy and prophane things; Crimes, Paradife, Sacraments, Ministry, Marriages, and in a word every thing. Then came abroad that famous book, the Tax of the Roman Chancery and Penitentiary, which at that time and yet every day, forces to make the Kingdom of the Beast full of darkness. This period lafted from 1305 untill 1440.

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The fixth Plague are the Turks, who pass over the Bosphorus,and invade the Greek and Latin Empires. The three unclean spirits, which come out from the mouth of the false Prophet, are the papal Laws, armed with Excommuni



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I hither, and Have carried on my conjectures untill I came hither, and did fomewhat content my what I had faid about the five first Plagues; but The cer I confess that the remainder of this Chapter was what hath thick darkness to me. And understanding nothing been faid of it I put it among thofe things that are be encreato come, according to the ufual cuftome of them fed by that who Interpret Prophecies; who fay ofevery thing lows. which they understand not, that it is not yet come to paß: And this made me ready to think, that my perfuafion, as to the five first plagues, was but a meer opinion: For in the framing of fyftems,

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Part 2. whether they be of Principles and conclusions, or of Events contain'd in Prophecies, we must pierce through them all, that we may fee them clearly, and be affured of their truth. Whileft I thought that the remainder of the Chapter concerned the time to come, I was content to underftand nothing of it, but I was afflicted with the fear, that the end of Antichriftianism was not at hand. But at last, after I had knockt twice, thrice, four, five, yea fix times, with devout attention and deep humility, I believe, that the door is open'd to me. I dare fpeak thus, though I know that some have faid, that this favours of Enthusiasme; to whom I answer that there is one Article at least more in my Creed, then there is in theirs, viz. Ibelieve in the Holy Ghoft, and his operations. I am in this matter a Difciple of the Author of the enquiry after Truth, and am perfwaded that we fee no truths but in God, and by the affistance of God: we contribute nothing befides our attention, our prayers and our defires. However, I think, that I have found out the two plagues that follow in this Chapter, and by this means, that which was only a conjecture of mine concerning the five fore-going, is rifen to a real perfuafion. I am therefore perfwaded, that through the Divine affistance I have pierced into the Syfteme of the feven periods; a favour for which I will render to him immortal thanks as long as I live. For I confefs, that I cannot exprefs the ravishing confolation that my heart hath felt, in feeing fuch evident reafons, to perfwade me of the approaching deliverance of the Church. If thefe two plagues had been yet to come, I felt my heart began to faint, at the profpect of the difmal calamities which now opprefs the Church, without reckoning those which do ftill threaten


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