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desperate sinner said this? Why has he not liked to retain God in his knowledge; but has sought for blindness of heart, and darkness of understanding on this subject?

Because he knows that the voice of nature proclaims-not only that there is a God over all; but that that God also "executeth judgment in the earth." *

The wicked man knows that Almighty God will pass judgment on his deeds.† It is, therefore, disagreeable to the wicked man to retain God in his knowledge. He does not like this Light! He prefers the darkness! And God gives him over "to a reprobate mind: "—suffers him to be enveloped in the


strong delusion "§ which he has sought, and he saith in his heart, "there is no


vi...Possessing, however, sound conviction, on that first simple truth, that earliest portion of the knowledge, which the wise man declares -"Surely vain are all men by nature" who are ignorant of it. Possessing sound conviction, on this most important point, we proceed

*Ps. lviii. 11.
† Heb. x. 27.

See Sermon V.

‡ John iii. 19.

§ See 2 Thess. ii. See also Luke v. 8.


to reflect, on the nature of that Being who holds his throne above the universe, who made all things, who governs, and sustains all things.

And the mind sinks beneath the thoughts, which it here engenders.

The power of Him by whose word the heavens were made! "Who gathered the waters of the sea together as an heap."* "Whose hands prepared the dry land!" "Who spake, and it was done! who commanded, and it stood fast!" Who said, "Be light, and light was!"§

The wisdom of Him who made all things!— "above-beneath-within us-and around." "The heavens declare the glory of God: and the firmament sheweth his handy-work! Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night sheweth knowledge! There is neither speech nor language, but their voices are heard among them! Their sound is gone

out into all lands, and their words into the ends of the world." || The Wisdom which guides the "countless spheres!" which, neither slumbering nor sleeping, T watches over the

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soul of every living thing!* "searcheth all hearts:" "understandeth all the imaginations of the thoughts:" "trieth our hearts."‡


The goodness of Him from whom cometh

every good gift"--the "fountain of all goodness" the "Author of peace!" the "Father of all mercies:" who NEVER left himself without WITNESS; in that he did GOOD, and gave us rain from heaven, and fruitful seasons, filling our hearts with food and gladness." || Who sendeth the springs into the rivers, which run among the hills; whence the beasts of the field drink, and the wild asses quench their thirst: Beside which the fowls of the air have their habitation; and sing among the branches. "Who watereth

the hills from above: With the fruit of whose works the earth is filled! Who bringeth forth grass for the cattle, and green herbs for the service of man that he may bring food out of the earth, and wine that maketh glad the heart of feeble man, and bread to strengthen him." ¶

"O that men would therefore praise the Lord for his goodness and declare the

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to reflect, on the nature of that Being who holds his throne above the universe, who made all things, who governs, and sustains all things.

And the mind sinks beneath the thoughts, which it here engenders.

The power of Him by whose word the heavens were made! "Who gathered the waters of the sea together as an heap."* "Whose hands prepared the dry land!" "Who spake, and it was done! who commanded, and it stood fast!" Who said, "Be light, and light was!"§

The wisdom of Him who made all things!— "above-beneath-within us-and around." "The heavens declare the glory of God: and the firmament sheweth his handy-work! Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night sheweth knowledge! There is neither speech nor language, but their voices are heard among them! Their sound is gone out into all lands, and their words into the ends of the world." || The Wisdom which guides the "countless spheres!" which, neither slumbering nor sleeping, ¶ watches over the

* See Psalm xxxiii. 6, &c.

Psalm xxxiii. 9.
See Psalm xix.

+ Psalm xcv.
§ See Gen. i. 3.

Psalm cxxi. 4.

soul of every living thing!*"searcheth all hearts:" "understandeth all the imaginations of the thoughts:" "trieth our hearts." ‡


The goodness of Him from whom cometh every good gift"--the "fountain of all goodness: " the "Author of peace!" the "Father of all mercies:" who NEVER left himself without WITNESS; in that he did GOOD, and gave us rain from heaven, and fruitful seasons, filling our hearts with food and gladness." || Who sendeth the springs into the rivers, which run among the hills; whence the beasts of the field drink, and the wild asses quench their thirst: Beside which the fowls of the air have their habitation; and sing among the branches. "Who watereth the hills from above: With the fruit of whose works the earth is filled! Who bringeth forth grass for the cattle, and green herbs for the service of man that he may bring food out of the earth, and wine that maketh glad the heart of feeble man, and bread to strengthen him.” ¶

"O that men would therefore praise the Lord for his goodness and declare the

*Job xii. 10.
‡ 1 Thess. ii. 4.

† 1 Chron. xxviii. 9.

§ James i. 17.

|| Acts xiv. 17.

See Psalm civ.

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