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Number of dayson which each? Cirrus. Cirro-stratus. Cirro-cumulus. Cumulus, Cumulo-stratus. Nimbus description has occurred. 10


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The meteorological character of the present month differs from what may be termed the average character of the season, in an extraordinary manner. The mean temperature is greatly higher than we are accustomed to experience in this country; the quantity of rain has been, in one fourth portion of the month alone, somewhat more than equal to the general average of the whole of former years; the aggregate appears an extraordinary quantity, but the present condition of the flat tracts in the vicinity of the metropolis, as well as many of the lower parts of the town itself, afford tremendous exhibitions of its effects. winds have been for much the greater part from SW, and W., stretching occasionally to the northward for short intervals, with a cessation of rain, and a small depression of temperature; returning, however, quickly to the southward by the W., with the usual





consequences; the character of the winds has, indeed, been that of heavy shifting gales, which have produced much general mischief.

The variableness of our climate has never been more remarkable than of late. On the the 2d inst. at six in the morning, Fabrenheit's thermometer, stood at 60 degrees, and at the same hour on the 4th July last, it was only at 52; so that at oue period in the middle of the present summer it was 8 degrees colder than in the month of November. On the night of November 1, at York, the minmium of the thermometer was 49; on the night of the 2d of July last, it was 36; being thirteen degrees colder. On the 5th of November, at the same hour in the morning, the thermometer was at 30, being nineteen degrees colder than four days before.



HE reduced monied value of all

THE the productions of the earth, and of labour generally, and the consequent inability to pay high rents, interests of mortgages, and meet other time engagements in money in the present relative value of money, are the subjects which at present chiefly interest the people of England. Not only is corn at a price far below the cost of its cultivation, but neat cattle, which only two years ago fetched 201. and 211. will not now sell for more than eight, uine, and ten pounds, and consequently are scarcely worth driving to distant markets.

The effects are a general stagnation of trade, a narrow expenditure among all classes, and a decrease of that spirit of enterprize and speculation which a few years since distinguished this nation. The abandonment of farms from the

inability to pay rents and taxes. tends, however, to fill the towns, and hence as these are on the increase, the build

ing trade thrives, not only in London, but in all large places, where industry. flocks in the hope of thriving in a social scramble for subsistence and fortune.

Such is the picture of England; yet, till the minister can no longer get his amount of taxes, and till landlords are

universally obliged to cultivate their own farms, will it be felt that the remedies are to rebuild the farm houses cruelly pulled down to get large rents thereon during the war, and to return to the ancient policy of the realm, which in numerous statutes prohibited antisocial monopolies of land and its pro


where such prices are demanded for In some western districts of Ireland, land as leaves no subsistence to the laborious cultivators, a system of popular vengeance has been organized, and many agents, middle-men, and their adherents, have fallen victims; among others, one entire family of seventeen persons have been barbarously extirpated,


Louis the Eighteenth opened the French Session of Parliament on the 5th, with the following speech from the throne:—

Gentlemen-It is with confidence, and on the present occasion under favourable

auspices, that I come to open this Session. In preceding years I was compelled to par ticipate my griefs with you. More happy now, 1 have only to return thanks to the Almighty for the constant protection which he has vouchsafed to France. The son, with which Heaven has soothed my sorrows, grows with the public prosperity,


and continues to be to me a source of confi dence and hope. This child, my heart assures me, will be worthy of us; he will merit the love with which my subjects surround his cradle.

My relations with foreign powers have never ceased to be amicable, and I have a firm confidence that they will continue to

be so.

Great calamities afflict the East. Let us hope that they approach their termination, and that the prudence and cordiality of all the powers will find the means of satisfying what religion, policy, and humanity, may justly demand.

The naval force which, under these circumstances, I have stationed in the seas of the Levant, has accomplished the object which I contemplated. Our ships have always effectually protected my subjects, and often they have afforded to misfortune a timely aid.

A destructive scourge desolates a portion of Spain; I have prescribed, aud I will maintain the rigorous precautions which protect our coasts and frontiers from the contagion.

If we take a view of our domestic state, what motives have we not to bless Provi

dence! The sensible progress of industry, agriculture, and the arts, attests that of commerce; and very soon new channels, by multiplying the means of communication and traffic, will extend the general good to all paris of the kingdom.

The prosperity of the finances, the intelligible exposition of the public accounts, and fidelity to engagements, have consolidated public credit, and increased the resources of the state.

The period at which I have convoked you, and the orders which I have given

that the financial laws should be first sub

mitted to you, sufficiently manifest my desire to put an end to provisional grants; the Chambers will, doubtless, be eager to second my intentions.

Our auspicious situation, and the return of internal and external tranquillity, have already admitted of a diminution in one of the most onerous of the taxes-that which attacks reproduction in its source, by overcharging landed property. Next year, those so assessed will wholly enjoy this reduction. I desire that successively, and as soon as the exigencies of the State and the dignity of France will permit, the various taxes which constitute the public re

venue shall be investigated, and, if it be practicable, diminished, or better assessed.

The laws are respected, and the depositaries of my power become every day more and more imbued with their spirit. Order and discipline reign in the army.

Every where passions are subsiding, and suspicions wearing away; and it gives me

pleasure to acknowledge, Gentlemen, that by your loyal co-operation, you have powerfully contributed to all this good.

Let us persevere in the wise measures to which such prosperous results must be attributed. Let us persevere in that unity of views which has so efficaciously disarni ed malevolence, and check the last efforts of the spirit of trouble and disorder.

In this the repose of Europe is not less interested than ours. It is thus that all the generous sentiments will be developed with which you know all hearts abound; and that you will establish upon the gratitude, the love and the respect of my subjects, the throne which protects the liberties of all.


The number of deaths in Barcelona, from Oct. 19th to the 23d, was 687, and the total number of deaths in the town from the commencement of the pestilence, is estimated at 16,000. The number at Tortosa is most appalling. Up to the 26th of Sept. 7,000 persons had died, and 70 per day afterwards.

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M. FRANCOIS, a member of the French commission sent to Barcelona, has written a letter, dated Oct. 30, from which the following particulars are extracted:-" In a house inhabited by fourteen persons, all have been attacked, and eleven have died. The progress. of the disease is often so rapid, that there is not time to try any remedy. The patient dies as soon as he is taken ill. În general, however, the sickness lasts seven or nine days. It would require many pages to describe this terrible fever, it presents so many anomalies and deceptious appearances. Sometimes the access is slight, and a deceitful appearance of convalescence, gives confidence to the attendants at the moment when the patient is expiring. At other times the most terrible symptoms manifest themselves at once, such as petechial spots, echymoses, and jaundice. Blood issues from all aper tures of the body. Fetid and diluted blood flows copiously from the tongue. The usual evacuations are black and sanious. What is vomited may, after dilution in water, be compared to the oxyde of manganese. The body is cold as marble, and the pulse insensible. Involuntary cries are put forth, though the patient is in perfect possession of his mind, and so continues until the heart ceases to perform its functions. When the vital energy sinks it cannot be again revived; the benumbing poison of the contagion destroys it. The body of the patient then

exhales miasmata, not perceptible to the senses, which attach it to bedding, clothes, furniture, and even the walls of the apartments (as, from numerous facts, there is reason to believe,) which there become capable of infecting individuals, more or less promptly according to their pre-disposition. The dis. ease appears to have its seat in the nervous system. It successively paralyzes the different viscera. The kidneys cease their functions first. The body, which may be called a corpse still animated, exhibits all the symptoms of decomposition. Some patients, after exhibiting all the signs of complete dissolution, have by degrees returned to life, and have been cured. It requires courage, I assure you, and the most perfect self-resignation, toapproach and touch certain patients. The stomach appears to be the most constant point of attack. It is subject to a kind of irritation which is quite sui generis. Its state must not be confounded with a phlegmasia, though gangrenous parts are often found in its interior. There is no inflammatory appearance in the yellow fever. After the convulsive spasms which mark the commencement, atomy soon takes place, and the extinc tion of life follows. At this moment the intensity of the disease appears to have abated, but still from one to two hundred die daily. Scarcely a week ago the number was from two to three hundred."

BARCELONA, Oct. 17.-I wrote to you by the last courier, at a moment when I was scarcely able to hold the pen, in a state of high fever. I have forgotten all the details which I sent you. Ah, my dear brother, if you beheld my situation! I am the most wretched of men. We were eight in number, shut up in this one house. From the 7th of December we had communication with no human creature. What a mischance! when on the 10th instant we heard knocking at the door. We went to look out of the window Sanlapan is called for, in order to be informed that his son was taken ill. At this news the wretched father cried out repeatedly," my son! my son has taken the infection; I will see him!" The mother, who was in the house, appeared as wretched as the father. They went out in haste, and returned in a quarter of an hour with their sick son. It was in vain that we remonstrated with them upon the danger of introducing him. As they were the porters of the house,

we could not prevent their entering. Heavens! what imprudence! what călamity ensued! The son was put to bed-in 24 hours he expired. The mother was soon seized with the contagion also the father. Between the 10th and 14th, the eight of us had caught it. Of these eight, five were carried off, and my daughter is in her last hour. The French physicians visit us twice a day, and give some hopes of recovery. To be prepared for the worst, I have made my will, which is deposited at the parish church of St. Michael. To-day I have been upon the ramparts, searching for some herbs for my daughter. On my way along I encountered at least twenty carts loaded with dead. There are still 10,000 dead in the town. At Barcelonetta there is not a soul left"All the world" is dead. The worst of it is, the bodies are left to horrible putrefaction in the houses. It is impossible to stir out without shedding tears. Terror is at its utmost. At this moment I am looking on, whilst the beds, the mattrasses, the coverings, and the bodies of the victims are thrown out of the windows into the street. In some streets there is not a sufficiency of carts, and some hundred bodies are left in heaps upon the pavements. If I said the deaths are a thousand a day, I should not exaggerate. I believe the number is greater. I believe all those in the town will perish. M. Pariret, the French physician, has this instant visited my daughter for the last time. He announces to me the death of one of his colleagues, M. Mozet. Another, M. Baily, is dangerously ill. They will no longer remain in the town, because the General, who commands the first cordon, will not consent to fall back a league. Our doctors wished that every body should go out of the town, and since that is not allowed, it is impossible to check the plague.


Two events of the past month open delightful prospects to mankind, and give us hopes, in spite of the Machiavelian doctrines of the European economists, and the selfish policy of those who consider industry as their property.

We allude to the surrender of Lima, which consolidates the republican government of La Plata, Chili, and Peru, and in them gives rise to a vast empire equal to that of the United States of North America in various climates and resources, and we hope also in public liberty.


The other event we trust is not less

certain, though not yet matured, viz.: the independence of the fine isthmus of MEXICO-a country, which, from its position between the Pacific and Atlantic oceans, cannot fail,under a free and wise government, to become the To the exemporium of the world.

hausted and distracted people of Europe, Mexico presents every variety of temperature, a fertile soil, easy and short communications,, and fine ports in two seas, uniting the east and the west, the north and the south.

Late events also have terminated the bloody contest which former usurpations have long waged against the unhappy people of Venezuela, and that finely situated province and the vast district called New Granada, are now an independent republic under the name of COLUMBIA.

All these new states will become great by the troubles and bad policy of many countries in Europe, where abuses have accumulated (perhaps unavoidably), and they present so many lands of Canaan to those who, in many parts of the old continent, are borne down by monopoly, luxury, and fluctuations, which rob virtuous industry of its reward.

The patriots and royalists of Mexico have come to an agreement, of which we have the terms in several articles of adjustment entered into at Cordova, on the 24th of August, between Don Juan O'Donoju, Viceroy, and Don Manuel Iturbide, Commander in Chief of the Imperial Mexican Forces. The first of the articles declares the sovereignty and independency of Mexico under the title of the Mexican Empire; the second, that its Government shall be a moderate Constitutional Monarchy; the third, that Ferdinand the Seventh shall reign on coming to Mexico; and the fourth makes it imperative on him to fix his court in Mexico. The powers of the monarch are to be ascertained and limited by a Representative Coustitution. In case that Ferdinand declines to visit the new imperial territory, such member of the reigning family as the Cortes should prefer, is to succeed him, who is to govern until the Cortes shall have met, and in the name of the nation fix on the sovereign of their choice. All the inhabitants, without distinction of origin or colour, are free citizens.


CORFU, Sept. 30.-The central government of the Greeks at Modou pub

lishes bulletins on the advantages gained by its troops. Their style is very original, as may be seen by the following specimens:


Honour to God the Almighty! and to the Holy Church of the East! honour to the Empire of the Hellenists, to the ArchiStrategos, Prince Demetrius Ypsilanti, and to all the Chiefs of the Hellenists! Peace to the brave victims of the struggle for

liberty-This day (August 28) reports have been received from the camp of the Hellenists near Navarrin; the following is the tenour of the words of liberty:-The tyrant Jussuf Pacha, the Chief of these barbarians, children of Hell, who believe in the devil's emissary Mohammed, has attacked the Hellenists, accustomed to victory,who were encamped before the fortress of Navarrin, under the orders of Theodore Spartaki. God has humbled his pride, he has chastised his blind audacity. The barbarians have been repulsed, and confusion prevails in their ranks; they lost 600 men, three of whom are Bimbachas, and 200 were made prisoners, and their lives spared. The Greeks, under the manifest Protection of God, lost only 36 men, who were buried with all military honours on the field of battle. May the earth press lightly on them, for they died for their country! The reinforcement of 600 men from Calmata, with two guns and ammunition, have put the conquerors in a condition to cannonade the fortress. Perhaps the next report will bring us joy and ho nour. God bless the Hellenists.


(which appeared Sept. 1.)
Honour to God the Almighty, &c.-The
news of the capture of Artas has this in-
stant arrived in this happy town. The
inhabitants have surrendered by capitula
tion; the number of barbarians found in

the citadel were but few, and their lives
were spared. In general the Hellenists
conduct themselves with great model ation.
Prince Demetrius Ypsilanti is arrived at
Patras, where there are about 10,00 Hel-
lenists. The powerful navarques
Isle of Hydra have again announc
capture of three large Turkish shipso (war.
God and the Hellenists.



In this manner was published the cap ture of Coran, of Napoli, and various ther small castles. The bulletins sometimes contain local ordinances of the Senate, remarkable for their moderation. Foreign merchants are treated with consideratí. n. The Hellenists are badly clothed, and worse armed. The traffic in gunpowd、r (from eight to ten piastres the okkena) is very advantageous to the foreign merchants. The number of troops in the Peloponnesus may amount to 30,000, a third of whom are provided with muskets. The arrival of

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great stir in the War Department, the extensive preparations made, and, above all, the state of public opinion in Russia, warrant the conclusion that it is no longer in the power of the Emperor himself to stop the enterprise.

We give place to the preceding paragraph, but as the cause of the Greeks is considered as identified with that of Liberty and Jacobinism, a lukewarm and even hostile feeling towards them is believed to actuate many cabinets, and to counterbalance the policy of the Russian government, and the generous feelings of the people in the east of Europe.

INCIDENTS, MARRIAGES, AND DEATHS IN AND NEAR LONDON, With Biographical Memoirs of distinguished Characters recently deceased.





PUBLIC meeting was held at the City of London Tavern, for promoting a subscription to indemnify Sir Robert Wilson. The Marquis of Tavistock, the Hon. H. Grey Bennett, Mr. Lambton, Sir F. Burdett, and several other public characters, nominated as a committee to co-operate with the Southwark committee. The subscription proceeds well; but the greater claims of the families of Honey and Francis are cruelly neglected.

26. At a Court of Common Council held this day, a resolution was passed "to present the thanks of the Court and the freedom of the City, in a gold box, value one hundred guineas, to JOSEPH HUME, Esq. for his parliamentary exertions to reduce the public expenditure, and his indefatigable labours for the introduction of practical economy.

Nov. 3. A fire broke out on the premises of Mr. George Hoppe corn-merchant, in Old Gravel-lane, Wapping. The flames communicated to the granary, and consumed the whole, and materially damaged the adjoining houses.

8. The King arrived in town from Hanover, after a very satisfactory journey. -9. Alderman Maguay sworn in Lord Mayor. The only difference in the civic procession from that of former years, was the omission of obnoxious soldiers and of men in armour.

15. Mary Ann Carlile, tried in July last at Guildhall, for publishing a libel, was this day brought up for judgment in the Court of King's Bench. Mr. Justice Bayley pronounced a very severe sentence, as follows:-"That you, Mary Ann Carlile, do pay to the King a fine of £500.; and that you be imprisoned in Dorchester gaol, for a period of twelve months; that at the expiration of that time, you do find sureties for your good behaviour during five years,

yourself in £1000. and two other persons in £100. each." A fine of £5001. on a wretched female, probably not worth as many farthings, seems to be contrary to the spirit of our law, and particularly to a clause in the Bill of Rights. It is true the object is obnoxious, but against such feelings the administration of the law ought to be on its guard. If not remitted, it seems equivalent to a sentence of perpetual inprisonment.

16. The Lord Mayor, Sheriffs, and Aldermen, presented the addresses to the King, to both of which his Majesty returned suitable answers.

24. The King's Bench sentenced Messrs. Shackell and Arrowsmith, for a libel on the late Lady Wrottesley, in the John Bull newspaper, to nine months' imprisonment, and a fiue of £500. each; and Weaver, the printer, to a like imprisonment, and a fine of £100., with securities for good behaviour for five years.

- 26. The same Court sentenced the Rev. Richard Blacow, for a libel on the late Queen, in a sermon at Liverpool, to six months' imprisonment, and a fine of £100., with securities for good behaviour for five years It also sentenced Williams, Mayor of Chester, to six months' imprisonment and a fine of £1000. for partiality during the last city election.

The same day accounts received of continued disturbances in the county of Limerick, and of the horrid massacre of a middle-man, his wife, children, and friends, to the number of seventeen persons. MARRIED.

H. F. Hawker, esq. 19th foot, to Elizabeth Josephine, youngest daughter of Joseph Wheeler, esq.

Mr. Thomas Fletcher, of Queenhithe, to Miss R. M. Browne, of Winchmore Hill.

J. H. Cohen, esq. of Kingston, Jamaica, to Miss Cohen, of Herue Hill Cottage.


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